“I need to call Agnes.” Jamie whispered. The man who had knelt next to Jamie threw his soiled shirt over his head in a fluid motion, before turning his attention back to Jamie.
“All in good time. I'm Sebastian and that's my brother Kai. We need to find out where you are hurt, in order to help you first. Is that alright?” Jamie nodded, but then he remembered that he needed to know that Agnes was alright first.
“I need to make a call first. Please.”
“Let us fix you up first. What happened to you?” Sebastian pressed and Jamie felt caged. He stayed silent for a moment. Jamie was too embarrassed to tell these men what had happened to him, and that he had put himself into that position willingly.
“I... I got to go.” with that, Jamie tried to stand up again and, unable to keep his balance, he fell right into Sebastian's arms again.
“I've got you. Whoever did this to you, is not going to find you here. You're safe. Let us help you. Please?” Why Sebastian had chosen those words to speak to a stranger, he didn't know, but he felt at once drawn to the man. The beautiful clear green eyes that stared into his own were so intense, that Sebastian forgot for a brief moment the situation they were in. He came back to reality when Jamie's pleading voice cut through the fog in his mind.
“You don't understand. I have to go and get my daughter. For all I know, she is alone. Please let me at least call her. I need to know she's alright and she needs to hear I'm alright too.” Jamie couldn't hold back his tears any longer, he melted against the hard warm body holding him. It didn't matter to him how physically hurt he was, he had made a promise to his daughter and now, he was breaking it. He wasn't there for her.
“You are far from alright. You are hurt and bleeding. Your face is smudged with blood and you aren't able to stand on your own two feet alone and without help. You can't go like this. You are not alright.” Sebastian said softly, but authoritatively. Rationally, Jamie knew and understood that Sebastian was right, but it was very hard to swallow his pride and to admit it.
“I'm a whore. A slut. A hooker. A hustler!” Jamie yelled suddenly, pushing Sebastian away, wanting to shock him and maybe being thrown out of the house too. He looked Sebastian right in the eye, while he all but spat out what it was, that he did for a living. But the man didn't flinch, his bare arms were still around Jamie's waist, feeling warm and comforting.
“A client raped me.” Jamie whispered and lowered his head in shame. Suddenly, the last fight left Jamie and he started to really cry against Sebastian's naked shoulder.
“I need to see Agnes. Please, help me.” Jamie pleaded sobbing.
“Ssh. It's okay. You are safe. You are safe. I'm going to take care of you – and of her.” Soothingly, Sebastian patted Jamie's hair and rubbed soothing circles on his back. He waited patiently, until Jamie calmed down.
“Let me get you some clean clothes, while Kai takes a look at your injuries, after that, we'll make that call.” Jamie nodded and Sebastian finally, if only reluctantly, let go of him. Jamie felt cold were mere moments ago, warm arms had touched him.
Kai took a step closer and Jamie instinctively took a step away from him. There was nothing wrong with Kai, but for some unknown reason, Jamie felt safe – safer, with Sebastian.
“Bebbi, it's alright, you can stay here with Jamie, while I'll go get the stuff I need. Clean towels, a bowl with warm water and a washcloth, my backpack and stuff. I'll also bring you some clean clothes, okay?” Kai asked cautiously, taking his cue from Jamie's demeanor and again, Jamie only nodded.
“You haven't told us your name.” Sebastian stated, once Kai had left the room.
“It's James McCarrick. Jamie.” Jamie said barely audible.
“Okay, Jamie. Here's the phone. Call her!” Jamie took the phone from Sebastian and dialed his daughter’s phone first, but she didn't answer the call. Worry chilled Jamie to the bone and his eyes started to fill with new tears. Without asking permission first, he dialed Lauren's phone, glad that he had memorized both numbers a long time ago. Lauren picked up after the second ring. He only needed to announce his name, before Lauren started to yell at him.
“Jamie? Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here at ten. Now it's past midnight and I am stuck with the brat.”
“Lauren, it's your child too and I am sorry. I had an accident. I would have called sooner, but I lost my phone.” Jamie tried to sound strong and casual, while Lauren rambled and didn't let Jamie speak up. In reality, he was close to tears and felt far from strong. Sebastian saw him struggling and took the phone out of his hands, without thinking about it twice.
