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All This Time

Page 12

by Marie Wathen

  “Are we ready?” I ask, wanting to divert the conversation away from me and focus on getting this date over with.

  A lopsided grin slips across Decks face. “I am one lucky son of a bitch.” Realizing that I am his date for the evening, his tone comes across as momentarily surprised. He couldn’t sound more condescending and in awe at the same time if he tried.

  Wise slaps Decks on the back while in a fatherly tone, he orders, “Bring her back home in the same condition she’s leaving.” Decks chuckles and nods his head confidently as he guides me toward a white stretch limousine waiting in the circular driveway. Once inside the car Decks takes my hand into his and leans in slightly.

  “I regret what I promised you before,” he states, staring deeply into my eyes.

  “Oh,” I smile playfully, knowing exactly what promise he’s referring to. “And what is that?”

  “I want to kiss you.” He places his other hand on my thigh, sliding it upward slowly. “Hell, I want to skip this goddamn wedding altogether and get you out of this dress.”

  “No sir,” Shaking my head, I smack his hand, “I think I’m definitely going to hold you to your promise.”

  He removes his hand, but his eyes drop from mine to the tops of my boobs. I elbow him to break the connection and he gives me a half-ass shrug. The leech is not sorry for the looks, and I pray that I never find out what sex acts he is conjuring in that wicked head of his.

  “I forgot to ask before, but where is the wedding being held?” I cross my legs, a movement I really didn’t plan, but it successfully distracting him from ogling my boobs.

  “Huh?” he stammers, “Oh…it’s at my Uncle’s house in The Hills.”

  Fortunately for me, Decks is still dragging his eyes slowly from the hem of my dress down to my ankles so he doesn’t notice the giddy and shocked look completely eclipsing my expression. I think I just orgasmed because I freaking hit the jackpot on this date. After hearing that our destination is the one place that I have been dreaming about going to since earning this case, I’ve decided that I will at some point tonight allow Decks to grope my boobs. Yep, he has earned that. But nothing more. Of course I will need a scalding hot shower afterward, and as much as I despise the idea, I will definitely need to burn the dress, but shit, it will be totally worth it. Look out Nelson, here I come.

  The remainder of the drive is silent, which I am completely grateful for. It’s taking everything I have in me to suppress the giggles, threatening to expose me for the fraud that I am. From the looks of it, Decks doesn’t seem to mind the quiet either since all he can do is stare while licking his lips repeatedly. He has opened his mouth a few times, but no sound comes out. If his gawking wasn’t so irritating, I might be flattered, but really how does he think this is acceptable behavior. Luckily we pull up to the gate and he directs his attention toward the guarded mansion.

  “Sorry, I didn’t prepare you better. I guess I’m so used to this life that I forget about the shock factor and sometimes new people need a warning,” he suggests as we wait in the ridiculously long line of stretch limos. Seeing my curiosity pique, he explains, “My Uncle Nelson is a very powerful man. Today is his step-daughter, Britny’s special day. Any questions that you may have can wait for another time.” He didn’t really say it in a threatening tone, but I grasp the meaning behind his order and simply nod my head.

  Finally we reach the ostentatious front staircase where Decks directs me toward the lavishly decorated backyard. There are many faces I recognize, ranging from politicians to celebrities, along with several I’ve never seen before. With the amount of money and power that the Kennedy family has, it really isn’t surprising seeing everyone who is anyone here for Nelson’s little girl’s special day.

  The ornate pre-wedding celebration includes a small orchestra playing softly in the background of hundreds of murmuring conversations, thousands of twinkling lights and crates of Cristal champagne. Decks accepts two flutes of the bubbly from the bartend and presents one to me as we stroll through Atlanta’s cream of the crop. Making our way along, he speaks with several sports icons, introducing me to each of them as his girlfriend. I chuckle a few times at his moxie while battling an overwhelming desire to correct him…with my fist.

