When The Right Door Opens

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When The Right Door Opens Page 3

by Catherine Micqu

  “You're mine now. Spread your legs!” the man demanded, growling against Jamie's ear, while nudging his legs apart with his knee. Jamie knew what was next and he tried to relax his muscles, to make it hurt as little as possible, but nothing had prepared him for the excruciating pain he felt when the stranger impaled him roughly and without any hint of gentleness or lubrication. This John was huge. Jamie gasped and screamed in pain, while he felt like being torn in two.

  “You like that, you dirty little whore?” Jamie whimpered and wished himself away, but the pain was too much to be ignored.

  Usually, once a client had penetrated him, he simply shut down and let everything happen, like a robot, but this time it was impossible to shut his mind up and maybe it was best this way. Jamie's antennas stood on end, trying to anticipate the man's next moves, to make it less painful for himself.

  “Stop, please stop” Jamie finally begged, when he couldn't take any more. It hurt too much. But the man kept fucking him mercilessly.

  “You are so beautiful when you are begging like that. You turn me on like no other. You like my big cock, don't you?” he groaned while thrusting in and out of Jamie. His balls slapped against Jamie's thigh. The sound made Jamie feel nauseous.

  Jamie felt the John's cock thicken in his ass and hoped that his ordeal would be over soon and for the first time since meeting the man, he was right. With a loud groan and one last violent push, he shot his load and collapsed against Jamie, crushing him under his weight. The man's limp cock slipped out of Jamie and he could feel semen running down his thighs. His legs gave in and he slid to the floor, where he was shocked to see that he was sitting in a puddle of blood and sperm. No condom! Jamie wiped his nose and breathed through the throbbing pain in his ass. His bloody hand ran over his face and into his hair. This is not the time and not the place for tears. Get up! Get out! For Agnes!

  A shadow appeared in the doorway and the John was back, already dressed and ready to leave.

  “Get dressed, or do you want another round?” He hissed and threw Jamie's shirt into his face. The man pulled him up from the floor, to rush him and to get him moving. Jamie pulled his pants up and slipped into his shirt, under the steady gaze of the client.

  Once Jamie stood up straight, the man hit him hard in the stomach. Jamie instinctively held his stomach and doubled over. The air rushed out of his lungs and he coughed, gasping for air. The man crouched down in front of him and grabbed his chin with a bruising grip.

  “If you call the cops or anybody else, I will find you. I will fuck you inside out and then I will kill you. Are we clear?” Jamie felt the man's spit hit his face and he nodded slowly. “Good boy. Now stand up straight and get outside and into the car. Don't try anything funny!” Everything in Jamie was reluctant to get into that car again, but he had no other choice. He had no money for a cab, since the man hadn't paid him yet, and he wasn't able to walk home, because it was too far. And too painful!

  “Move!” the man yelled and pushed Jamie, who lost his balance and hit his head against the sink. The next thing Jamie registered was his surroundings fading to black, and someone cursing colorfully.

  ~~Chapter 2~~

  Later that same night, Jamie woke up, lying on his side, his head against the wet cold pavement. He was tired, confused and cold. Jamie tried to turn his head and see his surroundings, but the throbbing pain in his body wouldn't let him move too far and prevented him from getting up. He took a deep breath and tried to sit up and despite the pain, he was able to get up and stand on his shaky feet. Dizziness almost overpowered him right away, but he was able to wobble to a nearby tree and lean against it for support. Jamie was light-headed and closed his eyes briefly before opening them again. His head hurt and his chin did too, in fact, his whole body hurt. It was still freezing cold, his breath was frozen in the air. Only now did he realize, that he was shivering and when he wanted to wrap himself into his thin leather jacket for comfort and a little shelter from the winter's night, frustration set in. No jacket.

  Jamie looked around for a clue, to find out where he was. It was dark night and he could see the moon and some stars. But nothing apart from these stars and the moon looked familiar to him. The houses looked like suburban upper class, complete with short mowed lawns and picket fences. If this was still Gabefield, he had certainly never been to this neighborhood. No light could be seen from the windows and Jamie realized that it must be late. God! What have I gotten myself into?

  Reaching for his cell-phone, he found it was missing. Panicking, he patted his pockets, only to find out that his wallet was gone too, as well as his watch. Tears welled up in his eyes. Christ! What have I gotten myself into? I need to call Agnes.

  Jamie had no idea where he was or how late it was, but he knew that he needed help, he needed to get out of the cold and he needed to go and get Agnes. Lauren would not hesitate to leave her home alone and unguarded for the rest of the night. He needed to be there for her. He had promised.

  Jamie pulled himself together and buttoned his shirt with shaking fingers. The yellow light of the streetlights made him aware of the dried blood on his hands and shirt and he realized that he looked really bad. Still, he made his way to the nearest house, where he rang the bell and knocked against the door. Lights went on inside the house and a flicker of hope spread inside of Jamie. Help was near. Stand upright! He had to tell himself. His body just hurt so much that he stood hunched over.

