Book Read Free

Broken Rules

Page 4

by Olivia Jake

  She could tell he was tired. She was too, and she couldn’t blame him. They’d been shooting all day and she knew that he had to go back to the set the next morning. “Ok, Marco, last shot of the day. We’ll be quick and then we’ll be out of your hair. Let’s get you in the tub with your feet up, crossed at the ankles, perfect, and arms behind your head, that’s right.” Alex had to step out and position herself just so that she wasn’t caught in the mirror reflection. Because the space was so tight, Jesús and Luis were standing in the bedroom, there wasn’t much they could do. This last shot felt intimate, like it was just the two of them. He looked so damn sexy like that in the tub. She got a few shots like that, then asked Jesús for the couple of props which were a glass of scotch and a cigar. The whole shoot was a lot leaner than most. Marco requested no stylists or prop people. He didn’t want all those strangers in his house, which Alex could appreciate. So throughout the day, they all pitched in when it came to props or fixing wardrobe.

  Alex wasn’t sure why, but instead of asking him to undo his bow tie and unbutton the first couple buttons of his shirt, she set her camera down, walked over to him, leaned in and did just that. As she was undressing him, he started to get that mischievous smile and all she could do was smile back. She had to hold herself back from unbuttoning the whole damn shirt. She stepped back and asked him to grab the scotch and cigar, which he did and she got a few shots like that and then announced, “I think that’s it Marco, I think we’re done.”

  He shook his head and said, “Not yet, one more.” And then yelled, “Jesús!” Jesús came in quickly looking concerned. Marco asked him if he would do him a favor and get a shot of him and Alex together and added, “I promise, I won’t hurt her, and I’ll be a gentleman.” He raised his right hand and crossed his heart. Jesús looked at Alex, and Alex just shrugged, she thought, no biggie, she’s had her picture taken with lots of talent at the end of a long shoot. She waited for Marco to get out of the tub and held out her hand to help him out, but instead, he grabbed her hand and pulled her down, quickly catching her so that she was now lying on top of him, her back to his front. “Perfect! Ok, Jesús, we’re ready” Marco said proudly. Alex was sure that Marco could feel her heart beating as he held her tightly against him, his arms wrapped around her waist and his head nuzzled next to hers. Alex squirmed a little and Marco’s grip got tighter as he whispered, “Not so fast, Corazon. You feel so good against me. And you told me we’d end in the tub. It’s just a shame that we have all these clothes on.”

  Alex smiled but tried to diffuse the situation by calling Marco’s attention back to the fact that a large, somewhat angry, heavily tattooed man was standing just a few feet away from them. She called out with a little too much enthusiasm, “Ok, Jesús, we’re ready!” Alex said and Jesús took a couple shots. Alex tried to reposition herself again, but Marco tightened his grip and this time, she knew why he didn’t want her squirming all over him as she could feel him hard underneath her ass. She took in a deep breath and Marco chuckled and whispered “Do you see now why I didn’t want you moving all over the place? Now we’re going to have to stay in here until I calm down, unless you want Jesús attacking me.” Alex giggled and Jesús snapped more shots as she threw her head back and laughed. He didn’t like seeing her with that jerk, but he did love it when she laughed.

  “Jesús, I think that’s enough shots of me. Can you start breaking down the equipment and loading it into the truck? I’ve got a couple things I want to discuss with Marco.” Jesús didn’t like leaving them like that, but she was his boss so he just nodded and left the room. Then she turned to Marco and said, “Ok, I got you out of that one. You owe me.”

  As she started to try to get up, he pulled her back down to him so that now she was straddling him and said, “I’ve got your payment right here, Corazon.”

  Alex laughed. It was fun being playful with Marco. But she knew she needed to de-escalate this situation since he clearly wasn’t going to. “Marco, Jesús will be back in here in a minute, maybe two. So unless you want a black eye marring that pretty face of yours, I suggest you let me go and um, rearrange.” As she said that, she looked down. It was all she could do not to press down and rub herself against his hard-on. He sighed and loosened his grip so that Alex could get up and out of the tub. Once she was out, she asked, “So, when we’re at your home, will your mom be there?”

