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Colonial Offer (The Sampson Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Lane,Lena

  Sarah should just forget about Scott. She wanted a long term partner, not just a hot romp. And considering what they had done during their two first meetings, it was doubtful Scott would be interested in any long term commitment. So they might see each other at the family Fourth of July gathering. It wasn’t a big deal. They’d pretend it never happened. In the meantime, she was here with Dave and she should give him the attention he deserved.

  Happy with her decision, she reached for Dave’s hand and held it for the rest of the trip. In exchange, she was rewarded with his sweet smile.


  Not Colonials

  “We just don’t think it’s the one.” Bobby’s voice reverberated through Sarah’s car as she drove to her listing consultation.

  “Hey, if it’s not the one, then it’s not the one, and we keep looking.” Sarah was looking at her GPS to make sure she was still on track. The house she was meeting at wasn’t too far. “But talk to me. What did you like about it and what didn’t you like about it?”

  Bobby hesitated for a moment before responding, “It’s the stairs.”

  “Ah, okay.” Sarah turned into the driveway and put the car in park. “So we’ll knock colonials off the search, focus on ranches or maybe raised ranches. What do you think?”

  “Yeah, a ranch would probably work.” The tone of his voice clearly said he was relieved.

  Ranches with that many bedrooms would be difficult to find; that style of house was typically smaller than what he needed for the three girls. “Would you be opened to a raised ranch? The stairs would be minimal, and you’d probably gain on space.” Sarah leaned back, hoping he’d accept a compromise. She took a quick look at the car’s clock, noting she only had another five minutes before she needed to head inside for the listing presentation.

  “It’s always worth a look,” Bobby said.

  She smiled. “It sure is. All right, let me take a look at what’s out there and I’ll send you some options later today.”

  “Thanks, Sarah.”

  She turned the car off and took the keys from the ignition. Well, she wouldn’t be meeting Scott for an inspection or closing, after all. The thought made her a bit sad, because she’d been looking forward to having a reason to see him. Good God, Sarah, grow up. If you want to see him, call him.

  Ignoring the voice in her head, she grabbed the listing packet and headed to work.


  Unexpected Competition

  Sharon placed the folder on his desk and quickly turned to leave. Scott eyed it and sighed. Most real estate agents would love getting so much new business, but he had quite a few listings already and wasn’t looking forward to another one. “Sharon, are you sure you can’t take it?” He called to his sister as she was almost through the door. She turned around.

  “I can’t. I have five showings, one inspection, and two closings, today alone.” She leaned her hip against the door jam and gave him a sad smile. “You need to talk to Dad about getting some other agents in here.”

  Scott ran a hand through his short hair, mostly to massage his aching head. “I tried,” he said shaking his head in frustration. “He’s still arguing that the family business should stay with the family.”

  “Well, try harder.” Sharon shrugged and walked out.

  “Thanks for being such a supportive sister, Sharon,” he called to her back. Without turning, she wiggled her fingers at him in a wave and continued to her own office.

  Scott was very happy the family business was doing so well, but ever since their mother died a couple of years ago, their dad had poured his soul into building new properties with his brother Sammy, and their turnout was more than they could handle. Of course, the real estate office only had two agents, while Sammy’s construction company had a whole lot of people. And Sharon handled everything from staging the properties to signing as power of attorney at closings for the company, leaving most of the listings to Scott.

  Far too frequently, Scott would meet a couple to show them one of his listings and end up keeping them as clients, even if the one he listed wasn’t the one they bought. Which was great for his ego; he was good at what he did and people loved him. As a result, though, he barely had a life. His phone was always ringing, if not from a call, then from an email or a text. Even now, he eyed it with frustration and disgust as it vibrated on his desk from an incoming call. He signed in defeat as he picked it up.

  “Scott Sampson,” he answered without looking at the caller ID.

