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Broken Rules

Page 19

by Olivia Jake

  “I’m too tired to cook. We can walk up to the little Italian restaurant on the corner.” Alex offered, and suddenly, uncharacteristically, Marco stiffened and looked down at the floor. He tied the towel around his waist and held his hands out for Alex to put hers into his. She knew this wasn’t a good sign.

  Marco inhaled deeply, “Alexandra, you have to know how much I hate what I’m about to say.”

  Alex’s heart started pounding and she tried to pull her hands out of his, but his grip simply tightened, as if he were anticipating her reaction. He held her hands tight and after trying again, Alex relented, keeping them in his. This was obviously one challenge he was going to win.

  “My agent and the director, and, dios, everyone on this damn film, they want to keep up the appearance that Kimberly and I are, well, that we are our characters, at least until it opens.”

  Alex now understood. They couldn’t be seen out in public together until the movie opened. All of her fears and insecurities about dating an actor rushed to the surface. She tried again to pull her hands away, but he would not release her.

  Calmly, assertively, Alex stared into his eyes and said, “Marco, let me go.” And, upon hearing her tone, he did.

  Alex put her towel back on the towel bar and walked naked into her bedroom. She already felt so raw, so exposed, she didn’t need anything covering her. She climbed up onto her bed, leaned back against the headboard and hugged her knees against her, watching Marco as he tentatively followed. He sat on the edge of the bed and reached for her but Alex flinched.

  “Alexandra, you have to know that this is not what I want.”

  As much as Alex knew it wasn’t, she couldn’t help but be upset.

  “It’s funny, Marco. We keep doing this dance. One step forward, two steps back. And so far, up until now, it’s been me taking the backwards steps.”

  “Alexandra, I’m not the one who wants to move backwards. It’s my… people.” As he said the word ‘people’ both he and Alex grimaced. And somehow, that broke the tension.

  “Did you really just say, your ‘people’?” Alex asked, trying to suppress a smile.

  Marco rolled his eyes as he lay down on the bed, holding his arm out, inviting her in. Alex relented and snuggled up against him. “Am I lying with Hollywood Marco?” she asked against his chest, unable to see his reaction, but she could hear his smile.

  “Si, soy yo.”

  “I knew it!” she teased. She wanted to just go back to fun, easy Marco. But he wasn’t ready to be that man yet.

  “Alexandra, it’s only for one more week.” He started, bringing Alex back to being serious.

  “And then what? Then you read for James Willen, and what if he asks you to take a vow of chastity for the role in his film, will you?”

  Marco stiffened at hearing James’ name. They still hadn’t talked about Alex’s date or the subsequent picture in the trades.

  “And if James asks you out on another date, will you go?” was Marco’s retort.

  Alex couldn’t believe how quickly they could go from being so intimate and loving with each other to having the conversation they were having.

  “I told you, Marco, that was something that was set up a while ago. And it was a double date. It was as much a chance for me to meet my friend Sam’s fiancé as anything else.” Alex knew this was only partially true. But to be completely honest with Marco, lying there naked with him, telling him that she wanted to see if what she felt for him was just a fluke? Alex couldn’t do that to herself or to Marco.

  “So, when I go to read for him, and ask him how his date with you was, what will his answer be?”

  So used to being on the defense, Alex’s first reaction was worry. But then, and she wasn’t quite sure where this came from, she went on the offense. “What does it matter how he thinks the date went? I know I’m never going out with him again. And I’m the one lying here naked with you, not him.”

  Alex’s stomach took this opportunity to rumble again. This time even louder.

  “Alexandra, I hate asking you what I have, but I promised to live up to an image until the movie opens. It’s just until then.” He kissed the top of her head and then continued, “So, if you still want to be with me, let’s just get some takeout, and we can talk more over dinner. You can tell me then all about your date with Mr. Willen.” It was obvious that Marco wasn’t going to let that go.

  Fortunately or unfortunately for Alex, she knew what she felt for Marco. Beyond that, she trusted him that this wasn’t just some game or that he had some ulterior motive behind keeping their relationship under wraps. Alex sighed, not wanting to discuss any of this, not wanting to deal with any of it, but she knew that it wasn’t going to just fade away. So, reluctantly, she got up out of bed, found the takeout menu, and ordered enough for an army. She had a feeling it was going to be a long conversation.


  Even as upsetting as the conversation was, Alex was starving. She had always been a good eater, and this meal proved it. Marco seemed to enjoy watching her dig in as he sat back and smiled, “Thank goodness you’re not like most women in LA who have sworn off carbs.” He said just as Alex helped herself to another spoonful of pasta.

  “I’m not the one in front of the camera.” She countered as she smiled and shoveled another bite into her mouth. “Mmmm, plus, it would be a crime not to be able to enjoy Trattoria Mia’s pasta.” Alex mused as she savored the flavors and textures in her mouth. Of course, Alex didn’t eat there every day, but between her running and her dogs and the physical toll of her job, she kept in very good shape, thus able to allow herself these indulgences.