“Hi, this is Sebastian Martin... No, I am not a John... No, not the pimp either... Listen, could you bring the girl to my house. Jamie is here and he needs someone to take care of him for a little while, because of that accident.” Jamie listened wide-eyed while Sebastian told Lauren where she was supposed to bring Agnes and thanked her politely then he disconnected the phone and threw it on the coffee table.
“It will take her about forty minutes to bring your daughter here. Let's make you somewhat presentable for her. How about we get you out of those filthy clothes. Don't worry, Kai will patch you up. He's a real pro at what he does.” Sebastian talked nervously. This whole situation overwhelmed him and while talking out loud, he didn't need to think about the situation. Jamie was out of words and simply did what he was told to do. He was too tired to argue, too tired to fight and too grateful that, after the rejections he had earlier, someone was willing to help him and take care of him.
Sebastian unbuttoned Jamie's shirt slowly, revealing a well-toned torso, but still taking in every one of Jamie's reactions to his movements. He didn't want to hurry things, he didn't want to scare him and add to the trauma either. Jamie felt too tired and was hurting too much to feel any more embarrassment and he let this man undress him. Maybe he would have been capable of doing it himself, but it didn't matter right now. It was not sensual or erotic in any kind of way, it was simply one man helping another man in distress out of his clothes. But his hands feel good on me!
Sebastian was shocked when he saw the dried blood that covered Jamie's bare thighs and legs, but he did his best to hide his own emotions. So much blood, so many bruises. He didn't want to make Jamie feel worse about himself and pushed his thoughts away, schooling his features before he looked Jamie in the face again.
Kai came back into the room right at that moment and stopped in his tracks. Jamie stood naked in front of his twin, seemingly unembarrassed, but his eyes were empty and he looked intently at the painting hanging on the wall behind Sebastian. Jamie's ring finger of his right hand twitched rhythmically, and Kai asked himself how this man could conceal his feelings and emotions so well. Kai knew people and he knew what to look for in victims of domestic violence and rapes, but this seemingly unemotional cover was new, even to him.
Kai too had seen what had made Sebastian gasp. Bruises and dried blood. Kai shook his head and moved closer to Jamie, laying out a large towel on the sofa and asking him to sit down.
“Did you bring clean clothes for Jamie?” Sebastian asked, revealing Jamie's name to his brother, while looking at the pile of things he had put on the coffee table. Kai cursed, because he had indeed forgotten about them.
“I'll be right back,” Sebastian said absentmindedly, while he hurried out of the room and let out a shaky breath. Kai noticed him limping again and he also saw that it was way worse than it had been in some time, but he bit his cheek to keep his thoughts inside. He would berate his brother later, now he had a patient who needed tending.
Sebastian needed a moment to breathe. He had never helped someone like this man – Jamie – and he had never seen injuries like this either. Although he had not really seen anything, apart from a black eye, split lip and bump on the forehead, but the blood that had dried on the man's thighs and the clothes that were full of blood too, it made him shudder. He has been raped by a client. How low must a man sink, before he has to do this for a li
ving? He has a daughter. Maybe a girlfriend too and an ex-wife. Gay for pay or gay for real? Why do I care? Because even roughed up like this, you haven't seen such a beautiful man in a long while! And because he felt so right in my arms and against my skin. And now, without wanting it, Sebastian was ready to give this man shelter, even having his daughter invited over. How old is the daughter? She can't be older than nine or ten, judging by his looks. He looks so young, but his temples are graying. Maybe it's because of the black hair... He had no idea what he was doing and why, but something about this man got under his skin. Maybe it's only my helper syndrome – which I never really had until now. Right! Sebastian's walking up the stairs proved to be exhausting, but he didn't want to appear weak and he didn't want to make Kai notice the pain he was in. Sebastian needed a moment at the top of the stairs to gather his strength and go his bedroom to retrieve a set of clothes for Jamie. He held a sweatshirt, underpants and sweatpants in his arms, when is eyes fell on his robe, hanging on a hook at the door. I bet he would like to take a shower. Sebastian shuddered again involuntarily. The thought of water running down Jamie's tight and lean muscled body made his own body react in an inappropriate manner. Stop it Bebbi! He's a guest. A very intriguing guest indeed. Sebastian took his favorite t-shirt and threw it on, his thoughts never ceased to turn around the man on his couch.
