The Ideal of Culture

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The Ideal of Culture Page 59

by Joseph Epstein

  Mizener, Arthur 260, 267

  Mizler, Harry 425

  Mob, the 421–422, 428

  Modern English Usage (Fowler) 71, 340, 481–483

  Momigliano, Arnaldo 10, 15–16, 145, 238, 246, 306, 314, 497

  Mommie Dearest (Crawford) 109

  Mommsen, Theodor 18, 439, 537

  Moncrieff, C. K. Scott 191–197

  early life of 193–194

  homosexuality of 193, 195

  Monkey Business 411

  Montaigne, Michel de 13, 33, 153, 245, 252, 254, 256

  Auerbach on 155

  on death 36–37, 479, 538–539

  on Tacitus 324–325

  Montesquieu, Charles-Lous de Secondat, Baron de La Brede et de 311, 461–463

  Moore, Marianne 392

  More in Sorrow (Gibbs) 274

  Morrell, Lady Ottoline 205–206

  Morrison, Toni 108, 373

  Morris, William 333

  Morte D’Urban (Powers) 294, 297

  Mostel, Zero 393

  Motherwell, Robert 537

  Motion, Andrew 211–212, 214, 371

  Moveable Feast, A (Hemingway) 358

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 59, 447

  Muggeridge, Malcolm 187

  multiculturalism 109–110, 129, 134, 145

  Murdoch, Iris 297

  Murphy, Eddie 98

  Murphy, Gerald 270

  Murphy, “Kid” 425

  Murphy, Ryan 113

  Murphy, Sara 270

  Murry, John Middleton 206

  Musil, Robert 472

  Musings on Mortality (Mann) 38–39, 152

  Mussolini, Benito 16, 179, 195

  My Antonia (Cather) 215, 220

  My Past and Thoughts (Herzen) 1


  Nabokov, Vladimir 90, 278, 297, 359–363, 370, 398

  autobiography of 473–476

  on death 35

  on Dostoyevsky 356

  on Gogol 470–471

  on identifying with fictional characters 368

  Naipaul, V. S. 20, 359

  Namier, Lewis 248

  Napoleon. See Bonaparte, Napoleon

  “Natica Jackson” (O’Hara) 265–266

  Nation 142, 170, 184, 436

  Navratilova, Martina 113

  Necker, Jacques 301

  Nemerov, Howard 209

  Nero 18, 301, 323, 325, 327–330, 376, 477, 499, 538

  Netanyahu, Benjamin 442

  Never Say Die: The Myth and Marketing of the New Old Age (Jacoby) 78

  New Criterion 11

  Newman, Paul 124

  New Republic 142, 221

  New Revised Standard Version of the Bible 278

  New Statesman 177, 205

  Newton, Isaac 59

  New Witness 194

  New Yorker 82, 259, 261, 263, 265, 296, 537

  cartoons 90–91, 94

  Gibbs at 273–281

  New York Herald-Tribune 51

  New York Review of Books Classics 495

  New York Review of Books 231, 246, 361

  New York Times Book Review 177, 259

  New York Times 12, 105, 109, 293, 352, 364, 411, 431, 434, 535

  New York World 51

  Nichols, Mike 137, 143

  Niebuhr, Reinhold 478

  Nietzsche, Friederich 301, 457

  genius and 58–60, 63

  Night at the Opera, A 410

  Night in Casablanca, A 410

  Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell) 168–169

  Nisbet, Robert 79, 392

  Nixon, Richard 73

  No Exit (Sartre) 276

  Norris, Frank 156

  Northcliffe, Alfred Lord 195, 335

  North, Oliver 399

  “Nose, The” (Gogol) 469

  Notebooks 1922–86 (Oakeshott) 254–255, 257

  “Notes on Nationalism” (Orwell) 180

  Not Under Forty (Cather) 221

  Novak, William 399–400, 403

  Nun’s Story, The 445


  Oakeshott, Michael 18, 20, 242, 249–257

  Kristol and 249–251

  on conservatism 252–254

  on conversation 251–252

