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All This Time

Page 23

by Marie Wathen

“Hey, gorgeous,” he says, spinning around and walking over to me. “Are you ready to face the family again?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He takes my right arm and escorts me out to his truck.

  When we arrive at the large estate, I feel a strange sensation run through my body. Being back here brings back memories of the wedding day and how dismissive Decks Uncle Nelson was to me. A sneaky smile spreads across my face as I fantasize about the look on Mr. Kennedy’s face when he sees me after I end his rule over north Georgia. I’ll bet dismissive is the last thing he will be then.

  “You look really happy today,” Decks says holding my hand as we enter the house and walk toward the dining room.

  “I feel better so I am happy.”

  “Hello Hillary,” Camille says as we take out seat at the large dining table. Her eyes sparkle when she recognizes me. “It is so nice of you to join us, Angel.”

  “Thank you Camille. It’s lovely to see you as well.” Sam Walker slips out on that response and a sparkle of happiness pops in Mrs. Kennedy’s eye at my proper manners.

  Brunch begins at ten thirty on the dot without Nelson. After eleven he graces us with his presence, grabbing a quick bite and telling Decks that he must speak with him. They head upstairs leaving me alone with Camille. Trying to come up with a plan to hear what they are discussing, I ask her to show me pictures from her daughter’s wedding. As luck would have it she invites me upstairs and directs me into a large family room located across from Nelson’s office. Camille points toward a closed door as we pass it, assuring me that Decks will see us when his meeting is over. Now to come up with a masterful plan that will allow me to overhear the conversation behind that closed door.

  “Can I trouble you for some water? I was supposed to take my medicine with food but I forgot.”

  She smiles sweetly, placing the large photo album on the coffee table and stands, “Certainly dear. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Just make yourself comfortable.”

  After I hear her shoes clacking down the stairs, I slip my heels off and tiptoe over to the sealed door, pressing my ear against it. I am giddy when I hear their voices aren’t as muffled as I expected. From what I can hear they are discussing the Hijos de la Sangre and Nelson isn’t happy about the recent death of Juan’s nephew. Decks doesn’t admit to anything, but it’s clear that Nelson holds him responsible.

  “Do not make me regret everything I did for you Hillary. You have no idea what I’ve sacrificed so that you would have a better life. One that your parents, God rest their souls, refused to provide for you,” Nelson growls furiously.

  Decks responds heatedly, “Nelson, I don’t get what you think you gave up to help me after my parents died. The only one who relinquished anything was me. And if it hadn’t been for me getting popped with paraphernalia and held in juvenile until you picked me up, I would still be living that way. You really think this life is so much better than living on the streets? You’re wrong.”

  “It’s too bad for you that you will never know what could have been. I own your ass. Do not forget it for one minute. You get the shit with the Hijos de la Sangre straightened out before more blood is shed.” Lowering his voice he says, “If it isn’t already too late.”

  Feeling a tap on my hand, I jerk my head around and don’t see anyone, until I look down and find a cotton hair little boy looking up at me with his forehead crinkled and his eyes fixed on me. “Hey,” he says charmingly. I’m not sure of his name, but he is one of Lourdes’ twin sons. Shit.

  “Hi,” I say keeping my voice low and trying to get my heart rate back to normal, I hope he doesn’t realize he has busted me on eavesdropping. Walking away from the door and the men’s private talk I say, “I can’t find the bathroom. You look like a big boy who knows this place pretty well. Could you show me where it is?

  He grins as he reaches out for my hand. “I know where everything is in Uncle Nelson’s house.” He stares curiously at my cast covered arm. “Did you fall down?”

  Not wanting to give him the gory details of my accident, I say, “Yeah, I fell. Lucky for me something broke my fall and in the process it broke my arm.”

  He laughs, “You’re funny. I’m Jonesy. What’s your name?” His big blue eyes twinkle staring up at me and sporadically glancing from my face to my arm as we continue walking.

  “My name is Angel,” I offer as he points toward the closed door at the end of the hallway.