Kai quickly, but thoroughly looked at Jamie's bruises and at the bump on his head, cleaned them and put bandages where they were needed, until finally it was time to see what damage the John had done to Jamie's anus and rectum. Kai knew that he needed to be compassionate and sensitive about this. Jamie wasn't the first rape victim he saw, although it was his first male one.
“Jamie, I need to ask you to lie on your stomach now.” Kai said in a calm voice, but Jamie didn't move.
“I don't... I mean...” he hung his head in shame and Kai patted Jamie's shoulder encouragingly, before he realized, that it was uncalled for.
“I know. This must be really hard. But you don't have to be ashamed. I've seen very different things in my line of work, people who put unbelievable things up their asses and not able to get them back out, women who were raped, men with broken penises or cock rings that were stuck. I've seen a lot of asses. To me, it's a part of the human body and you are in need of treatment. That's all. I am not here to judge you. I am here to help you.” Kai waited for Jamie to say something and saw Sebastian coming back into the living room.
“I just... I am not a woman. I am a man. And I climbed into that car out of my free will. Because that is what I do, even when my daughter tells me to stop. I put myself at risk willingly, knowingly.” The desperation in Jamie's voice almost broke Sebastian's heart.
“But you never said to him to hurt you and leave you out in the cold somewhere. Don't go that way. Press charges -”
“No. No. If I go to the cops, I will lose Agnes and I can't lose her. I can't...” Jamie hid his face in his hands and Sebastian and Kai didn't know what else to say or do. Jamie was a stranger. A stranger who needed help and was in a vulnerable position.
“Fact is Jamie, and I know you don't want to hear it, but I need to look at you, to know how to treat you. It is my duty to help you. Now, I certainly won't force you to do anything you don't want me to do, but if you don't let me take a look at your backside, I need to call an ambulance and you are going to be admitted to the hospital. There, they are going to call the cops, because it's standard procedure for rape victims, male and female alike, and from there on, I don't take any responsibility anymore.” Jamie simply shook his head no. Kai couldn't interpret if it was still refusal to let him do his job, or refusal to go to the hospital.
“Look at it from this side, you fainted and fell into my arms, you puked on me and now you are sitting naked on my sofa. Usually, that's something only my ex-husband did after having one too many drinks. There is not much worse it can get. I'll even leave, so you are alone with a professional. Okay? You are going to be fine and I bet many more men in your line of work have been through this. Don't be ashamed, okay? It was not your fault.” The brothers made see Jamie a little sense and he looked up. His eyes met Sebastian's briefly. My ex-husband... did he just say, that he is gay? Beautiful brown eyes. Blonde hair. Strange combination. Comforting voice and warm strong arms.
“Would you please leave?” he asked Sebastian almost inaudibly. He could see Kai as a paramedic, but Sebastian was a handsome man who had taken charge of him when he was unable to do it himself. Sebastian had seen him in a very vulnerable situation, he didn't need to see him any more exposed than he already was. Sebastian nodded understandingly and left without another word.
Jamie heard a door close carefully and he took a last strengthening breath before resignedly turning to his stomach. He buried his head in his arms, while Kai carefully cleaned his upper thighs and the crease of his ass with the washcloth, before he could take a first look at Jamie's abused hole. Talking Jamie soothingly through everything he did, he gently washed him up and was relieved when he found that there was nothing that needed sewing or other medical attention. Everything was intact, although a few thin vessels were harmed and the tender flesh looked really raw and swollen. When he was done, he let go of Jamie and took a few steps away from him, while the other man sat up on the couch, as best as he was able to.
