Degree of Risk

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Degree of Risk Page 21

by Lindsay McKenna

  “That they are. Now, Master Chief Hunter will be in his summer dress whites and so will the three officers. Ox will strum the wedding march on his guitar. And I’ll be your bridesmaid.” Emma smiled, giving a curtsy in her white suit that had a pink silk blouse beneath. She leaned over and slipped on her low white leather heels. “There.”

  Sarah’s heart was starting to flutter in her chest. “You have the ring?”

  “Reza does. I made sure earlier that he had it.”

  “I’m so glad he was able to make it,” Sarah said. She loved the Afghan shoemaker. He was a role model for the Afghan people, living the true Koran of the heart, always kind and thoughtful. He cared deeply about his people and their plight. And he fought for them, putting his life on the line every day.

  “Yes, and the SEALs were happy to hear they can show up in their desert cammies instead of having to dig into their duffle bags to find their dress whites.” She chuckled.

  “Who else is out there?” Sarah knew Emma had invited all the combat medics from her medevac squadron. She had not invited the other warrant officers or Major MacDonald.

  “Mmm, I saw Pascal and all the other combat medics from your squadron present. They came over in their summer dress uniforms for you. They look really great. And of course, Khalid is out there. The chaplain has arrived and she’s very happy about performing the ceremony. For once she gets to preside over life, not death.”

  Sobering, Sarah nodded, turning slowly to see how the shining satin moved with her body. The dress was not tight, but it did reveal her body more than anything she’d ever worn before. “I’ll bet that big room is crowded.”

  Emma grinned. “Yes, but it’s a happy crowd.”

  She’d artfully applied some cosmetics on Sarah, not too much, but just enough to bring out her natural beauty. Sarah didn’t like cosmetics and neither did Emma, but she did believe a little here and there definitely emphasized a woman’s assets. And Sarah’s glacier-blue eyes were made even more dramatic with a touch of charcoal across the eyelid and soft blue above that. She didn’t need mascara, her black lashes long and thick, something any woman would die to have. Sarah consented to a pale pink lipstick, nothing gaudy or that made her full mouth look like the center of attention on her face. Emma wanted everyone’s gaze to go to her eyes first. A tiny bit of blusher brought out her broad, high cheekbones.

  “Okay, we’re ready,” Emma said, clapping her hands. “Now, don’t forget, Dagger is our photographer. And Trace is in charge of the video.”

  “God,” Sarah grumbled, “I hope they don’t have a midair collision with one another out there. It’s packed.”

  Giggling, Emma shook her head. “Oh, I think those frogmen know how to do the dance and not step on feet.” Emma squeezed Sarah’s hand, excited. “Stay here. I’ll let everyone know you’re ready!”

  Sarah stood in the quiet room, feeling scared. And excited. Wondering if her child was feeling as stressed as she was right now, feeling emotions she’d never before experienced. She was going to marry Ethan! Sarah allowed her love for him to well up in her and it chased all the jitters away.

  “We’re ready,” Emma whispered, peeking around the door. She pointed toward the dresser. “Pick up your bouquet.”

  Nerves struck again. Sarah took in a slow, deep breath, walked over and picked up the small bouquet of pink and white roses. There were satin ribbons of white, pink and red trailing halfway down her sheath.

  Master Chief Hunter entered the room, and Sarah managed a slight, strained smile of welcome. Hunter was wearing his dress whites, the tunic collar shining with gold anchors on either side of it. The gold SEAL emblem sat above all the colorful rows of ribbons on the left side of his chest. He had his hat tucked beneath his left arm, the black patent leather bill, shining. “Ready?” he asked, and he gave Sarah a slow smile of understanding.

  “I’m ready,” she rushed, her voice breathless.

  “You look beautiful, Sarah,” Hunter told her gruffly. “Ethan is probably going to faint when he sees you. I have two SEALs standing right behind him in case he does.”

  His humor broke her fear. She walked over to him, threw her arms around Hunter’s massive shoulders and kissed his bearded cheek. “Thank you, thank you for everything,” she whispered. “If I could pick a father, I’d pick you….” She stepped away, her voice cracking with emotion.

