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Selling Sass

Page 6

by Jeni Burns

  Worse yet, was the look of disbelief on her face when he tried to convince her of his love. He hadn't sugarcoated his feelings for her. He'd felt the connection long ago and couldn't really imagine his life without Lindsay in it. She was his destiny, his chance for a normal life. She was the reason he got up in the morning and worked so hard. He wanted to be able to give her anything she wanted and provide for her all she deserved.

  He'd done a shitty job being honest, but he meant it every single time he told her he loved her. Every. Single. Time. Lindsay was his mate. The upcoming full moon had been his plan to bring her into the fold. To come clean. The situation with Kara had only moved up the inevitable. And he could've run like a scared pup with his tail between his legs, but instead he'd done the hard thing and come clean. He'd crawl across glass on his hands and knees begging for her forgiveness if that's what it took to earn her trust again.

  The added humiliation of Julia walking in on him in this position wasn't even something that crossed his mind as a reason for Lindsay to forgive him. Not even a little. The sounds of the women in question talking out on the front porch brought his focus front and center. She burst through the front door in a whirl of energy.

  "Hey, Linds. How's Kara?"

  "Fine. Not sure the same will be able to be said for the maid she snacked on."

  "I had the privacy sign hung. No one should've been in the room." His brain raced to remember the sequence of events since he'd snuck the drugged thief into his suite. He distinctly remembered hanging the tag on the door handle. Maybe in his haste to see Lindsay, it had fallen off. He couldn't recall double checking it. "I'm so sorry. It's true then, huh? Her being a bloodsucker?"

  "Supposedly not. She's just pregnant with one and it's making her hungry for blood. Apparently, you've messed with her pregnancy diet, and she took it upon herself to correct it."

  "Is she going to help find the bracelet?"

  "No. She and Leo are on their way outta town from the impression she gave me."

  His heart skipped a beat as she approached him, the look on her face no longer full of anger.

  "She warned me about trusting you though," she added as she bent down and gripped the waist band of his boxers putting her mouth deliciously close to his manhood.

  "Understood. She's looking out for you."

  She nodded and pulled first his boxers and then his jeans back into place. While he yearned to enjoy the touch as he had so many times before, he knew now wasn't the time nor the place to make that kind of move.

  Once his pants were back in place, she dropped again and worked at the buckles securing his ankles. When free, she moved to his right wrist before stepping back and allowing him to remove the last one himself. A quick stretch eased the gentle ache in his tense muscles. "Thank you."

  "Mmmhmm. Sorry I didn't let you free before I left, but I didn't want to take the chance you'd follow me."

  "I know." He rubbed a hand over his face. "I deserved it. I've betrayed your trust."

  "We both know if you'd wanted to get free, you could've. But you stayed right here. Why?"

  He moved closer to her and pretended not to notice her flinch from his nearness. "I have a lot of trust to earn. I know that. So if you wanted me strapped her for days, I would've done it. The full moon is around the corner and I promised myself this one wouldn't pass without coming clean, Lindsay. You've been patient about meeting the pack. But I couldn't bring you to them because I hadn't secured my spot back inside yet. But that doesn't matter now. The only thing that matters to me is proving my love for you."

  "Stop. I'm not ready to forgive you yet."

  He nodded and rooted his feet to the floor even though every inch of his being wanted to wrap her in his embrace. "I'm not asking you to. I really do understand. I know you're it for me, Linds. I have to believe that I'll be able to prove myself worthy of you again. Let me help."

  "I'm not sure you can help. Jules and I are struggling. You know Sin-Sation's business is riding on the success of the upcoming party... Speaking of which, Jules and I have a meeting with Dean and Jake. So, I've got to run." She moved to the door, giving him a wide berth.

  Jules ducked her head around the door jamb and gave a quick wave. "Don't give up, Ronin. Whatever happened, I know you can fix it."