“Okay, so... You are lucky. There's nothing damaged beyond repair, no bleeding and no need for sewing. The flesh is tender and sore and it will stay that way for a few days, maybe a week.” Kai waited for Jamie to acknowledge what he had said, before he continued: “If anything else hurts or if the pain doesn't get better or if anything starts bleeding again, this is mostly aimed at your rectum, you'll need to see a doctor. You need to rest and stay in bed for a few days, for the concussion to heal properly. This will take up to seven days, so don't rush it. This is obligatory. Don't move around too much. Sebastian knows what to do for tonight. I would suggest you'd stay here. It's late anyway. If there is anything else, I beg you, for you and your daughter, go see a doctor or come see me. Do you understand?” Jamie nodded again.
“Thank you, really. I knocked at two other doors, before I came here.” If anything, Jamie's shoulders dropped even more.
“Don't mention it. And it wasn't me, but Beb who opened that door.” Kai gave him a small smile, while cleaning his stuff away. Sebastian stuck his head through the door and Kai quickly gave a cursory report. Jamie stood on wobbly legs and looked at the robe in Sebastian's hands, but he didn't say a word.
“I thought, that you might want to take a shower, before your daughter arrives.” Sebastian suggested and Jamie agreed, grateful for the offer. Sebastian handed Jamie the robe. It was just the right size and Jamie put it on.
Sebastian led the way up the stairs and showed him a large bathroom and a guestroom with a king size bed.
“I put out some clothes. I think we are the same size, more or less. They should fit. Um... there is a spare toothbrush in the bathroom drawer and there are fresh towels too.” Sebastian fidgeted with his hands and looked like he was about to say something, but he didn't know what to say. He simply stood there, not knowing what to do or what to say.
“Thanks.” Jamie quietly said, before walking past Sebastian and closing the bathroom door gently.
~~Chapter 3~~
Jamie stood in the bathroom and took a look around. There was not much to see, a regular clean and tidy bathroom accentuated here and there with earthy colored accessories. Jamie looked at his own reflection in the mirror, his jaw was bruised and he could see the imprints of fingers on his skin. There was dried blood on his chin and forehead and his right cheek was swollen and bruised. He remembered thinking that his nose had broken in that other bathroom, but now he saw that it was intact, if a little swollen over the bridge too. It could be worse, but he dreaded the moment he would see Agnes, and he needed to explain to her what had happened. She would see the finger-imprints and she would know. But before he had to cross th
at bridge, he yearned to take that shower.
Jamie let the warm water run down his body, grateful that Sebastian had thought about it too. He felt dirty, even more than he usually did after being with a John. Could he have done more to prevent it, could he have done more to get away? Jamie put his hands against the tiled wall and let the spray massage his neck and back. He saw the water turn red and disappear in the drain. It was like a picture out of a horror movie. He looked away and straightened up to reach for the shampoo. He smelled it and put a generous amount on his palm, before lathering his hair and rinsing it off again. The scent of lavender was heavy in the air. Jamie did the same with the body wash. It was woodsier, but he liked the scent and he recognized it as the same he had smelled on the robe and now that he came to think about it, Sebastian had smelled the same too. Jamie washed up carefully and thoroughly. He took a few more relaxing minutes under the water spray, before turning off the water and climbing out of the shower stall. He would have loved to stay and enjoy the warm water some more, but he didn't want to be rude either.
Jamie cleaned the mirror with the palm of his hand and was relieved to see that he looked much better now. He felt refreshed too. He rubbed himself dry and wrapped the robe around himself tightly. He took a moment to inhale that smell again. He closed his eyes and a picture of Sebastian wearing nothing but a sexy smile appeared before his eyes. What was that?
Walking back down the hall to the guestroom, he felt sore and his head hurt slightly, but Kai had reassured him that a slight headache was typical for a concussion. Jamie put on Sebastian's clothes and they did, indeed, fit him fine. A knock on the door startled Jamie. Sebastian entered with a glass of water and a pain pill, which Jamie gratefully took.
“Thank you for your help. I'll wait for Agnes and then I'll be out of your hair.” Jamie said, his eyes never leaving the floor. After the thought he had had in the bathroom, he didn't dare looking at Sebastian, he didn't want to see the judgment in his eyes, the disappointment or maybe even disgust.
When The Right Door Opens Page 4