  “That’s the potty,” he states smiling proudly. “Bye, bye.” He bounds away from me and I watch as he hops down the steps one at a time. After his head disappears behind the railing I sneak back toward Nelson’s office. I know I probably only have a few moments before Camille returns, but I can’t resist trying one more time.

  “…ships to Nassau. I expect you to be there Tuesday. Whatever endeavors you are working on the side ceases now. I won’t tolerate you screwing this one up,” Nelson says with finality.

  I hear clacking heels quickly ascending the stairs while a familiar little voice talks at a fast pace. I rush toward the family room and slip back into my stilettos just as the two boys, Camille and Lourdes enters the room.

  “Are you kidding me?” Lourdes demands loudly, seeing me standing in the middle of the room pretending to be looking at pictures, hanging on the walls. I turn my head to glance over my shoulder and am greeted by an ice cold glare from the Queen B. It is remarkable how different her sons’ looks are from hers. Both boys run over to me and Jonesy begins chattering about who I am and what happened to my arm. Still standing in the doorway, Lourdes interrupts, “What will it take to get you out of our lives? Wait! How does my son know who you are?” She stalks over to me and glares with hate filled blue eyes. They may be the same color as her sons’, but there isn’t a bit of compassion shining from the hollowness of her eyes, like what Jonesy showed me earlier. “Well?”

  “Your charming son escorted me to the powder room like a real gentleman,” I answer, plastering a sweet smile as I glance down at the adorable little one now poking his chest out proudly. “Thank you again, Jonesy.”

  “You little –” her words are cut short when Decks strolls into the room.

  “Sis,” Decks shouts. Scrubbing his hands over the heads of the twins, he pierces her with a daring stare. Lourdes swirls around with a shriek, mumbling about my social status not matching up as she leaves the room. From my experience she is a woman on the verge of a severe breakdown. I smile just thinking about how entertaining it will be when she loses her shit.

  “Uncle Decks, she’s an Angel,” Jonesy says grinning up at Decks while pointing at me. I laugh at him twisting his words.

  Decks looks from him to me and with heat filled eyes that run the length of me before he replies, “Yes she is.”

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Of course the trip to Nassau is on the luxurious Kennedy family private jet. For me it isn’t that big of a deal. My parents have owned private jets all of my life. But for Angel, this is a new experience. The more I croon over the luxury plane the wider Decks’ smile grows. He loves showing me how important he is and what amazing things he has access to because of his wealth. The hotel we’re booked at is the legendary Graycliff Hotel, choice hotel of celebrities and dignitaries when visiting the island, Decks boasts. After depositing our luggage in the room, Decks continues trying to impress me with the hotel’s exclusive seating in the world renowned restaurant. It is decadent dining, but I am too anxious to enjoy the meal while wondering why we are in the Bahamas.

  “You’ve been quiet all day. Is something wrong?” Decks asks walking me back to my room. He turns the knob and gently pushes open the door allowing me inside before shutting it behind him.

  “Nothing is wrong,” I lie. “I’m kind of blown away by all of this stuff.”

  He scans the room slowly before allowing his gaze to land on me, “This place is definitely the best on the island.”

  “Wow, you really live this life.” It sounds more like a question than a sta
tement and he nods his head. “It’s overwhelming for someone like me. I could never get use to all of the overindulgence that you’re accustomed to daily.”

  He strolls over to the balcony where I’m standing, looking out at the town below, “I think you could ace this life Angel and I plan on keeping you in the finest money can offer.”

  “Uh no, Decks, I can’t let you do that.” He slides a hand from my elbow up to my shoulder, pausing on my collar bone and I continue digging myself out of this hole. “We are friends and friends do not spend this kind of money on one another.” I stare at him, but his eyes are locked on his thumb slowly gliding back and forth along my collar. “Decks?”

  He blinks then glances out at the scenery behind me before focusing on me again. “I need to leave for a while. Can I trust you to stay in tonight? I can’t even think about you roaming the streets here alone.”

