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The Swear Jar

Page 15

by Osorio, Audra

  “How do you feel?” Her brow furrowed as her eyes clouded.

  “I want you in my life.” He put his arm around her waist. “How about you and your family?”

  “My family likes you. And so do I.” She blushed. “Duncan? The other night, you used the word fathom. You winked at me, so I looked it up. I hope you fathom me too.”

  Groaning, he boosted her up onto a table. She didn’t stop him. He ran his hands along her back while he kissed her. He pulled her buttocks closer to him. She stroked his face and ears. Her hands ran through his hair.

  She moaned softly. “Duncan?”

  “Yes, Meara?” A thrill ran up his spine.

  “Is it lunchtime yet?” she whispered.

  Duncan laughed into Meara’s hair. He looked into her dazed, smoldering eyes.

  “No, it’s not lunchtime yet. We need to control these impromptu makeout sessions.” He tried to sound stern, but failed.

  “I agree, Mr. Phillips. They’re highly unprofessional, yet extremely satisfying,” she giggled.

  “If you keep giggling, someone’s going to get more than just an eyeful. I’m going out this door and you should go out that door.”

  “Yes, sir!” she laughed.

  He rolled his eyes. He kissed her dimple then kissed her deeply. He retreated out of the room before he lost his mind and self control. Sighing, she went in search of Sherrie. She had a huge grin on her face, remembering his kisses.

  “Was he giving you a hard time about the meeting room?” Sherrie asked. “It’s a lot to expect us to paint that room and prepare for the meeting.”

  “No, he wasn’t giving me a hard time.” Meara’s face went blank contemplating the possibility.

  “Is your ankle bothering you? Your face looks funny.” Sherrie looked concerned.

  “No, I’m okay.” Meara tried to recover.

  “If you say so. Before I forget, Friday is Duncan’s birthday. The staff usually chips in on a card, a small cake and pizza. It’s not mandatory, but it’s fun.” Sherrie smiled.

  “Count me in! Friday, huh? He didn’t say anything to me.” Meara frowned.

  “Duncan doesn’t celebrate his birthday, so we celebrate it for him. I’ll let Lucy know.”

  They spent the morning decorating the Youth Services room. They worked hard until the room looked bright and inviting. The displays drew people’s attention. The flow of the room was better. Stuffed animals along the windows invited the children to play. Noon came. Meara went to get her purse.

  Sherrie gave Meara a quizzical look. “Where are you going?”

  “Mr. Phillips and I are going out to lunch,” Meara said.

  Sherrie smirked. “Have fun. Well, maybe not too much fun.”

  Duncan was waiting for her at the Circulation Desk. Tom and Lucy were curious.

  “What’s up?” asked Tom.

  “Miss Meara and I are discussing painting the meeting room. I thought a nice lunch would persuade her. Wish me luck!” Duncan grinned.

  Smiling, Meara overheard Duncan. It was sweet of him to make up a cover story. Meara wondered how long it would be before the staff figured out they were dating. Then again, Meara wasn’t sure they were dating.

  “Shall we, Miss Meara?” asked Duncan.

  He held out the crook of his arm. She instinctively knew he wanted her to touch him.

  “Yes, Mr. Phillips.” She gently squeezed his arm. “I’m going to need a lot of convincing. I hope you’re prepared to argue your case thoroughly.”

  She winked when she said thoroughly. His mind wandered. He needed to find a private, quiet place where he could kiss her again. Tom, Lucy and Sherrie gathered behind the Circulation Desk. They watched Duncan and Meara leave. Lucy crossed her arms in front of her.

  “I wonder what’s up with those two,” said Lucy.

  “You’re going to lose our bet, Lucy,” grinned Tom.

  “I never agreed to that bet, Tom. It’s disgusting. We shouldn’t be making bets,” chided Lucy.

  “What happened after we left Friday?” asked Sherrie.

  “Something happened. Meara sprained her ankle. Let your mind wander,” mused Tom.

  “Tom!” said Lucy.

  “He has a point. How do we know? We should leave them alone. They make a good couple,” said Sherrie.

  “They do,” Lucy said softly. “Tom, don’t say a word unless it’s nice.”

