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All This Time

Page 25

by Marie Wathen

  “I’m finished,” Chelsea says, stomping on her cigarette butt after standing up.

  “Cool,” I reply avoiding eye contact with him and walking around toward the front of the building.

  “We need to leave Chels,” he growls from behind us.

  I spin around and he gives me a fierce glare. “You are kidding right?” I cross my arms and stand confidently as he rakes his eyes over me.

  “Decks must really enjoy your hot little ass. I wouldn’t tolerate that mouth for one second unless it was sucking me off,” he smirks showing off yellow teeth, and my look shifts to disgust without a possibility of hiding it both from his words and him physically, making him laugh deeply.

  “Shut your mouth,” I yell walking around the corner of the store pulling Chelsea along with me.

  “I said we need to go,” he demands storming through the door behind us.

  “And I said she isn’t leaving the shop with a half finished tat. So whatever is so important to you will just have to wait.” His look is total infuriation making his body quiver with unleashed anger. I watch as he mentally debates his choices before I add, “I’ll make sure Decks kicks your fucking ass if you ever speak to me that way again. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind losing a customer who talks to his ol’ lady that way.” I glare confidently hearing a deep growl coming from him moments before he bellows at me.

  “Fuck you bitch. He just told me to get all the shit I want before Minder leaves out for a new load. That doesn’t sound like someone ready to cut me loose.”

  “Are you willing to risk it?”

  His hands fist tightly in his crossed arms, his eyes narrow on me before snapping over to glare at Chelsea who has returned to her seat at Dylan’s station again. Two customers walk into the shop and approach the counter standing beside him just as he is about to say something. From the look on his face it was going to be another insult. Instead of offering me another smartass retort, he stalks over to Dylan’s station where he grabs a hand full of Chelsea hair, forcing her to turn and look up at him.

  “I’ll be back in thirty minutes.” He drops his hands to her face, digging his fingers in her cheeks and causing her to wince. “If you fucking walk out of this shop before I return I’ll make sure it’s that last motherfucking trip you’ll take standing upright.”

  He storms out the front door slamming it off the outside wall after piercing me with a defiant glare that I accept as a personal challenge. I walk back to check on Chelsea. She’s wiping tears out of the corner of her eyes when Dylan steps out of the backroom.

  “What happened, Angel?” he growls angrily. Looking down at the tiny girl whose spirit normally lights up the world around her, I see it almost completely snuffed out and replaced with an ingrained hurt. Today I will begin the process that will help erase the pain that piece of shit has inflicted on her by getting her out.

  “We’re cool Dyl and thanks for everything,” I smile at him and offer Chelsea a hug. She wraps her tiny arms around my neck and squeezes weakly.

  “I can’t thank you enough, Angel.” she whispers against my hair.

  I pull away, looking down into her dark eyes. “Thank me by staying clean.” She nods.

  The two customers who were witness to Mad losing his temper walk back to where we are standing. “Hi Chelsea, I’m Detective O’Shields and this is my partner Detective Blake. When you’re ready we are taking you to a safe house far away and that asshole will never touch you again.”

  Chelsea nods while wiping away another stray tear and whispers, “Thank you.”

  “Let’s get you on the road to a new life,” Detective O’Shields says.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  When Mad Hatter returns to the shop an hour and a half later, Chelsea is long gone. He blows a fuse, calling me every name in the book and threatening to kick Dylan’s ass. We stand strong watching him unravel right in front of our eyes, demanding we tell him where she went. There isn’t a damn thing he can say, or do, that will ever gain him that information. After calmly explaining that she left walking home when he didn’t return, I chuckle watching him blast out the door yelling back at us that he will return and we will pay. She’s safe and he can’t hurt us.

  “Thanks Dyl,” I smile at him while grabbing my purse. “If he shows back up just give me a shout.” I have a feeling he will be back and we will pay hell for this little arrangement.