  Shrugging, I nod and lie, “I’m beat so I’m crashing early.”

  I can’t let Decks scurry along to some important business meeting without trailing him. I’m too close to gaining enough on this case to let him duck out without me.

  “Good night,” he whispers pressing his lips against my cheek and lingering a little too long for my comfort.

  I step back from his hold and twist around toward the bathroom. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Yes.” Disappointment heavily saturates that tiny word.

  He shuffles out of the room and I rush to the door, opening it quietly so I can watch which direction he goes. He steps into his hotel room next to mine. I know I only have minutes to get my shit together. I slip off my heels, exchanging them for my ballet flats. After tugging my hair into a tight pony tail, luckily with minimal problems due to my cast, I slip on a pair of fitted black Capri pants and a black tee. I forgo the sling and replace it with my hobo bag holding my small throw away gun. I hear the close of his door and rush to the window. After no more than a minute he strolls out the front door and waits awkwardly for a few minutes.

  He doesn’t go either direction until a car pulls up to the curb in front of him. I see a woman wearing dark sunglasses and a straw hat sitting behind the steering wheel. After he slides into the passenger seat, the woman practically throws herself into his arms. They kiss wildly, like familiar lovers. I memorize every detail of the vehicle and what I can see of her. But it’s like she’s trying to conceal her identity so I don’t get anything beyond her clothing description. The car pulls away and as they rush down the street passed my window he glances up. Thankfully he’s unable to see me hiding in the shadow of my room.

  Damn. Grabbing my cell out of my bag I call Russ.

  “Hello?” he answers weakly.

  “Hey it’s me. Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, just exhausted from lack of sleep,” Russ yawns. “Since I can’t risk being spotted by the X’kapz, I’m in disguise and trailing Mad Hatter. He is steadily running through all of the dealers in the county. It’s reminiscent of your last case when he got shut out and had to turn to manufacturing meth in his house.”

  “I hate that piece of shit,” I growl. “Have you spotted a young woman with him? She’s petite with curly reddish brown hair?” I ask worrying about Chelsea keeping her distance from the jerk.

  “No, he’s been alone most of the time.”

  “Good,” I exhale feeling the heaviness leaving me. “Can you check a registration for me through dispatch? I don’t expect you to get anything, but it’s worth a shot. I’m in Nassau with Decks and he just got into a vehicle with a woman that he was very friendly with. I started to track him, but I wasn’t prepared for him to leave by car.”

  “Are you jealous Sammy?” he laughs.

  “You know it,” I say cynically. “I am weak and Decks’ smooth moves are wearing me down.”

  I give the information to him and like I suspected the registration isn’t on file through our national computer system or through Interpol. My senses are on high alert about this flight to the island. I assumed when I overheard Nelson talking with Decks Sunday, he was ordering him to find stash houses here for a shipment he is expecting. I need to find out where this is going down. I grab up my bag and rush out the door and down to the corner. From here I’m about six blocks away from the docks on this side of the island. Would he have us stay on the same side that he’s expecting the ship to port? No. He stayed here because it is the best on the island. And if I know Decks like I’m beginning to think I do, he would chose a stash house on the remote side of the island or in an area of an unsuspecting subdivision.

  “Taxi ma’am,” a local man asks me as I peer off in the direction of Paradise Cay. “Just four dollars and I’ll take ya anywhere ya need to be on dis island.” His Bohemian accent is thick. I glance into the cab that he’s indicating is his and it looks immaculate. I pray he’s trustworthy and knows this damn island well.

  “Deal, but I may possibly need you to take me to more than one location. How does one hundred bucks for the night sound?” His smile is brilliant as he opens the back door allowing me in.

  “The name is Marcus and I’ll take ya where ya want to go ma’am,” he repeats his offer and I chuckle at the coincidence of him sharing my brother’s name.

  We check three ports before Marcus asks me exactly what I’m looking for and I hesitate telling him anything, but then I glance at the clock and decide I am left with no other choice.

