Degree of Risk

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Degree of Risk Page 20

by Lindsay McKenna

  “He’s a monster,” Sarah cried softly, tears splashing down her cheeks.

  Hunter held up his hand. “We know. Dr. Anas is talking nonstop to our CIA interrogators here on base. He’s spilling everything about Mustafa Khogani. He’s giving them specific intel on all his hiding places, as well. That doctor is as outraged about it as you are, Sarah,” he said grimly. “I’m sorry we didn’t get him last night, but one thing I can promise you—a SEAL will take that sick bastard down sooner or later.”

  Ethan nodded, unaware of the developments. Sarah was shaken, her once-flushed cheeks pale, her eyes filled with terror. He smoothed his hand across her shoulders. “Hey,” he whispered, “take some deep breaths.” He tried not to let her know how worried he really was about the baby. About her. Sarah had a tendency to hide so much. Gently, he kissed the top of her head, wanting to give her comfort.

  Sarah wiped her eyes, blowing her nose and leaning back. “I—I’m sorry, Master Chief, but I saw firsthand what he’s capable of.”

  “Don’t apologize, Sarah,” he rumbled, giving her an understanding look. “You’ve a right to how you feel.”

  She unconsciously touched her neck where the dark purple bruises showed exactly where Khogani’s fingers had gripped her throat. Ethan picked up her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. His calm seeped into her. “He needs to be taken off the face of this planet,” Sarah raged.

  “No one agrees with you more than I do,” Hunter said. He moved his hands down the length of his thighs. “Could you stand some good news now?”

  Sarah nodded, the tissue wrapped in her fist.

  “I talked to Major Donaldson, your CO, earlier this morning before I caught a flight here into Bagram,” he began. “I asked him what Army regs were regarding a female medevac pilot who got pregnant in a combat zone. You would be returned to the squadron’s home base at Fort Rucker, Alabama. He said there was a position open for someone to update all the flight manuals for the Black Hawk training being given to new students. You would, in essence, be posted there for the duration of your pregnancy.” He opened his hands. “As you know, your contract with the Army is up a month before your due date.”

  Sarah wrinkled her nose. “Donaldson has it in for me and you know it. I’m sure he’s jumping up and down for joy that I’ll be rotated out of his squadron. I’ll stop costing him money on helo repairs. He’ll keep his bottom line and get his colonel’s leaves.”

  Hunter smiled a little. “Well, as you know, he and I have talked before. He knows I know his boss, the colonel above him. And so I suggested a slightly different scenario to him. One I hope you like. If you do, I’ll initiate it?”

  Sarah frowned. “What did you do?”

  Hunter had the good grace to flush. “Now, Sarah, you know we take care of our own.”

  Tensing, she whispered, “Yes.” Happiness glinted in the master chief’s eyes. What had he done?

  “One of our SEALs in Alpha platoon owns a three-story building that has six condo units in it on the island of Coronado. I contacted him last night and asked if he had any of his condos up for rent. He does. There’s a ground-floor condo that just opened up last week. And he’s going to give you fifty percent off the yearlong lease because you’re pregnant, Sarah.”

  Confused, she stammered, “That’s fine, but I have to be in Fort Rucker.”

  Shrugging, Hunter said, “That ball’s in your court. I got your major to agree to let you stay out in Coronado because your future husband’s base is located there. He agreed that you can work on the manuals anywhere, that you don’t have to be at Fort Rucker. It comes down to revising, updating and typing that stuff in and then sending pdf documents to Fort Rucker. They’ll take care of it from there.”

  Ethan said, “You’re talking about petty officer Gabe Griffin, right? He’s the only SEAL I know who bought a condo.”

  “I am. You know him?”

  Ethan nodded. “Yes. He’s got one hell of a reputation.”

  “Indeed he does,” Hunter agreed. “Wish I could steal him and put him in our platoon.”

  Ethan knew that was the finest compliment a SEAL shooter could get, to be wanted by another platoon. Sarah twisted a look up at Ethan. “Are you okay with this?”

  “Sure,” he said. “Master Chief, you sure know how to play the shell game.”