  Hunter’s face softened and he pulled a linen handkerchief from his pocket, handing it to her. “The moment I met you, Sarah, you reminded me so much of my oldest daughter, Abby. She’s a spitfire just like you. Plays with the boys and bests all of them. Here, blot your tears. You have a young man out there who wants to take you as his wife.”


  Ethan stood in his dress white sailor’s uniform, starched and pressed to perfection. All his medals were on the left side of his chest, the SEAL insignia above them. Ox, who sat off to the right of the chaplain, began to strum his guitar, the notes of the “Wedding March” carrying softly throughout the suddenly silent room.

  When Ethan saw Master Chief Hunter lead Sarah out into the hall, he drew in a ragged breath. His heart started pulsing strongly in his chest. Sarah looked incredibly beautiful, her shyness so evident, her eyes so wide and flawlessly blue.

  Ethan managed to catch her gaze, saw her lick her lower lip in nervousness. Hell, he was jittery, too! He watched her lift her chin, square her shoulders, and he could almost feel her love for him. Her radiant expression touched him, loved him, told him that she was going to be fine.

  The SEALs gaped as Sarah appeared out of the hall and into the center of the big room. Dagger was grinning like a wolf, moving quickly, snapping shots, sometimes continuous shots with his camera. Trace stood near Reza as he calmly shot the video.

  Sarah had eyes only for Ethan. He stood so tall, his broad shoulders pulled back with natural confidence and pride. His white uniform was spotless. She saw all the ribbons on his chest, recognized that he’d earned a Silver Star Medal, two Bronze Medals with Vs for valor and two Purple Hearts. He was a SEAL. He was a warrior. And he knew who he was. There was a fearlessness about him, a steadfastness, and as she approached him, that same powerful sense of protection enveloped her, an invisible reminder that she was his woman, that Ethan would always protect her and that she was part of his soul.

  As the master chief halted and gave Sarah’s hand to Ethan, he smiled and then stepped back a pace.

  Sarah smiled up into Ethan’s face. They both had tears in their eyes. His rough, calloused fingers enclosed hers, soothing her silently, and he led her toward the chaplain who was waiting for them. Sarah handed Emma her bouquet.

  Ethan didn’t want the old-fashioned marriage vows. He and Sarah had wanted part of the poem he’d originally written for her to be their vows instead. And as they turned and faced one another, their hands clasped, he said softly, “We will have a glorious lifetime together.”

  Sarah whispered, “Through snow or sleet or inclement weather.”

  Ethan smiled, squeezing her fingers reassuringly. “‘And I sense that when you have my heartstrings…’”

  “‘There is little I could withhold from you, my darling,’” Sarah said, tears sliding down her cheeks.

  Swallowing hard, Ethan rasped brokenly, “‘You are mine and I am yours through the gracious and eternal sunshine…’”

  Tears moved down Sarah’s cheeks as she felt Ethan’s strong hands around hers. Her throat tightened, a lump forming, so much love welled up through her for him. Her voice came out strained. “‘You are mine and I am yours through the gracious and eternal sunshine…’”

  “Please give the bridegroom the ring,” the smiling chaplain directed Reza.

  Reza, dressed in his finest Afghan clothes, a white, embroidered shirt, a dark green vest and brown trousers, smiled warmly up at the couple. He pulled the ring out of his pocket and walked up to Ethan, placing it in his palm. Reza turned and gave Sarah a chaste kiss on the cheek, flushed red and then turned and
walked back to his original station.

  The chaplain said, “You may place the ring on Sarah Benson’s finger, Ethan Quinn. And as you do, I pronounce you man and wife.”

  Sarah held out her hand and she felt him take it, his hand warm and strong. Ethan smiled tenderly down at her and he slipped it on to her left hand. And then he brought her gently into his arms, leaned over and caressed her lips, giving everything he held in his heart to her.

  The big room exploded with yells, cheers, hoots and clapping.

  Sarah didn’t hear the noise at all, her arms around her husband’s shoulders, his mouth curving against hers, telling her just how much he loved her and always would. Forever.

  And when Ethan finally eased his mouth from hers, he whispered, “I love you, Sarah Quinn.”

  Sarah managed a trembling smile and reached up, touching his cheek. Her vision blurred. “I will love you, Ethan, until I draw my last breath. And even then, I’ll love you from the other side, darling.”