  “A shipment is expected in tonight, a very special shipment. I would suspect it may be delivered in an area that has vacant homes or possibly near a community of houses that has some for rent.” He pulls the car over immediately and cranes his head around looking at me.

  “If it’s a special cigarette you are looking for I can get dat easily, ja?”

  “No,” I rub my hand over my forehead and say, “I need to go where they deliver it.”

  His eyes sparkle briefly with understanding. “Easy, I’ll take you, but you don’t want to be a hang around dat area too long. It’s not safe for you.”

  Marcus drives through the center of town, retracing out path, but continues on passed the hotel. He rounds the corner of the block where the cruise ships are docked. I glance up at the rear view mirror seeing him staring back at me. He winks and his smile is telling.

  “They use the cruise ships?” I ask taken aback by their brazenness.

  He shakes his head and points at a small barge that is ported at the end of the dock. “Dey use doze.”

  As we approach, I spot the vehicle Decks left in, parked in front of a rundown house, but do not tell Marcus. There’s no need for him to suspect anything, other than I want to know how drugs gets on the island.

  “You can drop me off here,” I say a block away.

  “I warn you,” He stares at me with concern filling his eyes, “Take no chances here.”” I pass the money over the seat and thank him for his help, after climbing out of the car. He drives away and I walk back toward the house where Decks may be doing business. I keep my hand on my bag, slung over my shoulder prepared for this going bad any second.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Carefully, stepping over a stack of boards haphazardly thrown against the house, I make my way around the side hoping to find an alternative access other than the front door. From the sounds of it, there are several people inside, but I have yet to make visual contact since all the window panes are blacked out with spray paint or cardboard.

  “Here’s your cut. Distribute freely just like before,” a woman says tersely before asking, “Who was the girl you had at the airfield?”

  “She’s a friend,” Decks says, his tone is bordering on a snarl. “And no one for you to concern yourself with.”

  “I will be the one to decide what I am concerned with,” she snaps back at him. “You two take the rest of the packages to the house next door and secure it up tight.” I hear footsteps shuffling around inside the house toward the back door. “Alright Mr. Kennedy, I have a ship waiting for me on the north side so I must end this
evening early. Your next delivery will be in the Gulf a week from Friday. I will see you there.”

  Hearing her finalizing their meeting, I move away slowly, being careful to not make a sound. I must get back to the hotel before Decks or he is going to be pissed off if he discovers me missing. The metal back door screeches open and I rush around the edge to hide. My adrenaline just went volcanic on me. I need to get the hell out of here before one of these guys spots me. I lean against the house and pray they are not walking my direction with their packages to store them in the house on this side. No such luck. Their incredibly loud stomping continues toward me. I drop down to my knees and then lay down flat on the damp ground. There is a tiny bit of shadow on this side, but the moon is almost completely full and wouldn’t you know that there isn’t a cloud in the sky tonight.

  I freeze when I hear a loud grunt beside my head. Black combat boots pass right in front of my face. I don’t move or breathe for the next twenty seconds until they continue on passed me followed by another pair of matching boots shifting a bit slower. From the front side of the house I hear a car start and know that it’s Decks and the woman leaving. I want to get a look inside those boxes to see if this is a Ryske shipment, but if I hesitate another minute I may not get out of here alive. The two very large men enter the back door of the neighboring house before I leap up to my feet. I back away slowly, trying to stay in the shadows in case they turn around. Reaching the corner on the front of the house, I peek around the edging to see if the coast is clear.

  There’s a loud bang behind me and car headlights in front of me. The devil I do know isn’t an option so I roll the dice and rush forward toward the street and the oncoming vehicle. The multicolored car screeches to a halt cutting off my pathway.

  “Hey you,” the driver yells holding his fist out and indicating with his thumb toward the backseat. “Hurry and get in miss.”

  “Marcus, what the hell are you doing out here?” I demand releasing a heavy breath and jerking open the back door. I slam the door shut and he floors it. “Get me back to the hotel fast and you can have another hundred bucks.”


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