  “A little marriage gift to you two,” Hunter murmured with a warm smile. “Well? Would you like that condo, Sarah? This way, you would have SEAL wives to help you, keep you busy and some of them are mothers. My Sophie will be there for you. They can help you in many ways, plus be an emotional support for you while Ethan is over here for the next four months.”

  “I’d like that, Master Chief. Thank you.”

  “I think Coronado and the San Diego sea air will agree with you and your baby.”

  “This is truly an unexpected surprise,” Sarah said, tearing up. She blotted her eyes and groaned. “God, I’m turning into such a sop!”

  Both men grinned at one another.

  “Sarah, one more perk for you,” Hunter said, catching her eyes. “You’re in the military and you have a top-secret clearance just like we do. I’ve spoken to Master Chief Harvey at SEAL Team 3 in Coronado and he’s agreed to let you come over whenever you want to speak with Ethan by Skype on our computer system. It’s encrypted and secure. You’ll get better communication more often with him than other SEAL wives because of your military status.”

  Ethan leaned over and kissed her brow. “That’s one perk I’m going to like as much as you do, angel.” And he could keep closer tabs on her and the baby. Color flooded back into her cheeks. “That’s even better. Thank you,” Sarah said.

  “I’ll let Major Donaldson know and he’ll pick up the reins from here insofar as your orders go. He said you would have seven days at Camp Bravo before leaving for stateside. I’ll call Gabe and tell him the condo is yours. When Gabe is home, he said to tell you that he’ll be there for you. Anything you need, he’ll try to make it happen. Right now he’s out on three months’ training, but I’ll give you his cell-phone number.”

  “Great,” Sarah whispered. She held tightly to Ethan’s hand. “This feels like Christmas to me.”

  The men nodded, trading significant glances.

  Hunter stood up. “All your stuff from your tent at Bravo is either in your room at SEAL HQ or has been packed up for transit by the SEALs, Sarah. When you come back to Bravo, you’ll stay with us.” He came over and placed a kiss on her cheek. Drawing back a little, he said gruffly, “You’re one of the bravest women I have ever encountered. You take care of that little girl or boy inside you. And you take care of yourself, too.”

  More tears welled up in Sarah’s eyes. She touched Hunter’s hand. “I—I will, Master Chief. You really are a guardian angel.”

  Hunter straightened and growled. “Oh, then you’re the only one who thinks so,” he said, smiling sheepishly. “Just ask my SEALs. They know I’m a hard-ass.”

  Ethan nodded. “No question.” He thrust out his hand to Hunter. “Thank you for everything, Master Chief. You’ve made this so much easier on Sarah. On us.”

  Hunter gripped Ethan’s hand and released it. “That’s what master chiefs are for, son. They rule the military universe.” He gave them one last smile and left.

  Chapter 15

  On their last night at Bagram, they had dinner with Emma and Khalid Shaheen at their villa. They would stay overnight in the suite where Sarah had conceived three months earlier. Sarah loved the intimate dinner with the four of them. Emma and Khalid were just as fiercely in love with one another as they were.

  Gold tapered candles sat at one end of the table, the lighting low and classical music playing softly in the background. Emma had taken her to the base hairdresser at Bagram that morning, gotten her hair cut and shaped, her nails done and they’d enjoyed a massage back at the villa.

  Emma had then taken Sarah to her huge walk-in closet late in the afternoon and told her to pick one o
f the caftans that caught her eye. There were ten long flowing silk robes, all handmade. The one that caught Sarah’s attention was a deep blue caftan with gold thread embroidered around the soft neckline. The gold thread design was on the flowing sleeves and the hem, as well. Trying it on, Sarah was amazed it fit her, given that Emma was two inches taller. Emma had laughed and said it was made for her.

  This evening was special to Sarah. She felt beautiful in the caftan. Emma wore a red one that matched the color of her shoulder-length hair. She also wore long, filigreed gold earrings that Khalid had given to her as a birthday gift. Emma had even sat down with her earlier and shown her how to put some soft blue and charcoal highlights over her eyes, making them seem even larger than usual. Sarah had agreed to wear some tasteful, shorter gold Afghan earrings.

  When she shyly walked out with Emma from the suite, the look in Ethan’s eyes was one of awe and raw sexual desire. He’d come forward, claiming her hand, telling her how beautiful she looked. Emma had rubbed jasmine oil in her hair, just a bit, and it was a subtle scent.

