Haas, Willy 165
Hackett, Buddy 95, 294–295
Hadrian the Seventh (Rolfe) 514
Haigh-Wood, Vivien 205
Hair 129
Halban, Aline 237
Hale, Emily 205
Haley, William 336
Hamlet 74, 199
Hammett, Dashiell 119
Hampshire, Stuart 240–241, 248
Handful of Dust, A (Waugh) 145, 289–290
Hansberry, Lorraine 118, 123
Hansen, Bill 73
Hanson, Todd 94
Hanukkah 447–448
Hardy, Henry 235, 241, 244
Hardy, Oliver 411
Hardy, Thomas 222
Hargraves, Orin 348–353
Harnick, Sheldon 392
Harper’s Magazine 11, 112, 280
Harrington, Michael 50
Harte 358
Hart, Lorenz 47, 270, 528
Hartnett, Kimberly Marlowe 432, 434–436
Haxton, Henry R. 334
Hayden, Tom 124, 129
Haydn, Joseph 59
Hazlitt, William 13, 63, 183, 333
Hecht, Anthony 209
“Hedgehog and the Fox, The” (Berlin) 182, 236, 239
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 62–63, 249
Heller, Erich 161, 163–164
Heller, Joseph 71, 129
Hellman, Lillian 243, 356, 358
Hemingway, Ernest 16, 73, 122, 216, 259, 261, 297, 359, 366
betrayals by 358
Henry VIII (Shakespeare) 231
Hepburn, Audrey 445
Herber, Mary 289
Herodotus 34, 310, 313–320, 330
as the father of history 314
on oracles 318
style of 314–315
Herzen, Alexander 1, 7
high culture 8–9, 11, 13–14, 18–21, 146, 176, 373, 533
Hillier, Bevis 358
Histories 314–316, 318–319, 322–325
History of Rome (Mommsen) 537
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon) 230, 299, 301, 303–304, 308, 310–311, 462
History of the Jews (Graetz) 439
History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides) 315
History of the Russian Revolution (Trotsky) 361
Hitchens, Christopher 52, 109, 248
as a soixante huitard 128
Hitler, Adolf 10, 59, 71, 151, 179, 245, 490, 494–495
as genius 63–64
Hobbes, Thomas 62, 144, 254
Hoffman, Abbie 124
Hoffman, Dustin 400
Hokinson, Helen 94
Holiday, Billie 119–120
Holland, Tom 319–320
Holland, Vyvyan 194
Homage to Catalonia (Orwell) 173–174, 177, 185
Homer 33, 59, 62, 157
entertainment industry and 232
Epstein essay and 112
Henry James’s 371
Kafka’s 162
Moncrieff’s 193, 195–196
Symons’s 515
Waugh’s 287–288
Hooper, Horace Everett 332–335
Hoopes, Townsend 104
Hope, Bob 375
Horace 13, 35
Horne, Lena 120
Horse Feathers 411
Housman, A. E. 16–17, 178
Howard’s End (Forster) 145
Howe, Irving 357, 387, 392, 518, 534
on O’Hara 260
Howells, William Dean 260
Hughes, Robert 14
Hughes, Ted 214
Hugo, Victor 159
Human, All Too Human (Nietzsche) 58
Hume, David 252, 254, 523
letter to Gibbon 311
humor 89–100. See also jokes; wit
English 50
gallows 399
Jewish 395–406, 417
vs. wit 48, 51, 53
Humor Code: A Global Search for What Makes Things Funny, The (Warner) 90
Humor: The International Journal of Humor 90
Hutchins, Robert 138, 146, 278, 336, 337
Huxley, Aldous 169, 240
I, Claudius (Graves) 485
Ignatieff, Michael 238
“Imagine Kissing Pete” (O’Hara) 265
I Married a Communist (Roth) 357
“I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” (Berlin) 447
“I’m Hip” (Frishberg) 117
Impossible Exile, Stefan Zweig at the End of the World (Prochnik) 438
Index Liborum Prohibitorum 294
Inferno (Dante) 71
