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Vengeance From The Dark (D'Vaire Book 3)

Page 24

by Jessamyn Kingley

  He’d loved. That was the only thing Talfryn had done. And then he’d suffered at the hands of his parents and his tribesman as he sat mired in dirt starving and neglected. It hadn’t done much to change him, and for that Lorcan was grateful. Too easily he could have become consumed in misery and anger over his circumstances, but he’d simply endured. Then a malevolent warlock bent on a foolish revenge plot had inadvertently begun his rescue.

  Latarian had led him to the D’Vaires and they had saved his man. While it had been Lorcan who’d informed them of the dark spell on Talfryn’s skin, the thought was already in their heads. But they had been conscious of elven tradition and were trying to prove it without impacting Talfryn’s sensibilities. Knowing them as he did now, Lorcan was sure it would have been only a matter of time before they had succeeded in their discovery and restoring Talfryn’s identity.

  Pausing in his painstaking work, Lorcan found himself wondering how events would have transpired if he had not been so intent on killing Talfryn. Since his mate was seated next to him, he couldn’t help but voice the question now that it had formed in his mind.



  “If Dra’Kaedan and Dre’Kariston had restored your memory without my interference, what do you think you would have done?”

  “You mean if I hadn’t been out there talking to my imaginary friend Lorcan every day?”

  “I wasn’t imaginary.”

  “I know, but since no one saw you but me, they thought you were.”

  “We’re becoming distracted from the question.”

  “Well, it’s going to require some thought.”

  “I’m surprised.”

  With a questioning glance, Talfryn asked, “Why?”

  “I suppose I expected you to answer that you would seek me out.”

  “Didn’t I chase you after you disappeared?”


  “I would have looked for you but after all that time, I probably would have been pissed that you were off somewhere living your life happy without me,” Talfryn said.

  “I guess my absence would have led you to believe I had moved on with my life.”

  “Or that you’d had something to do with my abduction in the first place.”

  “Did you ever consider that?”

  “No. You are too honorable a man. If you wanted me gone, you would have kicked me out of your village.”

  “You would not have gone easily.”

  “I would have made you so sorry you ever considered it.”

  Lorcan nodded and returned to his beading. “It would have been no more than I deserved.”

  “I would have found you, Lorcan. It might have taken me some time, but I would have tracked you down and demanded an explanation.”

  “You were upset that I did not demand one of you.”

  “You forbade me from speaking about it.”

  “As it turns out, I was right. You had no need to explain anything to me for you were simply a victim caught up in a web of evil.”

  Talfryn kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Stop thanking me.”

  “You keep saying things I need to hear. I’m grateful.”

  “I don’t need your gratitude.”

  “It’s another one of those things you are going to get anyway.”

  “Like me moving into your room this afternoon, so I can no longer sleep on the floor?”

  “Yes, you may not want the comfort of a mattress, but you’ll get it anyway.”

  “I hope you will appreciate its coziness when I make love to you tonight.” Lorcan was shocked when Talfryn grabbed his face in his hands. He stopped his sewing and drew his brows together in annoyance. “Tally, what the hell are you doing?”

  He narrowed his eyes at Lorcan. “Don’t toy with me, anleydir.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “I’ve waited a full week since the last time we had sex.”

  “We’re moving fast enough as it is.”

  “Oh no, no backtracking. Sex. Tonight,” Talfryn said before capturing his mouth in a searing kiss. Their tongues met and Lorcan reached up a hand to grab a handful of his mate’s blond hair. Tilting his head, he deepened their kiss. His cock took notice and began to thicken, but it was neither the time nor place for more.

  Reluctantly, he released his hold on Talfryn’s hair and eased back to look at lavender eyes cloudy with passion. “Later.”

  Slowly Talfryn freed his grasp on Lorcan’s skull before shifting his weight on the couch where they sat. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “I am and have always been a man of my word.”

  Talfryn let out a chuckle that quickly became peals of laughter.

  “What the hell is so funny?”

  “You can’t really say that anymore,” Talfryn gasped out as he continued to cackle.

  “I am no longer a man of my word?”

  “Nope,” Talfryn said as he calmed his hilarity.

