Broken Rules

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Broken Rules Page 6

by Olivia Jake

  “Por supesto! Why wouldn’t I drive? This is my home, and I was a tour guide, remember? Who better to lead the way?” He smiled as he looked over to Alex in the passenger seat. Naturally, Jesús was in the back seat. Alex noted the interesting shift in power so far throughout the trip. More than that, she was shocked Marco was driving. Most stars would never dream of driving themselves much less the photographer and her assistant. Alex wondered if it were just because they were on such a small island or if this was normal for Marco.

  “Do you have a driver at home?” Alex asked a bit sheepishly. Marco burst out laughing.

  “Dios mio! You think I’m Hollywood Marco?” Alex shrugged giving him her answer. He took her hand brought it up to his lips, giving it a kiss, which prompted Jesús to clear his throat as a reminder that he was right there. He chuckled and then said, “Alexandra, yo soy Marco Flores de San Cristobal del Galapagos. No soy Hollywood Marco, ok?” she nodded and he continued, “I can’t wait for you to meet my mother and grandmother!” he laughed again at the thought, “If they ever thought I did something as tonto as hire a driver when I have perfectly working arms and legs, they’d, ay, dios mio, I don’t know what they’d do. They’d probably break all of them just so I’d actually need a driver!” he continued laughing and shaking his head at the thought.

  Alex wasn’t sure how he hadn’t yet let Hollywood affect him, if that truly was the case. She still wasn’t sure if this small town boy act was just that. But so far, everything she had seen of him was so good natured and playful, well of course except for the competition with Jesús, but she chalked that up to boys being boys. So far, she hadn’t seen any of the drama or arrogance that typically came along with fame and stardom. She wasn’t naïve enough to think that he hadn’t let the industry get to him at all, and she reminded herself that he is an actor, and his job is getting people to believe he’s something and someone he’s not.

  They drove a short way out of town to what seemed like a residential neighborhood, though everything was so small, residential was probably the wrong way to describe it. Local was more apt. Alex didn’t see any tourists around when they stopped at a small restaurant that was tucked just off the road. It had a thatched roof and a couple tables in front, but Alex could see from the road that the restaurant sat on one of the many long stretches of beach even though you couldn’t see the beach from the outside as the view was eclipsed by trees on either side of the structure. The three of them got out of the car and for the first time since landing, Alex allowed herself to actually relax and take in her surroundings. The island was beautiful, what she saw of it so far. Very small town and tropical. Very simple. Having grown up in Los Angeles, she couldn’t imagine growing up somewhere like this. More than that, she couldn’t imagine the culture shock of growing up here and then moving somewhere like LA. She was looking forward to talking with the writer and hearing Marco’s story. Then again, she was here with him and his family, maybe she’d find out first hand.

  They walked into the little restaurant, Nuestra Casita, and Alex just stopped for a moment taking it all in. The entire back of the restaurant was open, revealing the white sand beach that it sat on, and the crystal clear blue water. She looked at Marco, who was watching her for her expression. He had a huge grin on his face, “Te gustas?” he almost whispered. It seemed like he was holding his breath as he waited for her reply.

  “It’s beautiful, Marco.” She said reverentially. The minute the words were out, he exhaled, as if relieved that he had pleased her. Which, given where they were, wasn’t difficult. It was just spectacular. So pristine and calm. She looked out at the water and then back at him wondering whether which was bluer, his eyes or the water.

  “Como ti, Corazon.” He winked. It was really hard not to fall for his charms, especially here. But luckily? Jesús was here with them, grounding Alex. It was very hard to flirt with him by her side, which was probably a pretty good thing.

  “Marco! Look at you! How are you? Long time, Mr. Hollywood!” the older gentleman exclaimed when he came out from the kitchen to greet them. Marco laughed as they embraced and patted each other vigorously on the back. They chatted for a while like old friends as Alex and Jesús walked out to the patio.

  “Look at this, Jesús! Can you imagine growing up here?” She asked rhetorically before she realized what she had said. He just shook his head no. She had an idea what he was thinking, having grown up in East LA with nothing but concrete around him. It was ironic, growing up in LA only 20 or so miles from the beach, but feeling like he was land locked.

