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Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2)

Page 17

by Theresa M. Jones

  But I didn’t want to play games today.

  “I’m over here, Nigel.” My voice didn’t sound as strong as it used to. I almost felt like I was withering away, while at the same time felt more Powerful than ever. Again, I was confused. I didn’t even try to cover my sigh as it huffed out from between my lips.

  He turned and walked toward me, concern on his face. Then bowed low before standing as saying, “Are you not well, my Leader?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m more Powerful now than I have ever been before. It’s just taking a toll on my body.”

  Just for good measure, I threw a bolt of Power at his mind. It would feel similar to someone cutting a hole at the nape of your neck and pushing in a scalding thin piece of iron to scramble your brain with. If I did this to anyone who had less Power than Nigel, they would die instantly from the pain. But it felt good to use my Power again. Even if the Power was conflicted inside me.

  He doubled over in pain, and grabbed hold of his head. I was impressed he didn’t even scream. But I wasn’t using the full force of my Power on him. I pulled my Power back, gathering it within myself.

  He stood up and looked at me. “I see.” How simple those words were. He didn’t mean he could literally see, but that he understood how strong I was and that I didn’t like being questioned. I knew he understood the threat that went along with that: Don’t fuck with me or threaten my position by questioning whether I was strong enough.

  He cleared his throat and placed his hands down at his side. “I have come with news about the Russians.”

  “Finally.” My exasperation was obvious.

  “After much persuasion, and a few hundred deaths, they have agreed to release the virus. The Americans also will counter attack, and we will have our Great Tribulation.”

  You may think these words were simple. That it was an easy thing to say and accomplish. But the meaning behind them was promising. My breath released in a huff and my chest immediately felt lightened. I felt younger almost instantly as the pressure came off my shoulders. It was finally happening. The tribulation would occur.

  I actually smiled, and for the first time in a long time it wasn’t a mischievous or evil grin. It was an actual happy smile. The fetus inside me jumped for joy at my joy. He would be evil, just as I was.

  I reached over and drank another sip of my toxin. The liquid fire burned my tongue and throat as it slithered its way into my body and bloodstream, infected the monster within me.

  “Perfect. When is it happening?”

  He looked down, but before he could hide his eyes I saw fear flash within them. Oh how I loved eliciting fear in my subjects.

  “Answer me now, you fuckin’ idiot. I don’t have time to wait for you to muster the courage.” My voice was harsh, and a little scratchy. It didn’t matter. I was still Powerful. I lifted him into the air and brought him to my feet. My black Power circled around him squeezing him down into a kneeling position. I felt the urge to kick him. Slap him. Something. But I didn’t even have to.

  My Power formed a hand of its own. Not a physical hand, but solid enough it would cause damage. And it punched him repeatedly. It scraped at his eyes, leaving deep gashes of red ooze in its place. It scratched at his skin, peeling off chunks and dropping them to the floor. It burrowed deep into his pores, filling him up and burning him from the inside. It felt good, to use my Power and to inflict pain. I felt so bottled up, ready to explode, that I needed a release, just as everyone did.

  I felt his Power rise in him, readying himself to defend. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t even try to defend against me. I may have stopped at that point, had he not tried to stop me. But you did not defy me. If I wanted to hurt you, I would. If I wanted to kill you, I would. If I wanted to fuck you, I would. It was always my choice. Everything was.

  So instead I knocked him out. I threw so much Power into his brain it almost exploded inside his skull. I really didn’t want to kill him, though, so I pulled my Power back. The black shadow withdrew from him and came to reside in me once more.

  His almost lifeless body slumped to the floor, a trail of blood trickled from his lips, nose, eyes and other various parts of his body.

  I sighed. Frustrated at the world. All that and I still didn’t know their plans. I reached out with my mind, not wanting to actually stand up and go call someone, and searched the building for the healer.

  Come to me now. It was a simple enough message, but I knew he would drop everything and come.

