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Dee's Hard Limits

Page 10

by Trinity Blacio

  For the first time in her life, Dee felt whole. The monster was gone. Well, not gone, but Dee was free from his hold over her. With all the strength she could muster up, Dee threw herself into Akaos’ arms and cried. Deep sobs racked her body as another set of small convulsions ran through her. “”

  She heard the trampling of their feet and yelling before Dee actually saw them. The three men came tearing into the room, ready to kill whatever threatened her. Knives were drawn, and if Dee wasn’t crazy, she could have sworn she saw a small bit of fire come out of Talhrn’s mouth.

  “What’s wrong? Why did she scream?” Talhrn demanded and Tesuss laughed, standing.

  “Nothing’s wrong, old one. Your woman was just expressing her happiness over the news.” Tesuss nodded to her as she lifted her head and stared at Talhrn.

  “I’m free...” Too tired to hold her head up anymore, she placed it back into Akaos’ lap. She was safe, surrounded by her family, and her eyes closed. Never would she have to worry about Koti’s sick midnight visits, his sharing of the killings he did. Dee held onto Akaos, the tears falling.

  He held her and stroked her back. “He will not invade your head anymore. Daughter, you are safe.”

  With gentle hands, Talhrn lifted her up and out of Akaos’ arms. Her head fell back, totally exhausted. “I’ve got you. Let’s go soak in some nice warm water.” He carried her out of the room, but not before Akaos leaned down and kissed her head.

  “You can contact me anytime now. I will always know where you are. We’ll see you tomorrow at your party,” he said and gathered her mother up in his arms, disappearing from the room.

  The sound of water running had her opening her eyes and staring at the largest tub/small pool she’d ever seen. The water ran into the pool from the wall of rocks in front of them. Steam rose up around the waterfall creating a beautiful scene. She moaned as Talhrn stepped into the water and lowered her into the warm wetness. “I’ve gone to heaven,” she groaned, just letting the water wash over her.

  “Just to let you know, I think this is going to be one of my favorite rooms. I might end up being a wrinkled prune, but, hey, I’ll never complain,” Dee said, allowing her men to take care of her. “When will this stuff quit coming out of me?”

  The soapy cloth in Todd’s hand smelled of sandalwood as he took one arm and cleaned her, while Marquis did the other. “It all depends on how much you ingested and your how your body re-acts. I have a feeling your food was covered in it with the reaction you got and it’s affecting you so quickly. So I’m afraid you’re going to be suffering most of the night, Little Kitten, but we’ll make sure you’re kept clean and warm.”

  “Did you find out anything from your source?” she asked, floating on top of the water. Talhrn stood, ready to grab her as Marquis took a leg and Todd took the other one, cleaning every inch of her body.

  “No, nothing yet, but don’t worry about this.” Talhrn almost snarled, but stopped himself.

  Opening her eyes, she looked up into his face. The tension was etched all across his brow and his shoulders. “You know we do owe this person a little gratitude. I mean he did help me get rid of Koti for good.” She tried to tease, but angry shouts from the three of them echoed off the stone walls.


  They did not see it that way. All three of them were ready to pounce on anything or anybody who came into that room. Talhrn said nothing as he tried to cool the murderous rage inside him. It was a good thing his woman was floating, because right now the claws from Cedarclaw would have pierced her delicate skin.

  “We could have lost you for good! This person will die, make no mistake, Little Kitten. Whatever good that did come out of this was not the person’s intention. They wanted you dead before we were fully bonded to you,” Talhrn’s voice was deeper, part him and part Cedarclaw.

  She smiled. “Flames just came out of your mouth! That is so cool.”

  He looked at Marquis and snorted. “Only our Little Kitten could cool the beast.”

  “You, my pet, are a menace.” He dipped his head down and nipped her nose.

  “Hey, I have to keep you on your toes. Don’t want you to get bored of me.” She frowned. “You can’t get rid of me or divorce me, can you? I didn’t mean to bring so much trouble, really.”