  Naturally, all the men eye fuck me while the look in the ladies eyes reveal that they would love to tell me to fuck off. To me, none of them exist because they aren’t my intended target this evening. It works well until we land on a thoroughly disgusted and yet beautiful face framed by long blonde hair. If looks could kill I would be on my death bed a hundred times over by Lourdes’ single stabbing glare.

  “Decks…” she drones, raking her eyes over me.

  He flashes a smile at her, but it clearly isn’t sincere. “What’s up sis?”

  “I didn’t know you were bringing a date. The last time we spoke you were going to find a hook up here.” She smirks at me, piling on the nastiness with a look that says I don’t mean anything to him. I smile sweetly and that’s when recognition fills her stone blue eyes, turning them completely black. “What the fuck, Decks? Did you really think bringing that crackhead to this house would be acceptable? You are a complete idiot.” Lourdes growls bitterly, her eyes never leaving me.

  “Hello Lourdes,” I state, my voice all sugar, saccharine and honey filled, so sweet it could make you sick for weeks. On the inside, I’m bouncing with excitement knowing that speaking to her like this for the first time since our initial meeting will piss her off royally. Just to up the dramatics I throw in a dazzling smile while snaking my arm through Decks’.

  Stepping in close, her upper lip twitches, proving that she is barely holding onto her self-control and then she snarls at me, “You may be dressed in the finest that Decks’ money can buy, but you are still a worthless piece of shit underneath it all. Remember. Your. Place.” Yep, you guessed it, she punctuated the last three words. I feel an eye roll coming on.

  Decks’ voice is a low growl. “If I had bought this sexy dress for her it would be none of your concern. We are together now Lourdes so you’ll get over whatever the hell –”

  I tug on Decks’ arm, stopping his torrent verbal abuse. “If you will allow me,” I whisper to him before turning toward Lourdes. Because I deserve this one. “I don’t really feel that an explanation is necessary, Lourdes. However,” I smile naughtily looking back at Decks, “We’re just starting this relationship and whether your sister likes it or not my one and only place is at your side.” I flick my eyes back at Lourdes, “That is something you will need to remember.”

  Smiling proudly, Decks draws me against his chest, lowers his face to mine and pierces me with heated, proud brown eyes.

  Hearing Lourdes screech, I smirk and whisper to him, “Kiss me like you mean it.”

  His grin is spectacular, better than I could’ve ever scripted for a moment like this, one second before he drops his mouth to mine. He kisses me with every bit of passion that a playboy can muster. As bad as I hate it, I part my lips, encouraging his assured recklessness. And boy does he take it. His tongue sweeps in and finds mine, beginning a wild tango of movement that leads to deviant public groping. After a minute of tolerating his unconstrained attack and shift from refined man to utter scoundrel, I end it with a slow smile between us. He steps away keeping his eyes locked on me while he slides his hand down finding mine and interlacing our finger.

  “I’ve never meant anything more,” Decks states smugly.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The wedding begins promptly at seven with one of the largest wedding parties on full display that I’ve ever witnessed. All twenty bridesmaids in their bedazzled finery looked like bloody Barbie dolls and their counterpart groomsmen could be Gucci models, decked out in their high-caliber trappings. My heart leaps into my throat when the bridal march begins. A weird sensation echoes along with a buzzing noise inside my head. I haven’t felt ill for several weeks now so I don’t understand why my body suddenly wants to become besties with gravity a
nd make me horizontal. I casually reach for Decks’ arm while spotting the bride in my peripheral being ushered down the walkway. Although my head is spinning like one of those rubbery automated car wash scrubbers and I really just want to close my eyes, I can’t resist taking a peek.

  All of the oxygen in my body transforms instantly from gas to solid weighing heavy in my chest as I glance up and spot Blues escorting the glowing bride down the center aisle. Glimpsing down at the petite beauty every couple of strides with a curl on his dark red lips, Blues is the proudest man alive. He doesn’t even turn his head my direction, and a peculiar struggle within me commences to dominate my feelings about it. In one corner, relief and happiness stand strong, fist pounding and pumping their hands in the air rallying the crowd with confidence toward their victory.

