Page 7
After her shoes and socks hit the floor she stood and finally looked across at Seamus.
“Have you done this before, Little Katie?” he asked quietly.
“What? Strip in front of a guy?” She shrugged one shoulder in a half apology. “Actually, no, I haven’t.” When his eyes widened in surprise she quickly added, “I mean, I’ve been with men before, but we always undressed each other as we were—”
“I understand,” he said, cutting her off.
He smiled. “It’s okay. Just relax and pretend that I’m not even here.”
“Easy for you to say,” she mumbled.
Katie looked down at the water level to make sure it wasn’t getting too full. She was being foolishly modest. She wasn’t unattractive but based on how open her social schedule typically was, she wasn’t attracting men by the dozens.
Hoping to distract them both, she said, “You know, the night I met you, I had just taken a long, hot bath.”
When Seamus didn’t offer any comment she reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off. She tossed it at the hamper then made herself look him in the eye.
“You weren’t hanging around in my bathroom where I couldn’t see you, were you?”
“Afraid not.”
“Good answer.” She unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, pushed them over her hips and down her legs then stepped out of them.
When she bent over to pick up the jeans, Seamus said, “I am sorry I missed the opportunity, however.”
The blatant appreciation in his eyes made her feel like one of the most beautiful women on earth. She gave him a smile. “Yes, well, I suppose you’re making up for it now, huh?”
“We’ll see,” he said cryptically.
Katie tossed the jeans on top of her discarded shirt. Gathering her courage, she unhooked her bra then wiggled her shoulders so the straps slid down her arms into her hands. Instead of tossing the pale-pink bra into the pile, she walked up to Seamus and set it on the counter behind him. The cool atmosphere that surrounded him eked onto her bare skin, raising goose bumps and making her nipples harden.
In an effort to up the ante, she slipped her hot-pink lace panties off and left them on the counter with the bra.
Standing that close to him, Katie couldn’t miss the desire burning in his eyes.
Acting braver than she really felt, she pivoted on the ball of her foot and glided to the tub. It was doubtful she had ever made such an effort to ensure she climbed into the bathtub as gracefully as a princess.
As she sank into the steaming water some of the tension in her muscles relaxed. When she was all the way in, she leaned against the back of the tub and studied Seamus.
“Care to join me?”
“As a matter of fact, I would love to. But I believe the only thing that would accomplish would be to cool your water much faster than you’d like.”
“That’s probably true.” Even though she figured that was the case, it was still disappointing.
“Besides, the view is better up here,” he said with a cheeky grin.
Katie looked down at herself. The waterline was bobbing just below her breasts, acting as a pillow for them.
She rolled her eyes but smiled back. “Men.”
“What would you do without us?”
“Women would probably eat a lot more chocolate, wear sweatpants more frequently and odds are that neither bras nor pantyhose would have ever been invented,” she said matter-of-factly.
Seamus’ gaze drifted down to the water then all the way down the length of the tub to her toes.
“If I could, I’d take that washcloth,” he pointed to the short stack of folded linens on the ledge of the tub, “and make sure every part of you was thoroughly cleaned and inspected.”
A shiver ran through Katie’s body. God, if only Seamus could do that.
He skimmed his hand through the bubbles that floated on top of her bathwater but his movement didn’t disturb a single one. Katie bent her knee, breaking the surface of the water, disturbing those same bubbles.
“So…” She sat up, reached for a washcloth then reclined against the back of the tub again. With a lift of one eyebrow, she asked, “Are you implying that I’m dirty?”
“Not at all.” His voice remained calm but his expression was leery.
Katie twisted the cloth with both hands, forcing most of the water out. “Good. I’d hate for you to have a wrong impression of me.”
“Be assured that I have a very high opinion of you.”
She picked up the bar of soap and enclosed it in the folds of the washcloth. She rubbed both between her hands, making the cloth bubbly. Slowly she extended one leg up, out of the water, then applied the soapy rag as far as she could reach. She repeated the motions on the other leg.
“You missed a spot.”
Katie knew he was teasing even though his face looked quite serious.
She raised her leg again and pretended to inspect it. “Where?”
“Just there.” Seamus touched a place behind her knee then let his finger glide down the back of her thigh.
Goose bumps broke out all over her leg.
She tried to tell herself it was because of the cold from his ghostly essence and had nothing to do with Seamus. But that was a lie. She wanted Seamus to touch her. She wanted to feel his hands all over her body. She wanted to lie beneath him and feel his body possessing hers.
Like she’d never wanted anyone else before.
It was pointless to imagine she was going to meet some fairytale Irish hunk and have a wild affair with him while she was here. Every time she tried to conjure up that fantasy, the hunk looked just like Seamus.
Why not indulge her fantasies as far as she could in the time she did have with him?
Katie soaped the rag again and applied it to the spot Seamus had pointed out in slow, easy strokes. She let the suds run down her thigh until they floated onto the surface of the water. “Did I get it that time?”