  Rejuvenated by Julia's confidence, he buttoned his shirt and pulled out his cell. It only rang twice before Maddie's familiar voice was on the line.

  "Ronin. Tell me you've reconsidered. Caleb came back beyond pissed."

  "Nice to hear your voice too, Maddie. And no. I'm out. I can't keep jumping through hoops for a pack I never really belonged to in the first place. I was never cut out for the politics of it all, hence me leaving in the first place. So, here's what I have to offer you as my parting gift. The Sheels are off limits. To the pack. To Caleb. To you. If any of you come so much as sniffing around my mate and her family, I'll end you. Got it?"

  Her scoff echoed over the line. "Your mate? Don't be silly, Ronin. Werewolves don't mate with humans."

  "See, that's your problem, Maddie. You've always been shortsighted. Lindsay is anything but human. And she is destined to be my mate. However, I let the pack get in the way of it once again, but not anymore. You've been warned. Pass it along."

  "You're making a huge mistake. As soon as I get my hands on the cuff, I'll run the pack, not Caleb and I was going to offer you the place at my side. You know our families want this. I've been patient, but for the love of the pack, Ronin, I need you to see it my way. If the Sgots and Gillies align, we can start a new pack of our own, full of history and power. All I need is the cuff. Bring it to me."

  "If you want it, get it yourself. Leave me and my mate out of it." With those final parting words, he ended the call. The weight on his shoulders lightened as he scrolled through his contacts to make the next call.


  The soft feminine voice pulled once more at his heartstrings. "Hey, Penelope. Sorry to bother you, but I needed to let you know before I spoke with your father."

  "Hey, Ronin. I was just thinking about you. Dad said you were going to find someone who might be able to help me."

  "Yeah, darling. That was the job, but things went awry." He took a breath and continued as he pulled the Sheel's door shut behind him and made his way to his car. "I mentioned a conflict of interest before I agreed to the gig, but it proved to be greater than I planned. I can't bring her in. I can't help find her. I can't be involved."


  The sadness in her voice pulled at all his heartstrings. "I'm sorry, Pen. I know I owe you, but I have to walk away."

  "Owe me? For what?"

  "For everything. You know." He didn't want to say the words that would bring the memories front and center.

  "Ronin. How many times do I need to tell you? It wasn't your fault. You can't be everywhere all the time. No one was at fault besides the crazy guy."

  "I should've found you sooner," he whispered the admission as he slid behind the wheel.

  "Have you been working for my dad all this time out of guilt? Ronin! As of this very moment, I relieve you of duty."


  "Don't start with me. I'll tell daddy and you can move out of the suite. If you ever need a job, call me. But Ronin, you need to take care of you for a change."

  "Thank you." The words didn't seem adequate, but it's all he could offer. "Just to warn you, there might be an issue in my room. I've been told it's being taken care of, but a maid might be in need of some time off. If so, just take it out of my check."

  "Don't you worry about a thing. Be well, Ronin. Knowing you has been a true pleasure."

  "I feel the same way about you."

  "Yeah, but we both know there's a certain someone who needs you now. Be your best for her. She deserves nothing less from you."

  The call was disconnected before he could even consider a reply. Penelope had always seemed more intuitive than most, but her parting words took it a step farther than he would
've guessed. He pulled out of the driveway and headed for home. If he could find the bracelet, he'd prove his worth to her once and for all.


  Asset acquisition

  "WHERE'S THE MUSCLE?" Jake's face reeked with disappointment when he leaned in for air kisses.

  "Sorry. He couldn't make it tonight," Lindsay replied, trying not to let frustration show. But, we were able to get all the pieces you requested, and I brought Julia with me this evening so she can help me make the final arrangements. Can you walk me through the space?"

  The Fae nodded and turned away from the house and towards the wooded lot on the perimeter. He only stopped when he realized she wasn't following.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I thought the party was at your house?" She waved Julia over to where she stood.