  However, in the other corner, disappointment and neglect climb to the top rung of the fighting ring, flipping off the spectators, and getting them all riled up for the showdown of the century. I’m not sure who will win this cataclysmic battle, but knowing who I prefer, I’m putting all of my money on the former and adding a silent prayer that I can avoid the hell out of Blues for the remainder of the evening. Because I know damn well that if I make eye contact with my favorite pair of sapphire tinted ones for a second victory will go to the other side and that could result in a defeat for Team Sam.

  Unfortunately, fate feels the need to play referee in my internal battle. Upon handing over the bride, Blues turns around and like a heat seeking projectile fired at my soul his eyes shoot straight to mine. A whisper follows his broken arrow, floating in the space between us like the words just left his lips with a single destination, straight to my ears promising, “I will always find you.” The look in his eyes is a longing that tugs at my soul, but the displeased expression veiling his face is desperately imploring me away from Decks’ side. My heart slams painfully against my ribcage and I struggle taking in air until he finally takes his seat, severing our connection. I have an unprecedented need to run just to see how fast and far my new stilettos can carry me. I’ve never wanted to leave a single place more than I do this damn wedding.

  Somehow I manage to sit through the forty-five minute extravaganza the Kennedy’s call a wedding. My disloyal eyes misbehave the entire time, peering over at Blues almost every minute that passes. Luckily, Decks’ grazing his hand over my thigh breaks through to my obscene thoughts on more than one occasion, freeing me from a Blues induced haze. I’m grateful that the object of my desire hasn’t glimpsed back at me after our initial staring contest. As bad as I hate to admit it, I’m finding it almost unbearable just to remain seated for the duration. With the ceremony winding down, I’m becoming antsy about the pending reception. I don’t know if I have the fortitude to deny Blues anything if he needs it.

  What in the hell is wrong with me? He’s just a guy. No, he’s a damn drug dealer and I am an officer of the law. He is forbidden so get over this bullshit now. Great internal pep talk Sam. Pathetic much?

  Immediately following my internal struggle, I’m rocked to my core as Gran’s powerful words ripple through my brain, “It’s undeniable, and no one will ever make you feel it except for the one.”

  “No,” I whisper as the audience cheers for the newly married couple when they end their first kiss as husband and wife.

  “Hey Angel,” Decks chuckles, “You’re not getting any crazy ideas in that pretty little head of yours, are you?”

  That sobered me. “You can rest assured that I’ll never have that thought in my head.” He smirks at me, so for clarification sake, whether for him or me, I add, “Ever!”

  Leaning closely, Decks’ voice rumbles deeply when he counters, “Never say, never.” He winks and turns toward the isle, extending his hand behind him expecting me to take it. I grasp it grudgingly, hoping we can escape another vicious attack from his sister and avoid Blues altogether. We get jostled apart once so Decks slips his arm around my waist, securing his hold on me as we move along with the crowd.

  “Would you mind showing me the powder room?”

  “Great idea,” Decks agrees motioning me toward the stairs. “I could use a break from all of these people.”

  Once inside the palace-like home, I pray that I can convince Decks to take me home early. Ditching my responsibility for one night is completely acceptable, I reason. As soon as that thought enters my mind it’s followed with a flood of guilt. I can’t just run from my job simply because I might possibly be attracted to Blues.

  Washing the foamy soap from my hands, I towel them off and stare at myself in the large framed mirror standing upright beside the sink. Is it possible that just like Lourdes, Blues didn’t really recognize me? Maybe he just glanced back, spotted a beautiful woman and became curious. A sweeping awareness and happiness moves through me with that assumption. For the first time since arriving, I convince myself that Gran’s numinous story caused my silly overreaction and that I will get through the remainder of the evening, forgetting all of that ridiculousness.

  Before stepping out of the ladies room, I hear my phone vibrating inside my purse, lying on the counter top. Checking the screen, I notice that it’s once again the unfamiliar number. I decide to answer it and let whoever it is know that they have the wrong number.

  “Hello –?”

  “Sam?” a deep male voice growls through the ear piece.