  “I’ll deal with his stick ass and weak threats,” he chuckles climbing onto the barstool behind the front counter and leaning over it with his arms crossed. “You have fun tonight and I’ll see you Monday night.”

  “Yep,” is all I say, walking out the door toward my brand new Jeep.

  Yesterday, Decks relented on dragging me with him on his business trips, but insisted that I accept the vehicle as a gift from a friend. Even though I want to know who the woman was is that he keeps traveling across the oceans to meet more than anything, I am less thrilled about being with him all of the time. Sealing my decision to remain behind was when he told me that under no circumstance would I be allowed near Nelson. That pissed me off like swiping a red flag in front of a chained-down bull. Seeing that I can’t get any closer to the king, I’ll just strategize and take advantage of the access Decks allows, until I can come up with a new brilliant plan to take all the bastards down.

  I do owe Decks though. It was his call that got Mad away so that I could help Chelsea escape. All it took on my part was telling Decks that I was a little creeped out by the guy and wished there was a way to get him to leave me alone while I finished Chelsea’s tattoo. He came up with the plan to give him some free weed, drawing him away from the shop. Since Mad has once again been cut off by practically every drug dealer in the county he couldn’t resist. Perfect plan executed perfectly. On this occasion, I’m content with the taboo word.

  Tonight we’re spending the evening at Holidays. I haven’t been here since before my accident and I am eagerly anticipating a nice glass, or four, of Kentucky whiskey. I spot Natalie and Wise at our usual table and make my way over. Some of the guys are playing pool and fortunately for me Lourdes is nowhere in sight. Relaxing won’t happen with her bitchy ass glaring at me all night. Unfortunately, I don’t see Blues either and I’m completely bummed with his absence, which shocks the hell out of me. I tip back my first tumbler of liquid burn hoping to rush down the path that leads to my happy place.

  “You made it,” Natalie says smirking behind her Peachtini. “I wasn’t sure if you would still come tonight after Decks strict orders.”

  I groan while remembering his last words to me were a plea for me to stay at his house until he returns. But I’m not his prisoner and refuse to let him treat me as one. He will just have to get over it, if he even hears about me being out. I doubt the guys would rat me out. I’m not really someone they concern themselves with.

  “I don’t give a damn tonight,” I smirk before tossing back my drink, finishing it quickly and then scouting around the room for our waitress. “I’m going to the bar. Do you need another?” I ask Natalie who’s staring at the front of the club watching the guys playing pool.

  “Nope, I’m good,” she smiles before glancing over to Wise. “Do you need another beer, Hon?”

  “Yeah, grab me another Ultra,” Wise grins draping an arm over the seat back behind his wife.

  I edge around the dance area making my way to the large bar situated near the back beside the stage. The bartender winks at me handing me my usual without me having to ask.

  “Thanks, can I get Wise an Ultra too please?” I smile and he nods reaching down into the cooler in front of him.

  He pushes it my direction across the top of the bar. “Here you go, Angel.”

  “Hey,” a deep accent rumbles directly behind me. I twist my head glancing over my shoulder and smile seeing a friendly big guy smirking back at me.

  “Hello Shane,” I turn around to face him and he sits down on the barstool beside me. “Did you lose?” I ask referring to the p
ool game.

  “Yeah, I’m buying the winnings now,” he says to me before catching the bartender’s attention. “Two Bud Lights and two more shots of Jack for me. And put the little lady’s drink on my tab.” Shane flashes me the sweetest smile I’ve seen him give, hell it’s the first smile I’ve ever seen on his face and it makes me giggle.

  Before sipping the warm amber drink, I raise my glass up offering him a silent toast, but mumble to myself, “To hell with it all.” Turning my glass up, I keep my eyes on Shane and notice that he’s letting his hair grow out. With it shaved he looks downright scary, but now with the small growth his look is way less intimidating and very good looking. “I like you with hair,” I smile glancing sideways at him.

  He turns his body partially toward me, “So you’re saying you don’t like my shaved head?” He smirks while lifting a dark eyebrow at me, and I turn on my megawatt smile naturally at his playful tone while shaking my head.

