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All This Time

Page 8

by Marie Wathen

  Eyes locked on the stem of my glass, I force away my anxiety and confess, “I’m not sure what to do now. I gave up my place when I moved in with Rad, and I don’t have family.” I sigh. “With my job at the TatHouse only being part-time, I can’t afford to keep his place now that he’s gone.” Glancing up, I notice her forehead crinkling with worry. “Damn, all of this is totally messed up, Natalie.” Nodding she sips on her red wine silently, watching the little, barefoot princess standing in the middle of the backyard, spinning around slowly, and dancing circles around her older brother, who ignores her while he sets up a model rocket launcher with his dad.

  Last night Russ picked up a shipment from a supplier at a warehouse near the Texas coastline. Since it was the first exciting thing to come up after the trap house was shutdown, I was going to ride with him, all behind the group’s backs of course. However, at the last minute, my boss called me into work saying that our head artist called out sick, and a new client was paying cash upfront for a full back tattoo. Russ assured me that it would look better if I didn’t go with him. Knowing that he was right, I didn’t even argue about it.

  And it’s a good thing too.

  After swapping keys with his contact in a Texas Wal-mart parking lot and picking up a newer model Chevy Suburban, he crossed the Georgia state line just before four in the morning. The interstate is usually a ghost town at that hour making it the best time to transport illegal narcotics. Unfortunately, the state police had the eastbound traffic stopped, checking driver’s licenses, leaving Russ with no option but to allow the search. One rookie trooper, itching for his first big bust demanded that he open the back of the truck. Needless to say, Russ couldn’t expose his cover. In a flash he was cuffed and tossed into the back of a patrol car. Nearly every adjoining police agency and local news media swooped in for a piece of what they’re now calling the bust of the decade.

  “Hey Angel,” Wise calls from across the yard, “Can you stay for dinner tonight?”

  I glance at Natalie who has a huge smile plastered on her face while bobbing her head up and down. Offering a small smile in return, I nod to Wise, hoping that dinner with the Kingston family will lead to something better than what I’m currently stuck with. Russ being locked up indefinitely means I’ve lost my X’kapz all-access-pass. If my gut is right, Wise will make me an offer I won’t refuse.

  We sit outside watching the sun go down and then after gathering up their kiddos we enjoy a nice dinner around the dining room table. Wise and Natalie have a sweet family rapport with their two children. They laugh, hug and talk about what they want Santa Claus to bring them and I feel the carefree smile tugging up my lips. It’s really sweet and makes me wish that my parents would have been as interested in me and my brothers, while we were growing up.

  “I’m taking Simone upstairs to get her ready for bed,” Natalie says to Wise, clutching a chubby hand, bedazzled with pink polish and tiny rhinestones. “Dean finished his homework earlier, earning thirty minutes of free time on the Playstation. Make sure he doesn’t go one minute over if I’m not back down.”

  Wise smiles adoringly, places a sloppy kiss on his daughters cheek and then says, “Yes, Sweetheart.” They have such an amazing relationship. Natalie is a lucky woman; he’s a good husband and an active father. Too bad more men can’t adore their families like Wise does.

  “Good night, Empress Angel,” Simone squeaks through a big yawn.

  “Good night Princess Simone.” I bow playfully at her highness.

  “I’m done,” Dean tells his Wise, sucking down a large glass of sweet tea. “Are you going to play with me, Dad?”

  “Get the game set up, son, and I’ll join you in a few minutes,” Wise suggests, standing and striding out the back door. He turns toward me and asks, “Walk with me?” I nod, following him outside where he lights up a cigarette. He offers me one, but I turn it down. “That is some shitty hand your boyfriend got dealt.”

  “Yeah,” I say meekly, averting my eyes and feigning sadness.

  I’m not really worried about Russ. In a couple of days, the DA’s office will receive information about his involvement on our case and then present everything to the judge. They will arrange to get him out, but it must all be done covertly. The X’kapz must believe that he is being held until his court date, which means he’s off the case, and that totally sucks.