  Ethan nodded, seemingly unable to speak. He turned her around, his arm sliding around her waist, to celebrate their marriage with all his friends, his SEAL brothers. There was a roar of “hooyah” over and over again. The room vibrated with the loud, male celebration. Champagne bottles popped, beer bottle caps flew, and cans of pop hissed as they were opened. Ox broke into some more modern guitar strumming, grinning and happy to be the music for the celebration.

  Ethan shook the chaplain’s hand and thanked her. Sarah hugged her.

  Pascal and the combat medics came forward, grinning like fools. Pascal shook Ethan’s hand and then said, “Do you mind if I give your wife one hell of a hug?”

  Ethan released her and said, “I don’t think Sarah would have it any other way.”

  Pascal swooped Sarah up in his arms, lifting her off her feet, hugging the hell out of her. Sarah laughed and hugged him back, kissing his cheek.

  Pascal gently set her down and said, “The guys and I have never flown with a more gutsy pilot than you, Sarah. All of us.” He motioned to the medics standing around him. “We just want you to know, we respect you, we love you and we’re damned proud we got to fly with you. You helped us save a lot of lives.”

  Ethan placed his hand on Pascal’s shoulder. “Thanks for telling her that.”

  Pascal smiled grimly. “It was about time someone from our squadron did.”

  “Way past,” Ethan agreed quietly. But he didn’t want to go there. This was their wedding, Sarah’s time to shine, to be loved, admired and fussed over.

  The SEALs were already coming forward, on their best behavior, giving Sarah a light kiss on the cheek or hugging her, or both.

  “Congratulations, son.” Hunter held out his hand to Ethan.

  Ethan shook it, meeting the man’s eyes. “Thank you, Master Chief.”

  “I hope you know you have a very, very special woman under your care,” Hunter murmured.

  Ethan nodded. “I knew that the minute I laid eyes on her, Master Chief.”

  “She’s been through a lot. And I know you’ll be her rudder for a while until she gets things sorted out and flies on her own.”

  Ethan nodded and grinned. “Something I’m looking forward to.” Because he loved Sarah, he knew he could be there for her.

  Hunter grinned a little. “And then, look out. Once she gets clear of the flotsam and jetsam of her younger years, she’s going to be unstoppable.”

  Ethan saw how serious Hunter became, his eyes burrowing into his. Losing his smile, he said gruffly, “She deserves to be free, Master Chief. I’m going to do everything in my power to help her get there.”

  “Good, son, because you’re a SEAL and you should always leave a woman feeling better about herself the next morning, every day of your life with her.” He walked toward the table where the cake was to be cut.

  The three SEAL officers came over to Sarah, smiling, shaking her hand and congratulating her. Emma and Khalid reached Sarah, each hugging her gently. Reza stood to the back of the room, smiling, holding his rolled wool hat between his hands, just taking it all in. Tears were running down his bearded cheeks.

  Pascal and the medics brought out the huge wedding cake under the master chief’s direction. It had been baked in the ovens at Camp Bravo. The head cook had decorated it himself, with white frosting and pink roses. It stood four tiers high, enough to feed all the animals of the platoon. And no one was betting even crumbs would be left afterward.

  The SEALs surrounded Ethan, grinning, slapping him on the back, shaking his hand and congratulating him. Ethan felt lucky as he looked into the eyes of the brothers who had his back. He had theirs, too. And he had his woman here, beside him.

  Chapter 16

  “Tomorrow, I leave for the States,” Sarah said. Her voice sounded subdued and filled with sadness. So much had happened in the span of ten days. She hadn’t even begun to process it all, but her focus was on Ethan, this one last night with him. And then there would be four months of waiting for his platoon to be rotated back to Coronado, back to the safety of the States.

  She sat on a chair in the bathroom of their suite at the villa. Sarah ached for Ethan, oscillated between joy and sadness.

  Ethan finished drying himself off and placed the towel on the counter, moving over to where Sarah sat. Her hair was damp and he could see the pensive look in her eyes. “Hey,” he said, pulling the towel from her hands, “let’s go to bed.” He picked her up as if she weighed nothing.