  Her insecurities rose to the surface fast. Where she was smiling one minute, Dee now had tears running down her cheeks and struggled to stand but couldn’t.

  Her legs gave out as she tried to stand and he quickly grabbed her before she swallowed some of the dirty water. Marquis changed the filthy water with clean before she ended up drinking it.

  “I don’t want to even hear those words come out of your mouth. Once our bond is complete, we are committed to you for life. It’s already too late for us. I do not want another female. At least you have some training, and with a little more, you’ll be a perfect pet. Plus, our hearts are bound to you.” He carried her out of the tub, drying her instantly before heading to their bedroom.

  “It’s time for you to sleep, Little Kitten. I love you, never doubt that.” Lowering her onto the bed, he tucked the covers all around her. “Now stop the crying and rest. We’ll be in the other room talking with family. No one can enter this room, so you are safe.”

  He brushed his lips with hers, wanting to let go and claim her, but now they would have to wait at least two more days before their meru was ready for them physically.

  She mumbled as he pulled away from her. “Could be a woman, not a man.” He frowned and moved out of the bedroom as Todd and Marquis followed.

  “Why would she think it’s a female? There are so few here on the planet and to think one of them would even harm another makes no sense.”

  He moved into the kitchen to see Marquis’ brother taking apart the Neptune model in front of him. “I’m putting this back together. Whoever did this got access through the main frame. There has been no tampering here,” Banecaster announced as they gathered around him. He set the one piece down on the table and looked at him.

  “There are a total of five of us that work with the main frame. No others are supposed to be in the room, let alone touch the equipment. And before you ask, I’ve already arranged for you to meet with each one of them tonight. They’ll be at the Commons in an hour.”

  “Why an hour? I want this done now.” Talhrn wanted the person responsible gone. The longer he was free, who knows what kind of threat he could come up with next?

  The room grew cold and the scent he recognized so well filled the room. “We would speak to you.” Talhrn hadn’t been called to them in years. The last time he was gifted with special abilities, but this time he didn’t want to leave his woman.

  “She’ll be safe,” was all the reassurance he got before his body separated into millions of pieces traveling to their subspace at a rate of speed no one could comprehend.

  As far as he could figure out it had only been minutes since he’d left his werus. His body once more together, as Talhrn recognized the small room with only a chair in it, his room.

  “What is so important that you had to drag me away from my woman? She’s suffered enough and does not need to worry about me,” he snarled, and paced back and forth.

  A cold swish of air brushed past him. “It is her we wish to speak to you about.”

  The room grew dark as the beast inside of him stirred. He plopped into the chair and held his breath. “What?”

  “To have a child with this woman, she must also be as you. With her change and the blood, your woman’s pregnancy and childbirth will be different than those of her species.”

  The picture of an egg entered his mind and he moaned. “Any other surprises I should know?”

  “This Koti is not working alone. Sephiroth has joined him with his group of men. The planet’s defenses have been upgraded, but this is all we can do to help you. We created you as a race to protect others, but lately your society is getting lax. I suggest you take a closer look at yourself.”
If he didn’t know better, Talhrn could have sworn he could feel a hand on his shoulder.

  “Your woman will give you many children, but there are a few on her planet that need your help. Ask your woman about the birds.”

  Before Talhrn knew it, he was once more sitting in the seat beside his weru. Marquis and Todd looked up at him.

  “You just left. What was said?” Marquis asked, but Talhrn held up his hand.

  “We need to meet with the rest of the elders and Akaos before we talk with the five men.” He looked at Banecaster. “We won’t leave our meru here alone. Inform each man to show up here five minutes apart. We’ll interrogate them here in the training room. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to see Little Kitten before the elders arrive.”

  He rose and had to stand still a moment. Every time he traveled to their world, it took his body a few minutes to adjust.

  Coming around to him, Todd wrapped his arm around his waist. “Come, let’s go check on our woman.”

  “Now tell us what is wrong.” Marquis asked next to them as they made their way to the bedroom.