  Jesús mumbled, “Lucky bastard.” Alex chuckled and then grabbed his arm pulling him to her side said, “Thank you Jesús, for earlier. I really… that’s never happened to me before.” He nodded and put an awkward arm around her giving her a little squeeze. Alex knew that showing emotion wasn’t Jesús’ strong suit. Just this little display was far more than he was comfortable with. Over the years she had tried to show him that it was ok to feel, to hug, and he was definitely more affectionate with her now than he ever had been before, but showing affection was still very far outside his comfort zone. He preferred to show his love, and she knew that he loved her, by always being there for her, by working hard, by being completely loyal to her. It was a silent show of affection and love, but she knew it was there and she never took him for granted. As strong and mean-looking as he was, she knew that emotionally he was very, very fragile.

  From behind them, she heard Marco, “Esteban, mis amigos Alexandra y Jesús.” Marco beamed, it was clear he was happy to be home, and it was hard not to be happy in a place like this. There was also a pride and comfort that Alex could feel. Esteban, the owner, shook Alex’s hand, and then regarded Jesús, his tattooed covered arms and scowl really put a lot of people off, but he shook his hand as well, “Con mucho gusto.” Esteban smiled at them both and then gestured to the tables, “Sienten. Sienten. Que quieren beber? Comer?” Marco ordered for the table, telling them that the ceviche and sea cucumber were local traditions, then he leaned over so that only Alex could hear and said with boyish charm and a wink, “And it’s said that the sea cucumber is an aphrodisiac, Alexandra.” Alex chuckled, rolled her eyes and laughed. After the panic attack and all the emotions that the flight triggered, she certainly wasn’t going to let a little flirting by a gorgeous man upset her.

  Alex asked, “And to drink? Remember, I need a drink Marco. Badly.”

  “Ten paciencia, Corazon. You already got sick once today. You don’t have any food in your stomach, and we’re in no rush. Relajate y disfruta, ok?” he said so sweetly. Alex was surprised that this actor could be so caring. She was also surprised he knew what happened in the bathroom at the airport.

  “You knew I got sick in the airport?”

  Marco laughed, “Well, when a man takes a woman into the women’s room, and that man looks like Jesús, no offense,” he looked at Jesús who shrugged, “people tend to talk. That’s why I ran into the bathroom. You two gave all the women quite a scare!” Alex nodded and realized what they must have looked like. The whole episode was such a blur she hadn’t really had time to think about it. “You’re feeling better now, Corazon?”

  Alex nodded, “Yes, much. Thank you, Marco.” She gave him a soft smile.

  He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze and said simply, “Good.”

  Alex took a deep breath, “I know I owe you an explanation,” but before she could finish, Marco interrupted,

  “You don’t owe me anything, Alexandra. If you want to tell me, tell me. When you’re ready. But for now, let’s enjoy the view and relax for a bit. We’ll have a little something to eat and drink and then I’ll show you around the island before we go to my mother’s, ok?” Alex nodded. It was so odd having these conversations with Marco knowing that Jesús was right there. As close as Alex was to Jesús, she felt like she was having an intimate conversation with Marco, and with Jesús there listening, it was an odd dynamic. But perhaps a good reminder that her convers
ations with Marco shouldn’t be intimate. Then again, being as flirty as he was, Alex had a feeling that would be very difficult.

  The food came and Marco chatted easily about the islands, growing up there and where would be some good places to shoot. He finally ordered some passion fruit cocktails for the three of them, though after one sip, Jesús ordered himself a beer. He didn’t like the fruity girly drink, and he certainly didn’t like another man ordering for him. Marco shrugged it off, reminding Alex once again how easy-going he could be.

  The drinks were deceptively sweet, masking just how strong they were. After one and a half, Alex was buzzed and found herself giggling at Marco’s little jokes. “You are relaxed now, Corazon?” he smiled at her. She knew she was grinning at him, but she couldn’t help it.

