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The Country Wife

Page 8

by Temple Hogan

  “He hanged Edward for treason. ‘Twas not true, but the Campbell clan is very powerful and Edward had no clan to call on for protection

  “Lady Jane pleaded with Sir Archibald to spare Edward’s life, and he agreed to if she became his wife. She hid the fact she was with child and agreed. But Edward would have none of it. He thought Sir Archibald a monster and truly he is a wicked, cruel man. Edward told Sir Archibald that Jane carried his child. Sir Archibald was furious. Still, he would have married her for he was a man obsessed, but now Lady Jane followed Edward’s wishes and refused the marriage.”

  Lilli felt hot tears roll down her cheeks, but Callum took hold of her hand and cradled it in his.

  She found strength from his touch. “We needed to hide from Sir Archibald’s fury and Lilli Hardy offered us safety at her father’s croft. We were on our way there but Jane insisted that we go to the hanging fields first. She would not have Edward die alone, nor would I. We disguised ourselves as nuns. I begged Jane to stay behind, but she insisted. She wanted to be there for Edward, to see him one last time. He cried out when he first glimpsed her. I think seeing her brought him more pain than if she had not come.” Lilli swallowed her tears.

  “I can see that,” Callum muttered. “If it’s too hard to tell me the rest—”

  “Someone must know and tell the truth of things one day. Tell of the cruelty of such a man as Archibald Campbell.”

  Her voice tightened with bitterness as she continued. “He swore that not only would Edward be killed but that his seed would be wiped out as well, so none would survive to carry on his line. Jane was so distraught, at first she didn’t recognize the danger she and her unborn child were in, but Edward did. He looked me in the eye and silently charged me with their care, then the hangman’s knot took him.”

  She was trembling now, and she couldn’t stop. Callum released her hand and put his arms around her.

  She drew strength from his nearness. “Jane screamed and for the first time and Sir Archibald knew she was there. He ordered his men to capture her. We ran as best we could for Jane’s labor had begun and we hid in one of the haystacks. They nearly caught us but brave, sweet Lilli Hardy led them away from us. She was killed for her trouble.”

  “M’God,” Callum said, visibly shaken by the tale she’d portrayed so well.

  “The soldiers searched for hours and Lady Jane nearly bit her tongue in two trying not to cry out in her childbearing pain and give us away.” Lilli drew a sobbing breath. “She knew she was dying, but she didn’t care. She would be with Edward, she said, but she made me promise to take Rose far away so none would know who she was and bring harm to her. The only place I knew to go where they would not ferret us out was to Tollis Hill. It became a beacon of safety to me.”

  His arm tightened around her, pulling her against the comfort of his wide chest. “You’re a stout lass, Lilli MacGregor!” he said, holding her close. “You’ve no need to worry now. I’ll protect you and wee Rose.” His hold was protective, and she relaxed against his strong body then quickly drew away.

  “I should not lean on you so,” she said, remembering his wound.

  He drew her back against him. “Don’t worry,” he said quietly. “‘Tis time you leaned on someone, Lilli. You can’t carry the load all by yourself.”

  Lilli gave way to the tiredness that claimed her, strangely relieved to have at last told her story to someone.

  Her small, soft body rested trustingly against his, and he felt a wave of emotion for this small, brave girl that was more than admiration, more than the desire to protect and care for her. She was his now, his to love and adore for the rest of their lives together. The scent and feel of her flooded his senses, and he thought he could ride along like this forever, but she stirred and pulled away.

  “I don’t wish to make your wound worse,” she said softly, and he knew she’d remain as she was, primly seated far enough away so even their elbows did not brush, but close enough for her familiar scent to fill his head with dangerous desires.