  “I’ll explain more when we are with her.” They stepped into the room to see Dee sitting up and waiting for them. “You are supposed to be sleeping.” Talhrn sat down next to her.

  “I had this real weird experience and I have a feeling you can explain it to me? It felt like I was being charged up like the Energizer Bunny.” She leaned forward, frowning. “Are you okay? You look a little pale, even for you.” She lifted her hand up and placed it on his forehead.

  He laughed as he pulled her into a hug. “You don’t even know what our temperature is supposed to be, but thank you for worrying about me.”

  Everyone got comfortable on the bed and Talhrn took a deep breath. “I think the Tetraheros gave you a little boost to help with the healing. They also informed me that you are more like me than you are like the Cometedge. When you have children, you won’t have them the normal way either.” She froze and looked up at him.

  “Exactly how is it going to change? So help me God, if I have to go longer than nine months, I’ll shoot you.” She poked at his chest and he knew their Little Kitten was back to herself.

  “Think egg. That’s all that I got from them. I don’t know how long it takes or anything else. Just that you’ll give birth to an egg,” he said and held on to her tight, as she squealed and tried to get away from him.

  “An egg! I’m going to give birth to an egg and you don’t know anything else!!” she kept trying to get up, but he held tight, slapping her leg slightly.

  “Hold still. We’ll be fine. There are a number of us to figure this out when the time comes, but in the meantime, I’m supposed to ask you about the birds.” Dee froze in his arms and her bottom lip started to wobble again.

  “Shit! What did I mess up, baby?” He placed kisses all along her face. Marquis rubbed her feet and Todd held her hand, all of them trying to calm her down.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dee was tired of it. Every time something came up, her emotions were all over the place. It was as if she had her own personal waterfalls built inside her. How Talhrn knew about the three little birds scared her.

  Only one person at the orphanage knew about her secret visits with the bird children. After her daughter’s death, Dee made sure to stay away from any child, but that had been before she’d found the bird children in the streets of Los Angeles.

  “Every month I like to go through some of the abandoned houses. Over the last few years with all the foreclosures, it’s the perfect spot for a quick meeting place or hide out.” She looked up and noticed Akaos there.

  “I think we have company. I can finish this story another time.” She scooted down into the bed wondering why he wanted to know about the children.

  Not taking his gaze off of her, Talhrn rose off the bed. “You’re up to something.” He leaned down nose to nose with her. “Do not leave this room, Little Kitten. I’d hate to have to punish you when you’ve had a rough day already.” He nipped her nose before covering her mouth in a hard kiss. He worked his tongue inside her and did the two-step with her tongue.

  She slid her arms up and around his neck, hugging him tight. Dee was breathless, when he lifted up and grinned down at her. “As soon as we finish, we’ll be in. I love you, Little Kitten.”

  “I always believed that love at first sight was a bunch of hog wash, but just being with the three of you for the last two days...I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you for being my family.” She nipped his bottom lip and giggled when he snarled.

  “You, my dear, are a menace. Now be good.” He swatted her leg, but the strange blanket prevented much of an impact.

  She released him to stare up into Todd’s handsome face. His big green eyes sparkled and Dee knew he was up to something before he shoved his hands under the blanket and cupped her breasts. “Be good.” He kissed her lips softly while pinching her nipples hard, dragging a gasp out of her. “Perfect.”

  He removed his hands and strolled towards the doorway. The bed dipped next to her. Marquis stared at her, taking her hand into his as he kissed every finger. Never once did he look away from her. “I love you, Little Kitten, please be good” was all he said before standing over her and kissing her forehead.

  Badass Marquis with a temper like none of the others was as gentle as ever with her, but Dee knew if she pissed him off, she’d feel the bite of his hand on her ass.

  “Love you, Marquis,” she whispered before he stepped out of the room.

  He looked over his shoulder and smiled. “Love you too, Kitten, now be good so we don’t have to worry.” With that he was gone and she had the covers flung off of her and took a deep breath.