in Russia 391
In Search of Lost Time (Proust) 154–155, 160, 188
“Inside the Whale” (Orwell) 178, 180
Inspector General, The (Gogol) 469
Invisible Man (Ellison) 373
Irving, John 358
Isaacson, Walter 228–229
Isaiah Berlin (Ignatieff) 238
I Thought of Daisy (Wilson) 268
It’s A Wonderful Life 445
It’s Been Said Before (Hargraves) 348–352
Iverson, Allen 58
Jack Paar Show 51
Jackson, Jesse 93, 98
Jackson, Stonewall 502
Jacobite’s Journal 360
Jacobson, Dan 536
Jacoby, Susan 78
James, Alice 240
James, Clive 109, 355
James, Henry 7, 16, 23, 40, 49, 74, 102, 143, 147, 166, 168, 176, 200, 217, 219, 230, 254, 320, 401, 478, 536
on biography 369–371
James, William 15, 240, 249
Jarrell, Randall 48, 320, 356
Jay-Z 52
Jewett, Sarah Orne 220
Jewish Daily Forward, The 424, 453
Jew Laughs: Humorous Stories and Anecdotes, The (Mendelsohn) 398
Jews 10, 60, 67, 85, 103, 205, 264, 307, 372, 393, 401, 486–487, 490, 494–495, 518, 530, 543
anti-Semitism and 98, 121, 203, 207, 237, 241–242, 290, 371, 405, 416–417, 433, 444, 454, 495
Christmas and 443–445
Gibbon on 307
Golden on 433–436
humor of 96, 98–100, 396, 401–406, 407–417
in Russia 380–386, 388–389
professionally fighting 421–431
Scholem and 437, 439–442
Singer and 453–456
Tacitus on 324
Jigsaw (Bedford) 536
Jim Crow 118
Jobs, Steve 62, 400, 460
Joe Palooka (Fisher) 419
John, Elton 248
on in-vitro births 112–113
Johnson, Lyndon 130, 231, 435–436
Johnson, Samuel 203, 360, 448, 482, 537
Boswell on 374–375, 521–524
on death 44, 86
on history 299
Johnstone, Will 411
jokes 89–92, 94–99, 384, 395–406. See also humor; wit
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious (Freud) 90, 404
Jones, D. A. N. 172
Jones, Monica 210, 213, 363
Jordan, Thomas H. 412
Joseph and His Brothers (Mann) 489–492, 544
Joseph Andrews (Fielding) 360
Joy, Bill 58
Joyce, James 159, 176, 201, 206, 490
Judaism 382, 404, 426, 427, 437, 438, 439, 441, 447, 485
“Judgement, The” (Kafka) 165–166
Judgments on History and Historians (Burckhardt) 457
/> Judith with the Head of Holofernes (Ficherelli) 398
Judt, Tony 109
Julian the Apostate 306
Justice, Donald 209
Kabbalah and Its Symbolism, The (Scholem) 437, 439
Kafka, Franz 38, 161–166, 214, 292
relationship with father 163–164
sexuality of 162–163
Kahn, E. J. 279
Kahn, Herrmann 163
Kalmar, Bert 411, 414
Kant, Immanuel 59, 249
Kaplan, James 375
Kaplan, Mordecai 485
Kaufman, George S. 51, 411
Kaye, Danny 407
Kazin, John Alfred 247, 260, 364
Keaton, Buster 407, 411
Keats, John 62, 123, 208, 254
Keller, Thomas 58
Kelly, Joe “Hambone” 425
Kemble, Fannie 54
Kempton, Murray 431, 536
Kennan Diaries, The (Kennan, Costigliola) 227, 229, 232
Kennan, George F. 39, 225–233
darkness of 230–231
early life 228
growing popularity of 231–232
Kennedy, Jacqueline 237
Kennedy, Joe 102, 260, 436
Kennedy, John F. 128, 130, 415, 431, 435, 536
assassination of 435
cool of 123–124
Kennedy, Robert F. 435
assassination of 433
Kepler, Johannes 59
Kern, Jerome 270
Kerouac, Jack 118, 121, 357, 359
Kerr, Walter 392
Key, Keegan Michael 98
Keynes, Maynard 241