  She lowered her head, golden lashes curling against reddened cheeks so his heart clutched with an ache to place his lips there and taste the sweet plumpness. But immediately his wayward thoughts leaped to the soft rounded chin and the ivory curve of her throat and the tantalizing mounds of her breasts. He drew in his breath while the image of her wet and gleaming beneath the waterfall battered at his noblest resolve and he glanced at her so she could see the lust in his gaze and know how much he desired her. They rode in silence up the lane to the cottage and came to a stop before the door.

  “We’re home,” she said softly.

  “Aye, home,” he answered, realizing that even he looked forward to the secure comforts of the little cottage.

  Chapter Ten

  “Rose has slept all the way,” she noted, reluctant to get down and end the magic spell that seemed to encase them on the long ride home.

  She was all too aware of his tall, male body seated beside her, the dark hair on the backs of his broad hands, his strong wrists and powerful arms. She thought of those arms holding her, the solid weight of his body covering hers in the hay, the feel of him hard and disturbing as he pressed against her. How many times had she cursed herself for not giving in to him? Now she vowed to give herself wholeheartedly.

  Though born a lady, the fall of her clan had placed her in subsequent circumstances not always conducive to a lady’s sensibilities. At times, when a neighboring clan’s generosity had not been extended, she and Edward had been forced to fend for themselves. She knew the way of things between men and women. She knew what coupling was about and yet she didn’t. Curiosity held her there on the seat as she imagined what such a coupling with Callum MacAlister would be like then she caught herself and glanced at him surreptitiously. He was staring at her with a strange light in his eyes as if he might know what she was thinking, what she was feeling. Heat suffused her cheeks, but she didn’t look away.

  “I can’t sit here all day,” she exclaimed, stirring and climbing down from the cart. “There’re chores to be done. I can hear poor Blarach bellowing for want of milking.” She reached into the cart and lifted out Rose and her packages. “If you’ll see to the milk cow, I’ll make a cold supper for us.”

  “I’m not hungry, lass,” he said, and his voice sounded strange to her ears.

  “Nay, nor am I,” she answered breathlessly and turned into the cottage.

  The cart rattled away toward the byre, and she felt a momentary relief to be away from him so she might capture her thoughts and savor this moment when she knew Callum loved her.

  She fed Rose and settled her into her makeshift crib. The day had been a busy one for the baby and she closed her eyes and went to sleep immediately. Lilli heard Callum approach the cottage and hurried to change her torn gown. He entered the door and set a pail of milk on the table.

  “Blarach was extra generous tonight,” he said, but she sensed his mind was not on the milk he’d brought. His gaze met hers and his hands stilled in their task of covering the milk. He took a step toward her, and she saw the softness around his lips, the bright light of desire in his eyes.

  “Let me tend your wound,” she said.

  “‘Tis nothing. I washed it myself.” His hair was wet around the edges, showing he had indeed hastily bathed.

  “It’s best to tend it now than let it fester,” she said and he submitted to her administrations, casually removing his shirt. He’d put on some weight again, and his muscles were sleek beneath sun-bronzed skin.

  “‘Tis a habit of yours to sew me up,” he said lightly. “I admit I’ve lost my patience for the bite of your needle in my flesh.” His words were said lightly, and his gaze held on her mouth.

  “Then you’ll be happy to know you have no need of my stitching skills this day.” Quickly she bandaged the wound with a clean cloth and turned away. She’d been all too aware of the warm smoothness of his flesh beneath her touch. The clean familiar scent of him filled her nostrils

  “Is wee Rose sleeping?” he asked softly.

  “Aye, she was very tired from her outing. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes,” he said, his voice rough as he stood and reached for her.

  She went into his arms willingly, melting against his hard body as she was meant to be there. His kisses were hungry indeed, hot and possessive. His tongue delved, seeking every secret crevice, demanding she bend to him. That she give herself to him. She had no reservations as she answered him with a need of her own. For weeks, she’d denied her feelings for Callum, now there was no reason to do so.

