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Colonial Offer (The Sampson Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Lane,Lena

  “Hmm,” Scott seemed thoughtful. “As much as I’d like to join you, I do have some things I need to address before I can enjoy an entire day of being unproductive. Maybe if I get through everything quickly, I’ll head down.”

  “That would be great,” Jackie said while giving Sarah a mischievous grin.

  “Sarah?” Scott sounded curious again. “Not that I don’t love listening to the sound of your voice early in the morning, but why the call?”

  The words invoked a warmth in her tummy that spread through her body. It was difficult to be shy when he spoke to her like that. The unbidden image of waking up next to him distracted her again and she forgot he was waiting for a response. Jackie hit her arm gently with the back of her hand to bring her back to the present. When Sarah looked at her, Jackie raised her eyebrow and Sarah stammered a response.

  “Oh, right, Bobby wants to make an offer on the ranch and I needed to confirm that Sharon would be handling the transaction.” She blinked rapidly without noticing.

  “Fantastic. You can email it to her and cc me.”

  “I don’t have the signed offer just yet, since I’m on the road. Can I call her with a verbal and follow with a signed tomorrow?”

  “That’s fine. What’s the offer?” Sarah gave him the terms. “That’s fine,” he repeated without hesitation. “I’ll share the info with Sharon, just follow up with the signed tomorrow and we can mark it under agreement.”

  “Thanks, Scott. Please let me know if you get another offer in the meantime so we don’t miss our chance.”

  “Sarah,” he spoke softly, soothingly, “you can tell your clients the offer has been verbally accepted. It’s theirs.”

  Sarah was quiet for a moment and she felt Jackie staring at her but ignored her. “Scott, this needs to be handled properly. I don’t want any issues down the line with concerns over conflict of interest.”

  “There won’t be any,” he assured her quickly. “You’ll handle everything with Sharon tomorrow, and it’ll all be good.”

  “All right,” Sarah acquiesced, still concerned.

  “Have fun today and we’ll chat later. You enjoy yourself too, Jackie.” Their simultaneous “Thanks,” was the reply, and he ended the call before she could.

  Sarah worried over the lack of a counteroffer and wondered if Sharon might be a little angry that her brother accepted such a low offer. She called Bobby and told him that the verbal looked good and that they would be notified if any other offers came in before the written was submitted. Without having the signed agreement on hand, that’s the best she felt comfortable sharing. She would speak to Sharon tomorrow and see if she wanted to counter on behalf of her father’s company. After all, Sharon was technically the legal selling party. And now, Sarah was in the ethical dilemma she’d wanted to avoid in the first place.

  “Let’s go, chicky,” Jackie said impatiently. “We’re going to hit traffic.” It was true, but Sarah knew her decision to call Scott had been a good one. She wouldn’t have felt right if someone had offered on the house before Bobby had had a chance.

  Though long and slow, the drive was uneventful. When they reached the beach, they gathered all the gear from the trunk between the two of them and headed for a good spot close to the water. They put on sunblock as soon as they placed their towels on the sand, taking turns applying it on each other’s backs. Then they collapsed face-down on their towels with a deep sigh of satisfaction.

  It was so good to just relax. After doing nothing but soak up the sun for a little bit, Sarah finally raised her head to rest her chin on the back of her hand. Someone nearby had the radio on, but it was low and she couldn’t make out the music. Some kids were running around trying to catch Frisbees not too far away, and straight ahead, a little girl with long blonde hair was digging in the sand.

  The girl caught and held Sarah’s attention. Tiny and young, she looked like a fairy in her bathing suit of pink ruffles. So engrossed was she in her digging that she didn’t notice or care that her little fist kept leaving streaks of sand across her face as she wiped her golden strands of hair away. At one point, she grabbed her pail and ran to the ocean. Sarah’s gaze followed her as she paused at the shoreline to watch the water run over her feet. Giggling, she jumped a few times, making the water splash. The pail flailed as she jumped, striking the little blonde’s arms, but luckily, it was made of plastic so she was safe from aches and bruises. Sarah smiled at the girl’s innocent joy.