  As Ethan laid claim to her lips, all her nervousness left her. His mouth was warm and gentle. And when he raised his head, his gray eyes were dark with longing. For her. She had never felt so feminine as right then.

  Emma had opened her up to her femininity. It wasn’t so much about makeup as appreciating herself, her natural beauty and dressing to feel good about herself. That was the gift Emma had given her.

  As the housekeeper cleared away the dishes, Khalid, who was dressed in dark charcoal slacks and a white Afghan shirt, rubbed his hands together.

  “Now for dessert.” He gave his wife a keen look.

  Emma smiled across the table at Sarah and Ethan.

  Sarah felt something was afoot by the gleam in Khalid’s eyes. He smiled as if he had a secret. Emma, too, looked as if she was positively going to burst.

  Ethan grinned over at Emma and Khalid, leaning a bit to one side to dig something out of his pocket. Once he grasped it, he turned his chair toward Sarah.

  “Sarah Benson,” he said in a low, emotional tone, “will you marry me?” Ethan produced an old-fashioned wedding ring with one large diamond and six smaller ones on each side of the gold band.

  Sarah gasped at the beautiful ring. Ethan took her hand, the same one on which she wore the simple gold engagement ring he’d given to her earlier. He slipped it on the same finger and gazed into her eyes.

  “You know I will,” Sarah quavered, tears coming to her eyes. She leaned forward, throwing her arms around Ethan’s shoulders, burying her face beside his neck.

  Emma and Khalid laughed and clapped.

  Sarah kissed Ethan several times, joy tunneling through her. As she pulled back, she lifted her hand. In the candlelight the ring’s diamond facets gleamed. “I never expected this,” she said, “not this soon…”

  Ethan brought his chair closer and slid his arm around her. “I’d like us to get married at SEAL HQ. Once all the guys knew you’d be leaving, I wanted them to be there for when we got married. SEALs stick together and, Sarah, they love you like a sister. They wanted us to get married at Camp Bravo so they could all attend. What do you say?”

  “We’re invited, too,” Emma drawled with a smile. “And we’ll be there with bells on.”

  Sarah touched her heart. “I will marry you anywhere on this earth, Ethan!” Sarah hugged and then kissed him.

  “Sarah,” Emma said, “I’ve been working with Master Chief Hunter. We think the day before you leave Camp Bravo would be a perfect time for the wedding. You could come back here for your honeymoon?”

  Sarah grinned. “You really know how to plan, Emma.”

  Demure, Emma shrugged. “Hey, I’m military—what can I say? Tact and strat are my forte.”

  Ethan picked up her left hand. “You need to know this is my great-grandmother Melissa’s ring. When she died, it was passed on to my grandma Lou. Before Grandma passed on, she asked that I take it and give it to the woman who stole my heart. And you have, Sarah. That’s a family heirloom, and now you really are going to have a family who loves you. My family. My parents already know we’re getting married over here, but they’d like us to have a second wedding at the ranch. What do you think?”

  “Before or after the baby comes?” she asked, smiling and drowning in his dark, stormy gaze.

  “After. I promised them we’d come home with our new son or daughter. They liked that idea. Two for one.” Ethan grinned like a little boy.

  “And,” Emma added in a conspiratorial tone, “Master Chief Hunter has left me in charge of all the decorations, the flowers and cake.” Her eyes gleamed with happiness. “Plus, I want you to look at some wedding gowns I just had flown in from the States.”

  Sarah blinked. “What?”

  “My dear husband here has an Afghan friend who has a wedding shop in New York City. When Ethan told us what he wanted to do, I got online and chose ten different styles of dresses in your size. We’ll take the one you like best and just send him back the others. Khalid’s gift to you is buying your dress.”

  Overwhelmed, Sarah sat there, gripping Ethan’s hand. “I—I’ve never had anyone do this much for me. Thank you…”

  Khalid smiled and said, “Sarah, you deserve only good things to happen to you from now on. Emma and I are happy to be a part of this new chapter in your life.”

  “I’m going to cry, again!” she muffled.

  “Here,” Ethan said, handing her one of the tissues from the end of the table, put there special for Sarah.