  When his hands went to the neck of her bodice, she eagerly assisted him in divesting herself of the sturdy garment. He stripped away her clothes until she stood before him, naked and unashamed.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said in wonder. “Ever since I saw you at the waterfall, I’ve thought of nothing else, but the need to touch you.” His hands brushed across her sensitive nipples and she shivered in anticipation. “You’re like a goddess, all pale and trembling, waiting only for me.”

  “Aye,” she whispered. “Only for you and never anyone else.” She ran her hands across his smooth muscles, feeling his warm skin as a lover would, not as a nurse, kissing his scars and running her tongue across his nipples. She’d dreamed of doing all those things to him.

  He made no move to help, simply stood as she pushed away his clothes until he was naked as she. Her hands touched him everywhere, sliding over his shoulders and chest, then his belly and finally, his aroused cock. She wasn’t maidenly, nor did she care for such pretenses. She was a woman needing this man and wanting to know every inch of him. She weighed his cock and balls in her hand then gently stroked the engorged rod with her fingers. He gasped as her hands moved against him. She wasn’t sure of what she was doing. Instinct guided her. She felt the smooth velvet of his penis, the lush fullness of him, the heat that enflamed her.

  “Enough, lass, you’ll cause me to shame myself,” he said, stepping back and taking her hands in his.

  “Before we take this step, I wish to say words to you and have you repeat them to me.”

  “What words?” she asked, wondering what he had in mind.

  “Words of commitment between us. We have no priest, but I pledge myself to you as your husband and I take you as my wife as the country people do.” He paused and looked deeply into her eyes. One hand came up to cup her cheek.

  “I, Callum MacAlister, Laird of Alister Castle and Chief of the MacAlister Clan, pledge myself to you as your country husband from now until death claims me.”

  Lilli’s heart swelled so she could barely speak, but she cleared her throat and uttered the words that would bind them through all time.

  “I, Lilli MacGregor, take you Callum MacAlister, Laird of Alister Castle and all the clan of the MacAlisters, pledge myself, mind and body, heart and soul to you until death takes me.”

  Pulling her against him, he kissed her until she was breathless, then he swung her up into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  “This time, wife, you’ll go under the covers with me. Never again will you sleep at the foot of my bed.” He placed her in the center of the bed and stood back to look at her.

  “Ah, Lilli, how often I’ve imagined you lying there like that, waiting for me and me alone. The things I dreamed I’d do to you.”

  “Don’t tell me, husband,” she said, holding the covers back invitingly. “Show me.” His laughter rang out through the little croft, and suddenly, he was there beside her, his long muscular legs sliding against hers, broad shoulders and chest taking up more room than she’d imagined, his hard cock nudging her insistently. Her laughter mingled with his as his arms came around her, cradling her against his side.

  His lips claimed hers, his breath hot against her cheek and mouth, his tongue tasted and delved deeper to taste still more. She felt his tall body shudder and knew he was as moved by this moment as she.

  “Lilli,” he murmured raggedly. “Do you know what I feel for you?”

  “Aye,” she said breathlessly. “I know for I feel the same.”

  “Lass.” He pulled her closer, his arms melding her body to his while he rained kisses over her face and throat. “I want you, wife,” he rumbled softly against her ear. He hovered above her. “I’ve wanted to make love to you since I first opened my eyes and glimpsed your angel face peering at me. You’ve possessed my thoughts. Now you’re mine.”

  She closed her eyes to concentrate on the sensations he aroused then opened them again, unable to bear not seeing his face above her.

  His large, warm hands stroked over her skin, following every curve until he shifted so he could cup each breast and lower his mouth to the throbbing tips. When she could bear the sensations no longer, he slid his mouth down over her stomach, making her tense her muscles until he reached her crotch. His fingers parted her as his lips pressed against her clitoris. She drew a sharp breath and buried her fingers in his hair to push him away. She’d never dreamed men and women did such things. Instead, her hands drew him closer, and she moaned, surprised the sound came from her.

