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Witness Enchantment (The Federal Witch Book 4)

Page 6

by T S Paul

  "Hey! Welcome back. I downloaded some great barn ideas. You need to check out the parquet floors I found. Can you just imagine how that would look in there? And this drape set with a valance is perfect." I stood there blinking at my Unicorn for about half a minute before heading toward the back. I'd forgotten about his pimp my barn project.

  My GO bag was packed and ready sitting on my bed. I quickly checked to be sure I had everything. Spellbook, herbs, and other necessary materials. Clothing was secondary. There was one fresh change of clothes in there as well as five thousand in cash provided by the Director. The money was discretionary for our group, but she said I was covered if I had to use it. My own account reflected that much and plenty more, but I would try to not touch that source.

  Even knowing that this RV wasn't really mine made it no less mine. It was my home, and I would miss it. "Fergus time to go."

  "Go? Go where? I have plans to talk about and more videos to watch. Plus, I may have ordered some paint to redo my barn. How much are ten gallons? Is that enough to do the job?"

  Unicorns. "How did you order it? I thought Grams turned off Goliath on your phone after you ordered that pizza oven?" She told me a large truck was backing into the driveway. Fortunately, her cafe in town really did need a new oven, but she was pretty mad at the little terrorist.

  "Um. I sort of copied your password and logged back in." Fergus quickly ran behind his barn to hide.

  I was in too much of a hurry to fix this now. "When we get back, we will discuss this, but we have to leave. Now." I gave him a chance and held out my hand.

  "Promise you won't throw me to the cats?" Fergus cautiously climbed onto my hand.

  "When have I ever done that to you intentionally?"

  "That one time when you needed a ball for Zeus you..." I stuck him in my pocket and laughed. He was right. I was eight, and Zeus wanted to play. I pulled open my shirt pocket and apologized. "Sorry, buddy. No cats this time."

  Taking a last look at my home, I hopped down the stairs and closed the door behind me. "Everybody set?"

  "I'm still not happy about this, but I do understand. Be careful, Aggy." Cat gave me a big hug and a pat on my back.

  Chuck ran up suddenly. "Am I too late?"

  "No. Take care of everyone Chuck. Make sure Ana stays on track." I looked at my watch. "I need to go. Don't forget to check your mail. It will be my only way to communicate with you."

  I climbed into my car and watched my friends wave goodbye as I drove off.

  "They really care for you. Are you taking me home?" I looked back at Marvin. He was sitting in the middle seat watching out the window.

  "Marvin you know I can't do that. They will kill you the moment they see you. Don't you understand?"

  "Maybe. I don't like strange places. Only Sheila understands me." He turned and looked at me.

  Sheila? "Is that your girlfriend?"

  "She's my best friend. She always has time for me. I miss her." Marvin had such longing in his voice.

  "When all this is over I promise I will get you to her. OK?" He didn't answer me. I made a mental note to ask the team to find her.

  We had the RV's parked in a Wally world shopping center to not attract attention to ourselves. My first stop was unknown to the team. I trust them with my life, but I really wouldn't put it past them to tag me electronically just because. Green River rentals had something waiting for me at their Georgetown location.


  "I saw the attack on the news. Did you get him?"

  "No, Ma'am. The FBI team managed to slip past our watchers and escape into Washington. We have searchers out looking, they won't get away."

  "They better not! Do you have any concept of the hell storm that will descend upon us if that weasel manages to remember any name from that list? He stood right here and actually helped us to understand the payment schedule! He can bring it all down by identifying Don Auletta and me arranging to buy a US Senator." Ysabel, the leader of the Strega actually hissed into the phone.

  "Ma'am, it's not that bad of a charge. Surely you can come up with a reason for giving him the money."

  "You, Giuseppe Ponzo do not have the right to question the Commission. We command. Not you. Find the rat or it will be you in the trap instead." Ysabel slammed the phone down smashing it. Men! Too many of them were in positions of power. It might be time for a purge again. She pondered that concept as she swept into the great hall where the Commission met and ruled.

  "Do we have good news, Ysabel?" Alegra Capone was second in command and the woman in charge of much of the West Coast operations.

  "No. They failed yet again to catch him." Ysabel said, taking her seat the head of the table. Most of the other chairs were filled with either Strega or Adepts.

  "How? Our informants gave us the layout of the base as well as passwords and troop counts and weapons." Fabianna Auletta stared at her leader.

  "Unknown. The codes either didn't work, or they were aware of the attack. Regardless it was the FBI pickup team that got him out. One man. One man can set our plans back a century. I want all of our people on it. Hire outside help if you have to, but find him and kill him." The leader of the Commission glared at the other members.

  "Ysabel, we should have killed him after he showed us the box." The tall man at the end of the table looked her in the eye. His accusation was clear on his face and in his posture.