  "It is. In the woods. It'll be perfect for Summer's birthday."

  "What's going on?" Jules asked as she joined them.

  "Jake says the party won't be inside the house, but out in the woods."

  "But what if it rains? What do we do about all the furniture pieces? Some of the larger ones require a level surface. I mean if that St Andrew's Cross topples, people could get really hurt."

  "You, beautiful creature, don't need to worry a bit." Dean's voice washed over them as he fell in beside Jules and hooked an arm over her shoulder. "We've been throwing parties out in the clearing for more years than I can remember. It's perfectly suited for what has been planned. You'll see." A knowing glint passed between the brothers.

  "Come," Jake commanded. "I'll show you what my brother means."

  Lindsay watched in stunned silence as her cousin let herself be led off under Dean's control. So much for Jules slipping away to search for the cuff. She shook her head and followed the trio into the woods. After an easy five-minute stroll, they came to a cleaning strewn with twinkle lights and had decking laid in some areas while a full-sized bar was arranged in another complete with working appliances. In the canopy the trees provided, she could still see the setting sun, but the broad leaves added a layer of protection from the elements. As long as the weather held, this location would be perfect.

  She walked the perimeter of the clearing and was surprised to discover carvings etched into the outlying trees. The symbol consistent on each bark matched the description of the scrollwork the cuff was supposed to have.

  "Jake, can I ask about this symbol? It looks familiar, but I can't place it." She traced her finger over one of the carvings and was rewarded with a warm sensation traveling up her skin from where her fingers made contact with the wood.

  "Ah, that's a very old symbol." He moved close to her and laid his hand over hers, pressing her palm to the bark. "Can you feel the magic?"

  A stream of warmth crept up her arm and settled in her chest as a feeling of euphoria mixed with power overtook every emotion in her body. "Mmmhmmm." Coherent words weren't an option. The desire to turn, face him, and order him to his knees warred with her sense of propriety and the fact that her body was craving a certain werewolf who claimed she was destined to be his mate. His gentle laughter reached her ears, before he laced his fingers through hers and removed her hand. The intimacy of the embrace soured her stomach.

  "Intoxicating, isn't it?"

  She yanked her hand free and an emptiness replaced the feelings from only moments before as Lindsay remembered herself and where she was. "It is. What causes it?"

  "An old ancestor was a Fae high priestess long ago when women were worshiped for the goddesses they were. This symbol is the remaining embodiment of her power. It has been passed along through our family and gives strength to any woman who bears the mark. On Summer's birthday, this very symbol will be etched into her skin so that she may forever else with a piece of Boudica within her."

  "Are you familiar with the other business my family is involved in?" Something about his honesty made her want to come clean. Sure, she wasn't really cut out to be a thief and neither was Jules.

  "Of course. I'm not sure there's a magical creature within five states that doesn't know about your side business. Why?"

  "It's come to our attention that a cuff style bracelet with that same inscription has been in high demand recently. Would you know any reason why?"

  Jake closed his eyes and bowed his head. "That bracelet belonged to Boudica. Much like a permanent brand or tattoo of the symbol, it would provide the wearer with power. I'm not surprised to hear people are looking for it. Especially with all the turmoil between the paranormals. So, who's the highest bidder and would you be interested in striking a deal?"

  He could've knocked her over with a feather. "Strike a deal? Are you saying you not only have the artifact, but would be willing to part with it?"

  "Here's the thing, if people are searching for it, eventually their search will lead them here, to my family's home. Something like that would potentially put us in danger. I'd rather part ways with it now and profit." He shrugged and his blue eyes blazed in the setting sun. "So, what do you say?"

  She wrung her hands as panic overtook her. "I'm not sure. I should ask Jules."

  "Ah, so you aren't the broker I take it."

  She shook her head.

  "Fair enough." He hooked a finger under her chin. "Come with me. I think you'll appreciate what I'm about to show you." His eyes glimmered with desire but all she felt was an icy chill. It wasn't like her not to appreciate a handsome man. And Jake was one heck of a handsome man.

