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Broken Rules

Page 9

by Olivia Jake


  True to his word, the restaurant / bar had a good sized crowd when they got there. As they walked in, the bartender, a well-endowed woman in her late 30s, attractive, not gorgeous, but working what she had, did a double take when she saw Marco walk through the doors. She put down the drink she was making, and smiled as her eyes locked on Marco, and he walked slowly to her, behind the bar, leaned down and gave her a hug, as he planted a kiss on her cheek. They stayed embraced for a moment and then she reached up to caress his cheek. No sooner did she than she cocked the same hand back. Before she could slap him he caught her wrist, her mouth went into a straight line and she shook her head. He leaned down whispered something into her ear and Alex could see tears well up in her eyes as Marco stroked her hair. She nodded and then gave a half-hearted smile at him. He pulled her back into a hug and they stayed that way for a couple minutes. Alex could see that they were talking, every now and then she’d nod and look up at him. It was a very emotional, tender moment. Watching the two of them felt like voyeurism, but it was hard to look away from such a genuine display of affection and emotion. Then she turned back to the drink she was making as Marco started to make his way over to Alex and Jesús.

  Alex figured she must have been a lover scorned. Jesús obviously thought the same thing when he said, “Not so sure I want her making our drinks.” Alex loved Jesús’ dry humor. It was rare when he displayed it, but he was quick, though he allowed few people to see that side of him. “Think I’ll stick with beer.” Alex smiled as she took in the rest of the crowd. It was early still, and this was island life. Most everyone was a local, and many seemed to be regulars. On an island this small, Alex got the sense that everyone knew everyone. And, as Marco stopped to say hello to different people, he confirmed just that. They all seemed not just happy to see Marco, but proud of their own ‘local hero’.

  Alex took out her camera and captured some of the caught moments with the locals. There were lots of smiles and pats on the back. Clearly genuine pride. Alex tried to be as discreet as possible, but it was hard not to notice the gringa with the camera, and the guy with the full sleeves against the laid back atmosphere that permeated the rest of the bar. Still, Alex wanted to document as much as she could. This was, after all, Marco’s rags to riches story. And if this was one of his local haunts, she wanted to make sure she helped tell part of the story.

  Before he came back to the table, he heard his name called by the bartender. He made his way back to the bar to gather three drinks from a now smiling bartender. They exchanged a few words that made her smile and then he finally came to where Alex and Jesús were sitting. “I got you a beer, Jesús, and one of Ceci’s specials for you and me, Alexandra. Salud!” Alex eyed her drink, thinking about what Jesús had said minutes earlier. Marco’s brow scrunched, “Trust me, you’ll like it.”

  Alex smiled, “You sure it’s safe to drink?” Marco cocked his head, clearly confused. “Um, well, it looked like your ex-girlfriend was pretty upset with you. Tried to clock you there.” Marco’s face went from confusion to straight out laughter.

  “You think Ceci and I were together?” Marco said with surprise and humor.

  “Uh, we saw her about to slap you, and then she cried until you held her. To me that says scorned lover.” Alex said, still not taking a sip of her drink. Meanwhile, Jesús was happily sucking down his beer enjoying the entertainment.

  Marco laughed heartily, “Ay dios mio, what an imagination you have, Corazon.”

  “Isn’t that what it looked like to you?” Alex asked Jesús, looking for backup. Jesús smiled and nodded, all too happy to see Marco taken down a notch.

  Marco shook his head and rolled his eyes, “Cecilia almost slapped me because…” Marco paused thinking. Perhaps he didn’t want to share this with them. But he needed to explain, “she was upset that I paid for her father’s funeral.” Marco paused, collecting himself, just saying those words brought back sadness. “I wasn’t able to come home for it, I was shooting, and my mother told me that the bar had seen some slow times, and that Ceci wasn’t sure if she would be able to give him the type of funeral he deserved. His death was sudden, so I called the funeral home and took care of the arrangements. I’ve known Cec since I was five years old and she used to babysit me with Christina. They’re best friends.” He laughed again, “You think that Cec and I were…” he just laughed more and shook his head. “Corazon, it’s safe to drink, I promise you.”