  “Hi, Scott, it’s Sarah.” The feminine voice was timid and it made him smile. “From–”

  “Hi, Sarah,” he answered quickly, knowing exactly who she was. It’d be a long time before he’d forget such a beauty. “Do you have good news for me about Oak Hill?” He leaned back in his chair.

  “Actually, no,” she said softly.

  “Damn, I was hoping.” He shifted forward, resting his elbow on the desk.

  “Yeah, me too,” she said. He heard her sigh over the phone. “They decided to look at single floor properties, so now I’m hunting for a four bedroom ranch. Do you have any?” The last was spoken with sarcastic humor.

  He frowned and picked up the folder Sharon had just put on his desk. “Hey, as a matter of fact…” Scott flipped it open to look at the details. “It hasn’t even hit MLS, yet, but it’s four beds, two baths, two car garage, just built.”

  “Seriously?” She sounded doubtful yet hopeful at the same time.

  “Yes,” he said, laughing. “It’s about ten minutes from Oak Hill.”

  There was a pause before she spoke again. “I should play the lottery.” They both laughed lightly. “Send me the info?”

  “Sure. Give me a minute and I’ll email you the details.”

  “Thanks. Hopefully they’ll want to see it.”

  “Yeah.” He smiled to himself. “I’m looking forward to working with you again.”

  Another pause. “Scott,” she said hesitantly, “I met your sister, Sharon, the other night.”

  “Okay,” Scott replied, not understanding the connection. “And?” He heard her take a deep breath.

  “I was on a date with your cousin Dave,” she said, the words coming out in a rush. He imagined her blinking rapidly, those three consecutive flutters that meant she was nervous.

  “Ah.” Scott now understood. Disappointed, he asked, “Is it serious?” For some reason, he hoped not.

  She paused before saying, “Not yet, but I think we’re both ready for it.”

  “Well then,” he said, infusing his words with enthusiasm he didn’t really feel. “I wish you both a lot of happiness. Good luck.”

  “Thanks,” she said quietly. “I’ll call if my buyers want to see the ranch. Thanks again. Bye,” she finished in a rush.

  “Bye.” He had barely mumbled the response before she ended the call. He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

  Sarah may not have been a virgin, but she still was very innocent. He wondered how many lovers she’d taken and he’d bet they’d all been long term relationships. She didn’t seem to realize just how beautiful she was, with those soulful brown eyes and luscious lips, which was crazy. He remembered her delicious curves, how he’d held her hips as he pounded into her on the couch. He noticed his slacks were growing tight and had to adjust himself.

  Dave. Dear Cousin Dave. Those two had similar personalities and would probably make a great couple. Probably. Possibly. Maybe. Scott wondered if Dave had slept with her. Unexpectedly, he got annoyed at the idea. Really irritated. He imagined the two of them together and was surprised at how angry it made him. Well, that’s unusual. She’d said they’d been dating. Scott relaxed. They hadn’t done anything, yet. He knew it.

  The idea of Sarah with anyone else was a bit unnerving. It just didn’t sit well with him, even if it was with Dear Cousin Dave. Or maybe especially with Dear Cousin Dave. Of all the people, why him? He’s so… dull.

  Then he wondered if Dave would mind a bit of competitio
n. Probably. Which meant that Dave was about to get a bit of a surprise. Scott should be ashamed of himself, but, quite frankly, he didn’t care.


  Airplane Rides

  Sarah’s belly knotted as she pulled her car over by Scott’s SUV, the dragon in her tummy doing little cartwheels. She was far too excited about this showing, but she knew that the thrill she felt was for the man inside, not for the showing itself. She stepped out of the car and was hit with the day’s muggy air, making her wish she was inside already, so she didn’t hesitate to head for the house. Scott opened the door as soon as she took the first step leading up to the front and he looked as yummy as ever, wearing khaki shorts and a pale blue shirt that brought out his eyes. He smiled and his laugh lines showed.

  “Hey,” he said, stepping aside to let her come in.