  Blotting her eyes, Sarah shook her head. “Less than a week ago, I was running for my life and thinking I was never going to make it out alive. Now all this! And a baby…”


  “Happy?” Ethan asked Sarah later, drawing her naked body against him, her perfumed hair tickling his nose and jaw. He had seen her alternate between worry and joy.

  Sarah shrugged. “Sometimes I worry about our baby. I wonder if I hurt her or him. I had to do so many brutal physical things….” Her voice trailed off, terror chasing away her happiness.

  Nodding, he slid his hand across her belly as if to hold the child she carried. He was worried, too, but he wasn’t about to give it voice. “Listen to me, okay? That little tyke has our DNA. We’ve both proven we can tough it out. I think once you get out of here, get back to a safe place, to San Diego, you’re not going to feel so worried.”

  “Do you think so, Ethan?”

  “Yes, I do, Sarah. You’re in a combat zone. The sooner we get you out of here, the happier I’m going to be.”

  Sighing, Sarah whispered, “But we’ll miss you,”

  Moonlight was softly peeking around the edges of the floor-to-ceiling drapes, lending a soft luminescence to the suite. She moved against him, her belly against his erection, feeling him groan. “I’ll be glad when these ten days are up.”

  “Yeah,” he growled, “makes two of us.”

  She smiled up at him. Sliding her fingers across his bearded jaw, she asked, “Boy or girl?”

  He caught her hand, kissing each of her fingers. “I don’t care so long as he or she is healthy. What about you? Mothers-to-be are said to know what they are carrying.” Ethan eased up on his elbow, holding her hand and guiding it toward her belly. Her flesh was cream-colored, silky, her blue eyes a smoky hue telling him she wanted him to love her.

  “A girl,” Sarah murmured. “I’m sure of it.”

  “Mmm, another little winged eagle, huh?”

  She smiled softly. “I want our daughter to grow up knowing the sky isn’t the limit, Ethan. I want her to reach for her dreams and grab on to them and make them come true,” she said in a fierce, passionate voice, holding his thoughtful gaze.

  “She’ll be just like her mother, then,” Ethan intoned, sliding his hand up her smooth arm, feeling her strength, her warmth. “Passing on her warrior soul to her daughter…”


  Sarah stared at herself in the mirror in her small room within
SEAL HQ. She could hear a lot of noise, laughter and milling around outside the door as the men of Bravo Platoon waited for her to come out of the room and marry Ethan. She was all nerves, her hands perspiring as Emma patiently placed a small group of white and pink roses from the villa in her hair. Emma had styled her hair so that it lay soft and natural about her shoulders. She had already placed a matching circlet of roses around the satin waist of Sarah’s wedding dress. The corsage was off to the left side of her gown. The strapless silk sheath dress accentuated her curvy figure.

  “I’m so nervous,” Sarah muttered.

  Emma chuckled. “Every bride gets the jitters. It’s natural.” She made a final, finishing touch on the flowers in her hair and stood back. “There. You look absolutely gorgeous, Sarah. Look.” She stepped away from the full-length mirror the SEALs had found somewhere at Camp Bravo.

  Smoothing her damp hands down the shining white satin sheath, Sarah whispered, “I’ve never worn something so beautiful.”

  “I know,” Emma said, touching her flushed cheek, “you’re just learning how to be a girly girl.”

  The woman staring back from the mirror appeared wide-eyed, her black hair smooth and silky, softly curling at the ends across her shoulders. “I like the bolero jacket,” she said, touching the short sleeves. The strapless gown emphasized her breasts, but Sarah felt more comfortable wearing the jacket. She just wasn’t ready to strut out into the world yet in the dress alone. Maybe later when she got her girly girlness fully online.

  “It looks classic,” Emma assured her. “And very sophisticated. Nothing too wild. Nothing too in-your-face. Just beautiful.”

  Sarah believed her. She felt like a fairy-tale princess. Or maybe Cinderella.

  Emma said, “Those SEALs are going to be good boys.” She grinned hugely. “Besides, with Master Chief Hunter giving you away, they are definitely not going to misbehave. Okay?”

  “They’re like a big bunch of rowdy, testosterone-fueled brothers always competing with one another,” Sarah confessed fondly. She smiled, touching the dress as if she were in a dream.


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