“Kid Turns Seventy” (Epstein) 540
Kienker, John 3
King, B. B. 118
King, Don 428
King, Martin Luther, Jr. 115, 431, 434
assassination of 73, 433
Kipling, Rudyard 170
Kluckhohn, Clyde 8
Knopf, Alfred A. 218–220
Knox, Ronald 284, 290, 294
Koestler, Arthur 114, 169
Kolb, Philip 139, 340
Kollek, Teddy 246
Korean War 141, 528
Koren, Edward 94
Kramer, Hilton 12, 536
critcism of New Yorker 277–278
Epstein’s friendship with 533
Krasny, Michael 398–403, 405
Kristol, Irving 12
on Oakeshott 249–250
Kroeber, Alfred 8
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth 42
Ladd, Alan 118–119
Laforgue, Jules 203, 214
Land and Water 195
La Nouvelle Revue Française 413
La Prisonnier (Proust) 191
Larkin, Philip 37–38, 82, 172, 209–214, 348, 359, 371–372
affairs with women 213
Amis and 213–214, 362–363, 371
darkness of 210–211
death of 211
on Christianity 528
politics of 213
relationship with parents 212–213
La Rochefoucauld, Francois de 54, 85, 107, 218, 254
Laski, Harold 243
Last Temptation of Christ, The 90
Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald) 270
Late Notebooks (Nietzsche) 58
Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic (Bergson) 90
Laurel and Hardy 95, 407
Laurel, Stan 411
Lauren, Ralph 102
Lawrence, D. H. 254
Leader, Zachary 375
“Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool” (Orwell) 182
Leary, Timothy 129
Leavis, F. R. 194, 358
Leavis, Q. D. 167
Lebowitz, Fran 52–53
Lee, Hermione 217
Lee, Robert E. 502
Lefkowitz, Mary 16
Lehrer, Tom 111
Lenin, Vladimir 59, 134, 245, 361, 455
Lennon, J. Michael 375
Lennon,John 123
Leonard, Benny 423–424, 426–427
Leonard, Jack E. 415
Les Blancs (Hansberry) 123
Less Deceived (Larkin) 210
“Lesson of the Master” (James) 369
Lethem, Jonathan 18
Letter to My Father (Kafka) 162–163
Let There Be Laughter: A Treasury of Great Jewish Humor and What It All Means (Krasny) 398
Levant, Oscar 49, 51, 53
Leviathan (Hobbes) 144
Levin, Meyer 517–519
Levinsky, “Kingfish” 421
Levinson, Barry 400
Levi, Primo 38, 152
Lewis, Bernard 300
Lewis, C. S. 47
Lewis, Edith 217
Lewis, Hunter 3
Lewis, Sinclair 130, 358, 375
Lewis, Wyndham 171, 205
Lidsky, Ted 428
Life and Fate (Grossman) 493, 493–496
Life 431
Life of Alcibiades, The (Benson) 368
Life of Johnson (Boswell) 299, 374, 521, 522, 524
Life of Richard Savage (Boswell) 374
Life on the Mississippi (Twain) 379
Life-Writing (Horner) 370
Lincoln, Abraham 435
Lion and the Unicorn, The (Orwell) 179–180, 184
Lipman, Samuel 11–12
Lippmann, Walter 203
Literary Rivals (Bradford) 355, 357, 359, 363
Literature and Revolution (Trotsky) 14
Little Learning, A (Waugh) 289
Lives of the Caesars (Suetonius) 328
Lives of the Poets, The (Johnson) 374, 522
LL Cool J 124
Lloyd-Jones, Hugh 16, 314
Locke, John 62, 144, 254
Lodge, Henry Cabot 102
Lolita (Nabokov) 362, 474
Lombroso, Cesare 63
London Observer 172, 212
London Review of Books 245, 319
London Times Literary Supplement 162
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt 228
Looking Back (Maugham) 357