  Alex felt like the biggest ass on the planet as she lifted her drink to toast him and Jesús, and then downed a good portion of it.

  “So why did she almost hit you?” Jesús asked, still skeptical.

  “Because, she’s got her pride.” Marco said matter of factly. “The money I make in LA is stupid. It’s…” he rolled his eyes and shook his head, “It means nothing to me.” He downed the rest of his drink, “Compared to what Ceci makes here, doing an honest day’s work, paying for her father’s funeral was the least I could do.” And then he looked actually pained, “And the fact that I couldn’t come home for his funeral,” he ground his teeth, and looked genuinely upset, “that they couldn’t break their precious schedule for a couple days so that I could come home and mourn a man I knew almost my entire life, a man who was like a father to me,” he shook his head again, so clearly upset with the production as well as himself. Then he shook it off, “Cec is going to crack up when I tell her what you both thought.” Marco rose, “I’m getting us another round.”

  He strode to the bar, eager to relay the story. They watched him belly up to the bar, lean in to Ceci, motion over to them, and then tell her what they thought. Ceci laughed heartily as she put her hand to her mouth, clearly enjoying it. They both laughed, genuine laughs, glancing back again at Alex and Jesús, shaking their heads as they continued to chatter while Ceci made their drinks.

  “Cec was flattered you thought she and I were together.” Marco said when he got back to the table, still chuckling. “She said that if she hadn’t seen me wet my pants when I was seven after one of the sea turtles snapped at me, that maybe she would have been interested.” He threw his head back laughing, even harder than before, like being with Ceci was just the funniest thing he had ever heard.

  A few locals stopped by the table to say hi. Marco took time with each person, talking easily, reminiscing and laughing. There was none of the typical actor affect that plagued most people working in Hollywood. Alex started to believe that perhaps he really was just a good guy… albeit with a gorgeous exterior.

  After their second round, Marco said, “We should get going. I don’t want to be late for dinner. My mother and grandmother do not appreciate tardiness.” Alex smiled, imagining Patricia slapping him on the back of his head if he ever were to be late.

  “Before we leave, Marco. Can I get a shot of you and Ceci? Please?” Alex asked. If she was someone he had known his entire life, Alex wanted to capture it. Marco nodded as the three of them walked to the bar.

  “Cecilia Rodriguez, I’d like to introduce you to Alexandra and Jesús. Are you ok if she takes a photo of us?”

  Ceci smiled and said, “You mean, a picture with your scorned lover?” They all laughed.

  “Desculpa me, Ceci.” Alex tried to apologize, but Ceci laughed and shook her head.

  “I know what you must think. You see this gorgeous man hug me and kiss me and see me well up with tears and almost slap him, and think, he must have broke her heart. But this beautiful man here? He’s special. Stubborn and proud, but special, remember that. I’ve seen all the pictures and stories, and you Hollywood people make him out to be some big playboy, but I practically changed his diapers.” She shook her head and the tears welled up again, “He’s not what you think. Don’t let the pretty blue eyes fool you!”

  Alex nodded, feeling even more like an idiot. “How about a shot of you both behind the bar?” Marco grabbed Ceci, and even though Alex knew it was just a friendly embrace, she felt a twinge of jealousy. Something she had
no right feeling. Marco held Ceci tightly and whispered something in her ear which made them both crack up, which Alex caught with her camera. They were playful together, sweet.

  Alex asked Ceci if she could tap two beers with a lot of foam. Ceci looked at her skeptically, but did as she asked. “Can you both drink them, but leave the foam on your upper lips?” They both did and the shot was adorable, both Ceci and Marco with their dark skin setting off the white foam mustaches. Marco dipped a finger in and put a dollop of foam on Ceci’s nose as they looked at each other laughing. Alex caught it all.

  They posed for a few more shots and then Marco leaned down to kiss her on the cheek, this time, with the utmost sincerity. She again, reached up for his cheek and stroked it. The connection between the two of them was beautiful. And Alex felt like a chump for thinking it was anything more than platonic love. “Ceci, if you or Marco give me your email address, I’ll send these to you when we get home.” Alex offered. Ceci seemed genuinely excited and Marco promised to make the arrangements.