  “They’re good for each other. They’re trying to be discreet. Let’s respect that, but it doesn’t hurt to wonder.” Tom mused.

  “You were almost perfect, Tom.” Lucy groaned.

  “Somebody should be having fun around here. It might as well be them,” Tom answered.

  “When they’re ready to tell us, they’ll tell us,” said Sherrie.

  Lynn’s Café was busy. Lynn gave them a quiet booth in the back of the room. Duncan returned Meara’s hair scrunchie, attached to a single pink rose. He knew her feelings on roses, but he had wanted to get her one and told her so. Inhaling the fragrance, she was touched by his romantic gesture and told him it was appreciated.

  They chatted quietly, laughed and held hands. He brushed a stray hair out of her eyes and caressed her cheek. He wanted to pull her into his side of the booth and kiss her. He reminded himself to slow down. He loved her, but she might not be there yet. He hoped his patience would be rewarded. He had said she was worth the wait and he meant it.

  Holding hands while walking up the library path, they returned from their first date without chaperones. She wanted to ask him out for his birthday. She felt tongue-tied and didn’t know how to bring it up. As they entered the library, they squeezed hands one last time before letting go. Behind the Circulation Desk, Tom and Lucy watched silently. Meara, with a dreamy smile on her face, found Sherrie.

  “Are we painting the meeting room?” asked Sherrie, teasing Meara.

  “Painting what? The meeting room. We decided to keep talking about it.” Meara fibbed.

  “I’m sure. Are we in the clear for next week’s meeting?” asked Sherrie.

  “Yes, we’re safe. No crazy last minute projects,” replied Meara.

  The rest of the week flew by quickly. Duncan and Meara continued to steal time together. She was stressed about hosting the meeting, so he didn’t push for any more makeout sessions. He did offer support and suggestions when she needed it. They would begin and end their days at the library with quiet chats and discreet kisses.

  By Thursday, Meara still hadn’t asked Duncan out for his birthday. She had spoken to Diana about it. A shy Meara was new to Diana. She told Meara to ask him out and see what happened. Worst case was he had other plans. When Thursday came and Meara hadn’t asked Duncan, Diana took matters into her own hands. Around noon, Diana walked into the Youth Services Room.

  Diana glanced at Meara’s ankle. “Are you being careful? Do I have to call the doctor? You’re a big pain in the butt when you’re sick.”

  “Thanks, Di. Love you too. What are you doing here?” Meara asked.

  “I got out of work early. It’s a holiday weekend, remember? Anne goes back to school next week. I’m spending some time with her. Have you spoken with Duncan yet?”

  “No. I’m working on it. I still have time.”

  “While you’re working on it, I’m checking out some books. I’ll be back before I leave. Watch that ankle, missy.”

  “Yes, Diana dear.”

  Meara was driving herself crazy about asking Duncan out. She was severely out of practice in the dating arena. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Maybe a miracle would happen or the floor would open up and swallow her.

  Tom raised his voice. “It’s nice to meet you, Diana. Yes, Duncan is here. Would you like to speak with him?”

  “Yes, I’ll take care of it. Thanks.”

  Meara watched in horror as Diana knocked on Duncan’s door. Freezing in place, Meara panicked. Her heart was beating out of her chest. Diana emerged with Duncan right behind her. He had the biggest grin Meara had
ever seen. Feeling wobbly, she clutched the edge of the desk. Diana and Duncan stopped a few feet from Meara. With her hands on her hips, Diana heaved a sigh.

  “Duncan, I’ll see you for dinner at our house on Friday night,” said Diana.

  “I’m looking forward to it. Is Meara invited too?” he asked innocently.

  “I guess so. It won’t be much of a party with her, but we’ll manage.” Diana sighed. “We’ll sing Happy Birthday.”

  “It’s not necessary.” His smile faltered.

  “It’s necessary. You haven’t heard her sing, have you? Bring earplugs. We’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, Meara. You better sit down. You’re swaying.” Diana grinned evilly.

  “Thank you, Diana,” replied Meara through gritted teeth. “I’ll see you later.”

