Page 66
3 He was still issuing orders to the Cheka: RGASPI f. 13, op. 9, d. 7; and to Justice Commissar about the new penal code: RGASPI f. 13, op. 8, d. 13.
4 Was not like the old Lenin making speeches: French Communist, quoted in Clark, p. 493.
5 Stalin refused to give him poison, ‘I do not have the strength’: Kotkin, p. 315.
6 Lenin’s ‘Last Testament’, background: Service, Lenin, pp. 450–2; Fotieva, VoVIL, Vol. 8, pp. 180–90; and Volkogonov, pp. 390–5.
7 Lenin’s last row with Stalin: Kotkin, pp. 320–2; Krupskaya, letter to Kamenev: RGASPI f. 12, op. 3, d. 9; Lenin’s message to Stalin: RGASPI f. 12, op. 3, d. 11; Stalin’s reply: RGASPI f. 12, op. 3, d. 12. March 1923 stroke and Professor Kramer quote: Moshe Lewin, Lenin’s Last Struggle, New York, 1967.
8 Nadya’s letter to Zetkin: RGASPI f. 12, op. 9, d. 1; Nadya to Inna Armand, 23 May 1923: RGASPI f. 12, op. 9, d. 11; letter on 2 September: RGASPI f. 12, op. 9, d. 13. Lenin’s nephew Gora’s visit: record at RGASPI f. 13, op. 11, d. 17. Visit by artist Yuri Annenkov: cited by Volkogonov, p. 374.
9 Lenin’s last day remembered: Bukharin, Pravda, 30 January 1924; death described in Krupskaya, Reminiscences, pp. 301–2.
1 ‘Unmistakable grief’ after Lenin’s death: Valentinov, p. 288.
2 Funeral described: Walter Duranty, New York Times, 28 January 1924; Bukharin, Pravda, 29 January 1924; Balabanova, p. 215; and Lunacharsky, www.marxists.org/archive/lunachar.
1 Funeral Commission orders embalming the body for forty days: RGASPI f. 17, op. 9, d. 13. Dzerzhinsky, ‘If science can preserve a human body’: Politburo minutes, 25 January 1924, RGASPI f. 17, op. 17, op 8, d. 13. Trotsky objects to embalmment: The Trotsky Papers, Vol. 2, p. 59. Nadya’s letter to Inna Armand: RGASPI f. 12, op. 13, d. 18.
2 The ‘Troika’ ensure that Lenin’s Testament is ‘buried’ at Politburo: RGASPI f. 17, op. 11, d. 13; and at Council of Elders: RGASPI f. 17, op. 11, d. 16, and Kotkin, pp. 424–6. Zinoviev’s speech at Central Committee, ‘Every word of Ilyich is law to us’: RGASPI f. 17, op. 12, d. 116.
3 Lunacharsky on the shape of Lenin’s skull: Pravda, 3 September 1918. Studies by the Institute of the Brain: Volkogonov, pp. 400–2; post-mortem reports: Rozanov, p. 23; Service, Lenin, p. 463; and Louis Fischer, p. 483.
4 Immortalisation Commission and embalming Lenin: Volkogonov, pp. 406–10; Ilya Zbarsky and Samuel Hutchinson, Lenin’s Embalmers, London, 1998; Service, Lenin, pp. 453–4; and John Gray, The Immortalisation Commission, London, 2010.
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