  I freeze, uncertain of whom I know that could have this phone number. Forcing my self-control into action, I respond appropriately. “I’m sorry, you have the wrong –”

  “No Sam, wait,” the man rushes, stopping me from ending the call. “We need to meet tonight.”

  “Who –”

  “Your best friend’s brother,” he says cutting me off again.

  “Dammit,” I exhale loudly, wanting to string out a number of other obscenities at Russ for scaring the shit out of me. “Why are you calling me?” I hiss keeping my voice low.

  “I can’t say on the phone, but it’s important that you meet me at her house in an hour.”

  “Can’t. I’m kind of in the middle of something. It would have to be much later.”

  “Wait, aren’t you staying at your new friend’s house? Make up something and meet me. This is an urgent matter that needs your attention before you get any closer…to him.” Russ says cryptically.

  Sorting through which him he could be referring to, Blues, Decks or Nelson, I sigh and tell him more than I really should considering that he isn’t coming back in on the case.

  “I’m sorry, I really can’t right now. I am currently at a high profile wedding,” I lead, hoping that he knows Nelson’s step-daughter’s nuptials were planned for today.

  “Shit,” he groans and I can tell by the echoing steps coming through the phone that Russ is pacing nervously. Yeah, he knows. He finally resigns on sticking with our policy of not revealing details over the phone and says, “Be careful and get here as quickly as you can.”

  I delete his phone number from my call log and slip my phone back into my purse before opening the door. Decks leans against the wall across the way, arms folded over his chest and legs crossed at the ankle. His body language reads casual, but the look in his eyes are conflicting entirely, making me fearful that he could have overhead my conversation.

  “Hi,” I say sweetly, regaining my control once again while I stroll closer to him.

  He clutches his warm hands tightly around my upper arms before leaning down, his face only inches away from mine. His dark brown eyes swirl with a blackness I haven’t noticed before and his lips are stretched tight into a thin line. The hold he has on me eases as he slides his hands downward, pulling me closer when he reaches my elbows.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, dropping my smile.

  Decks shakes his head and says, “Hell no.”

  I pull away slightly, hoping that he’ll sense my discomfort and release me, but he doesn’t. He draws me closer still, pressing my chest against his and tipping his head down with his mouth
brushing against my cheek.

  When he speaks it’s through a deep growl. “I’m a mad man on the verge of doing very bad things to you, unless you agree to dance with me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “This place is unbelievable, Decks,” I whisper, looking up into his smiling eyes after glancing around the large ballroom tucked inside the back of the Kennedy residence. Since he sauntered us out to the dance floor thirty minutes ago, Decks has refused to take a breather and the force of our bodies crushing together is getting on my last damn nerve.

  “It’s a nice place,” he agrees, sliding his hands methodically up and down my back. “I’m so glad you agreed to be my date. Without you, tonight would have been boring as hell.”

  Smirking at his playfulness, I roll my eyes and counter, “I doubt that. Have you noticed all of the women watching you?”

  “It’s too bad for them that I can’t take my eyes off of you.”

  “Decks,” I warn, feeling his hands sliding further down my back than I prefer.

  “What?” He smirks at my scowl. “Are you aware that every woman in this room hates you right now because we look so damn good together?” At least ten sets of eyes are willing me out of Decks’ embrace.

  “If I were your girlfriend, I would be pissed off by their blatant fawning.”

  He presses his lips against the edge of my ear and suggests, “We could always give them something to really be jealous over.”

  “Now that calls for a drink.” I push away from him, marching over to the open bar on the adjacent balcony. Without looking behind me, I know that Decks is following closely. Strolling up to the bartender, I order, “Whiskey on the rocks.”

  “Make that two,” Decks corrects, leaning with his back against the railing and surveying the crowded dance floor we just vacated. “My aunt and uncle are coming this way. I want to introduce you.”

  I twist my head around in his direction seeing Decks push off of the bar. Smiling, he lifts a hand toward a distinguished older gentleman with an exquisite woman latched onto his arm as they approach.


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