  “How can you say such a thing?”

  “Well, I’m alive, aren’t I?”

  Lorcan scowled as Talfryn began snickering again. “For now, anyway.” That statement set off even more mirth. Shaking his head, Lorcan ignored his mate and continued to bead Talfryn’s new tunic. He couldn’t exactly argue with the man; he had sworn to end their lives and that thought was now abhorrent to him. But he decided it was hardly virtuous for Talfryn to point it out.

  Chapter 35

  Pulling the black T-shirt over his head, Talfryn looked into the bathroom mirror and beamed. It was not in reaction to the silly pajama bottoms covered in happy faces that he wore. His smile was far too lecherous for that. It couldn’t be helped; Lorcan was in their now shared room preparing to do a lot more than sleep. Grasping the doorknob to leave, he almost smacked himself in the face with the door. His excitement was clearly inhibiting his ability to function like a normal elf.

  Leaving the room without further incident, Talfryn walked over to the bed and lifted the comforter. He was pleased that Lorcan was already under the covers. Climbing in and settling onto his side with his head cradled on a fluffy pillow, he smiled at his mate. Lorcan offered him a similar expression if somewhat dimmed as he didn’t have Talfryn’s more sunny nature.

  They weren’t touching, which was fine since Talfryn’s heart was already beating like a jackhammer in his chest.

  “It’s not my first time; why am I nervous?” he asked.

  “I am experiencing the same difficulty.”

  “What should we do?”

  “A kiss is often a good way to begin.”

  Laughing, Talfryn leaned forward and gave Lorcan a peck. “I meant about our nerves.”

  Grasping Talfryn by the back of the neck, Lorcan didn’t allow him to retreat. “Whatever the question is, right now kissing is the answer,” he said against Talfryn’s mouth before he sealed their lips together. As their tongues met and began to dance, Talfryn scooted across the mattress so he could feel Lorcan’s body against his own.

  Two layers of clothing didn’t keep Talfryn from feeling the heat coming off Lorcan’s tall frame. Lorcan slid his hand up into Talfryn’s hair and somehow managed to pull them closer together. With his arms wrapped around his mate, Talfryn continued to use his tongue to express the desire which replaced the anxiety that had unexpectedly gripped him before Lorcan began kissing him.

  Using his knee to cajole Talfryn into giving him space between his legs, Lorcan rested his thigh against the rapidly growing bulge in his drawstring pants. Talfryn moaned as the pleasure rippled through him. He wiggled in an attempt to get more friction on his cock and Lorcan removed his hand from Talfryn’s mussed hair to grip his body in place.

  Lorcan separated their mouths long enough to whisper, “Not so fast. I wish this to last longer than last time.” Before Talfryn could formulate any kind of verbal response, Lorcan dove back into their kiss. Words were not really necessary anyway, Talfryn thought as he nipped
Lorcan’s lips. There was little doubt in either of their minds that they intended this night to be a memorable one.

  Releasing his grasp on Talfryn’s hip, Lorcan slipped his hand under the T-shirt he had donned earlier. His hand burned Talfryn’s skin and he reveled in the sensation. Wanting Lorcan to feel the same, Talfryn managed to get his palm under the hem of his mate’s shirt. This time it was Lorcan who moaned. If his mouth had been less occupied, Talfryn would have smiled at the sound.

  Instead, he clutched at the other elf and wished their clothing would simply disappear. His mate obviously agreed. Lorcan broke their kiss and with Talfryn’s assistance, yanked his top off. Seconds later Lorcan was just as shirtless. Instead of lying back down, Talfryn threw his arms around Lorcan’s neck and reunited their mouths.

  Lorcan’s arms locked around him, and Talfryn whimpered as his hard cock made contact with his mate’s. The pleasure was mind-blowingly intense, and he took satisfaction from the dark growl that seemed to come from somewhere deep inside Lorcan. He couldn’t help but squirm against Lorcan as soon as he heard the sound of his rising desire.

  “Knock it off,” Lorcan said before shoving his hands into Talfryn’s pants and forcing them down his thighs. Grabbing the globes of Talfryn’s ass, he pulled his body back into Lorcan’s and attacked his mouth.