  “Hi,” Sarah responded with a deep sigh of pleasure at the cool air inside. The day was already uncomfortable; it was already high ninety degree weather and only ten in the morning. She’d picked her dress because of its light material and she was very happy with her choice. Besides, its square top made her chest look good.

  “It’s horrible out there today, huh?” He said, closing the door behind her.

  “New England weather.” She turned to face him. “In winter, you freeze; in summer, you fry.” She smiled at him. There was a moment of silence and she hurried to fill it. “The buyers should be here in a few.”

  “Good.” He slid his hands into his pockets. “How are things? How is Dave?”

  “Things are good.” She nodded. “Dave is good.” Avoiding his eyes, she looked at the foyer and then the kitchen beyond. The last thing she wanted to do was discuss Scott’s cousin and her attempt at a relationship with him. It was awkward enough having dinner with Dave while thinking of Scott.

  “Have you moved to the next stage of your long term relationship?” He asked.

  The words caught her attention and she looked at him to ascertain how serious he was. His eyes were twinkling and there was a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Sarah wasn’t sure what to think. She shook her head lightly. “Not yet.” With a wry smile, she admitted, “I’m having commitment issues.”

  Truthfully, her issue was standing before her, a gorgeous blond with wide shoulders and lean hips that she’d loved to sit on and ride again. She walked past him, farther into the house, to stop herself from doing something stupid, like take her dress off.

  “I wish I could say I was sorry, but that’d be a lie.” He said with a hint of playfulness.

  Sarah turned around and locked eyes with him. “Oh?” The word was laden with a thousand questions. What did he mean by that exactly? Perhaps that he’d be interested in more than just a romp? Because that would be ideal for her, someone she could enjoy but still fall in love with, have a future with.

  “I think we had fun, Sarah.” He walked over to her and began to rub her arms. “And I think I’d like to have more fun with you.”

  Fun, of course, Sarah thought, disappointed. It was as she’d suspected. He wasn’t looking for anything long term with her; she was just someone he could enjoy for the moment. She couldn’t blame him, truthfully. Everyone wanted fun. But she wanted more. She wanted long term fun, the kind that people had in their retirement years after a few of decades of other fun.

  He stepped closer, and his proximity made her tummy twist in anticipation. She couldn’t think clearly with him in her personal space, so she stepped back, putting some distance between them, physically and emotionally. “We did,” she blinked at him nervously, “but I need to think long term.” It was important that he knew her expectations.

  “And so you should, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves in the meantime, does it?” He took a step closer just as the front door opened. Whatever Sarah would’ve come up with as a response to his question was lost.

  They both turned to see Sarah’s buyers walk in, the three giddy girls running into the house first with a chorus of “Hi!”

  “Careful, girls!” Their mother called out from behind them.

  Immediately, Sarah walked over to greet them. They all shook hands.

  Bobby frowned and asked Scott, “Weren’t you the agent at the other house?”

  “Yes,” Scott nodded. “This another listing from Sampson Realty. I hope this one meets your needs a bit better. Sarah mentioned that you’d rather have a single level.”

  “Yes,” Pam said, “the combination of stairs and the girls scares me. As you can see, they love to run.” With a nervous smile, she watched them chase one another through the living room, swerving around the table and couch.

  Sarah watched as Bobby wrapped his arm around Pam’s waist, pulling her closer to him. “They’re fine,” he reassured her, both in tone and touch.

  Turning to Scott, Sarah asked, “Care to do the honors again?”

  “Whatever you want, honey.” Scott winked.

  Sarah blinked rapidly as she looked from him to her buyers, wondering if they’d caught the wink. But they were looking around, absorbed in the house and their kids.

  As before, Scott began the tour with the living room and kitchen areas. The house was decorated beautifully, in a simple yet elegant style that would be appealing to most buyers. It was smaller than the colonial and didn’t have a pool, but Sarah got the impression that not having a pool would be a good thing for this family.