  "And you just now mention this Don Auletta? You can be replaced quite easily you know." Green crackly sparks suddenly burst from the old woman's eye. Balls of matching green flame appeared in her hand casting ghastly shadows over the walls. "You dare to question me now? Now of all times?" She tossed one of the sickly green balls at the Don.

  Don Auletta stumbled backward out of his chair and fell over as the ball aimed at his head shot over him. It hit the wall behind him with a splash of green electricity. Light arced in all directions as the ball exploded. He tried to blink away the green spots in his vision and missed the second thrown ball of power.

  Fabianna stared in horror as her son, and only heir was consumed by fire. He lay writhing on the ground trying to crawl away at one point. His personal soldiers and bodyguards ran to his aid and were killed immediately by the Strega leader.

  The greasy smoke of charred bodies filled the air as Ysabel stalked the length of the table. "I rule here. Me! This thing of ours was done by our hands. Cross me and feel my wrath. We will weather this storm as we have others. From this moment on, the Commission and the Strega have one goal. Stop the rat and eliminate all threats to our organization from within and without." Ysabel glared at the remaining members including Fabianna. Her eyes still flickered with an evil green tint as they all watched her in stunned fear.

  Chapter 7

  The head of the Council stood up and asked the assembled group. "What do we know about the Magickal Mafia?"

  "Magickal Mafia? Is this a new group we are unaware of?" Lord Bowie looked down at his agenda notes.

  "I'm sorry Lord Bowie, I misspoke. We recognize them as the Strega."

  Several of those attending the meeting pulled back from the table and began to murmur amongst themselves. Milady Marcella Blackmore, the hereditary leader of the World Species Council, grimaced. Apparently, some of the council members knew much already.

  "Ah, them. My people have had issues with some of their associates of late. They are expanding out of their traditional areas. Gambling, prostitution, theft, drugs, and murder-for-hire don't seem to satisfy them any longer." Lord Bowie said leaning back in his chair and casting his eyes toward the other end of the table.

  Marcella cut her eyes toward Lord Fionnbarr, the Fae representative. He was in close conversation with Lord Rouen. It was highly unusual to see a gargoyle outside of the major historical cities. They kept close to areas they could blend in well, like churches or rocky spires. Those two together were not a good combination.

  Marcella asked. "My Lord Fionnbarr? Do you and Lord Rouen possess information about th
e Strega?"

  The tall Elfin Lord rose from his spot at the table and smiled. Smiling Fae are never a good thing. "We shall adjourn from this council for now. Seek our advice not."

  The Gargoyle, Draugr, Goblin, and Dvergr Council members left as well. None of the leaving members looked backward.

  "That is not a good sign. Would you enlighten us on why you inquire into the Strega? My own people have not encountered them, at least to my knowledge, since the 1940s." The vampire, Lord Clearchus asked. His Russian aristocratic voice, precise and sharp.

  "My granddaughter and heir, Agatha, has run afoul of them. I am aware of their existence. They presented themselves before this very body over seventy years ago to explain their role in what happened at Janiculum Hill. As this body does not involve themselves in religious or political battles, they were absolved of all crimes and allowed to leave. They have grown bold. Far bolder than in the past. When Agatha asked me about them, it got me thinking that we have not heard from them in recent years, but apparently, they have acquired allies."

  The ancient vampire only nodded. He motioned to one of the younger flock members to come forward. "Consul Rune here has a report to give regarding your Granddaughter's vampire companion."

  Rune looked to be into his second century but still appeared as a young, almost too young, man. "We've checked all of our databases and lists that we can access. No Anastasia is missing from any of the cities or new nests. The name implies a Russian origin, but none of them are missing such a woman. We gained access to the United States Federal Government database and checked there. She went to work for the FBI around the time of the Demon War. Their records are sketchy concerning the actual date. According to what we can see, she wasn't active in their service until the early 1970s. What she did in the intervening time is known only to her and former Director J. Edgar Hoover. She is recorded as one of their chief forensic technicians for over thirty years. How she gained the knowledge to do that job is a mystery. Our records show less than a dozen vampires in government service in the United States. None of the others in law enforcement can remember ever working with or having contact with an Anastasia. To everyone outside of the FBI, she is a ghost."

  Lord Clearchus cleared his throat and looked at Marcella. "We wish to understand more about this woman. Would your Granddaughter be available for questioning?"

  "Not at this time. She's on assignment. I do promise you that you will get the answers you seek soon." Marcella cast her thoughts toward Agatha. Who do you have working with you?


  "I don't like this place. It smells like someone kept a sheep in here once." Fergus stood on the bed comforter and looked up at me. He had been complaining ever since I dumped the car and any bugs Cat may have placed on me. A light scan detected a bug on the back of my coat. Cat was very persistent.

  "The unicorn has a point. This hotel is old and dingy." Marvin looked around the room with a perpetual frown on his face.

  "I like him. Can we keep him?" Fergus motioned toward Marvin with his head.