  “Mmmhmm. Very relaxed.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head back taking in a deep breath. She wanted to leave the anxiety and sadness of her parents’ death behind, but she wanted to tell Marco. She felt if she did it now, and did it quickly, she could move on with the rest of the trip. She opened her eyes and found him staring at her. Now was as good a time as any. “Marco,” she started, “when I was 16, my parents died in a small commuter plane crash.” Her heart started pounding as she said those words. She took another deep breath and continued, “I have never been on a small plane because of that, and I promised myself I never would.”

  “Corazon, then why did you? You should have said something, we could have worked something out. You didn’t have to come here!” he said with such care and concern.

  “I couldn’t turn down this job, or this opportunity. It would have been very bad for my career. And I was flattered that you wanted me to shoot you. There was no time to negotiate it all happened so fast, and the story was already set, I couldn’t change it.” He opened his mouth to say something but Alex shook her head. She wanted to finish this conversation. “It really didn’t hit me until we were about to board. I had tried to convince myself that I could handle it,” she chuckled, “but I guess my body had other plans.” He smiled softly. “Anyway, that’s what that was all about. It’s not something I enjoy talking about but I wanted to tell you why all of that happened. We’re here now and that’s behind me. I’d like to move forward, ok?”

  “Thank you for telling me, Alexandra. I am so sorry that you lost your parents at such a young age.” Alex nodded, she had tears in her eyes thinking about her folks. Jesús had been quiet, but seeing her getting teary worried him.

  “Alex? You ok?” She nodded and sniffled a bit, smiled at him and then said,

  “Ok, you guys ready to go? Marco, you’ll show us around this beautiful island of yours?” Alex was eager to change the subject and get up and get moving before things became too morose.

  “Si, Corazon! Vamanos!”


  Marco drove them around the island, pointing out various beaches, including which ones were best for snorkeling and diving, where the large sea lion colonies were, red and blue footed boobies and tortoises. They got out a few times to look at various views, but it was clear Marco was anxious to see his mother and family. He explained that they would meet his family, where Alex could capture some photos if she liked, and then he would take them to their hotel after.

  By the time they got to the Flores’ house, Alex was exhausted and hoped that meeting them would be quick. After everything, she was looking forward to an early night’s sleep.

  When they walked into the house, the aromas of home cooking hit Alex hard. Spices and warmth filled the air. That, and a lot of female voices and music, so loud and immersed in conversation that Marco’s mom and sisters didn’t even realize they were in the house until the three of them walked into the kitchen. When they saw him, his mother Lydia broke into a huge grin, putting down her knife and walking towards Marco exclaiming, “Mihijo! Ay, look at you, come here! Oh, you, you’re too skinny, mihijo! Oh I’ve missed you so much!” pulling him into a big hug, then pushing him back while still holding onto his shoulders, and then exclaiming how handsome, yet too skinny again, and pulled him back into a hug rocking back and forth. Next was his grandmother Patricia, a shorter, plumper, greyer version of his mother. Alex could see that her fingers were stiff with arthritis and she moved slowly, but some of the comments coming out of her mouth, calling Marco Mr. Hollywood and chiding him for it being so long in between visits, and also calling him too flaco, Alex could tell she was a spitfire. Marco then hugged his three sisters.

  Through it all, Alex and Jesús hung back in the doorway taking it all in. This type of family was foreign to both of them. Alex didn’t really have any family to speak of, and even though Jesús did, there wasn’t one tenth the love and warmth in his family that there was here. Alex was starting to wonder if Marco’s charm wasn’t just an act. She could see, even from this brief interaction, that he was raised with love and support.

  Patricia, the grandmother, finally said, “Well, Mr. Hollywood, have you lost all your manners already? Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friends? Leaving them standing there like that… tsk-tsk-tsk.” She shook her head, and to emphasize the point, she reached up and hit him on the back of his head which made everyone chuckle, even Jesús.

  “Mama, abuela, this is Alexandra, the photographer for the story I was telling you about, and her assistant, Jesús. Alexandra, Jesús, this is my mother Lydia, my grandmother Patricia, and my sisters Christina, Maria and Teresa.” They all exchanged smiles and hellos, with Patricia calling both Alex and Jesús flaco as well.

