Strauss, Leo 10, 145
on the death of Winston Churchill 19
Stravinsky, Igor 59, 161, 237, 242
Strawson, Galen 370
Streetcar Named Desire, A 123
Streisand, Barbara 52
“Strike a Pose: The Unbearable Lightness of Being Cool” 117
Studies in Words (Lewis) 47
“Study of Reading Habits, A “ (Larkin) 213
Successful Aging (Rowe, Khan) 84
Suetonius 328–329, 499
Suitable Accommodations: An Autobiographical Story of Family Life (Powers) 295
“Sun Room, The” (O’Hara) 266
Suslov, Mikhail 495
Swift, Jonathan 48, 184, 523
Sword of Honor (Waugh) 290
Sykes, Christopher 290
Symbolist Movement in Literature, The (Symons) 203
Syme, Ronald 324–325, 509–511
on biography 375–376
Symons, A. J. A. 254, 513–515
Symons, Arthur 203
Tacitus 3, 157, 311, 321–330, 376, 509–510, 538
Tate, Allen 294
Taylor, A. J. P. 248, 537
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 472
Teichmann, Howard 51
Tellus 31, 317
Ten Days That Shook the World (Reed) 203
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald) 269–271
Tendler, Lew 424
Ten North Frederick (O’Hara) 262
Terman, Lewis 64–65
Terzian, Philip 3
Thackeray, William Makepeace 359–360
Thayer, Scofield 205
Theroux, Paul 359
The Selected Letters of Willa Cather, The (Cather) 216
“This Be The Verse” (Larkin) 211
This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald) 267–268, 270
Thomas, Dylan 45
Thomas, Evan 228
Thomashevsky, Boris 387
Thomas, Keith 396
Thomson, Virgil 167
Thucydides 142, 313, 315, 330, 510
Thurber, James 94, 273, 277, 409
Thwaite, Anthony 211
Time, History, and Literature: Selected Essays of Erich Auerbach (Auerbach) 153
Time 108, 121, 261, 274, 295, 416
Time Regained (Proust) 532
“Times Competition, The” 334
Times Literary Supplement 162, 205, 287, 537
Tocqueville, Alexis de 501
Toibin, Colm 371
Tolstoy, Leo 38, 59, 110, 143, 152, 172, 182, 375, 381, 453, 469, 493, 495
Aleichem on 384
Berlin on 236, 239, 246
Cather on 219–220
death and 39
feud with Turgenev 359
on Shakespeare 356
Tom Jones 305, 360
Tonio Kroger (Mann) 489
“To Philosophize Is to Learn How to Die” (Montaigne) 37, 539
Torme, Mel 447
To the Finland Station (Wilson) 361
To the Lighthouse (Woolf) 196
Tour of the Hebrides (Boswell) 522
“Tower of Babel, The” (Oakeshott) 253
“Tower, The” (Yeats) 77
Tracy, Spencer 445
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The 417
Trenton Sunday Advertiser 265
Trevor-Roper, Hugh 238, 248, 336
Trial, The (Kafka) 164, 166, 214
Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire of 1911 433
Tribune 172, 175
Trilling, Lionel 134
on O’Hara 259–260
on Orwell 177–178
Trotsky, Leon 14, 73, 134, 142, 361
Troyat, Henri 356, 375
Truman, Harry S. 105, 226, 276
Tucker, Sophie 91–92, 416, 518
Turgenev, Ivan 33, 356, 375, 381, 469, 493
Berlin on 244–245
Dostoyevsky on 356
feud with Tolstoy 359
Henry James on 166
on death 34
Turgenev (Troyat) 375
Turner, Reggie 193
Twain, Mark 50, 358, 379
Tynan, Kenneth 279
Unconditional Surrender (Waugh) 292
Unfinished Symphony (Tchaikovsky) 472
Updike, John 280, 297, 359
Valery, Paul 59, 143
“Vanity of Human Wishes, The” (Johnson) 374
Vasari, Giorgio 458
Vega, Lope de 540
Vespasian 18, 322–323, 499
Vicious, Yid 96
Vico, Giambattista 153
victimhood 107–115, 373
Vidal, Gore 358
wit of 53, 364