  “Not exactly, but you are less scary this way,” I wink before turning my attention toward the bartender and lifting my glass, indicating I need another. “I’m guessing that was the look you were going for though.”

  “Good guess,” he tips back one shot glass gulping it down and I watch his throat work down the dark liquid. He follows it quickly with his second shot of Jack before saying, “I’ll see you later, Angel.”

  I take my new drink and Wise’s beer over to the table. Sitting back in my seat next to Natalie, I notice after only a few moments that she is anxious tonight for some reason. She keeps picking up her drink, taking a quick sip and then placing it down repeatedly. In between drinks she taps her fingernails on the stem of the glass.

  “Are you okay?” I ask clasping my hand around her wrist, stopping the irritating sound. She jerks her head up at me and smiles.

  “Oh, yeah, I’m good,” she slurs already feeling the effects of her fruity concoction. “I think I want to dance. Do you want to dance?”

  “I could shake it a little,” I wiggle in my seat to the rhythm of the music crooning from the jukebox before sliding out and pulling her along behind me.

  We take over the dance floor with some silly dancing and in a few minutes the stress that was marring her face is just a memory. Her eyes sparkle with joy as we separately dance around some of the couples during a slow song. They aren’t bothered in the least with our playfulness. Finally, feeling the effects of the alcohol, I lean in close to her ear and let her know that I need a break. She nods her head and we walk toward the women’s restroom. Passing our table I spot someone in my peripheral approaching. I turn to see who it is and stumble over my steps causing Natalie to slam into me from behind. Wrapping her hands around my upper arms, she pushes me along, guiding me toward the hallway where the ladies room is located. I twist my head around as I push open the door and spot Juan, the leader of the Hijos de la Sangre sliding into the booth beside Wise.

  After recognizing his face from the pictures Russ provided recently, my heart rate instantly spikes and a feeling of impending doom sprints through my veins, combining with the three glasses of alcohol. Seeing the leader of one of the most notorious cartels in the southeast making a personal visit is never good. Notifying Russ or Captain Reebals would be the smart thing to do right about now. Hopefully they can get a uniformed officer to make a casual appearance, preventing something bad from going down. Dammit. I cuss under my breath when I remember that I left my cell phone in my purse sitting at the table. Remembering my reason for leaving the dance floor, I rush to finish and return to our table as fast as humanly possible. Natalie is already washing her hands when I join her at the sink.

  She pulls open the door, intending to leave me behind and I yell, “Wait for me.” She nods but steps out into the hallway. Now the panic escalates as I think about her walking back to the table without me. I toss the paper towel in the trash, and jerk open the door, not finding her waiting like she agreed. Stepping out of the bathroom and rushing down the dark corridor leading back to the bar area, I’m jerked backwards after only a couple of steps when a large arm wraps around my waist. I grip the arm and twist my head around finding the deep sapphire eyes of Blues sparkling down at me.

  Chapter Fifty

  “Oh, you startled me,” I yelp leaning away from his embrace while he struggles holding my back against his chest tightly. In the dark lighting of the hallway I can see his heated gaze, but I can also feel the blazing path his eyes take as he looks down the front of my body. He places a hand at the side of my neck dragging it down slowly over the center of my bare chest down to the top of my shirt before retracing the path with the callous pads of his fingers. With his other arm still holding me around the waist he places his hand just above my lower girlie bits, drawing me against him. His delicious man scent envelops me, intoxicating my mind and numbing my limbs. My arms hang loosely at my sides while my head lobs back against his shoulder. Blues takes advantage of my weakened state, plunging his face into my hair and placing his hot mouth against my ear.

  “Doll,” his voice vibrates against my skin causing me to shiver. He feels my reaction and chuckles deeply while placing several open-mouth kisses along my neck and down my collar bone. “Come home with me. I have a place close by and my car is parked right out back.”