  Within five minutes the healer was at my door. I sat straight up in the couch. Appearances were important, and when my subjects rarely saw me, I had to make sure that I was presentable when they did. I smoothed my hair, straightened my top and opened the door easily.

  “Come to me in the back.”

  He walked around the wall. Looked at me, then at Nigel, then at me, trying to determine what had happened. Fear was always in his eyes, but even more so then. He was the most Powerful healer in the Rising. But he had no defense. He was as skinny and lanky as a twig and could no better defeat a human, let alone a true Rising member.

  He bowed low.

  “Come heal him quickly.” I said.

  The lanky, Hispanic man hurried over and rolled Nigel over, his back down on the floor. He waved his hands over his head and chest, moving them up and down his body. This wasn’t him healing Nigel yet, it was only him getting a feel for what needed to be healed.

  When he pulled his hands back to his chest, I saw him visibly shudder. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, yeah, I’m a mean, crazy, bitch who hurts her most trusted advisers…whatever.

  He placed his hands on Nigel’s chest first. A gray glow emanated from his hands and sunk within his chest. After a minute, he moved his hands to Nigel’s head, placing one hand on each side of it. The gray glow continued to flow, and even lit up his face a little. His eyes looked pretty creepy glowing gray beneath his black lids.

  As I looked at his hands, I realized why I really didn’t like this healer. More so now than ever before. He was the same color brown as the damn floor and walls. Fuckin’ tan. Like everything else. To some he may look attractive, thin and lean. But to me he looked weak and scared…and tan. Ugh. I seriously needed to get out of that damn place and go back home to New York.

  Finally he pulled his hands a way and slumped down. He looked paler, still tan, but not as much. I must have hurt Nigel more than I thought. But still, Nigel didn’t move.

  “Did you fix him or what?” I demanded.

  “Yes, my Leader. He is physically fine now.” His voice was weaker than it should be.

  It was at that moment Nigel opened those devilish eyes and glared at the healer. His big, strong hand grabbed hold of the skinny throat and squeezed. Though, I understand him wanting to kill someone after what he went through, I couldn’t have him kill this healer. So I grabbed hold of his body, with my mind, and released the healer’s throat.

  I pushed the healer away and towards the door. He tumbled backward, his feet over his head. Leave.

  He got his feet under him and walked rather quickly out the door, shutting it behind him.

  Nigel turned and looked at me. This man who I mostly trusted and shared my bed with on so many occasions. This strong, durable man who could do so much and had so much Power flowing through him. He was angry at me.

  “Don’t be a baby, Nigel.”

  His glare deepened, but he said, “Of course, my Leader.”

  And we stayed there in silence for a few minutes, before I got tired of waiting. “So…when is it happening?”

  Realization flashed in his eyes. He had probably forgotten the entire conversation. Brain damage can do that to you, I had heard.

  “In one months time the Russians will release the virus. I have already brought the date up from three months, but they don’t want to do it any sooner.”

  Ah, the reason of his fear. Well, no matter. “Do better. Make it happen in less than two weeks, Nigel. This needs to happen now. Yesterday.”

  He nodded, “Yes, my Leader. I will go back and do what I can.”

  “You will do more than that or you will be replaced. I will not let my affection for you cloud my judgment any longer.”

  He nodded.

  “Leave. Go now. Make it happen.”

  He nodded, then stood and left.

  And once again, I was alone. Alone, except for that wiggling monster inside me.

  Chapter 16

  Valentine’s Day

  I walked into the classroom where I knew Samantha would be. I looked around, seeing all the children in different groups, surrounded by love and Power. Sharon walked up to me and hugged me, as her little ducklings followed her.

  “Hey.” I whispered as I pulled her into an embrace.

  “Hey, yourself. I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Great, I’m all ears.”

  One of the children following her looked at me like I was crazy. She was three, one of the three three year olds and was as beautiful as they come. She had big rosy cheeks, with deep dimples. And bright green eyes. Her hair was the best though, deep reds and oranges circled her face in tiny ringlets.