  Marco looked confused at the sudden change of subject, but then nodded and answered, “My mother, my sisters, my grandmother… all the Flores’.”

  “Your grandmother, tell me about her.” Alex could see him starting to think and shift gears.

  “She’s a strong woman. Very strong. Doesn’t take any shit from anyone. Especially not me. And trust me, I’ve tried to bullshit her but it doesn’t work. She sees right through it.” He then went on to briefly describe his mother and sisters.

  He paused and Alex said, “Ok, I think we’re ready.” She smiled, looking satisfied with herself.


  Alex looked down at his pants, “Don’t get me wrong, Marco, I am looking forward to hearing all about your family, but I was just asking about them to, uh, help you with this situation.” At which, Marco looked down and started cracking up.

  “Alexandra, you’re beautiful, talented, smart, and sneaky!” he smiled as he stepped up and out of the tub and then added, “I like that.” As he winked.

  Thankfully, Jesús came in just after that and only looked at Alex, “Ok, we’re all set.”

  “Great, thank you, Jesús.” Alex said.

  “I’ll walk you all out.” Marco said as he put his hand on the small of Alex’s back. Once they started walking and Jesús was clearly in front of them, Marco’s hand slipped down to Alex’s ass. The touch sent shivers through her and as good as it felt, she knew she couldn’t leave it there.

  “Marco, I’m so looking forward to meeting your grandmother and mother and all the Flores’.” Alex said with a little too much enthusiasm. He chuckled and lifted his hand off her back completely. Message received loud and clear.

  When they got to her car, Marco turned her to face him and said, “Gracias, Corazon.” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Luckily Jesús and Luis were already in the car and couldn’t see them. Alex was flushed again, but it was almost dark so perhaps he couldn’t see this time. She smiled and thanked him.

  “Marco, I never thanked you for requesting me for this shoot. I think we got some great stuff today and can’t wait to do more.” This was true, though Alex realized that once again, she almost stuck her foot in it. She tried to remain professional, though after the bathtub incident, it felt a bit forced, “Thanks again for today and for being such a good sport. Jesús and I will see you Thursday morning at the airport.”

  “A good sport? Alexandra, you have an interesting way with words.” He smiled and then added, “I can’t wait to do more too, Corazon.” He winked and then said, “Hasta Jueves” as she climbed into her car and drove off.


  Alex processed out the shoot on Sunday. Typically, the lab was closed Sundays, but Alex had worked with them for her entire career and she wasn’t just another photographer to the lab owners. Sure, it didn’t hurt that they displayed Alex’s work, which helped with free PR for the lab. But the real reason the lab opened for Alex was because of the original owner, Dan Perlmutter.

  When Alex was growing up, the Perlmutters were their neighbors. But they were more than just that, they were the types of neighbors that inspired the true meaning of the word. They were always there for Alex and her folks, and vice versa. They spent so much time together, they were practically family. Dan and Ruth never had any kids, though they had wanted them desperately. When Alex’s parents died, Dan and Ruth legally adopted Alex, though her independence made the adoption more of a formality to keep her out of foster care. Nevertheless, they took Alex under their wing and cared for her as if she were their own, or, at least as much as she’d let them. Since Alex�
�s parent’s house had been handed down to them by their parents, it was paid for, so Alex had a roof over her head, but she still needed to eat. Dan gave her a job at his lab, basically janitorial, cleaning up and doing whatever was asked of her. She went there every day after school and on weekends. She knew that it was a bit of charity, but she wasn’t so proud that she didn’t accept it. Slowly, she began to learn about photography, film, processing, lighting and business. Some of the bigger names who used the lab back then started taking a liking to her too and, seeing her interest in the business and the craft, they not only gave her their old cameras, but started bringing her along on shoots. Once she graduated high school she was working full time either in the lab or as a photographer’s assistant. The photographers who were regulars, as well as the Perlmutters, became Alex’s new family. As much as she missed her parents, she had a true support system, even if they weren’t related, she knew she had people around her who cared.