  There was no way Talfryn could have kept from moving against his mate. Lorcan snarled into their kiss, but Talfryn was unmoved by his frustration. Their lovemaking was too intense for him to obey and stay still. Lorcan’s hold on his butt tightened as he tried unsuccessfully to get Talfryn to stop the tiny movements that brought them both closer to fulfillment.

  Once again, Lorcan ripped their mouths apart. “Lube?” he asked.

  Talfryn twisted his body and tried to get closer to the nightstand to retrieve it but forgot in his haste that his legs were still trapped in his pants. He threw his arms out to prevent flying down onto the mattress face-first. From behind him, he heard Lorcan laugh.

  “Not funny,” Talfryn grumbled as he tugged his pajama bottoms off and tossed them onto the floor. He grabbed the slick from the bedside table, and Lorcan snatched it as soon as he turned back toward him. Talfryn was grateful that Lorcan had used his time wisely and had removed the last of his clothing.

  “I forgot how good you look naked,” Talfryn said as he openly admired the long, elegant lines of Lorcan’s form.

  “Lie down on your back,” Lorcan replied. While continuing to admire the display of pale skin over lithe muscles, Talfryn complied with his request. He settled back on the mattress as Lorcan climbed over him.

  Their lips met briefly, but Lorcan didn’t linger. He began raining small kisses over his cheekbones before nipping his chin. Then he latched his mouth onto Talfryn’s neck and sucked. Talfryn could swear his eyes rolled back into his head in delight at his mate’s aggression.

  Lorcan’s lips dropped down onto the sword that had been scorched into his skin the day they’d become mates. When he licked it, Talfryn arched up toward Lorcan to bring their bodies together, but there was too much space between them. Lorcan dropped his hand to Talfryn’s thigh and began slowly drifting his palm up his leg. Talfryn became almost giddy at the thought that he was finally going to get Lorcan to touch his dick, but Lorcan stopped his caress before his hand made contact.

  “Lorcan,” he begged as he lifted his lashes to look at him.

  Their eyes locked. “Bend your knees and spread your legs,” Lorcan ordered. Talfryn wasted no time complying with his mate’s command. Lorcan crawled between his now outstretched legs and glided his hands down the outside of Talfryn’s thighs. His eyes fell closed as he enjoyed Lorcan’s touch. While his body might not appreciate the delay in getting the deed done, Talfryn’s mind delighted in the careful consideration of his lover.

  Then Lorcan gripped his dick in his hand and popped it into his mouth, forcing a yell from Talfryn. Shock melted into delight as he began to suck in earnest. The pleasure robbed him of the ability to think. All he could do was feel as Lorcan swallowed his cock and the head bumped the back of his throat. If that wasn’t enough to drive him insane, a crafty finger began tracing his entrance.

  Moaning, Talfryn thrashed his head back and forth on the pillow as Lorcan slid that wet digit inside him. Soon it was pumping in and out of his overheated body all the while Lorcan continued to drive him wild with his clever mouth. His tongue was finding every nerve ending of his dick as he bobbed his head up and down Talfryn’s length.

  Once Lorcan had two fingers pistoning in and out of his ass, Talfryn realized he was not going to win this battle. Electric shocks were dancing down his spine and he squirmed wildly in a vain effort to get away from the sensations Lorcan was forcing on him.

  Apparently sensing his difficulty, Lorcan allowed Talfryn’s engorged dick to slide out of his mouth after one last suckle to the tip.

  “Tally, you can come. It won’t take you long to get hard again,” Lorcan said as he dropped a kiss on Talfryn’s thigh.

  Since Talfryn no longer had the ability to speak, he nodded his head frantically. Smiling, Lorcan lowered his head to Talfryn’s cock and sucked it back down. His spine bowed as Lorcan returned his slick fingers to Talfryn’s eager hole. When Lorcan swallowed around him again, Talfryn gave up the fight. Shouting Lorcan’s name, he clutched the sheets hard enough to turn his knuckles white as he spilled his seed into Lorcan’s willing mouth.