  “I’m going to miss being carried around,” Sarah admitted with a sigh, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

  Ethan carried her out into the bedroom, the stained-glass lamp shedding just enough light. “I’m going to miss it just as much as you do,” he promised her huskily, pressing a kiss to her temple. Sarah felt warm and tempting against his naked body. Her head rested in the crook of his shoulder.

  The ob-gyn had examined Sarah yesterday, saying that the healing of the placenta to her uterus was complete. But Ethan still worried. And he’d seen the anxiety in her eyes earlier as they’d showered together. Ethan wanted to love Sarah so damned badly he ached, but he also didn’t want to do anything to cause further problems with her pregnancy. He set her onto the crisp, white sheets of the bed.

  “I’ll be back,” he said, turning and walking to the dresser. The clock read 2200, or 10:00 p.m. They’d flown from Camp Bravo after having one hell of a party at the SEAL HQ after their wedding. Ethan smiled fondly as he turned off the lamp. Several of those animals were going to have hellacious hangovers come tomorrow morning. It was a good thing Master Chief Hunter had called for a stand-down day. No one would have been ready for a patrol; they’d get their asses shot off. Ethan chuckled and turned back to the bed in the dark, his night vision excellent.

  Sarah had placed pillows behind her back and she was sitting, legs drawn up, her arms around them. He saw sadness in her exquisite eyes.

  Moving to her side of the bed, Ethan sat down, wrapping his arm around her and then slipping her across his lap.

  “It’s our last night together,” Sarah whispered, moving her fingers through the damp tangles of his chest hair. Ethan smelled clean and her nostrils flared, inhaling his male scent. It was a fragrance she loved and it quickly stirred the heat of her lower body to life.

  “It’s the first night of our life together,” he murmured, looking down at her. Her lips parted softly and he could feel himself grow even harder.

  “You always look at the positive, Quinn.”

  “Yes,” Ethan murmured, grazing her lower lip, “I do.” He understood why she did not have the same upbeat outlook. And that was all right.

  Sarah closed her eyes and stretched to curve her mouth against his. She felt his powerful arms hold her a little tighter, felt his erection pressing against her hip and belly. This man was the father of her child. The radiant emotions of Ethan holding her, holding their child, kissing her slowly, provocatively, made tears come to Sarah’s eyes.

  Ethan eased away. �
��More than anything, Sarah, I want to love you tonight,” he rasped. He smiled down at her and saw her regard him in the heated silence. He gave her a wry look. “I don’t know about you, but I’m afraid I’ll hurt you or do something to hurt our baby. I’m living in fear…of missing out on loving you or of loving you and somehow hurting you.”

  “So am I. The doctor said regular sex was okay.”

  He snorted. “Yeah, ‘regular’ for me or you might not be what your doc had in mind. Did you ask her specifically what that meant?”

  Sarah felt Ethan’s tension, felt his desire for her. And she already felt heat collecting between her thighs. “She just said no gymnastics.” Sarah laughed a little.

  Ethan grinned. “Such as making love to you in the shower?”

  “That would certainly qualify as gymnastics, don’t you think?”

  “Or sitting you on the edge of a table, or on the edge of a chair or—”

  “You’re certainly creative tonight,” she teased, studying his shadowed face, his gray eyes dark and glinting.

  “There isn’t any place you can’t love your woman,” Ethan said. “When I get home, the first thing we’re going to do is go down to a very special beach I know about that’s very private, and I’m going to make love with you on a blanket right there.”

  “Mmm,” she said, “I can just picture that, Ethan. Me, who will be seven months pregnant, my belly probably the size of a watermelon at that point. Should get interesting, huh?”

  He gave her a lazy smile in return, loving these moments with her. Sarah had humor despite all she’d gone through; it was part of who she was. “There are ways,” he told her enigmatically. “SEALs are very good at work-arounds.”

  “I like that idea. I love the beach, the waves crashing in…”

  “There’s always making out in the car.”

  Sarah wrinkled her nose. “I think that would be very uncomfortable.”

  “We’ll try it sometime if you want.” And then he amended, “After the baby is born.”

  “Good idea,” she said, smiling. Running her hand up along his arm, feeling his muscles flex beneath his taut skin, Sarah whispered, “I love you, Ethan.”


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