  His offer jolts my awakened libido up making me melt instantly. He presses his body against me roughly, forcing me against the wall. He moves both hands to the sides of my breast, gripping them firmly while stroking his long fingers over my hard nipples. I moan from the amazing sensation and push my hips into him instinctively. He reciprocates with grinding his rock hard erection against my backside. I begin panting ferociously with need instantly.

  “What do you say Love? We can leave your things here with your friends and return later for them.” The lustful desires of my body and disorder of my mind clears when he mentions my friends and I remember my need to rush out of the bathroom earlier.

  “No,” I whisper hoarsely after snapping my eyes open and forcing his hands off of my body.

  He grabs me again preventing me from escaping, “Wait –” Before he can make another plea for me to leave with him a piercing sound interrupts him. “What the fuck?” One loud shot echoes through the bar followed by multiple shrilled screams. Fear grips me and instincts kick in, but Blues yanks me backwards away from the action.

  “No,” I scream. “I need to go in there.” The need to find out what happened consumes me and I forget my cover briefly. I push away from him, but he grabs me roughly, lifting my body off the ground while rushing backward.

  “Hell no, you are not going in there, Angel,” he yells forcing open the back door and dragging me out away from the deadly scene.

  Once we’re in the back parking lot he drops me onto my feet, but doesn’t let me go completely. I glance back over my shoulder toward the exit expecting to see the shooter following, but no one comes out before we reach his car. As much as the cop in me wants to find out what happened in the bar I’m aware enough to remember that Angel wouldn’t run toward the sound of gunfire, unlike Sam Walker who is drawn to it with an urgency to help. Blues pulls open the passenger side door and deposits me into the seat. He climbs in quickly starting the car and pressing down on the gas pedal hard.

  “What was that Blues?” I ask innocently.

  Racing down the nearly empty highway, he glances over at me sadly and holds my stare for a couple of ominous moments before facing forward again. “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” He grips the steering wheel with one hand and shoves his other into his inside coat pocket. He presses a couple of buttons on his cell before placing it against his head. “Fuck,” he growls under his breath after listening to it ring repeatedly, before going to voicemail. He drops the phone into his lap and turns the steering wheel sharp right, pulling into an underground parking garage. He squeals the tires around several corners before pulling into a space marked with his name on it next to the elevator.

  We hop out at the same ti
me and he meets me at the back of the car, taking my hand into his. The doors of the elevator close, sealing us inside away from all the bad and my breathing begins to regulate. Blues squeezes my hands once as the doors open on the top floor. He turns right toward a set of double doors marked ‘Penthouse’ and pushes his key into the lock. He forces a hand through his hair proving that, like me, his anxiety hasn’t settled even being away from whatever went down. We walk into a large open living space decorated with deep rich colors mixed with modern furnishings. Blues releases my hand and walks over to a small bar beside a set of French doors that lead out to a balcony. I notice for the first time that my hands are trembling so I pull them in front of me wrapping my right hand over the cast on my left. He takes out two sniffers, filling them with dark liquor before walking back over to me.

  “Here, this will help,” he hands me one of the glasses and when I take it he reaches for my elbow. Clutching me tenderly he escorts me to the large plush sofa and sits before tugging me down beside him. “I’m going to try to call Decks again to find out what he knows about the gunfire. He didn’t answer the first time,” he states shucking off his coat before pulling out his phone.

  I nod agreeably but then his words sink in. “Decks is out of town again,” I remind him knowing he’s still away on his recent trip to the Gulf.

  “Where did he go?” he asks turning toward me with his finger poised over the send button.

  “I’m not certain,” I hesitate not wanting him to know that I gleaned my information from eavesdropping on Decks conversation with the woman in Nassau. “I think this trip was to the Gulf coast.”

  He stares at me for a moment, his eyes are saturated with an extreme amount of curiosity and they hold me with rapt attention. He places his cell down on the coffee table in front of us and then leans back against the sofa.

  “You said he’s out of town again. Where has he gone, and when did he start going on these trips?”


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