  Then Marco said, “Venga, venga!” to Alex. After a day of posing with him at every stop she was starting to get used to being in front of the camera, and starting to look forward to the feeling of his hands around her waist, her shoulders, her… she had to stop feeling this way, but every time he touched her, much as she initially tried to tamp down the feelings, there was just no denying her body’s reaction to him. Even a simple hand on her hips sent tingling sensations to deep in her belly.

  Jesús was getting used to the routine too as Alex handed him the camera and stepped behind the bar with Marco.

  “Ok, Corazon, you’re not the only one who can set up a shot.” Marco said suggestively as Alex came up beside him, “Tip your head back and open your mouth.” Alex shot him a look, but he just stood patiently and waited. “Lean back into me, trust me.” And Alex did. She turned so that the side of her body was pressed to his front and his arm was behind her back. She leaned back and opened her mouth, feeling very vulnerable. She looked up at him and saw him smiling sexily down at her. “Ready?” she nodded. “Ok, Jesús be sure to catch this, cause I don’t want to get Alexandra too drunk!” Jesús nodded and Marco poured something down Alex’s throat. When he stopped he brought a slightly dazed Alex up to standing and had to put his hands on her hips to steady her. She looked up into his eyes, and whether it was the liquor or his hands, she had to shake her head to try to stop her from feeling what she was. He smiled again and then took his thumb to wipe some of the liquor from the corner of her mouth. The way he licked his thumb while staring straight at her, Alex felt like it couldn’t just be her imagination as to the implication.

  Once steady, she and Marco stepped out from behind the bar. Alex grabbed the camera from Jesús, now used to his looks of disapproval of her flirting with Marco. They all said their thanks and goodbyes as they left.

  When they got to the Flores house, it was much like the previous night. The aromas of good, home cooking, and the sounds of all the women talking and laughing filled their senses the minute they walked in the door. One thing that was different was Teresa. She obviously knew they would be coming over. She wore a little more makeup, her blouse was lower cut and her jeans a bit tighter. Alex tried to stifle her smile, Marco scowled and Jesús was appreciative. Alex enjoyed watching the awkward flirting between the two of them. Both shy and reserved, it was a sweet dance of young love.

  At one point in the kitchen, while everyone was still cooking and preparing Alex lifted her camera, ready to get more shots. Marco, standing slightly behind her, and to her side, reached over and put his hand tenderly on her forearm and shook his head. “Enough pictures for today. Relax, Corazon. Just be a guest here in my family’s home.” Alex was so used to taking care of others, whether it was Jesús, or her animals, or her clients, such a simple gesture made her feel a warmth she wasn’t used to feeling.

  She put the camera down and, whether it was the drinks from the bar, or the welcoming of Marco and his family, she leaned back into Marco, feeling his hard, warm body against her back. Her heart was pounding as she wondered if she was crossing a line that she couldn’t step back over, but as soon as his arms rubbed hers, and then settled around her waist, she no longer cared about the line. Standing there, engulfed by him, feeling his heart pounding, his warmth radiating, that felt like the most natural and the right place for her to be. And for once, Jesús was preoccupied, helping Teresa chop vegetables. His back was to Alex, but she watched him as he and Teresa shared a cutting board in veritable silence. Every now and then Alex would see Teresa peek up at Jesús and offer a shy smile, which she was pretty sure he returned. And whenever that happened, she could feel Marco’s grip tighten for a second. At one point she turned her head and looked back, up at him, much in the same way Teresa was looking at Jesús. Marco smiled down at her, lifting his hand to stroke her cheek.

  Dinner was also very similar to the one the night before. A table full of food, lots of talking over each other, arms waving, Lydia and Patricia once again pushing food on everyone, mostly the guests. While Alex always felt comfortable with Dan and Ruth, they were older and more reserved, and it was always just the three of them. Plus, with Dan running his own business, the hours were always long, so family meals were the exception rather than the rule. So, the emotion and energy at the Flores house was new for Alex.