“I think so. But I imagine the other leg needs some work too.”
She propped her foot on the edge of the tub behind Seamus then raised her other leg out of the water. Once again she soaped the rag and pretended to thoroughly yet slowly clean her knee and thigh. When she was done, she hooked that foot over the edge of the tub in front of Seamus, giving him a wide-open yet watery view of her pussy.
“Anything else you think needs inspecting?”
His eyes were instantly drawn to the water. When he raised them again, the hunger was unmistakable. “I can think of a thing or two.”
“I’d hate for something to be left unattended.” Katie’s pulse sped up. Where was this vixen-like attitude coming from?
“Raise your hips up out of the water so I can see.”
Her heart thudded heavy in her chest but she did as he said.
Seamus leaned close, putting his head right between her thighs. He was close enough Katie would have been able to feel his breath if he had any. With one finger he touched her clit.
The contrast of the cold against her warm skin and the tingles from where their bodies merged sent electric shocks straight to her pussy. Her mouth fell open when she let out a gasp.
Katie shivered as he ran his finger down then around her opening and back up to her clit. She bit her lip as the sensations grew stronger. It was a delicious combination of hot and cold. The barely there, electric touches were more than a tease but less than she needed.
She closed her eyes to better absorb the feelings.
When he plunged a finger into her opening her breath caught in her throat. Her pussy clenched in response but there was nothing to grip.
Seamus’ strokes quickly became maddening. She wanted more. She wanted him. Inside her.
“Seamus, please,” she pleaded. “I need to come.”
“Help me get you there. Touch yourself.”
Katie didn’t need further prompting. She reached between her legs and fou
nd the spot that was crying for relief. With just a few strokes her head was rolling back and her hips were pumping, seeking what she really wanted.
Seamus continued to touch and stroke her pussy. Their hands merged more than once, adding to the sensations she was feeling. Every now and then he would plunge a finger into her opening, sending her spiraling even higher.
Finally she crested. A hoarse cry was ripped from her lips and her whole body shook with her release. She sank back into the water more relaxed than she had been in weeks.
When she opened her eyes, Seamus was watching her intently once again.
“You are beautiful when you come.”
A smile spread through her. “No one is pretty when they come. Everyone knows that.”
“I disagree,” he said.
Katie blushed. “Well, thank you.” She looked at Seamus’ crotch. He had a very impressive hard-on. “Can I help you with that?” She nodded to his lap.
“I would love for you to help with that, but I suspect that I will have to take care of it later.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” She cocked her head to the side as she realized that she was able to see the wall on the other side of Seamus.
Katie sat up in the tub. “Seamus? What’s going on? Why can I not see you clearly? It looks like you’re fading.”
“Damn. I’m sorry, Little Katie. This happens sometimes.”
“What happens? What’s wrong?” She tried to reach for him but when her hand passed through him, the tingles were not very strong.
“I have to fade out for a bit and regain my strength.” His voice was fading.
“You mean like falling asleep?”
“A bit.”
“But you’ll come back?”
His smile was tender as he reached for her face. “As soon as I can. Hopefully in the morn.”
“Okay.” Her heart twisted in her chest as she watched Seamus fade away. One more thing that was completely unfair about his situation.
There had to be a way to break that damned curse. If one selfish twit who knew nothing of witchcraft or the paranormal could bring it about, surely there was a way to reverse it.
It was too bad there wasn’t a way to throttle a ghost. If Etain really did haunt someplace in the castle, Katie would love a chance to tell her off. The idea of pushing Etain off the battlements crossed her mind but Katie quickly dismissed it. She could never do that. Besides, it probably wouldn’t do anything to a ghost anyway.
Katie wasn’t sure how long she sat in the cooling water. Seamus wasn’t going to just reappear so soon and wishing wasn’t going to make it happen.
She got out of the tub and grabbed a towel off the warming rack. As she dried off she thought about what she could do to help Seamus. Etain held the key to breaking the curse. She was sure of it. But it was doubtful she could just walk up and ask Etain for the answer.
As Katie stood in front of her closet debating what to put on, it occurred to her that it was a little too early for bed. She glanced at the bedside table and spotted one of the castle brochures. She had read something about the castle having a library. There were supposed to be current books available for guests to check out and a section on the castle’s history. Perhaps she could find some information about Etain.
She pulled a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt out of the closet.
Anything she could learn about Etain would help at this point.
Chapter Eight
Sitting at a large table with of a bunch of dusty, old books, Katie wondered what she had been thinking.
Most of the books were so old she was afraid to handle them. But the librarian said she was welcome to read them. She just couldn’t leave the library with them.
Completely understandable.
So far she hadn’t been able to find anything more than a passing reference to Etain and the fact that she had been the first wife of Lord Thomas Chichester. There was more information on the second wife. Apparently that marriage turned out better and resulted in heirs for the lord.