  “Hi there, Abigail.” I said to her, still unsure of why she looked at me so weird.

  “You are not all ears.” She said, so sure of herself. “You only have two like everyone else does.”

  I couldn’t help the laugh that came out. “You’re right. How silly of me to say that.”

  “Yeah. You’re kind weird.”

  And I laughed again.

  But Sharon explained, “That’s just a saying, dear. It means she is willing and ready to listen, with her ears, to anything I have to tell her.”

  “Oh…” she said, but it didn’t appear she really understood. I still was smiling when Sharon told them all to go play with Joseph, the music teacher.

  After walking to her room, she sat me down on her bright blue couch. In the background I could hear the news playing. Apparently the threat of a biological weapon was increasing. The U.S. and Russians both had access to some crazy stuff, and everyone feared the outcome. The bombings in Russia had increased, and though the President of the United States denied our involvement, everyone still blamed the Americans. This was the world I would bring another innocent child into. Where was my hope now?

  “I had a dream…” she started, bringing me out of my depressing thoughts.

  “Are you Martin Luther King, or what?” I chuckled.

  “Ugh.” She rolled her eyes at me. “No, I had a dream, dream.”

  I nodded. Here, we sometimes have real dreams. Dreams that come true, or dreams that have already happened.

  “And my dream told me something you have not. Is there anything you would like to share with me? You do realize that you are like a sister to me and by far the best friend I have ever had…?”

  I nodded. “So, Sharon. I suppose it’s time I tell you something that I know you already know. Something I’m sure you have guessed for a while now.”

  She nodded eagerly, encouraging me to continue. I tried to stop the smile that spread, because though I was happy, it was not all happy. “I’m pregnant.”

  She squealed for joy, and started jumping around like a maniac, clapping her hands. Then she sat back down next to me on the couch, the leather squeaked as it made way for her weight. She placed her arms around me and hugged me.

  “I’m so happy for you!!”

  I nodded, “So, tell me your dream.” I asked. This could be good or bad. Sharon rarely had visions, but usually they were important ones. She could have seen that we all win and the child lives a happy life. She could have seen us all die because my baby wasn’t strong enough. Or she could have seen this moment right now…

  “Well, I saw a day in the future, maybe a few years from now. Samantha was older. I would say maybe ten or so. And she was reading to another child. The child had hair like David’s. Too light to be called brown, but too dark to be called blond. And then you walked in. You told them dinner was ready, and they both ran to you and hugged you.”

  “Did they look starving?”

  She looked at me like I had asked if they were purple. “What? No. Why?”

  “Why were they so happy to have food? Was the end really here? Did we fail?”

  She scoffed, then said, “I don’t know. I don’t know everything about the future. It was just a glimpse into your happy family in the future. They were alive. And happy. And healthy.”

  “Where was David?”

  “Probably inside or something. I didn’t see him.”

  Oh shit. Was he not alive in the future, just a few years from now? Did he die? Did he fail? I couldn’t have been happy without him. Yes, I would have continued to live, for the kids. But I wouldn’t be happy.

  “Calm down, dear. Listen, this was a good dream. Warm and fuzzy feelings the whole time.”

  I nodded. She was probably right, this could be my hope. I would have my babies and they would be okay.

  “So, anyways. How far along are you? You aren’t showing yet.”

  “I’m four months now. And yeah, I can tell a little. My pants are getting tighter.”

  She squealed again. “Super exciting!” She giggled.

  “So, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. What do you plan on doing?”

  I thought about it. This was going to be my first Valentine’s Day together with David. Though we really hadn’t been together long, I couldn’t imagine my life without him now. Spending the day of love with him, was like every day to us.