  He suspected the release began in his toes, it was that all-consuming. It was some time before he returned to earth and when he did, Lorcan still had his lips wrapped around him. Three of his fingers were still gliding in and out him and though he’d just come, Talfryn couldn’t wait until it was Lorcan’s long cock pumping into his fevered body. His own softening dick was becoming too sensitive for Lorcan’s mouth and he let out a whine.

  Recognizing his dilemma, Lorcan let Talfryn fall gently from his lips. He ran his mouth up Talfryn’s thigh as his fingers continued their mastery. He bit down lightly before gently teasing Talfryn’s skin with flicks of his tongue. It soothed more than it aroused. Closing his eyes as the vertebrae in his neck curved and tilted his head further into the pillow, Talfryn wished he could always feel such amazing lassitude.

  Now thoroughly stretched, Lorcan pulled his fingers out of Talfryn and lifted his head from his leg. He rose to his knees and lowered his palms to either side of Talfryn’s shoulders. Looking up at him, Talfryn could see only Lorcan’s craving to be joined. Nothing of their past could ever touch them here, not even the memories of the times they had lain together before. They stared at each other for endless minutes until Lorcan leaned down and gave Talfryn a bruising kiss.

  Reaching up, Talfryn clutched Lorcan’s face in his hands as their lips mashed together. He could feel the tension in Lorcan’s graceful limbs and knew it was pure determination keeping him from rutting against Talfryn like an animal. This was his mate—so helpless in his desire. Talfryn’s body—so recently sated, responded without constraint. The blood rushed to his groin and he rejoiced as his cock thickened.

  His lower extremities that had been lying akimbo after Lorcan’s mouth had done its labor were suddenly twitchy. He planted his feet on the mattress and lifted his pelvis. With a growl, Lorcan lifted his head and raised himself back to his knees. Threading his hands under Talfryn’s legs, he slid them up and clutched his ass. Bringing his body forward, Lorcan slammed his cock deep inside Talfryn.

  Screaming out, Talfryn’s back bowed and he exulted that nature allowed them to get this close. Hips pistoning, Lorcan began driving in and out of him. Above the thundering sound of his own pulse, Talfryn could hear the heavy pants of his mate as he sought out his release. Knowing Lorcan had to be close to the edge, Talfryn wrapped his hand around his own cock and began pumping in earnest.

  The frantic sound of skin slapping skin echoed around him as they raced to the very edge of madness. Although he’d so recently come, Lorcan’s all-business approach to thrusting and the
friction of his own hand were threatening to drive him insane. Suddenly Lorcan’s pants screeched to a halt and he bellowed out a sound that turned into Talfryn’s name. A burst of heat splashed inside of Talfryn as Lorcan came.

  Racing his hand faster over his dick, Talfryn rushed toward completion. Thick ropes spurted out and splashed onto his belly. This time his release was less frenzied but no less intense. He might have been embarrassed that it took so long for his mind to reengage but then again, Lorcan was still puffing air out of his mouth and his death grip on Talfryn’s cheeks had not lessened.

  He wanted to laugh at the crazy, wonderful feelings that were bubbling under his skin. However, his amusement had not gone over well last time, so he settled for grinning like an idiot. Talfryn wanted his joy to last forever so when Lorcan released him, he let out a sigh at the loss. Careless of the mess Talfryn had created on his stomach, Lorcan swept him into his arms and pressed their cooling bodies together. He kissed the corner of Talfryn’s mouth before burying his face in his messy hair.

  Running his hands down Lorcan’s back he blurted out, “I love you, anleydir.”

  Lorcan tensed for a second before relaxing again. “My heart is yours. It was from the moment we met. It will remain yours forever unless death finds us first.”

  The words were music to Talfryn’s soul. “Death won’t catch us.”

  The dark sound of Lorcan’s laughter sounded in his ear.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Lifting his head, Lorcan said, “You have no way of knowing we will live forever.”


  “I’m serious, Tally,” Lorcan replied, though he was still smiling. It was the first time Talfryn had seen real amusement in his mate’s bi-colored eyes.

  “So am I.”

  “You will admit that death is a possibility.”

  “I will not. We are immortal elves. And we’re getting sticky.” Talfryn tried unsuccessfully to get out from under his Lorcan.

  “Say it, Tally. Say that death could still be in the cards.”


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