  on politics 250, 252–256

  on rationalism 253–254

  on the role of government 253

  on the scientist 257

  philosophy of 251

  Oates, Joyce Carol 364

  Obama, Barack 105–106, 107, 111, 280

  Oblomov (Goncharov) 469

  O’Brien, Conor Cruise 172–173, 185

  O’Brien, Edmund 169

  O’Brien, Pat 445

  O’Connor, Flannery 294

  O’Day, Anita 120

  “O Death, Where Is Thy Sting-a-Ling-a-Ling?” (Farber) 42

  Of Many Things 85

  O’Hara, John 102, 259–266

  early life 260–261

  mixed critical reaction to 259–260

  on the death of the novel 18

  status consciousness of 263–264

  O’Keefe, Eddie 424

  Old Bunch, The (Levin) 517–519

  Old Curiosity Shop, The (Dickens) 39

  “Older Dude, An” (Epstein) 540

  Oliver, John 96

  “On Account of a Hat” (Aleichem) 391

  “On Being Conservative” (Oakeshott) 249, 252

  O’Neill, Eugene 18, 276

  O’Neill, Tip 399

  One of Ours (Cather) 215, 220

  “On Fear” (Montaigne) 538

  On History (Oakeshott) 253

  Onion, The 94

  Only in America (Golden) 434

  O Pioneers! (Cather) 215

  Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, The (Waugh) 284–286

  Origins of Cool in Postwar America, The (Dinerstein) 117, 120, 124

  Orwell, George 114, 134, 167–185, 473

  Owen, Wilfred 194, 219

  Oxford English Dictionary 336, 483

  Oxford University Press 235, 481

  Ozick, Cynthia 438


  Paar, Jack 51, 97, 431

  Painter, George 196–197

  Pal Joey 262

  Paltrow, Gwyneth 8

  Pamela; or Virtue Rewarded (Richardson) 144, 360

  Panorama 112

  Paradise Lost (Brown) 267

  Paradise Regained (Milton) 144

  Parallel of Poetry and Painting, A (Dryden) 57

  parenting 23–31, 285

  Parker, Charlie 118, 214

  Parker, Dorothy 50, 53, 274

  Parks, Rosa 434

  Partisan Review 12

  Pascal, Blaise 33, 34, 59, 143, 153, 252, 254, 307

  “Passio as Passion” (Auerbach) 153

  Pasternak, Boris 237, 493

  “Pat Collins” (O’Hara) 265–266

  Patterns of Culture (Benedict) 142

  Paul, Margaret 239

  Pearlman, Barry 429

  Peele, Jordan 98

  Penguin Classics 33

  Pensées (Pascal) 34

  Perelman, S. J. 274, 409, 411

  Pericles 59, 317

  Persian Letters (Montesquieu) 461

  Personal Impressions (Berlin) 238, 240

  Phaedo (Plato) 43, 44

  Phelps, William Lyon 222

  Philip Larkin: A Writer’s Life (Motion) 211

  Phillips, William 12

  Philogelos 396

  Photoplay 412

  Picasso, Pablo 59, 161, 214

  Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens) 360

ictures from an Institution (Jarrell) 356

  Pindar 62

  Pinker, Steven 342–345

  Pinkerton, John 311

  Pipe Night (O’Hara) 259

  Pirandello, Luigi 191, 195

  Pitt, Brad 124

  “Place of Laughter in Tudor and Stuart England, The” (Thomas) 396

  “Place of Learning, A” (Oakeshott) 252, 256

  Plato 43, 44, 59, 143–144, 255, 306, 314, 477, 507

  Pliny the Elder 331

  Pliny the Younger 321–322

  pluralism 236

  PM 276

  Podhoretz, John 3

  Poehler, Amy 52

  Poetics, The (Aristotle) 55, 143

  political correctness 74, 96, 110–112, 145, 212, 227, 371

  as a target of humorists 96, 401–402

  “Politics and the English Language” (Orwell) 168

  Politics of Literary Reputation: The Making and Claiming of “St. George” Orwell (Rodden) 174, 175, 176