  “I really like Rad, he’s a good guy. I spoke with him this morning and he is really worried about you,” he states before pulling a long draw from his cigarette, “He told me about your family.” My eyes lift up looking directly at him, but I don’t respond. “Now don’t be mad at him, he only told me out of concern. I understand that you’re too proud to ask for any kind of help, but Nat and I talked earlier about what happened and where all this leaves you. My little lady likes you Angel and she doesn’t like the idea of you living over there alone until Rad gets out. She,” Wise corrects himself. “…we would like for you to stay with us until he makes bail.”

  “Oh, that is a really generous offer, but you don’t have to do that.” I say, thanking the heavens for answering my earlier prayer. This could work out nicely, although it’s not a direct line inside, it is better than absolutely nothing, which is exactly where I sit at the moment.

  “No, I don’t have to.” His look is cautious as he continues. “Listen, you’re a cool chick and my wife wants you here, so I want you here.” He smiles a little before crushing out his smoke. “Actually, you moving in could help me out, too. Nat’s been a little antsy lately and I would feel better if she had another woman to talk to about whatever it is that’s making her that way.”

  “Of course,” I smile brightly. “Thank you so much, Wise. This really means a lot to me. And don’t worry about Natalie. I guarantee after a little retail therapy with me she will feel like a new woman.” I wink before spinning around and heading back inside.

  “Oh, damn girl,” Wise groans and I stop walking to face him again. “Nat hasn’t gone on a shopping trip since before her little sister got married back in the spring. You’re going to reawaken a monster that may never be reigned in again.” I beam proudly and He laughs. “Will ya just do me one favor? While she’s wielding my credit cards around like a ninja in battle remind her that she’ll need to go easy. I have plans for us in February involving a kid-free trip to New Orleans to watch the Super Bowl live.”

  “Hey,” Holding up my hands and shaking my head, I counter playfully, “Out of devotion to my gender, I cannot in good conscience make a promise like that while fabulous shoes and purses are on the line calling our names. However, I can promise to chant ‘kid free trip’ sporadically while we rummage through ultra-lux leather straps and pointy heels.” I smirk and Wise rolls his eyes.

  Accepting my adjustment to his request, he holds out a hand, which I accept happily and he offers a wimpy reply, “Deal.”

  Well, that actually worked out pretty well. Now, if I can manage to talk Decks into letting me join in on the action once a new site is chosen, I might still have a chance on shutting his drug club down. That may sound harsh after Wise’s sympathy toward me, but the way he gets the money to pay for his wife’s happiness is my driving force to stopping this madness. No amount of goodness and kindness is worth drugs being on the streets.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It all happens just as I knew it would. The following week I make my trip down to the county jail for my first visit with Rad and discover that according to the paperwork he is still in lock up. Truthfully he was moved to a safe house the morning after his arrest. Luckily for our case, the guys in our not-so-tight group wouldn’t risk coming to see him. Honestly Russ and I know that neither of us is that important to them or their organization.

  After I check in with the desk Sergeant, he escorts me back into one of the small, drab and secluded visitation rooms, usually reserved for attorneys and chaplains. Our time together lasts only thirty minutes each week and I’ve been sitting here for about fifteen, bored out of my
mind and my poor right hand is completely bare of any measure of fingernails. The slide of a heavy bolt startles me and I let out a string of cuss words when Captain Reebals walks through the door, closing and locking it after he enters. My instincts scream at me that I’m not going to like anything he needs to tell me.

  “How are you, Sam?” He asks cordially, sitting in the empty chair beside me. There isn’t a table in the room, only a counter that has a bullet proof glass petition meant to separate me from Russ, and a small vent for us to speak through, if we were to get a real visit.

  “I’m alright.” Stunned that my captain made a special trip down to the jail to see me, I ask hesitantly, “Is something wrong Captain?”

  Captain Weston Reebals is a genuine old school cop. He earned his bars the right way, working on every level in the department for twenty years and then last year he finally landed his dream job. He’s a nice looking guy, with light brown hair and a sprinkling of gray. He has the clearest green eyes, encased with thick lashes and dark rimmed glasses that warm you and makes you want to confess all your sins. He is a true gentleman, but that doesn’t stop him from keeping my ass in line when I start going rogue on him. One thing to keep in mind about Captain Reebals, he is never, ever overdramatic.