  The door opened and Jamie faced a middle aged woman who was wrapped in a white robe. She looked at him, shocked and disgusted. “Help me.” he croaked, reaching out his hand, but the woman took a step back, shook her head and closed the door again without saying a word. Jamie slammed his fist against the door without any real force and felt tears of frustration burn his eyes. He wasn't sure if he could make it to many more houses. He felt his body weaken and there was nothing he could do about it. What if people refused to help him? He needed help or at least, he needed to make a call. He had no other choice than to try to get to the next house. This time, an older man opened the door and instantly pushed Jamie from his porch angrily.

  “Get off my property or I'll call the cops,” the man yelled, while looking Jamie up and down. In the distance, Jamie could hear dogs barking and he saw lights go on and curtains being moved from the windows of the neighboring houses.

  “Please do, sir. I'm hurt. My child is alone. I need help. Please, sir. Please!” Jamie pleaded, but the man looked him up and down once more and turned back into his house, closing the door and turning off the lights. Jamie sighed in exasperation. Why do these people refuse to help me?

  Sitting on his throbbing ass, Jamie looked himself up and down too and saw the bloody mess on his clothes. His white shirt was blood stained and his jeans were drenched in red-brownish color between his legs. Jamie felt cold and tired. His eyelids were heavy and his head hurt. He wanted to sleep, and if it had been summer, he might have just done that. Sleeping perched up against a tree - but as it was, it was winter, it was freezing cold and falling asleep could have meant dying too. I don't want to die without fighting! Get up! Fight! Come on!

  One last time, for Agnes, Jamie dragged himself up and stumbled off a little down the road, his view was becoming blotchy as he made his way up to one last door. He chose a house where lights were still on. It was the last house before a T-junction. For Agnes. Stumbling, Jamie dragged himself along a fence and was grateful for the little help it provided. Three stairs led to a porch. Three stairs had never been harder to climb. With his last remaining force, he knocked on the door. He heard a key turn in the lock and it opened. Relief spread inside of Jamie and he even managed to smile faintly. A tall figure stood in the doorway, but Jamie couldn't make out how the stranger looked or even if it was a man or a woman. Jamie wanted to say something, but his throat was constricted. He held out a hand, barely touching whoever stood in that door and then, his legs gave out under him, his head became heavy and his world faded to black once more.

nbsp; ****

  Sebastian walked down the last stairs, careful to not put too much pressure on his bad knee. He was drenched in sweat from his exercise, his blond hair stuck to his forehead and his white t-shirt was almost see through. He cursed his knee over and over again. He was used to exercising every day, and much harder than how he did now. One stupid fall had probably ended his professional dancer's career. He was a good dancer, with a special affinity for ballet. He had had the leading role in many ballet productions and he had trained to do so for a long time. When he started taking dancing classes, people laughed at him and he was a famous target for the bullies in his school. His twin brother often needed to break up fights for him. Doctors had told Sebastian that his career was over and that, at thirty-three, he was too old to expect a full recovery. The accident had happened five months ago and even though most days Sebastian felt no pain, it only took an extensive training session to mess it all up again. Doctors told him to stop the dancing altogether, but he didn't want to hear any of that. He refused to believe and accept that one fall down the very same stairs he was descending now had ruined his life. One fight too many with his husband had cost him everything. Sometimes, Sebastian didn't know what was more painful, being divorced, heartbroken and single again, or not being able to dance. Every time those thoughts became too much to bear, Sebastian fled to his dancing studio in the attic and danced. It helped him relax, it helped him think. Tonight's dancing session had happened because of fight with his ex-husband. Again. Why Rudy couldn't leave him alone and in peace was beyond his understanding, and it annoyed him that Rudy and he couldn't talk anymore like they used to. Once they had been so much in love that they had vowed in front of friends and families to cherish and to love each other until death would part them. Death didn't part them, Rudy's constant lies and cheating did. The shove down the stairs was simply the last nail to their marriage-coffin. Never before had Rudy been violent and he would never be again. Some nights, the separation and the divorce where harder on both Rudy and Sebastian, like this night. Their eighth wedding anniversary. Rudy had called and wanted to hook up with Sebastian. “One last fuck for old time's sake” Sebastian had declined and Rudy didn't want to hear any of it. Only a little after the call, Rudy's red Lexus had pulled into Sebastian's driveway and they had had a huge fight once again. Rudy had left with squealing tires and Sebastian had slammed the door and stomped to his safe haven.


  Sebastian was on his way to the kitchen, to take a painkiller and reward himself with an ice cold soda, when he heard commotion on the street. The neighbor's dog barked aggressively. It never barked unless there was a stranger close to the house. Sebastian shrugged it off, maybe someone was walking his dog or something. Just when he leaned into the fridge, he heard a knock on his door. It was not very forceful, but definitely there. Sebastian took an annoyed look at the digital clock of the oven. It was past midnight. When did it become midnight? It was still light outside when I went upstairs!