  This is what Scott’s daughter might look like, if he ever had one. Perhaps a golden princess or a golden mermaid, with startling blue eyes. Hopefully she would inherit her daddy’s coloring. Sarah was sure his son would be just as cute, but right now, watching the little blonde in her pink ruffles, a girl just seemed perfect.

  The daydream grew to include the beautiful colonial on Oak Hill. Really, the house was perfect. Plenty of privacy yet set in a nice location, a short drive away from the rest of the world. Their children could run around outside safely, maybe learn to bike on that long driveway. Wait, what?! Wow, where has my mind gone? Putting the brakes on that runaway train, Sarah decided to go for a swim.

  “Yeah, let’s do it,” Jackie said when Sarah asked her if wanted to join. “There’s plenty o’ time to sleep later.”

  After lying under the hot sun for so long, the water felt shockingly cold. Jackie, bold girl that she was, jumped right in. Sarah decided to wade in slowly, hissing at each wave that hit her. Within seconds, her nipples had puckered with the cold. Whose idea was it to do this, anyway? She ignored the question since she knew the answer. Mine.

  Jackie had swum out quite a distance then returned back by the time the water was over Sarah’s belly. “What is wrong with you? Just dive in.” She laughed and splashed Sarah with water, some of which went right into her open mouth.

  Acting like a child who’d eaten some nasty vegetable, Sarah made a face. “Ew, my mouth was open. It’s wicked salty.”

  One of Jackie’s elegant brows went up. “The ocean is salty? Who knew?” She then proceeded to roll her eyes and shake her head.

  At that point, Sarah sank under the water. They swam for a time and when the two of them got tired, they headed back to their spot on the beach.

  Only their spot was not how they had left it. There was a blond god sitting on her towel, with laughing blue eyes that crinkled at the corners. He was too far away for her to see those crinkles, but she knew they were there and immediately, her tummy tightened with a thrill only he could cause. The dragon rolled.

  Jackie hadn’t recognized him yet so she slowed her walk and leaned in to whisper, “Who’s the creep sitting on your towel? Should we go to one of the lifeguards for help? What do you want to do?”

  Sarah shook her head. “That’s Scott.” The corner of her mouth lifted in a half smile.

  “Oh,” Jackie said. “Oh!” Her face split into a wide grin. “Wow, he’s even better in person.”

  They had plenty of time to appreciate Scott’s perfect form as they made their way through the crowd of people lying on the sand, or walking on the beach. He was sitting with his legs crossed, wearing only his swim trunks, his broad shoulders bare for their ogling, while he played on his phone. He must have felt them staring, though, because he looked up and locked eyes with Sarah. The sight of her caused an appreciative smile to spread across his face.

  “I’m going to get something to drink,” Jackie offered. “Want anything?”

  Sarah shook her head. “No, thanks.” She knew Jackie’s foray was meant to give her some time along with Scott, and she appreciated it.

  It didn’t take long for Sarah to reach their spot on the sand. “How did you know this was my towel?” Sarah asked Scott without preamble, a playfully suspicious smile on her lips. “If you’d had the wrong one, some poor person would’ve come back to find a weird guy using her towel. It’d be kinda creepy.” She stood over him looking down with her hands on her hips.

  With the sun overhead, Scott had to squint up
to look at her. His smile grew and he made no move to stand. Instead, he lay back, crossing his arms behind his head, and sighed deeply. “Who says this is yours? How do you know I didn’t bring this one with me?” He straightened his legs out, taking over the entire towel, and closed his eyes against the bright light.

  Her eyes traveled over the toned torso, over the flat abdomen, and lower. She was tempted to caress the exposed flesh, remembering what it felt like, wanting to feel it again. It had been far too long since she’d been with him. She shook her head, bringing herself back to their current environment. She crooked her head a bit, challengingly. “You brought a pink towel with blue flowers?” Crossing her arms, she asked, “Do you even know what type of flower that is?”

  “It’s blue,” he replied confidently.