  He shifts in his seat and lets out a heavy breath before leaning back and crossing his arms. “Sam, I got a call from the district attorney’s office this morning,” he states guardedly like I might explode on impact to whatever news he has for me.

  “Okay…” He stares at me for another moment and that’s when I see the concerned sunk deep in his eyes. “Did something happen involving our case that I’m not aware of?” I ask seriously, but then throw in a little sarcasm to mess with him. “Or are you going to report back to me every time you speak with D.A. Cecena? You know, I think she has a thing for older guys.” I wink and his jaw drops open. “What? You’re a free man now, and even though she and I can’t be in a room for more than one minute before we go for the other’s jugular, I think someone like you could wrangle the barracuda. Besides, my beef with her is professional. I’m sure she’s a great woman away from the courthouse.”

  “Are you finished?” he asks exasperatingly, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. He pierces me with a glare and threads his fingers together, waiting for my answer and daring me to be insubordinate.

  “Almost,” I pause, tapping my finger on my chin, but before I can come up with something cheeky he cuts me off.

  “Sam, Mark Hatfield was released.”

  I flinch away from him like his words literally just reached out and struck me across the face. Irritation and repulsion rolls my stomach. I can’t remember a time that I could’ve been more pissed off than I am at this very moment. Drawing from all the years of forced compliance under my father’s thumb, I chew on hundreds of vile comments. Finally, I can’t take sitting another second so I bolt up to stand and pace as much as allowed inside this port-a-potty size room for a good solid minute before I yell, “Are you fucking kidding me? How in the hell…?” I stop right in front of him and with a tone too damn inappropriate for my superior, I demand, “Don’t tell me that the fucking D.A.’s office agreed to bail!”

  Shaking his head and holding his hands up to calm me, he says incredulously, “Sam, it was three million dollars. He’s a fucking petty ante pusher. Not even the judge expected someone to post his damn bond.”

  “Who did it?” I growl angrily, needing the name so I will be sure to seek out and punish that fucker for all the hell Mad Hatter is sure to rain down now that he is back on the streets.

  “It was anonymous,” he mumbles. I narrow my eyes, glaring at him and waiting for him to clarify that answer. “Well, not completely anonymous.”

  “Good, who was it Captain?”

  “Sam, sit down,” he points at my vacant chair with a spark in his eyes that dares me to defy his authority. “There is much to discuss.”

  “Fine,” I growl, “but you’re telling me the goddamn name.” Stomping the whole two steps over to my seat, I slam my body into it and glare back up at him.

  Captain Reebals calmly leans against the closed door. “His benefactor is Dr. A.”

  Prior to him saying it, I was so angry, my entire body was wound up tight like a cobra ready to strike, and my jaw was clenching down painfully. Just hearing the name of the world famous ghost drug lord causes spit to fly out of my mouth when a roar of laughter burst from my chest. From the uncontrollable laughing, I get a severe case of hiccups, and nearly pee my pants.

  Finally getting control over my breathing, I chuckle-snort one last time and ask, “Is the county magistrate accepting checks from ghosts now?”

  He grins. “No, of course not, Douglas Welcher is representing Hatfield's backer.”

  “Welcher?” My jaw drops to the floor and I mutter, “As in Welcher and Zahn, from New York?” These world renowned attorneys are on my family’s payroll also, and Doug is a close family friend.

  “The very same,” he nods, “Unfortunately, we can’t reach all the way to New York so it’s unlikely that we’ll get any more information about the puppet master behind the Wall Street suits.” After scrubbing my hands over my face, I drop them between my thighs, lower my head and stare at the floor. Nothing about this whole scenario adds up.

  “Why help Mad Hatter, Captain? It’s not like he’s well liked. Most of the pushers on the streets cut off his line of credit before his arrest which caused him to start dabbling in child labor, and none of the big wigs in the southeast will give him the time of day.” I lift my gaze to meet his wordlessly pleading for answers.