  “I’m looking forward to dinner,” Duncan whispered. “Why didn’t you ask me?”

  “I didn’t know how,” Meara replied shyly.

  “Then I’m glad Diana did. Until Friday night, Lady Meara.” He kissed her hand.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When her work day was over, Meara said a quick goodbye to everyone, including Duncan. She had shopping to do before tomorrow. Her first stop was the Branches and Twigs Bookstore for the perfect birthday present. Then she raced to the supermarket with list in hand. She arrived home, satisfied with her purchases and determined to make this the best birthday for him. She was going to spoil him. She was grateful Diana had intervened. When she went to bed, she held the extra pillow close. She fell asleep wondering if she would ever hold him close to her.

  In bed that night, Duncan thought things were going well between them. He wondered why Meara had been hesitant to ask him about dinner. It was sweet of Diana to intervene. He wished they could get past the awkwardness that came in the beginning of a new relationship. He reminded himself they were getting to know each other. He was in love with her and hoped she was falling in love with him. If he hadn’t made it clear to her he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, he would do so tomorrow. He pulled the extra pillow on the bed closer, wanting it to be her. He couldn’t stop thinking about holding her in his arms.

  On Friday morning, Meara made an attempt to jump out of bed. It was more of an enthusiastic hobble. The ankle was getting better. She got ready for work and left early. She wanted to see Duncan before anyone else. She smiled to see his car in the parking lot. He was already there. Walking up the library path, her heart leaped to know his was the first face she saw each morning.

  That thought stopped her dead on the path. Her smile disappeared. She was falling in love with him. No, she loved him. It was that simple. Her eyes filled with tears. She was happy. Her radiant smile returned. She eagerly walked to the doors where he was waiting for her.

  “Are you all right? You stopped. Is your ankle bothering you?” he asked with concern.

  “Duncan! I’m fine! I was thinking about something. Happy Birthday!” she said breathlessly.

  Pulling him close, she kissed him. He was pleasantly surprised. He returned her kiss and hugged her. She buried her head on his shoulder. He didn’t want to let go of her. She didn’t pull away.

  He whispered, “Thank you, it is a happy birthday. Do I get a wish?”

  “It’s usually three wishes with birthday cake, but go for it.”

  “I wish you and I could spend as much time together as possible,” he said.

  “Granted,” she whispered.

  “This is going to be the best birthday ever.”

  She was gently rubbing a button on his shirt. She loved casual Fridays because he usually wore jeans and a cotton shirt. Nice soft cotton shirts she could bury her face in and still feel his heart beat.


  “You’ve called me Duncan twice while in the library. I’m shocked, Miss Meara. What did you want to say?”

  “This weekend is a three-day weekend.”

  “Yes, it is. I guess it makes it my birthday weekend.”

  “I was wondering. Do you have any plans this weekend?”


  “Not even plans with your family?”

  “No. We usually add my birthday onto John’s. I’m free this weekend.”

  “Would you like to spend some time with me this weekend?”

  “I wished to spend more time with you. I guess I needed to be more specific.”

  “Stop teasing me. I’m asking you out. I can’t depend on Diana forever.”

  “I’ll have to think about it. I have such a busy social calendar. I might be booked. I’m a very busy guy.”

  She squirmed in his arms. He held her tight. She frowned. He had taken the teasing one step too far. He lifted her chin and kissed her. She stopped squirming. He kissed her neck.

  He whispered. “I’m all yours, Lady Meara.”

  “Is that Tom and Lucy coming up the path?”

  “Probably,” he said, nibbling her ear.


  “Yes, Meara?”

  “Don’t you think we should stop?”

  “Aren’t we spending more time together?”

  “You’re teasing me again, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Miss Meara. I’m teasing you. This behavior is unbecoming to librarians. I must ask you to refrain from hugging or kissing me. It makes me want to do things to you I wouldn’t want anyone but us to see. Now go to work and I’ll see you at lunchtime. Staff birthday parties are always a joy.” He grinned.

  “I’ll try to behave. I make no promises. If I catch you alone, I may not be able to control myself. I’m looking forward to this weekend, Sir Duncan.” Standing on tiptoes, she kissed his cheek before hobbling away.