  Half expecting his twin brother, half expecting Rudy to be in front of the door, he limped to the door, glaring at the cane that stood under the coat rack. Sebastian ignored it and hobbled to the door as fast as he could, cursing his hurting knee. He watched through the peephole and saw, that it wasn't Kai and it wasn't Rudy, thank God! But a man who seemed to be badly hurt. Hurriedly, Sebastian opened the door and before he could adjust his eyes to the darkness outside, a young man fell into his arms. He reacted instantaneously to catch the man, doing his best to support the feeble body. “No cops” he whispered, before he closed his eyes and went completely limp in Sebastian's arms. Panicked, Sebastian took the young man inside. He cursed his knee again, if he had been able to put full pressure on his leg, heaving the stranger inside would have been much easier. Instinctively, he carried him to the living room and laid him on his couch rather ungracefully, before he checked for a pulse. He found it beating strong and fast and only now, he took a moment to look at the stranger. He was covered in blood. Whose blood is that? His lip was split, his face was badly bruised and dried blood was smeared in his hair. A big bump on his forehead, just at his hairline, was shining blue and purple, but it didn't bleed. The man's clothes were covered in blood too, the worst seemed to be his jeans. His crotch. Sebastian felt like he was going to be sick, afraid of what might have happened to the unconscious man on his couch. He got up and paced his living room worriedly. His hand went up and combed his sweaty hair desperately, all the while, he watched the man lying there. Sebastian bit his fingernails, until he finally had an idea what to do.


  It didn't take long for Kai to arrive and let himself in. Sebastian was still pacing anxiously, keeping an eye on the man on his couch, working himself up and increasing the pain in his knee considerably. What if he is a criminal? If I don't know it, am I making myself liable to prosecution? What if he dies on my couch? How will I be able to explain that?

  “Beb, what happened? Are you alright?” Kai asked concerned, while eyeing his twin brother up and down before placing a soothing hand on his shoulder. Sebastian nodded his head, but Kai could clearly see how agitated he was.

  “Come on, man. Talk to me. What happened? Why did you need me here?”

  “There's a man. On my couch. He's covered in blood and he's unconscious. I didn't know what to do.” Sebastian rushed his words, rising his hand to bite at his fingernails again. Kai stopped his hands with a look of disgust.

  “Stop that bro, that's disgusting. Now, where's that man?” Sebastian pointed at the sofa and Kai turned to see, what – who – his brother saw.

  Kai was a paramedic and had seen a lot in his life, but the tension and the anticipation of what he would discover when he arrived at a scene never failed to make his heart beat faster. Kai approached the couch and just like Sebastian had said, there was a man. Split lip, face bruised, clothed stained.

  “What did you do?” Kai whispered accusingly.

  “I – I no! It's not what it looks like. He knocked on the door. Roughed up like that.” Sebastian whispered back.

  “Try to wake him up!” Kai ordered, but Sebastian took an unsteady step back.

  “You are limping again. You aren't supposed to exercise yet. Jesus, Bebbi. Would you listen to the doctors? Only once? Man...”

  Sebastian stretched out his bad leg, while he knelt on the other.

  “I couldn't do this if I stopped training.” he glared at his brother, who stood behind him.

  “Yeah, I bet your lovers appreciate how flexible you are in bed.” Kai snapped, knowing full well, that there were no new men in his brother's life. He rolled his eyes and concentrated on the injured man again.

  “He looks pale. We have to wake him up. That bump on his head worries me.” Kai nudged Sebastian to do something, and while Sebastian was still contemplating how to try and wake up the injured stranger, his eyes started to flutter and he knew that he would come to without his active help.

  Jamie became conscious, hearing the sound of male voices whispering close by. His eyes were still closed, but he tried to remember what had happened. Several pictures appeared in his mind, but nothing very coherent. A jolt of pain radiated through him and he blinked nervously, before finally succumbing and opening his eyes. He squinted at the brightness of the light.

  “Hey, welcome back.” a man said gently, while kneeling next to Jamie's head. Jamie was confused and tired. He didn't know where he was or how he got on that comfortable couch, with someone he didn't know bending over him. Instinctively, he tried to get as far away from the man as possible.

  “You said no cops, but I needed to call help. I called my brother. He's a paramedic and just arrived here. Where are you hurt? What happened?”

  “Calm down, Beb. You're scaring him!” Kai chuckled softly from behind his brother.

  Jamie tried to sit up, too many questions were asked and he didn't know the answers or if it was safe to answer them. He felt vulnerable lying on the couch. Jamie came into a sitting pos
ition, next to the man who was still awkwardly kneeling next to the couch. His feet touched the dark hardwood floor and his hands supported his weight to get up, but Jamie suddenly felt very dizzy and sick.

  “I think I'm going to be...” that's all he managed to say as a warning, before he emptied his stomach on the handsome stranger, and what little he had eaten that day was now decorating the man's white t-shirt. Jamie stared with his eyes wide open and in shock, he blushed in embarrassment, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and the man looked momentarily horrified too, but then he smiled broadly before turning to his brother.

  “Well Kai, at least you now know that his stomach is empty and with the big bump on his head, I think it's safe to say, that he has a mild concussion. You were right to worry.” Sebastian got up, supporting himself on the couch and the coffee table, until he stood upright. Kai smirked and Jamie tried to sink further into the sofa he was sitting on. He hissed in pain, when he sat up a little straighter and the smiles on the brothers faces faded and made room for concern.


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