It was amazing Etain didn’t have a dozen children after sleeping with that many men. Then again, even back then women could do things to keep from getting pregnant.
Katie wondered if Etain ever caught some nasty itch or virus while she was hopping from bed to bed. Good thing Seamus never touched her.
Katie shivered in revulsion.
“Ah, there it is,” a voice said from just behind Katie’s right side. “I’d wondered where the family tome had gone. Was always a favorite of mine.”
Without looking up from the page she was scanning so she didn’t lose her place, Katie waved to the pile to her right. “I’m through with those, if what you’re looking for is in there.”
When she didn’t hear a response and no one took a book from the pile she’d indicated, she looked up and over her shoulder.
A thin, elderly man wearing an outfit that looked like something from an Elizabethan play hovered just to her right. His eyes were wide behind his ancient spectacles. His semitransparent form was her last clue that she was seeing a ghost.
“My dear, were you speaking to me?” the man asked.
She glanced around the room to make sure no one else heard their interaction. It appeared they were alone. She took a deep breath, knowing she had already given herself away by speaking to him.
“I’m afraid so,” she said with a tentative smile.
“How is this possible?” he asked as he stepped closer. “I didn’t bring forth my form.”
“I, uh,” Katie hesitated and glanced around again to make sure they really were alone. “I can sometimes see ghosts.”
“And hear them too, no doubt.”
She nodded as she chewed on her lip.
“Well, that’s wonderful, my dear,” he said as he sat on the chair at the end of the table.
“It is?”
“Certainly! It’s not every day that we have a medium visit us. And it does get rather dull with only a handful of spirits to talk to.”
“I’m not a medium.”
“But you said you speak to the dead.”
“Well, yes, but I’m not a medium. I have just always been able to see ghosts.”
“Ah. Born with it, were you?”
“Afraid so,” she said dully.
“Oh where are my manners? Please forgive me, my dear. My name is Alastar.” He made a half-bow from his seat. “I’ve been the library guardian for more generations than I can count.”
Katie smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Alastar. My name is Katherine.”
“You’re from the Americas, are you not?”
“On holiday?”
“Of sorts. I’m here to fulfill a request of my late mother.”
His ancient eyes seemed to look right into her soul. “And whatever is a lovely young woman like yourself doing buried beneath these,” he waved to the pile of books scattered across the table, “crumbling texts instead of out enjoying the nightlife or whatever it is that young people do for fun these days?”
She smiled. “I’m looking for a bit of castle history for a friend.”
“Tullamore history? I know more about it than anyone, living or dead. What can I help you find?”
He probably could find it faster than she could ever hope to.
“Do you know anything about a former lady of the castle from the 1700s, named Etain?”
Alastar drew back in surprise. “I do, but what surprises me is that you know of her.”
“There is very little recorded about her time here. Her husband had all family records altered so that only a brief mention of her marriage and death were left. The lord, her husband, was quite embarrassed by the ordeal.”
“The ordeal?” Katie asked.
“The murder and all of the stories that came with it.”
“So you’ve heard of it.”
“I head that she was inv
olved in the disappearance and possible murder of a man who worked here.”
“That’s right.” He leaned forward, shifting his weight onto his elbow, and looked at her intently. “But where did you hear of this?”
“From someone who used to do work around the castle,” Katie said, trying to keep a blank expression on her face.
He studied her face. “Hmmm. The stories circulating at the time said Etain had an affair with one of the workers. At some point the man tried to break if off with Etain and she, being the jilted lover, killed him.”
“That’s what the stories said?”
“It is,” Alastar said.
“And what do you believe happened?”
“You’ll remember that I’ve been at Tullamore for centuries. I was here before Etain’s time.”
“So you witnessed it, then?” Hope sprang to life in Katie’s heart.
“Not directly.”
Hope deflated.
“But I did listen to the charges brought before the lord regarding the man’s disappearance as well as the testimony of those involved. And I heard a great deal of the servants talk.”
“So how did he die?”
“Supposedly she poisoned him.”
“And what of his body? Where was he buried?”
“That is the oddest part.” Alastar dropped his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “The body was never found.”
“Not ever?” Katie found herself whispering back.
He shook his head. “Popular rumor said she poisoned him out in the woods and left his body for the wolves.”
Katie shivered in revulsion.
“My apologies, my dear. It is a gruesome business.”
“You said that was popular rumor. What did the evidence say she did?”
“Some of the kitchenmaids testified seeing Lady Etain in the kitchens the day before the man’s disappearance, with her maid, cooking something. Needless to say, Lady Etain never darkened the door of the kitchens much less prepared any kind of food so her presence caused quite a stir, and it was well remembered.”
“Did they say what she cooked?”
“One of the maids said that Lady Etain had requested a number of unusual herbs be brought to her from the gardens. One or two of those herbs were not grown in the castle gardens and had to be purchased from town.”