  Tension built within her like a scream that must be released and can’t be. His hand dipped, gently spreading her legs, stroking her thighs, dipping deep within her. His fingers touched where no man had ever touched before and she started, rearing up, but he pushed her back, raining kisses on her mouth and throat and breasts until she lay supine and helpless beneath his caress. He took her hand and guided it to him, and she felt the hard smoothness of his erection and was mesmerized. Fumbling in her inexperience but growing bolder with curiosity and need, she explored his shaft and gently stroked him. He groaned, and she felt a singeing in her veins.

  He fondled her and she arched, craving his touch against her moist flesh. She opened to his caress and gasped with pleasure. He moved his hand against her, and she was flooded with sensations that she never wanted to end, else she would cease to breathe. Her hand tightened on him, and he shuddered. Excited at the discovery of how she might give him pleasure, she moved her hand in the same rhythm he used.

  “Have a care, lass,” he gasped. “A man has only so much will power.”

  He rose above her. She felt his shaft brush against her quivering flesh and tried to move closer. She could never be close enough, she realized.

  “Aye, you’re ready. Well, I know, but you’re a virgin and I have no wish to hurt you.”

  “I know what must come now. I’m ready.”

  Her hands pushed against his taut buttocks, urging him to her. He held himself inches away from that culmination, resting his weight on his elbows. She turned her head in frustration, but his large hands captured her head and turned her so she must gaze into his eyes.

  “There will be some pain, lass, but it will pass,” he whispered. “I will not use you hard.”

  She couldn’t speak. Her heart was too full. He held her gaze as he slowly entered her, his eyes shadowed with passion. She felt his hardened shaft fill her and arched her back to meet him. Never. Never had she guessed it would be like this, so all consuming, so needful—more than a need for a drink of water, more than the need for sunlight and air. He moved against her, stroking deeper within her and she felt the first tug of resistance from her own body.

  She gazed into his eyes and saw an unspoken question forming there.

  “Don’t stop,” she gasped. She craved that he go deeper, to reach that untouched core of her that clamored for him.

  “Are you all right, lass?” he whispered.

  “Aye, don’t stop,” she whispered and stiffened when he thrust forward. She felt pain but was too besotted with passion to protest. She crooned her acceptance of it. He held himself still.

  “‘Twill pass in a moment,” he whispered and kissed her cheeks and eyes and mouth until she relaxed again.

  She felt him shake and guessed at the control he must be using, guessed how his body must be clamoring for completion. Her flesh closed around him tightly, and
he groaned. Her muscles clenched and he swore.

  “Ah, Lilli, you torment me. I can’t hold back.”

  “Then don’t,” she cried recklessly, but he remained steady until she moved against him. He was waiting for her then he shuddered against her.

  “I’m sorry, lass, if I bring you pain,” he whispered and withdrew himself.

  “No,” she cried, her arms and legs holding onto him.

  But he didn’t withdraw completely, he thrust into her and she felt him reaching for that pulsing center within her, the one that made her want to scream with anticipation. She moved with him and felt his surprise as he gritted his teeth. He was stroking against her until her muscles tightened then she felt his release and gave way to her own.

  She called his name and clung to him, lost in a swirling storm that threatened to consume her then the moment passed and she drifted slowly back to earth, back to the bed where Callum held her and whispered love words into her ear.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I have to go, lass.” Callum said, his gaze downcast as if unable to look at her. “I’ve stayed longer than I intended.”

  “Then go, if you must.”

  Her manner was abrupt, but she knew he saw the anguish in her face. Three days had passed since market day. Three days of incredible happiness, three nights of sensual delights such as she’d never imagined. She was a different woman now than that innocent young girl who’d blithely gone off to market. This woman knew the searing touch of the man she loved. This woman knew things about herself she’d never suspected. And more, she’d revealed a part of her soul to someone else, trusting she’d never be betrayed. Now fear sharpened her tongue. Had she been too trusting? Hadn’t this been Jane’s downfall? She shivered and straightened her spine, her chin rising proudly.


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