  He wound his arm through hers and led her back toward the house, explaining more about the ancient Queen who inspired the symbol. Once inside, he ushered her into a room she could only describe as a library. Amongst the books on the shelves, were glass boxes each holding an item of some sort or another. She quickly untangled herself from the Fae and approached the nearest shelves and collections of trinkets.

  "Wow, this place is stunning."

  "Ah, but wait until you experience it after." He left anything else he might need to add unsaid and moved to a far wall. "Behold the maker of warrior queens. She who wears it can control her destiny."

  Lindsay watched with wonder as he waved a hand at a box high above his reach and it floated down to his waiting palm. He returned with the cuff they'd been discussing. "May I?" He asked as he ran his fingers down the outside of her arm until he had gathered her wrist in his grip and raised it toward his twinkling gaze.

  She nodded her consent.

  With a smirk, he fastened the metal around her wrist and stepped back as the full force of the magic contained within flooded her body.

  Earlier he'd called the sensation intoxicating, but it seemed to trite a word for the overwhelming sense of power flowing through her body.

  She could feel her own magic combining with what the cuff offered becoming one as if they were meant to co-exist.

  "I have an inspired notion, my dear, Lindsay." Jake pulled her into a loose embrace as if her were about to waltz her around the large room. "Why don't you take the cuff as payment for your services. I have a feeling it's been waiting for a woman such as yourself for quite some time. Maybe that muscle of yours will be much easier to bend to your will with such a piece." He winked and let her loose with a twirl.

  Exhilaration danced at the edge of her comprehension and her brain focused on the only thing now in her mind; Ronin. With the cuff, she would be powerful enough to prove her worth not only to him, but also to his pack. As silly as the trade sounded, she couldn't let the opportunity pass.

  A nod was all it took to make the deal. She had a wolf to hunt down and a pack to win over.


  Payment in full

  LINDSAY FOUND HERSELF flying down the highway toward Mount Charleston. Her phone chirped from the cup holder in the center console. She answered with the hands-free button on the steering wheel.


  "What are you thinking? You left me here alone with not only one hot guy, but two? And now I hear you decided to take a trade instead of payment? How are we go
nna pay for all that equipment Ronin got us? Or are you going to sell it?"

  When she didn't answer, Jules called her name.

  "Gotta go, Jules. We'll talk later."

  "What about my ride home?"

  "Oh, I'm sure Dean will be happy to give you a ride." She disconnected the call before her cousin could protest further. As she neared the main road leading to the small mountain town, she pulled off onto the shoulder. A quick flip through her contacts and the ringer was ringing in her ear.

  "Linds? I didn't expect to hear from you so soon." Ronin's deep timbre vibrated over the line and ignited something dormant deep inside.

  "I need to see you. Where do you live?"

  He rattled off an address and she typed it into a map application on her phone.

  "I'll be there in ten."

  "How'd you know I was home?"

  She paused and considered his question. It had never occurred to her that he might've gone back to the hotel or tried to recapture Kara. In her heart, when she thought of him, she'd somehow known he would've gone home. "I don't know exactly." She set the phone back in the cup holder and pulled back onto the road. "We need to talk. You said something earlier about earning back my trust, right?"

  Without a second of hesitation, he answered. "Absolutely."

  "Good. Because today a very handsome man touched me, and I knew you hadn't been lying about being mates."

  "Who dared to lay a hand on you? I'll kill him."

  "Simmer down, Ronin. It wasn't what you're thinking. I'm only saying it was an eye-opening experience that confirmed what you said."

  "I wouldn't lie to you about being mates. It's too important."

  "I know. But I'm not a wolf and there's no way the pack would accept you being mated to one outside of your kind, would they?" She navigated the winding road as silence hung between them.

  "It happens," he finally answered.


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