  “Politics vs. Literature” (Orwell) 184

  Pope, Alexander 47–48, 368, 523

  Pope Boniface VIII 309

  Pope Pius XII 246

  Porter, Cole 47, 270, 447, 528

  Porter, Fairfield 537

  Porter, Katherine Anne 18, 296, 297

  Portrait of a Lady, The (James) 49

  Potok, Chaim 485

  Pottsville Journal 261

  Pound, Ezra 214, 342, 358

  Eliot and 204

  on socialism 180

  Powers, J. F. 290, 293–298

  criticism from Catholics 295

  family life 295–296

  Powers, Katherine A. 295

  “Preface to Persius, A” (Wilson) 13

  Presley, Elvis 118, 410

  Pressfield, Steven 485

  “Princess with the Golden Hair, The” (Wilson) 362

  Prince, The (Machiavelli) 465–466, 498, 507

  Pritchett, V. S. 177–178, 291

  Prochnik, George 438–439, 441–442

  Producers, The 97

  Professor’s House, The (Cather) 41, 215, 218, 222

  Prophet’s Wife, The (Steinberg) 485

  Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber) 143

  Proust, Marcel 16, 79, 112, 139, 142, 153, 157, 159, 163, 168, 242, 247, 254, 279, 340, 532

  Auerbach on 154

  Moncrieff translation of 191–193

  music and 187–189

  on aging 532

  on paradises 267

  Provincial Letters (Pascal) 307

  Pryce-Jones, David 243

  Pryor, Richard 98

  Pushkin, Alexander 361, 375, 470, 493

  Pym, Barbara 213

  Pynchon, Thomas 171


  Quest for Corvo, The (Symons) 513–515


  Rabinovich, Nochem 380

  Rafferty & Co. (Powers) 296

  “Raffles and Miss Blandish” (Orwell) 179

  Rage to Live, A (O’Hara) 265

  Rahv, Philip 356

  Raisin in the Sun, A (Hansberry) 123

  Rambler, The (Johnson) 374, 522

  Rampersad, Arnold 372–373

  Raphael 58–59, 458, 494, 505

  Rasofsky, Isidore 426

  Reagan, Nancy 399

  Reagan, Ronald 105, 352

  Rebel Without a Cause 122–123

  Red Army 494

  Red Badge of Courage, The (Crane) 71

  Red Cavalry (Babel) 494

  Reed, John 203

  Reisman, David 50

  Rembrandt 59

  Remembrance of Things Past (Proust) 191

  Remnick, David 94, 280

  Renard, Jules 182

  Renault, Mary 485

  Reston, James 431

  Richards, I. A. 206

  Richardson, Samuel 144, 523

  rivalry with Fielding 359–360

  Rickles, Don 122, 415

  Riskin, Morrie 411

  rivals, literary 355–364

  Road to Wigan Pier, The (Orwell) 174, 179, 180

  Robinson, Sugar Ray 420

  Rodden, John 174–177

  Rodgers and Hart 270, 528

  Rogers, Roy 446

  Rolfe, Frederick 513–515

  Roman Revolution, The (Syme) 376, 509, 511

  Rome 18, 36, 187, 248, 289, 300, 303, 305–307, 321, 323, 324, 326–328, 332, 367, 396, 463, 466–467, 477, 509, 528, 537