  Tom and Lucy saw Meara kissing Duncan. Lucy smiled and Tom beamed. Duncan greeted them sheepishly.

  “Looks like you’re having a happy birthday.” Tom chuckled.

  “So far, so good,” Duncan grinned.

  Lucy hugged him. “Happy Birthday!”

  Tom clapped him on the back. “Happy Birthday!”


  “Do you have anything special planned?” asked Lucy.

  “I’m having dinner with Meara and her family.”

  “That’s great,” said Tom.

  “It is,” Duncan said, his eyes wandered, looking for Meara.

  He caught her eye. She blew him a kiss. His eyes widened as he touched his lips. He winked at her. She giggled. It took all of his willpower not to go after her. She shook her head, like she had read his mind. She tapped her watch. They would be together soon. She stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed and counted the minutes until lunch.

  At his birthday lunch, he tried to maneuver closer to her, but she kept a distance between them. Just when he thought he had her cornered, she would move away from him. After lunch, she quietly disappeared. He followed her as soon as he could get away from the well wishers. She was nowhere in sight. He decided to check the meeting room. He heard noises coming from the meeting room kitchen. She was looking through the cabinets.

  “Meara?” he whispered.

  She jumped. “Oh, you frightened me. I can’t find the hot water carafes for next week’s meeting. I need to make sure they’re clean. I can’t stop worrying about the stupid meeting.”

  “You need something else to think about,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “I need another birthday kiss.”

  He kissed her deeply. She moaned softly, running her hands through his hair. Encouraged, he backed her up against the kitchen counter. He ran his hands down to her buttocks and up to gently rub the sides of her breasts. Her chest heaved upward. He kissed the swell of her breasts. He kissed her again, their tongues meeting. Holding the sides of her face, he sucked on her lower lip. Making low murmurs, she clutched the belt loops by his hips. He pressed her tighter against the kitchen counter.

  “Meara? Are you in here? Where the heck are you?” called Sherrie from the meeting room entrance.

  They froze. Silently, Meara pleaded with Duncan to save
them from embarrassment. He nodded his head. He turned in the direction of Sherrie’s voice.

  “Sherrie, we’re in the kitchen!” called Duncan.

  Meara straightened her clothes and hair. She turned back to the kitchen cabinets. He stood back, watching her. Sherrie appeared at the kitchen door.

  “Just as I thought, Miss Meara, they’re on the top shelf. Good thing I came along. I don’t want you climbing on any chairs. Let me get them down for you,” he chided.

  “Okay,” she squeaked.

  “I was wondering where you disappeared to,” Sherrie said. “Why didn’t you ask me for help?”

  “I’m sorry. I realized I hadn’t seen the carafes. Mr. Phillips offered to help me look for them.”

  “Sherrie, would you watch the Youth Services Room for about an hour? Miss Meara is due for her review and I’d like to get it done today. Miss Meara, meet me in my office in five minutes.”

  “Not a problem, Duncan,” Sherrie said.

  He retreated to his office. This was turning out to be one hell of a birthday. He closed the door and sat at his desk. He tried to control his breathing. He was nervous. It was true he needed to give Meara a review, but it was nothing formal. He hadn’t even written one up yet. He was trying to get her alone again. He hoped she understood his intention.

  Knocking on the door, Meara looked apprehensive. “You wanted to see me, Mr. Phillips?”

  He stood. “Yes, Miss Meara, please come in and close the door. Are you all right?”

  “Yes. Thank you for covering with Sherrie. We almost got caught,” she whispered.

  “Almost. I don’t have a review for you. You’re doing fantastic work. I have no problem ending your probationary period. I wanted to lure you here under false pretenses to make out with you again.” He held her hands.

  “Can we do that in here?” She sounded excited.

  “If we’re quiet. We have an hour. Let’s see what we can do.”

  “I think we need to establish some rules first.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “We don’t go all the way. We keep our clothes on. We’re as quiet as possible.”

  “Agreed.” He kissed her.

  He backed up towards the loveseat, bringing her with him. He sat on the loveseat and pulled her down to straddle him. She kissed him.


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