  Alex didn’t take this time with his family for granted. It was obvious how close he was to all of them, and she wanted to make sure they knew just how much she appreciated being there. She raised her glass and offered a toast, “Lydia, Patricia, thank you for inviting me and Jesús to be a part of your family dinner, again, and welcoming us with such warm open arms into your home. I know you don’t get to see your son as much as you’d like, so I want to make sure you know how touched both of us are that you’ve included us in this special time with Marco.” Marco put his free hand on Alex’s and rubbed it, offering her a soft smile of gratitude.

  Lydia replied, “My Marco would not bring you here if you weren’t… if you were just…” Lydia realized she almost said something she shouldn’t so she recovered with, “any photographer. We’re happy to have you in our home.” She paused got a little teary and looked like she was going to say something deep, but then shook her head and opted for, “Now, if you would just eat a little more, then I’d be even happier!” Everyone chuckled, and Alex could see where Marco got his good nature from. Even in the short time they had been together, she had seen him do the same thing his mother just did, get serious or emotional, but then shake it off.

  After dinner, Lydia, all the sisters and Jesús were in the kitchen cleaning up, while Patricia relaxed in the living room with Marco and Alex.

  “My grandson tells me you don’t like actors.” Patricia said. Alex shot Marco a look as she could feel herself flush. Damn these Flores’, what was it about their ability to make her blush every other minute? She liked the older woman’s bluntness, even when she was on the receiving end of it. Still, she couldn’t help feeling a bit off guard.

  “Senora Flores,” Alex started, and Patricia interrupted.

  “Patricia.” She said matter of factly. Great, strike two.

  “Patricia, it’s not that I don’t like actors.” Alex paused wanting to make sure she was very careful the way she phrased this. She certainly didn’t want to offend his grandmother. And, while she was fluent in Spanish, it wasn’t her first language, so certain nuances sometimes were lost in the translation. “I’ve worked with actors my entire career, so it’s not that I don’t like them. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. But, when I was younger, I dated a couple.” She paused again, realizing that she not only had Patricia’s attention, but now Marco’s too. “Hollywood is a very, uh, weird town, a very unique industry. A lot of the people who work in it live by a different set of rules than most of the rest of us play by.” Based on Patricia’s expression, this was not working. How could she possibly explain some of the crazy demands, the outra
geous salaries, the absence of basic morals to this woman? The more she talked, the more she felt she was digging herself into a hole. Better to go the direct route, she realized. “Patricia, actors act. Their job is to pretend to be people they aren’t. They train at perfecting that art to be believable. So, it’s very hard to know when they’re being genuine, when they’re being sincere. It’s not that I don’t like actors. I just have been hurt in the past by actors who I believed when they told me certain things because they were so good at their craft… but they were just acting.” Alex paused again. “It’s very hard to know what’s real because most everything in the industry is fake.”

  Patricia nodded and pursed her lips. Alex wasn’t sure if she had completely insulted this woman vis-a-vis her grandson, or if anything that she had just said made sense. Alex knew that she could try to explain it over and over again, but until someone actually worked in the industry, it was impossible to understand.

  Patricia raised her hand and stuck out her very arthritic index finger at Marco, and even though she was addressing Alex, she was looking at him, as if threatening him “I know who my grandson is. And I know he would never, ever, abandon his roots, his morals. He is an honest man. He is a Flores.”

  Great, now Alex got him in trouble. This was definitely not going the way she intended. “I’m not saying Marco is like them, I’m just…”

  Marco didn’t say anything, but he started to open his mouth, immediately silenced by his grandmother.

  “Alexandra, I know how charming my grandson can be. But trust me, gringa, his acting is reserved for the screen.”

  “Dios!” was all he said, under his breath, as he walked over to Alex, his eyes burning intensely. She had never seen this look. There was something about it, the passion, the determination. He grabbed her wrist and forcefully pulled her with him, leading them out to the patio. Once the patio door closed he grabbed her hips, pulling her towards him. She thought she should be afraid, the way he was so roughly handling her, but she didn’t feel fear. The way he commanded her with just his hands, what she felt was her heart beating, her nipples hardening, herself getting wet. The way he took over made her feel something she wasn’t sure she had ever felt with a man. She was so used to always calling the shots, but now, Marco was so clearly taking control of the situation that she was so turned on and surprised.


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