  “It’s hibiscus.” She squatted down by his knees and tapped one on the side, a nonverbal request to make room.

  The long legs moved over first before he turned sideways. He rested his head on his fist and patted the towel. “Lie down with me.” Sarah needed no other invitation. She squeezed herself onto the small towel, not caring that a portion of her wet body was now covered with sand, and lay down facing him. Their bodies touched from chest to toes, their lips mere inches apart. She couldn’t help staring at them. Unconsciously, she licked her own, then bit the lower one, blinking rapidly. “I knew this was your towel because I saw you get up to go swimming,” he said. He rested his other hand on her waist, and her body tingled at the warmth of his touch.

  “You were watching me?” She asked, meeting his eyes, nerves knotting her stomach.

  “Well,” Scott began with a hint of humor, “that implies that I was stalking you. That’d be kinda creepy.” He moved his hand to her back, and pulled them closer together, if that were possible.

  For the first time since they met, she refused to wait for him to make the first move. Instead, she leaned in and kissed him. Fire exploded in her belly and her insides tightened as they melded together. The world around them disappeared. He kissed her while his hand caressed her back, climbing upward to hold her head.

  “Ahem.” The voice came from above as a shadow crossed them. Surprised, Sarah jumped back and looked up to see Jackie standing there holding a bottle of soda and a package of fries. “This is not your private motel room.”

  Unperturbed, Scott laughed softly, a deep rumble from within, as he wrapped his arm around Sarah to pull her closer. Embarrassed, Sarah hid her face on his shoulder, but laughed it off anyway.

  Jackie made herself comfortable on her towel and asked, “Would you like some fries?”

  “No, thank you,” said Sarah, the words muffled against Scott’s shoulder. She would not be moving from this position anytime soon. The feeling of his body next to hers, the soothing back rub he was giving her, it was comforting to her body and soul… This moment was as close to perfection as she’d ever experienced. She would stay there for as long as she could, or until he forced her to move.

  Which happened far too quickly, in her opinion. It wasn’t even five minutes later when he began to stir, pushing her gently aside so he could stand. He stood up and reached for one of the bags. She’d been so entranced with him when she got back from the water, Sarah hadn’t even noticed that there was an additional bag to their things. She sat at the foot of her towel and watched his muscles play beneath his skin as he moved, mesmerized. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of his body.

  “Water?” He asked as he held out a bottle.

  “Yes, please,” Sarah replied. Expecting him to throw the bottle, she prepared herself to catch it. Instead, he leaned down and handed it to her. “Aw, what a proper gentleman.”

  “Don’t worry,” he replied as he opened a bottle for himself, “it’s only a show for Jackie.” He winked at her before taking a drink. He returned and sat at the top of the towel, motioning for her to come closer. She sat with her back to his front, nestled comfortably between his legs.

  This may not be as good as before, but it certainly has its perks. She leaned back and relaxed as he rubbed her arms gently. Eventually, he rested his forearms on his bent knees. Lazily, she closed her eyes and soaked in the feel of being surrounded by him, protected almost.

  He and Jackie started a conversation about the benefits of living in New England, but Sarah didn’t really listen. The chatter became background noise to the train wreck of thoughts running through her mind. Sarah wanted Scott, not just for a little bit but for a long time. For as long as she could have him. But first, she had to have a conversation with Dave. She couldn’t continue to mislead him. The Fourth had passed and she still hadn’t had The Talk with him. Though he was making it difficult, being so sweet. No, he wasn’t difficult; she was being a coward, and she knew it.

  Doubt settled in. Nothing Scott had said implied that he would be with her long term. He wanted to have some fun. That’s all he’d said. He hadn’t mentioned any interest in long term commitments, certainly not marriage. Even if he had plans to settle down in the future, nothing he’d said hinted that she’d be the one he’d settle for. And that’s what he’d be doing with her, settling.

  Sarah squirmed and looked out at the ocean. Despite being cocooned by his body, she felt herself distancing from him. She was getting restless. She had to prepare herself for the eventuality that he’d move on when she was no longer a novelty. Could she enjoy his company until that day? Enjoy being with him, physically? Knowing that he’d never accept her heart? Well, of course she could enjoy his body. He’d proven himself quite capable in that department. She just had to steel herself for that last day with him.