  They were a striking family, everyone had those beautiful crystal clear blue eyes and jet black hair, except for Patricia’s who had greyed. The eldest, Christina, was warm and friendly. Maria, the middle sister was a little stand-offish, and Teresa was shy. She looked down a lot, but Alex caught her looking up at Jesús when she thought no one else was looking.

  They stood around chatting, catching up for a little bit when Alex asked Marco if it would be ok if she shot some of this. He asked all the women and there was suddenly a flurry of “I need to brush my hair and change my clothes and put on lipstick…” Alex broke in, “You all are beautiful just the way you are. Please, if it would be ok with you, I’d love to capture the real Flores family, not some made up version. Would that be ok? We can do a proper portrait tomorrow or the next day, but I think Marco’s fans would like to see this side of him.”

  “Mama, Alexandra is right, the piece they’re doing, they want it to be about my life, my upbringing. Ok?” he shot a pleading look.

  His abuela was quick to answer, “Does that look work with all those women in Hollywood, Marco?” again everyone got a kick out of her.

  “I don’t even have to work that hard, abuela.” He winked at her and she rolled her eyes muttering “dios mio!”

  Alex laughed and pulled her camera out. They were obviously going to be shooting with available lighting, but Jesús did some exposure tests to see what they were working with. Alex started shooting and everyone was so stiff, like they were pretending to cook and talk. After a couple shots, Alex said, “Ladies, and Marco, pretend I’m not here. Please, just go about your cooking and talking. I’ll show you all the shots after and we’ll make sure we only pick ones you’re comfortable with, ok?” They nodded and mumbled and started cooking and talking for a few minutes before Alex started shooting again. She let them get comfortable and then began. After a little while, they almost forgot she was there and were laughing and talking and at least a few times, Alex got his abuela hitting the back of his head, clearly a favorite show of affection for him. She got Marco kissing the top of his mother’s head, Christina sticking her tongue out at him, Maria rolling her eyes, and Teresa barely peeking above her eyelashes, all as they cooked, talked, laughed, and fell into what were clearly their comfortable roles as a family.

  They had been in the kitchen for close to an hour when Alex pulled Marco aside and said, “I think we have enough and now’s probably a good stopping point so that we can get back
to the hotel and you can be back here by the time dinner’s ready.”

  Marco knitted his eyebrows and looked almost hurt, “You weren’t planning on having dinner with us?”

  Alex was taken aback, “I, um, just figured you’d want some time alone with your family. We’ve already intruded enough.” She found herself apologizing.

  Marco turned to his mother and said almost chidingly, “Mama, please tell Alexandra that she and Jesús are staying for dinner.”

  Lyida looked at Alex and with an expression that said it all, said, “Well of course they are, why wouldn’t they? Now Jesús, you can go help Teresa set the table, she’ll show you where everything is, and you can help pull out a couple more chairs.” Teresa immediately blushed and could barely look Jesús in the eye, but Jesús just nodded and followed Teresa.

  With Jesús out of the kitchen, Marco turned Alex towards him, tilted her chin up so she was looking up into his eyes and then then leaned down and planted a feather light kiss on Alex’s lips, “I’m glad you’re staying for dinner, Corazon.” He smiled. Alex knew she was bright red. Did he really just kiss her? And in front of his whole family? She just nodded and smiled. Finally, Maria cleared her throat and broke them out of their moment.

  The meal was great. Everyone laughing and talking over each other. Even after second helpings, both Lydia and Patricia tried to get Marco and Alex to eat more. They convinced Jesús to have thirds and Alex was pretty sure that they felt they won. Jesús and Teresa didn’t contribute much to the conversation, but she saw them looking at each other throughout the meal. So did Marco, and it was clear he wasn’t too happy about that. Every time he saw Teresa peek out from under her eyelashes at Jesús, Alex could see Marco’s mouth go into a flat, disapproving line. She thought it both sweet, how over protective he was of his baby sister, as well as couldn’t help but be insulted as to what he must have thought about Jesús. But they were just looks across a table, nothing to worry about, yet.


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