  Eventually, she started shooting for herself and when she was getting regular gigs she eventually quit working at the lab and stopped assisting other photographers, but she never forgot her roots. There wasn’t a day that went by that Alex didn’t recognize how fortunate she was to have Dan and Ruth look after her. She could have just as easily slipped into God only knows what. But they helped shape the woman she became both personally and professionally, and she would always be grateful to them for that. They knew how much Alex appreciated them. When the whole industry changed from film to digital, their lab was one of the last holdouts, mostly because to change everything over was more than they could afford. By then, Alex was very successful and convinced them to let her take care of the expenses. They were proud people, but they weren’t foolish. They knew they needed her financial help. And Alex knew that even though they didn’t want to accept it, there was a certain amount of pride they took in knowing that Alex’s success was partly due to them.

  When Dan had a massive heart attack a few years before his death, he and Ruth reluctantly agreed to finally sell the lab. One condition of the sale was that Alex always have access and use as if it were her own place. When Dan did pass, Ruth was so heartbroken that she followed him exactly one month later.

  It was because of the help that the Perlmutter’s gave to Alex, that giving back was so important to her. It was why she started volunteering and was probably a big reason she felt so strongly about helping Jesús. She knew there were all kinds of reasons why some people made it and others didn’t. Having the opportunity in the first place was half the battle. But picking up the ball once it’s in your court, well, that’s the other half. Alex picked it up. So did Jesús. But Alex saw a lot of other kids in the volunteer program who didn’t. She couldn’t help them. They had to want to help themselves, they had to meet her half way. In much the same way that the Perlmutter’s gave her a chance, and she made them proud, she could see a similar dynamic with Jesús.

  So, Alex had a key to the lab and knew the code to the alarm system so that she could come and go without bothering anyone on their day off. It helped Alex feed her obsessive nature that she could see a shoot immediately this way. And it was nice to have the lab to herself. Though Dan and Ruth were now gone, being in there always felt like home.

  Even before she started, Alex knew the shoot was good. It didn’t hurt that her subject was not only spectacularly gorgeous, but it was his charisma and charm that brought him, and his photos, to another level. It was why he had risen to fame so quickly. In Hollywood, as the song goes, there are lots of pretty, pretty boys. Lots. So it wasn’t just Marco’s good looks. He really did have that certain something. Alex chuckled to herself, you know better than anyone not to fall for a pretty face! But there she was, looking at the shoot, starting with the shots of him in the pool, and she could feel herself getting wet. After having shot as many actors as Alex had, and after making a couple mistakes with boundaries early on, she made a hard and fast rule for herself: never date an actor. Ever. Period.

  The better the actor, the more dangerous. Good actors make their audiences believe whatever role they’re playing. When Alex was younger, she fell for a couple guys who made her feel beautiful and smart and funny and desired. That is until they got what they wanted or got bored or whatever it was that flipped the switch and they got tired of playing that part and were done. She was amazed at how manipulative people could be, but she learned quickly. She even understood that they couldn’t help it. It was part of who they were. She just knew that being with actors wasn’t for her.

  But whatever this Marco Flores had, he had in spades. As Alex continued looking through the shoot, every setup looked better than the last. Usually, there was one shot or one setup that Alex knew was the hero. But with this shoot, the more she looked, the more she liked. Then she got to the last couple shots of her and Marco in the tub. She stared at them for a while. It was odd seeing herself in a shoot. Odder still seeing herself laughing with such carefree abandon. She looked genuinely happy with him. She also remembered feeling his hard cock under her and thought, Maybe that’s why you look so happy. Regardless, it’s just a couple photographs with a man who makes his money pretending, Alex. Remember that. She pulled the shots of her from the drive so that they wouldn’t be sent to the magazine, but made sure to keep them for herself.

  Alex had a lot to do prior to leaving. She was about to walk out the door for a pre-light Monday morning when her doorbell rang. She was greeted by a flower delivery, a beautiful bouquet of irises and tulips. She was shocked and couldn’t figure out who would be sending her flowers. She hadn’t dated anyone recently, or more accurately, for years. It wasn’t her birthday…

  She opened the card and found this note:


  After spending all day Saturday together, I found myself missing you yesterday. Hope your week goes well, Corazon.