  In the meantime, she also had to tell Dave that they had to return to their original, professional relationship. It didn’t matter that Scott would also leave, she couldn’t stay with Dave. There was no passion. None. He was sweet and endearing, and he should be with someone who could love him as he deserved. That person was not Sarah.

  Abruptly, she stood up. “I need a swim.” She didn’t look back at them, didn’t see if they followed. When she got to the water this time, she didn’t wade in, she just jumped right in. The shock of the cold water hit her, and she let the waves wash over her. She allowed the water to wash the sand from her body and the convoluted thoughts from her mind. Here, there were no complications, just the soothing water and the warm sun. And when the waves came, she didn’t fight them. Sarah let them take her where they wanted. Out here, things were straightforward.

  Things became clear. No more delays with Dave. She would call him, today, and set up a time to chat with him. It would be over. It had to be.

  As for Scott… Things with him were a little more complicated, true, but only because she was making it so. Why was she driving herself crazy over him? Why was she making things more difficult than they had to be? Where was the rule book that said everything had to be neat and fit into some box? Sarah took a deep breath of salty air and relaxed. No more complications. She would enjoy her time with him and when he went, he went. She wouldn’t be able to let him go, she enjoyed being with him too much, so he’d have to do it when the time came. And in the interim, she’d loosen up and enjoy life.

  Decision made, she swam back to shore feeling much lighter than when she’d gone in. Actually, she felt amazing and the grin on her face told the rest of the world the same thing. When she returned to the beach, Scott motioned for her to return to her previous position between his legs. He must not have noticed how she’d bolted from him, because he wrapped his arms around her and began to rub her upper arms again.

  “Are you feeling better?” Scott whispered softly into her nape.

  So much for not noticing. “Yeah,” she mumbled, blinking rapidly. “Yeah, everything is fine.” She focused her gaze on the ocean and took another deep breath of briny air. She let her body relax against his, let him take her weight, and closed her eyes. To herself, she murmured, “Everything is perfect.”

  For the next couple of hours, the three of them enjoyed t
he beach and chatted about everything and yet nothing of importance. And when Jackie decided to go swimming for a little bit, Scott and Sarah enjoyed some time together, laughing at the seagulls or simply unwinding under the sun.

  When the afternoon came to a close, Sarah was reluctant to let Scott leave. He had a way about him that made her feel so warm, so calm, yet so hot and hungry at the same time. She watched him as he walked away, noting his perfect T shape, with broad shoulders and slender hips. He was so delicious, but he was so much more than just a hot body. He was comforting; he made her feel beautiful and relaxed. She couldn’t wait to see him again.


  Breakfast Picnic

  The shock stayed with her as she walked up the stairs to her little condo. The walk through the park had been the perfect end to the morning, and she was very thankful to the powers that be for making the whole thing so easy. No, Sarah had a suspicion that there was a flesh-and-blood person she needed to be thankful for: Sharon.

  Dave had been the one to propose a quiet breakfast picnic at the park. Not so early as to wake with the birds, Sarah had no desire for that. So she’d been happy when he proposed ten o’clock. They had each driven their separate vehicles and met there, which allowed them to continue the rest of their day without worrying about transportation. She’d brought only her caffeinated hot chocolate, which was the only thing she really consumed before noon. Anything else could wait until a reasonable lunchtime.

  Sweet, considerate Dave had brought a small variety of Danishes and a small fruit salad, which he’d placed on a bright red blanket. Even to a picnic, he’d worn slacks and a button-down shirt, the blue of the shirt making his eyes stand out. Sarah had joined him in her light summer dress, her crossed legs hidden beneath the long dress. During their chat, he’d eaten some of the Danishes, while she’d picked at a couple of grapes and a sliver of watermelon, just to be polite. Understanding as he always was, Dave simply smiled at her tactic of avoiding food and was happy enough with her three bites of fruit.


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