  As she chewed, she looked at the man who sat across from her. As much as she had already photographed him and been with him, she felt like she saw something new every time she looked. He was so much more than just a pretty face, though he was that, indeed. It was hard not to get lost in his eyes, his skin, his body and the sheer goodness that seemed to define his being. He had to know how good looking he was, but so far, Alex hadn’t witnessed an iota of arrogance. Having spent time with his family, it was clear that one of the women, most likely Patricia, would have smacked any cockiness out of him long ago.

  But sitting there, in her house, eating with him as Ansel decided to use Marco’s foot as a cushion, she saw a man who she could see fitting into her life. An odd and scary thought for Alex. It had always just been her and her animals. Well, and Jesús, but that was different.

  But she was getting ahead of herself. She had been doing too much living in her head these last two weeks. He was here, in the flesh, and it was time to talk. Right after she fed Bill and Hillary, her two indoor cats who started yowling, reminding her of her feline obligations. “You named them after the Clintons?” Marco asked, his brows knitted together.

  Alex laughed, “I got Bill first, in the mid 90s, and I named him that cause he was all swagger and a good looking boy with lots of personality. And then she showed up on my doorstep about 6 months later and she refused to take any of his crap, and put him in his place. After the first couple days, I had to name her Hillary.” She shrugged and they both laughed. “They’re both getting so old now, I’m not sure how much longer they’re going to be with me. He’s mellowed a lot, just like the human Bill. She has too…” Alex trailed off, reflecting. She had those cats all through her 20s and 30s. In fact, her relationship with them was longer than with anyone else, human or canine or feline. She couldn’t go there right now though. So she fed them, emptied their litter box and came back to Marco.

  “Ok, Marco, so let’s talk.” Alex was no longer afraid. She had gone from being the one who was so worried about what people would think if they found out about the two of them to suddenly upset that they couldn’t be seen together. Amazing what a little perspective could do. Or perhaps it was because now the decision wasn’t hers, but rather, forced upon her.

  Marco looked pained. She knew him well enough to know that he didn’t like to be anything other t
han 100% honest, so pretending went against every bone in his body. Ironic, given his chosen profession.

  “I have to make a few more appearances next week with Kimberly. We have the final interviews and morning and late night talk shows. The movie opens Friday.” He paused, absent-mindedly twirling pasta around and around on his fork. “I imagine they’d want us to, uh, keep up appearances at least through the second weekend. Then, the box office will be what it will be.” He sounded resigned.

  “I hear it’s tracking really well. The reviews so far are great, Marco. You should be proud and happy.” Alex was feeling guilty for being the source of anxiety at a time when he should be elated.

  He chuckled, smiled and nodded. “Everyone keeps telling me, ‘Get ready Marco, this movie is going to change your life!’” he shook his head, “And all I can think is, it’s just going to make the normal things that much less normal.”

  And now, Alex finally saw it. It wasn’t just exhaustion, but a realization that everything he was raised with, the morals and values, all of that just kept getting pushed farther and farther down the more successful he became. Even just in the span of two weeks, two weeks of constant publicity where the goal was to make Marco Flores not just a household name, but a constant trending topic, both of them saw just how quickly his life was indeed changing.

  “You remember when we walked through the airport a couple weeks ago when we got back?” Alex nodded. “A couple people took pictures, but it wasn’t that big of a deal, right?” Alex nodded again.

  “After these last two weeks, where my face is on some entertainment show or site every day, I could barely walk through the terminal without being stopped every minute asking for an autograph or a picture.” He shook his head again and looked down at the food that he had stopped eating. “Every time I walked out of my hotel or into a restaurant or, dios, anywhere, there were photographers taking my picture.”

  “I know how annoying photographers can be.” Alex said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I’m serious, Alexandra. You don’t understand what it’s like. It’s crazy. I don’t understand what they want to see. It seems like it doesn’t matter what I’m doing, whatever it is, they want a picture of it.” The more he talked the angrier he got. “And now, now I have to ask you to be part of this, like it hasn’t taken enough of me already.”

  At that moment, Alex hated herself for thinking he was the one who was making the rules. She got up and walked over to him, straddled him in his chair and pulled him to her, showing him that she understood. He held her tightly and they sat like that for a while, not speaking, just holding and stroking each other.

  Finally, he spoke again, “Alexandra,” he started and she leaned back so she could look at him while he talked, “If this keeps going the way that it is, even after these two weeks, once we can be together in public, you know that your life is going to change too, tu sabes esto, si?”

  Until then, Alex had never really considered the reality of dating someone as famous as him. Sure, she knew that people recognized him, but if he was getting mobbed in the airport, and even she saw his name and picture every time she logged online over the last couple weeks, the level of his fame had suddenly skyrocketed. And he was right. It wasn’t just him anymore. Whoever was with him would instantly be thrust into the spotlight.

  “I hadn’t really thought about it, no.” she said quietly.

  “I want to be with you, Corazon. There’s so much now that is already out of my control. I don’t want this, us, to be just one more piece of the machine.” He tenderly stroked her face. “But you have to know that it will affect you too.”

  Alex started to pull away, but he held her in place. “I know it’s scary, Corazon. But please don’t let it scare you away. You’re the only one I can be myself with. I don’t have the answers, but please try, try it with me.”