  “We don’t know the answers yet.” His voice lowers when he adds, “Hatfield was only in for a short time, which means he will be searching for a no-cost hook up soon. Part of his bond agreement forbids him from leaving this county. He didn’t make you, Sam, but he asked a lot of question inside your last group. Fortunately, the guy he chose to drill was an undercover who steered him off of your trail, but if you come up against him again –.”

  “I got it,” I cut him off, rising out of my chair. “Angel doesn’t look anything like my last assignment so I should be in the clear.”

  “Angel?” he asks, eyes narrowed in on me completely clueless.

  “Yeah, Angel,” I smile mischievously watching the confusion zip around in his green eyes.

  “But that’s not the name I chose,” he admits. Watching the wicked smirk blossom across my face, he realizes that he just confessed to a near crazed woman, who he is currently locked in a room with, that he’s the responsible party for giving her a cover name synonymous for the male genitalia. He breathes heavy and warns, “Sam.”

  “Oh, don’t think I will forget that shit either,” I threaten, poking him in the chest. He swallows down his nervousness hard when I take a step back feeling proud that his shorts are tied up in a bunch now.

  “Shit,” he mumbles glancing down at his watch and changing the subject quickly. “Your time is up, but before you go. Here,” he holds out a set of keys and paperwork that looks like a car title and bill of sale.

  “What’s this?” I ask, unfolding the crinkled up sheets.

  “A peace offering?” he asks instead of telling me. Giving me one last worrisome glance, before turning to open the door, Captain Reebals offers a two finger salute goodbye and explains, “It’s in the basement garage. Just hit the alarm button and you’ll find your new ride.”

  Since I had to leave my car at home when I took this case and Russ is indisposed, I’ve been depending on Natalie and Wise for transportation. This will definitely make life a lot easier. I hate asking other people for anything. Exiting the elevator on the ground level, I tap the button and a chirp from the right catches my attention. Sitting in the dark corner is the prettiest wild beast I’ve ever seen. Gloss black with sharp chrome accents glow under the florescent lighting and my heart swells with devoted and unconditional love, admiring my new street bike.

even.” I chuckle under my breath, completely giddy for the first time in a long time.

  Chapter Fifteen


  After living with Natalie and Wise a couple of weeks, I’m beginning to earn their trust. Wise is a smart guy, currently working on his PhD in physics, hence the nickname. But even as smart as he is, being a member of one of the most notorious drug cartels in Atlanta makes him a real dumb-ass. I’m completely baffled as to why he chooses to deal in drugs for a living when the little shit could be working for NASA or Donald Trump. But if I’m being honest, education doesn’t really factor into the downward spiral this country is spinning in when it comes to narcotics, legal and illegal alike. Celebrities get busted and/or die every day, just as much as the more common blue collar worker because of their addictions. Bless her heart Natalie appears completely in the dark about his degenerative employment too. Some days I wish I could just grab her by the shoulders and shake her senseless. Then maybe she would open her eyes and see the truth.

  “Hey hotness,” Decks purrs, prowling over to the edge of the swimming pool, where I’m currently laying face down on a float, soaking up the sun on this unusually hot October day in Georgia. It’s been a weekend of record breaking temperatures across the southeast.

  Knowing he is completely checking out my ass, I flip over and confirm my hunch when I see his eyes flash with burning desire as they snake over my exposed flesh. I slip off the float and glide through the water toward the steps. He continues around the side meeting me at my lounge chair. Holding out a towel, spread wide in his arms, he looks pleased. A little too pleased.

  “I came by to see you,” he says matter-of-factly.

  “Really?” I smirk, snatching the towel away from him and drying off quickly, before wrapping my hair up in it. “Why are you looking for me?”

  “I spoke with Rad yesterday. He told me that you broke up.” He smiles overconfidently like he knows something I don’t know. Good luck with that one, Decks old buddy. Lowering his voice he states, “I want you to know that I admire him for that. It takes a real man to realize that it’s totally unfair to make a woman like you wait for him.”


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