  Shit, he was good. Alex’s heart was pounding. Damn him! She quickly put the flowers inside and then raced off to her prelight. Once in the car, she called Kara,

  “There’s only one way he could have gotten my home address, Kara.” Alex said calmly.

  “It was that damn accent, Alex! And he was so nice and charming. And he promised me he wouldn’t do anything bad with it, Alex! He just said he wanted to send you some thank you flowers since the shoot went so well! Isn’t that sweet!?!” Kara’s tone was a mixture of fear and girlish exuberance.

  “Kara, we’ve talked about this before! Boundaries!” Alex rose her voice now.

  “I know, I know. But, ugh, I’m sorry Alex! I’m just not as strong as you!” Alex just sighed. Kara was the antithesis of strong. She was a damn pushover. The girl was too sweet for her own good. Which is probably why Alex liked her and kept her as her rep. She was so sincere and earnest and wore her heart on her sleeve. Alex still wasn’t sure what the hell she was doing in Hollywood, or how she survived… maybe it was because of her sweetness, that she was so nice, that was how she survived because no one could get really mad at her. At least Alex couldn’t. Or not for very long at least.

  After a beat, Kara sheepishly asked, “Sooooo, are they pretty?”

  “Ugh! Kara! You are such a girl! Yes, they’re pretty. They’re beautiful! But that’s not the point!” Even Alex couldn’t take herself that seriously and was smiling as she was trying to chastise poor Kara.

  “I’ll bet they are. I can’t wait to see them! And I can’t wait to see the pictures! He said the shoot went really well!” Kara was back to being her girly self and Alex knew that any discussion of boundaries was long gone.

  “Yes, it did go well. It went great. We got some amazing shots.”

  “Ooooh, goody! Yay!” Alex could hear Kara clapping her little girly clap and all she could do was shake her head and laugh.

  “Kara, what am I going to do with you!?!”

  “So sue me, I’m a sucker for hot men and romantic gestures like flowers!”

  “Well, he is hot, I’ll give you that. And, I’ve no
w seen him shirtless, and let me tell you,” before Alex could even finish, she had to practically plug her ears from Kara’s shrieks.

  “Oh my God, you saw him without a shirt! Ok, start from the beginning, I want details! Do not leave anything out!” Alex could just picture Kara bouncing up and down in her chair, clapping her hands as Alex recounted the day. And she didn’t leave anything out. She told her about the wet t-shirt and the tub incident.

  At decibels probably only a dog could hear, Kara screamed, “You felt his, um, manhood!?!?” Alex couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

  “Yes Kara. And there’s good reason he’s so damn cocky! The man is huge.”

  “Oh my God!!! I cannot believe you didn’t jump him right then and there, Alex!”

  “Kara! We were working! And he’s an actor, and you know my rules! Not to mention, Jesús was right there!”

  “But if Jesús weren’t there, maybe you would have?” she asked excitedly.

  “Kara, you’re hopeless. If you pimp me out to all of our clients, we won’t have any clients left! You shouldn’t be encouraging anything to happen!”

  “I’m not pimping you out! I’m living vicariously!”

  “Ok, I’ve got to run, I’m at the studio. But not a word of this to anyone!” Alex knew that as excited as Kara got and as girly as she could be, she trusted her.

  “You’re no fun! Ugh! Since I can’t talk about this with anyone, I’m going to make you tell me again!” Alex laughed as they said their goodbyes and she went to her prelight.

  Alex kept herself busy between the prelight on Monday and shooting Tuesday, processing Wednesday so that only left Wednesday night to do laundry, pack, walk Kara through all the animal info, and worry about the flight.

  Kara was always happy to house-sit, really animal-sit, when Alex travelled. Kara loved animals but her apartment wouldn’t allow them, and it being a rent-controlled place only four blocks from the beach, she wasn’t about to give it up. So she got her animal fix often enough with Alex’s brood.


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