  The girls were now pretending they were airplanes, their arms stretched wide as they headed toward the bedrooms, touching their fingertips to one side of the hallway, then swaying so they could touch the other side, the eldest in front, the little one stumbling behind.

  Sarah was smiling at their antics when she saw Scott come from behind and scoop up the youngest. Shocked, she watched as he planted her on his shoulders, then held his elbows up and made airplane sounds. Quickly, he went into the bedroom where her parents were and asked if it was okay for him to hold her for a bit. They agreed after seeing her grinning face.

  “The master is this way, shoosh!” Still pretending he was an airplane, Scott sped down the rest of the hallway and spun in a circle in front of the closed door. “Ack!” He opened it quickly and then wobbled toward the king-size bed in the center of the room. “Mayday, Mayday, we are about to crash.” He moved his hands from the girl’s waist to her belly, then flopped her face forward onto the bed, a slow, controlled fall. A gale of giggles was his reward for a safe landing.

  The other two girls followed suit and climbed onto the bed, then proceeded to have a jumping contest.

  But Sarah had stopped looking at them and was eyeing Scott in a new light. He was cute with kids. Cute and sexy. Oh, my God, the abs this man has. Sarah wanted to touch him, to run her fingers over his torso and his legs, and everything in between. So much for putting fun on hold. The things I could do to that man…

  “Hey, monkeys,” Pam called out, “get off the bed.” They laughed again and dropped to their butts before sliding off, although the youngest needed Pam’s help. They dashed down the hallway toward the main living area, the little one tottering behind again. Before she got far, Pam picked her up, but her wiggling forced Pam to put her right back down. Pam kept a close eye on her as they continued down the hall.

  Soon enough, they were all outside, back in the humid air, looking at the backyard. It wasn’t as big as the colonial’s but it was plenty big enough for the three kids to run around in.

  “I’m going to lock up and give you a minute to talk things through,” Scott said before heading back inside.

  “Thoughts? Comments? Questions?” Sarah asked, her gaze bouncing between Bobby and Pam.

  They looked at each other, then Pam spoke. “I love it.” She said, smiling. “I think this is it.”

  “Yeah, I think so, too,” Bobby agreed.

  “That’s great,” Sarah said, cautiously. “What do you love about it?”

  “Everything,” Pam said quickly. Her looked past Sarah at the girls who were
lying on the grass behind her.

  “Bobby?” Sarah asked, turning to him.

  “Everything but the price,” Bobby said, also watching the girls. “It’s almost as much as the colonial, but it’s smaller with a smaller yard.” He looked to Sarah. “You know?” He shrugged.

  She smiled in return. “Well, that’s where my savvy negotiating skills come in. As long as you love everything else, we should be good.”

  “Yeah? You can get us a deal?” Bobby asked.

  “I will do my best,” Sarah said, still smiling. “Let me round up some numbers and we can chat this afternoon.”

  “All right,” Pam said, nodding with a grin. “Girls,” she called to them, “time to head home.”

  Sarah watched them leave and headed back into the house to tell Scott she was leaving. As much as she’d love to have another romp with this man, she had an open house in an hour. She opened the door and called out. “Scott?”

  He rounded the corner, keys in hand. “Hey.” He locked the door before walking out.

  “It looks good, but they need to talk it over, of course.” She stepped back, giving him some room.

  “Of course.” He pulled the door shut and checked the lock.

  “I’ll call as soon as I know,” Sarah said and they walked to their cars, side by side. “Have a great afternoon.” She opened her car door and was about to get in when his next words stopped her.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.

  Sarah turned and blinked at him while holding the door open. Alarms went off in her head and the dragon began to dance in her stomach. She was dating Dave, his cousin, and she had decided he would be a great long term guy. She was going to their family’s Fourth of July party in three days. This dinner would be a bad idea; talk about awkward moments with the family. “Okay,” she replied softly. The word had escaped her while worries still bounced inside her head.


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