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World (Brooks) 93
Losing It (Miller) 82–84
Lost Lady, A (Cather) 215, 221
Louis C. K. 51, 93
Louis, Joe 419
Love Happy 410
“Love” (Larkin) 210
Lowell, Robert 171, 214, 246, 294, 296, 357, 453
Lucas, Robert 141
Luce, Clare Boothe 53
Luce, Henry 261
Lucky Jim (Amis) 363
Lucy Gayheart (Cather} 215
Lynes, Russell 11
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 54, 183
on Boswell 524
on Tacitus 327
Macdonald, Dwight 278
Machiavelli, Niccolo 3, 254, 458–459, 465–467, 498, 507, 529
Machiavellism 465
Mackauer, Christian 145
Mack, Raymond W. 133
Mager, Gus 408
Magic Mountain, The (Mann) 489
Maher, Bill 70, 95–96
Mailer, Norman 120, 123, 129, 297, 375, 413
literary rivals of 357–359
Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (Scholem) 437
Making of the Modern Jew, The (Steinberg) 485
Malamud, Bernard 18, 247, 434
Mallowan, Max 287
Maltese Falcon, The 119
Malthus, Thomas 333
Manchester Guardian 205, 336
ndelstam, Osip 493
Manger, Itzik 389
Mankiewicz, Herman 411, 416
Mankoff, Bob 94
Mann, Thomas 63, 440, 489–492
on death 38
Manson, Charles 52
Man without Qualities, The (Musil) 472
Mao Tze-tung 59
Mario the Magician 489
Maritain, Jacques 294
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens) 332
Martin, Kingsley 172
Martin, Ricky 113
Martin, Steve 52
Marx Bros. Scrapbook 411
Marx Brothers 3, 407–417
critical significance of 412–413
descriptions of 409
early lives of 408–409
movie style of 411–412
Marx Brothers Go West 416
Marx, Chico 408–414, 416
Marx, Groucho 50, 407–417
death of 410
literary aspirations of 409
spirit of nihilism 415
T. S. Eliot and 409, 416
Marx, Gummo 408, 412
Marx, Harpo 408–412, 414, 416
Marx, Karl 59
Marx, Zeppo 408–409
Masaryk, Thomas 221
Master, The (Toibin) 371
Matisse, Henri 59
Maugham, W. Somerset 78, 265, 357, 359
Mauriac, Francois 290
Maurras, Charles 203, 292
May, Derwent 243
Mayflower Madame 399
McCarey, Leo 411
McCarthy, Eugene 231
McCarthy, Joseph 138
McCarthy, Mary 274
diminished literary reputation after death 171
on former lover 356
on Orwell 174, 181
McClung, Isabelle 217
McEwan, Ian 537
McGraw, Peter 90–91, 91, 94, 99–100
McMahon, Darrin M. 60–61, 64
McNamara, Robert 104
McQueen, Steve 124
McTaggart, J. M. E. 251
Mein Kampf (Hitler) 63
Memoirs of Hadrian (Yourcenar) 485, 497–498
Memoirs of Hecate County (Wilson) 268, 362
Memoirs of My Life (Gibbon) 301, 305
Mencken, H. L. 51, 130, 262, 267, 275
political correctness police and 371–372
Mendelsohn, S. Felix 398
Mendoza, Daniel 422
Mengers, Sue 52
Merton, Thomas 294
Michelangelo 59, 159, 311, 458
Miller, Arthur 18, 51
Miller, Dennis 96
Miller, Henry 172, 174, 434
Miller, Jonathan 426
Miller, Karl 245
Miller, William Ian 82
Millgate, Michael 297
Mill, John Stuart 143, 333, 375
Milton, John 62, 144
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature (Auerbach) 151
Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Count of 62
Miracle on 34th Street 445
Mitchum, Robert 118–119
Mitford, Nancy 284, 286, 290, 297
The Ideal of Culture Page 58