  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) 276

  Rooney, Mickey 445

  Roosevelt, Eleanor 401

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. 104, 146, 517

  Roosevelt, Theodore 73, 501

  Rorty, Richard 145

  Rosenberg, Harold 91–92, 278, 416

  Rosenbloom, Slapsie Maxie Max 425–426

  Roskies, David 389

  Ross, Barney 421, 423, 426–427

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 176, 287

  Ross, Harold 261, 273, 275, 280

  Rossman, Mike 429

  Ross, Robert 193

  Rostow, Eugene 229

  Roth, Philip 290, 357, 434

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 62, 153, 155, 473, 523

  Rowse, A. L. 243, 247

  Royce, Josiah 204

  Rubens, Peter Paul 457

  Ruby, Harry 411, 414

  Ruby, Jack 415

  Runciman, Steven 300

  Rushdie, Salman 211, 359, 537

  Russell, Bertrand 60, 85, 241

  Eliot and 205–206

  Russert, Tim 431


  Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah (Scholem) 437

  Sacks, Oliver 109

  Sahl, Mort 97

  Saint-Simon, Duc de 158

  Salisbury, Harrison 431

  Salita, Dmitriy 429

  Sallust 329, 376, 466, 509–510

  Saltonstall, Leverett A. 102

  Same Old Story, The (Goncharov) 469

  Samuel, Maurice 382

  Sandburg, Carl 434, 501

  Santayana, George 36, 146, 168, 203, 249, 501

  distaste for concert-going 187–188

  on death 45, 80–81, 529, 535

  on grumpiness in old age 36

  Sapphira and the Slave Girl (Cather) 215

  Sartre, Jean-Paul 118–121, 276

  Saturday Review 100, 260

  Sayre, Zelda 268

  Schiller, Friedrich 63

  Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. 243–244, 247

  Schmeling, Max 419

  Schoenwald, Irv 421

  Scholem, Gershom 12, 383, 437–442

  Schopenhauer, Arthur 249

  on disillusionment 530, 538

  on genius 57–58, 59, 66

  on life and death 35

  Schorers, Mark 375

  Schwartz, Maurice 391

  Scienza Nuova (Vico) 153

  Scoop (Waugh) 290

  Sears, Roebuck and Company 335–336

  Second Treatise on Civil Government (Locke) 144

  Seinfeld 98

  Seinfeld, Jerry 98

  Selected Letters of Philip Larkin, 1940–85 (Thwaite) 211

  Seneca 329–330, 477, 538

  Sense of Style, The (Pinker) 342–344, 543

  Sex and Character (Weininger) 165

  Shadows on the Rock (Cather) 215

  Shakespeare, William 47, 110, 132, 159, 162, 168, 182, 183, 192, 199, 199–200, 202, 208, 231, 276, 342, 348, 356, 503

  as genius 57–59, 62

  on cowardice 71

  Shamela (Fielding) 360

  Sharpton, Al
98, 114

  Shattuck, Charles 297

  Shaw, George Bernard 50, 292

  Shawn, William 273, 278–280

  Shean, Alen 409

  Sheridan, Richard 48

  Shils, Edward 1, 10, 15, 40, 238, 396, 535–536

  at the University of Chicago 144–145

  on Bellow 355

  on true courage 74

  synagogue joke 403–404

  wit of 50

  “Shooting an Elephant” (Orwell) 168

  Siegel, Lee 410, 413–417

  Silverman, Martha 142

  Silverman, Sarah 93, 403

  liberalism of 96–97

  Silver, Mike 422–429

  Simon, André 514

  Simon, Ernst 437

  Simon, John 340

  on wit vs. humor 53

  Sinatra, Frank 118, 375

  coolness of 122

  Singer, Isaac Bashevis 161, 166, 278

  Singer, Israel Joshua 453–456

  Sinyavsky, Andrei 90

  Sisman, Adam 521, 523

  Slayton, Bobby 96

  Slovik, Eddie 72

  Smellie, William 331

  Smith, Carol Houck 399

  Smith, Sydney 33, 50, 54

  Snow, C. P. 243, 358

  Socher, Abe 3

  Socrates 477

  as genius 59–61

  on death and the afterlife 43–44, 538

  Solon 31, 466, 527

  on happiness 39, 317

  Solotaroff, Ted 434

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 12, 74, 493

  Sommerfield, Marty 69

  Song of the Lark, The (Cather) 17, 215

  Sontag, Susan 143, 278

  Sophocles 527, 538

  “Sources of Soviet Conduct, The” (Kennan) 225

  Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited (Nabokov) 473–476

  Spenser, Edmund 144

  Spinoza, Baruch 59–60, 245, 255

  Spirit of the Laws, The (Secondat) 461

  Spunt, Danny 420

  Spunt, Sammy 420

  Squire, J. C. 195

  Stalin, Josef 59, 72, 179, 245, 248, 494–495

  Stars in the Ring (Silver) 422–424, 427, 429

  Steinbeck, John 24, 134, 434

  Steinberg, Milton 485–487

  Steinem, Gloria 129

  Steiner, George 143, 243, 438

  Stein, Gertrude 45, 60, 358–359, 473

  Stendhal 33, 159, 191, 195

  Stephens, Alexander 502

  Stevenson, Adlai 73, 97, 434

  Stevenson, Robert Louis 333

  Stevens, Wallace 17, 236, 320

  Steward, Jon 96

  Stoicism 477

  Stone for Danny Fisher, A (Robbins) 143

  Stone, Harry 424

  Stone, I. F. 246

  Stoppard, Tom 52

  Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald, The (Cowley) 269

  Stories of J. F. Powers, The (Powers) 294

  Story, William Wetmore 369

  Strachey, Lytton 205, 375

  Stranger in a Strange Land: Searching for Gershom Scholem and Jerusalem (Prochnik) 439, 441


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