  “I don’t think we have anything special planned. I know Rick is watching Samantha. He wants to work a little with her, one on one, with focusing her telekinetic Power and we figure tomorrow night would be a good time. I think we are just going to do dinner. But we are going to town, so we will be out late.” I knew Rick had wanted to practice with Sam more recently because soon Amber would be turning six, and she didn’t have parents to help her through this. Amber, the other five year old, would be six next week, and then Al two weeks after her.

  “Very cool. Well, if you need me to watch her, you know you only have to ask.”

  “I know, Sharon. And I appreciate all you do!”

  Then another thought crept into my mind. “So, since you saw my family in the future, did I say a name?”

  At first she was confused by my question. But then she understood, “Nope. And I didn’t see her face either.”

  “Her? I’m having a girl?” I was at once, both excited and disappointed. I have my perfect girl. And I really thought this time I would have a boy.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I only saw the back of her head. It could have been a boy. The hair was short. The child had on pants and a red shirt. Could have gone either way I guess. I couldn’t tell, boy or girl.”

  Ugh. Girl or boy. Either way I would be happy of course. It just feels like a boy to me. I don’t know why. But then I realized what the Prophecy said. The Prophecy says, “On that day she will be born.” She. A girl. I would have another girl! Samantha would have a baby sister! And it was as if all my hopes for a boy had vanished into thin air. Another girl would be perfect!

  “So, can we tell everyone now?” By we she meant her. I knew she would want to share the news with everyone. And normally, I would like to think I would be super excited about sharing the news, too. But not when all anyone had to do was look at the past to know who my baby would be. What he would be capable of. What would be required of her.

  There was no point in hiding it though. I wasn’t kidding when I said my pants started to get tight, and I knew I would only get bigger.

  “Yes. Of course we can.”

  “Yay!” She clapped her hands again.


  The next night I was all dressed up and ready. David and I rarely had time together alone. Especially alone to think about us, instead of the war, or the Seals, or the Rising, or all the million other things we had to think and worry about. I really wanted that night to be special.

  I dressed in a skirt even, and that was not something I normally did, in fact it was so rare I felt awkward walking around in it. I had never been one of those girls that knew what to do with her hair, and what to wear that made her look good. I never really knew how to put makeup on the right way, or what to spray on to make me smell irresistible. I always wanted to be one of those girls, but could never really get things right. Thankfully, I had a secret weapon or two.

  First was my Power, which already made me smell pretty damn good. And second was Sharon. She had already fixed my hair up into a messy, yet sexy bun, with just a few strands dangling down that she curled. She had applied my makeup. Subtle pink lip-gloss, rosy blush, and smoky eyes. She said it would make the purple specks that now were always visible in my eyes, since I got pregnant pop more.

  Then she picked my outfit out too, a black pencil skirt, which fit despite the new baby bump, and a royal blue tank top, with a sheer purple overlay. I really looked amazing. And I felt it too.

  David had been with the Council all day, apparently they didn’t believe in taking breaks on Valentine’s Day. But after he got home, showered and changed, and walked out to the living room, he stopped dead in his tracks. I could see the awe in his eyes as he looked me over. From the top, all the way to the bottom, his eyes took me all in.

  It would be a lie if I said I didn’t do the same though. David was gorgeous. There was no other way to say it. He wore dark jeans, with a black sweater. Very simple, but man did he make it look good. He even fixed his hair, at least he tried. There were still many pieces that hung around his face.

  He did shave completely, but there was still a little stubble across his chin. And his full pink lips turned up in a smile as he walked to me.

  “You are so beautiful.” He whispered, as he hugged me. His breath tickled my neck.

  “I would say you are too, but that might sound weird.”

  He laughed. He had such a man laugh. So deep and throaty. I loved him. I ran my hands up around his neck and turned my head asking for a kiss without words. Body language could be Powerful if used correctly. He caught my hint, and placed his warm lips to mine. The same tingly warm sensation skittered from my lips down to my toes as they curled in my black boots. My butterflies were ever present when I was alone with him. That safe and loved feeling crept up me. I deepened the kiss.


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