  "Only for three weeks. Mr. Loman has a date to be at the Federal Courthouse by then. We will only be here a day or two so just deal with it." The two of them were bonding which was scary. They had a legitimate point. The Rainbow Lodge had definitely seen better days. It was one of those quaint 1950s style roach motels that were scattered across the northeastern landscape. I remembered staying in one just before starting at the Academy. It really wasn't my idea to stay here at all. Director Mills and I mapped this route out several days before we left to pick Marvin up.

  During my briefing with Director Mills, I wanted to be clear on her plan. "Are you sure Madeline? My team won't like it one bit." I pointed to the map.

  "It's the only way to do both assignments. If you limit your exposure, they shouldn't be able to find you. These are places we believe the Mafia doesn't maintain a presence. Our latest intelligence reports show them influencing in other areas. If you stay out of the public eye, you should be safe. Stay on your guard and trust no one. Not even your team until you are in a secure location." She laid a map in front of me along with notations. I glared at her insinuation that my team could be bought.

  Madeline held up her hands to protest my look. "I'm sorry, that's not the way that should have come out. What I meant to say was any contact you initiate with either them or the FBI increases your risk. Communications can be subverted. Everything electronic is vulnerable when Magick is involved. Be very careful. Please."

  I smiled at her and nodded. She did have a valid reason to worry. Only Anastasia worried me of the team. She may be a risk, but she had more to lose than I did.

  "I've arranged some cash for you. Use your personal accounts sparingly. I would suggest converting them to cash if possible. If you need to call in the cavalry used this number. It's a direct line to the Bs. They will be monitoring all of our systems in case of penetration. It's my best guess they will be overlooked as a possible source by the Strega." The Director handed me a large envelope as well as a small business card.

  "Memorize that card and destroy it, please. Are you sure you want to do this? I can handle the blowback if you turn it down now. Washington won't be happy, but your safety is what's important."

  "No. Tell them I'm still in. I have a few ideas that might work. WITSEC is my only real worry. Will they cooperate?"

  Chuckling to myself, I remembered her look. It was very similar to Craven's when we showed up to pick Marvin up. So much for cooperation amongst the agencies. "Fergus you're just smelling the blankets. Those are heavy wool. Cheap ones at that."

  At least I hoped it was the blankets.


  "What do you mean we lost her?" Cat whirled around to stare at Chuck.

  "She ditched the car, Cat. See, It's right there at Green River rentals. She must have switched vehicles. I told you she would spot the bugs." Chuck pulled up a GPS of the car.

  Staring down at the floor, Cat felt a tear in her eye. "No. She just knows me too well. Do me a favor and go get the car. If we can find it, so can others. With luck, she already switched cars again. I was wrong to doubt she could do this. Ana? What do we know about the Senator Lugs Harvey?"

  The vampire leaned back from her screen. Her eyes never leaving Cats. She resisted the little voice in her head that told her to take control of those in the room and run. This may be her chance to get away and disappear again. The Witch wasn't here to stop her. She could drink her fill and hook up with Ivan in Pennsylvania.

  "Ana? Did you hear me?" Ana blinked a couple of times and shook her head slightly. Daydreaming is not a good thing right now!

  "Sorry. I was elsewhere. What was the question?" Ana blinked a few more times in regret. She might take over, but the Witch would find out. Agatha would know she broke her vow. She really did not want to make herself more enemies right now.

  "Senator Harvey?"

  "Yes. The brothers Harvey. They grew up in a small town in North Carolina, called Pilot Mountain, right along the Virginia state line. Their parents, Beatrice and Wallace Harvey, owned a string of gas stations and general stores across the county. If they were given names other than Lugs and Goober, there is no record. The elder brother, Lugs, fell into local politics accidentally when the local good-old-boy network forced him to relocate the business to another town. He protested the move by running and replacing the head of the town council. Within ten years he was a state senator, then elected to the Senate. He still has a stake in the family business."

  "What about the younger brother? Do we show anything?" Cat stepped over to Ana's station.

  Ana laughed, "I've heard lots of names in my time but that one... Goober. He's the CEO of Wally's, Inc. They kept the original name their father put on the business. Wally's is now a quasi-national chain with over three hundred stores." Ana made a face at her screen.

  "Did you see something?" Cat asked.

  "No. Maybe. This is strange. Their tax filings don't match up to their accounts
receivable. They were under investigation in Virginia for tax evasion as well as money laundering. But there was a freak car accident that killed the prosecutor and his assistant. Their case went belly up when the new State Attorney couldn't find any of the evidence. This basic scenario has occurred twice so far."

  "Twice? Why hasn't this come to light? It can't be a coincidence." Bill perked up.

  Anastasia frowned and started typing furiously. "It's not. Someone buried the investigation. Here, look at this." She pressed a button.

  The big screen in the middle of the room lit up with a standard FBI case file header. "Is that who I think it is Bill?" Anastasia asked.

  Bill stared at the screen and cursed. "If you think it's the Washington Director of Special Projects Patrick King, you would be correct. He is the one that sank my career after the Ponzo affair."


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