  On top of everything, Alex couldn’t help but wonder if his feelings for her were because it was her, or because she was the only one he felt safe with. Perhaps it didn’t matter, and she doubted that he knew the answer even if she had the guts to ask him. But given the state he was in, she wasn’t about to kick him while he was down.

  Alex took a deep breath, “Ok, let’s take it one step at a time. These next two weeks, what do you want them to look like? Are you saying we can’t see each other at all?”

  “Oh, dios, no! I think I’d go crazy if I couldn’t see you for another two weeks!” Marco exclaimed, soothing Alex’s already fragile ego.

  “Do I have to wear a burka if I come over to your house?” she teased, trying to get him to smile.

  “You’d be the sexiest burka wearer ever.” Alex was relieved that the light-hearted Marco she had first met was still in there. But Alex’s expression made it clear that, as much as she loved that side to him, he did need to figure out the ground rules.

  “I, I guess we just need to be careful. And, ay, Alexandra I hate saying this, but I don’t think we should go out in public together.” Alex stiffened, but she understood and nodded. She started realizing what this all really meant.

  “How do you know that the paparazzi didn’t see you waiting for me this afternoon? How do you know they didn’t recognize your car and aren’t waiting for you outside at this very moment?” Alex was piecing together what her new life might start looking like.

  Marco smiled and again stroked her cheek, “It’s a rental car and my manager rented it for me under his name.”

  Alex shook her head and rolled her eyes. “I cannot wait to tell your abuela about all of this.”

  Marco looked horrified and then bust out laughing at the absurdity of it all. But then he turned serious again. “I’ll talk with my manager on Monday and see what he says, but I already know, all he sees are dollar signs. He’s not going to want to do anything that jeopardizes his 10%.”

  Alex shook her head, “Marco, we both know what his answer will be. He has a horse in this race, and you’re it. This is your big break, and if he’s worth his 10%, he’s not going to let anything or anyone get in the way of you becoming the star that you’re destined to be.” Marco knew she was right. He also knew that she was putting his needs before hers being as understanding as she was, and he had been in LA long enough to know how rare that was. “Let’s just stick to what you already said. We’ll lay low these next couple weeks and figure it out as we go along, ok?”

  Marco nodded and said, “I am lucky to have found you, Alexandra. Now, let’s clean up so I can prove to you just how lucky you are that you found me too.”

  When they got to bed, Marco was rougher and more controlling than he had been earlier. Alex could feel the shift, the way he pinned her down, the way he held her wrists, the way he controlled the pace, slowing down when he could feel Alex getting close, like he wanted to control when she came, and once he knew she had backed away from the edge, only then did he bring her back to it.

  Back and forth they went like this, Marco bringing Alex to the edge and then slowing down, until finally, Alex begged, looking up into his eyes, “Please, Marco, please make me come.”

  It seemed that once Alex acknowledged that her pleasure, her orgasm was under his control, only then did he bring her back to the edge and this time, push her over. As her legs started shaking, her entire body quivering, Alex screamed and moaned, bucking wildly. Only when she finally stopped spasming did Marco pull out and bring his cock to Alex’s mouth. Alex opened as Marco pumped his cum into her, never breaking eye contact as he did. Alex swallowed it all, and when it seemed there was no more left, she inched up and licked the tip, breaking Marco’s intensity and finally producing a smile.

  It was the strongest, most intense orgasm she had ever had, and she knew it was because he had held her back.

  Marco fell to the bed, sweaty and panting. As good as it was, Alex could already see the man she was falling for, change. Even in the short time that they had been together, she felt like she was seeing more and more of the intense, controlling Marco, and l
ess and less of the happy-go-lucky man. Not that she could blame him. Not that she expected him to let it all just roll off his back. But she knew what this town could do to people. Especially people who were thrust into it, the good people, the ones who lived by the golden rule only to see that rule was only gold plated here, just enough shine to lure them in until it flaked off and the tarnish underneath showed what this town was really made of. It was cliché, but clichés are often born from reality.

  Now, however, was not the time to discuss it. Though it was the time to bring up something else.


  “Mi amor?” he asked. Alex loved the way that he called her his love, his heart. From the get-go, he was so unreserved with his affection. It was one of the things that drew her to him. The lack of pretense, the confidence that these terms of endearment might just be his way of showing affection without worrying that Alex would hear wedding bells.

  Regardless of how endearing they were, she was an adult. And one who understood consequences for her actions.

  “Marco, we need to figure out a better form of birth control.” She said as she turned to him and then licked her lips. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the taste of you.” she grinned, looked down sheepishly and then looked back up, “And I can’t tell you how damn sexy it is when you come all over me, or in my mouth…” she paused, drinking in his sexy grin, “but you pulling out is not a long term solution.”

  His grin got wider, if that were even possible, “you’re thinking long term, Corazon?”

  Alex stilled, wondering if she said the wrong thing, even though everything about his expression, his body language said it was all right, “does that scare you?” she asked softly and he bellowed a laugh.

  “Mi amor, I keep telling you, I’m not the one who’s scared. You are!” He laughed as he talked.

  “Well, I am scared of getting pregnant.”


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