  A nice swim in that small tub is what she wanted. Maybe then she’d feel more like herself. Dee hoped all the tremors and poison was out of her system because she was tired of feeling like a damn baby.

  Slowly, Dee swung her legs over the bed and stood. The room spun a little but after a few seconds, Dee was fine. She yanked the small sheet off the bed and wrapped herself in it, hoping to make it to the bathroom without anyone seeing her.

  Oh, she knew that Talhrn had called the elders for a meeting. With this new surge of power that went through her, she’d heard all their conversations, even the ones in their head. Only through experiment would Dee know the extent of her powers.

  For the last 15 minutes, Dee had been fortifying the wall in her head. She wanted to surprise her men with a special night. They’ve saved her life and given her more in 3 days than anyone had in her entire life. So she’d plan to surprise them and Dee couldn’t do that if they’d know what she was up to.

  Peeking out the door, Dee didn’t see anyone in the hallway, so she quietly headed towards the bathroom. She smiled as she pictured herself in the white teddy she’d bought so long ago. Dee had seen it in the window of a small boutique and fell in love with it. Even though it was honeymoon attire, Dee believed it would be perfect for tonight.

  Being noisy, Dee peaked inside one of the doors that she’d not seen and stood there with her mouth open. She’d seen many dungeons but this one was amazing for a personal one. They had every furniture piece she’d ever seen, let alone the whips, canes, paddles, vibrators, anal plugs, and many other things she didn’t even know how they were used. Her nipples hardened and she fanned herself. Yep, they were going to have some fun, but first tonight she was going to plan.

  Turning around, she ran smack into a hard wall and knew instantly that Marquis was standing in front of her. He grasped her around her waist so she didn’t fall flat on her ass.

  “What are you doing? Didn’t we tell you to stay put?” he said, frowning down at her.

  “I was just going to the bathroom, when I noticed the door.” She looked down at the ground, hoping he didn’t notice how even the thought of the room turned her on.

  Leaning down, Marquis scooped her up in his arms and headed towards the bathroom. “You should have called
out for us. We’re here to take care of you,” he scolded her.

  “Marquis, I told you I’m feeling better. The tremors are gone and so is the pain. I just wanted to soak in the tub and relax for a few. I can do this.” She squirmed and tried to get down, but he wasn’t having it. He held tight.

  “Hold still. You might feel well enough, but your body has gone through a major trauma and you need to rest.” Stepping into the bathroom, he lowered her feet down to the ground and started to strip.

  “What are you doing? I want to soak in the tub. Marquis, I can do that.” She stepped back and dropped the sheet. “Go back to your meeting, you know you want to go.” Dee waved away his hand as she stepped into the water.

  Turning, Dee visualized her boombox and her favorite CD. Music echoed off the walls and she smiled as she sank into the water. “Now this is heaven.” She looked back to see Marquis smiling at her.

  “Okay, I’m leaving, but don’t overdo it,” he pointed at her before turning and leaving.

  “Finally,” she muttered and swam to the waterfall. “Beautiful.” Checking the depth of the water, Dee sighed when she could touch the bottom of the pool. She attempted to stand under the water and froze when she turned around.

  Janek, the man who had given her mother a hard time, stood at the edge of the water. She ducked into the water trying to cover herself.

  “Um, did you guys lose an elder?” Dee asked, sending the question to the path she’d seen earlier.

  “What...?” Was all she got out before Talhrn was there.

  He wrapped his hand around the man’s neck and shook him. “What do you think you are doing?”

  She heard him say something before they disappeared from the room, but Marquis and Todd were there stripping out of their clothes.

  “Damn,” she groaned.

  Both men walked to her, touching and kissing her. “Are you okay? He didn’t touch you did he?” Todd asked with a bite to it.

  “I’m fine, was a little shocked, but that’s all. You really don’t need to stay here.” She said and kissed Todd’s back as she circled him. Marquis crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her.


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