Vietnam War 72, 128, 131, 231
Vile Bodies (Waugh) 288–289
Vinciguerra, Thomas 274–275, 277
Vindication (Gibbon) 310
Virgil 18, 154, 167
virtucrats 113–114, 227
Vittoz, Roger 206
vogue words 34, 352
“Voice of Poetry in the Conversation of Mankind, The” (Oakeshott) 251
Voltaire 62, 158, 255, 302, 311, 322, 364, 523
Von Humboldt, Alexander 63
Wagner, Richard 58, 63, 142
Wain, John 172
Waiting for Godot (Sartre) 276
Waldoks, Moshe 399
Wallace, Mike
interview with Mel Brooks 97
Wall Street Journal 3
Walsh, Chris 70–74
Walter Benjamin: The Story of a Friendship (Scholem) 439
War and Peace (Tolstoy) 33, 39, 359, 455, 493–495
Warner, Joel 90, 93–94, 99–100, 100
Warren, Robert Penn 171
Warshow, Robert 278
Washington, George 15
WASPs 50, 101–106, 227, 228
Waste Land, The (Eliot) 199, 202, 204–205, 207, 265, 385
Waugh, Alec 286
Waugh, Alexander 286
Waugh, Auberon 283, 286
Waugh, Evelyn 145, 185, 248, 250, 283–292, 294, 297, 355
BBC interview 285–286
ennui of 287
homosexuality 286–288
relationship with father 286
sense of humor 283–284
social ruthlessness of 284
Waugh, Laura 289
Way of the Wasp, The (Brookhiser) 104
Weaver, Harriet Shaw 191, 206
Weber, Arnold 133
Weber, Eugen 12
Weber, Max 143, 145
Wedgwood, C. V. 300
Weekly Standard 3
Weininger, Otto 165
Weintraub, Karl 10
West, Anthony 172
West, Kanye 52
West, Mae 50
Wharton, Edith 142, 202, 260
Wheat That Springeth Green (Powers) 294
White Christmas (movie) 445
“White Christmas” (song) 447
White, E. B. 90, 273, 279
White, Morton 243
“Why I Write” (Orwell) 168, 183, 184
Wikipedia 19, 28, 48, 112, 293, 331
Wilbur, Richard 209
Wilde, Oscar 39, 50–51, 60, 194
Wilder, Billy 51, 119
Wild One, The 122
Williams, John 485
Williams, Raymond 172
Williams, Tennessee 18
“Will You Still Feed Me?” (Epstein) 540
Wilson, A. N. 358
Wilson, Edmund 161, 166, 274,
275, 278, 359
Nabokov and 360–363
on “A Preface to Persius” 13
on Berlin’s talking 239
on Fitzgerald 268
on Orwell 174
on Sandburg’s Lincoln biography 501
on Waugh 292
Wilson, Woodrow 73
Wine of the Puritans, The (Brooks) 203
Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made, The (Isaacson, Thomas) 228
Wisse, Ruth 383–384, 405
wit 47–55. See also humor; jokes
vs. humor 48, 51, 53
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 60
Wolfe, Tom 358, 528
Woodruff, Douglas 287
Woods, J. H. 204, 206
Woolf, Leonard 205
Woolf, Virginia 38, 110, 134, 159, 196, 206, 242
Wordsworth, William 210, 358
Work Suspended (Waugh) 287
World of Our Fathers, The (Howe) 518
World of Tacitus, The (Dudley) 323
Worlds of Sholem Aleichem, The (Dauber) 381
World War I 72, 193, 204, 220, 267, 268, 336, 388, 440, 455, 502, 519
World War II 39, 50, 68, 69, 72, 74, 95, 118, 180, 273, 284, 294, 358, 427, 428, 494, 519, 528
Wright, Richard 118, 120
Years with Ross, The (Thurber) 277
Yeats, William Butler 17, 77, 78, 86, 174, 213
“Yom Kippur Scandal, A” (Aleichem) 391
You Bet Your Life 410, 414
Young Eliot (Crawford) 201, 207
Young, G. M. 308
Young, Lester 118–120, 124
Yourcenar, Marguerite 485, 497–499
Zabel, Morton Dauwen 145
Zakaria, Fareed 58
Zale, Tony 420
Ziegfeld Follies 409
Zionism 437–438
Zola, Émile 159, 519
Zorba the Greek 49
Zorba the Greek (Kazantzakis) 27
The Ideal of Culture Page 60