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Blake: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 21

by Day, Laura

  The fire alarm went off. It echoed loudly across the bare walls of the gym. And Blake winced as his ears became accustomed to the noise. “Let’s go,” he said as he took Ivy by the arm.

  She grabbed her bag and together they joined the large crowd of people making their way to the exit.

  “Blake, there you are!” Jamal said as he and Ivy stepped out of the parking lot. He hurried over to them and then glanced at Ivy as he spoke. “Can I talk to you, alone...”

  “Why?” Ivy demanded. She knew the language that people spoke in. She knew when they were trying to protect her from something she was already well acquainted with.

  “Your car...” Jamal said.

  Blake took Ivy by the hand and together they walked to his car in the parking lot. There was a crowd of worried people around it. They were taking pictures and whispering to each other as Blake and Ivy approached.

  He had all four tires replaced last night. But now tires were the least of his worries. All of the windows of his car had been destroyed, the front and back windshields, as well. The shattered glass was scattered over the blacktop and sparkling in the grey, rainy light. Across the hood of the car in garish yellow paint was one word: whore.

  The sound of sirens calling from atop police cars and fire trucks could be heard getting ever closer. Blake walked towards the car, his feet crunching over the broken glass. He peered into the car, but there was nothing inside, only more broken shards of his windows.

  “Someone set the fire,” Jamal said from Blake’s window. “I just heard from one of the cleaners. There was a trashcan filled with torn up newspapers in one of the bathrooms. Whoever did it surrounded the trashcan with dry towels. But someone got it with an extinguisher and put it out before it got too bad.”

  “Darryl,” Blake said. It had to be. He glanced over at Ivy.

  She was standing with her arms crossed as she frowned at the car. Her face was serious and her eyes were hard and Blake knew that she had moved past her fear of Darryl. There was no fear in her eyes, only righteous anger.

  Chapter Forty

  Ivy slept well that night. She shouldn’t have. Darryl had destroyed Blake’s car and set fire to the gym while she had been in it. He was becoming more deranged by the day and still the police couldn’t find him. He was broke and desperate and most likely living on the street. But still he eluded capture. Like a rat that could squeeze through any opening and kept managing to find ways to escape.

  But after a day at the gym and a night with Blake, Ivy was beyond exhausted. She fell asleep in his arms, her head resting on her shoulder. She only woke once during the night. She had been in a deep, dreamless sleep when the faraway sound of an alarm going off woke her from her slumber. Blake was sitting up in bed, listening. He was tense and she could see the muscles on his back straining.

  Ivy listened, too, but she could only hear that far away sound of a distant car alarm. “It’s nothing, Blake,” she whispered, reaching up to touch him. She put her hand on his shoulder and pulled him back down to bed. He lay on his back, but he was wide awake, his eyes staring at the ceiling. “Go to sleep,” Ivy whispered as she rested against his chest. She felt him slowly relax and then drifted back off into darkness.

  In the morning there was still no arrest. Darryl was still out in the wild. But Ivy wasn’t worried. She liked to imagine him living on the run. The spoiled little rich boy who never had to want or work for anyone suddenly out on the streets. Was he cold, hungry, miserable? In the deepest most secret part of her heart Ivy hoped so. She hoped he knew what it was like to be miserable.

  The fight was getting closer. Blake was in training all day, and Ivy was doing some work from home. He was still generating headlines and people were still desperate to talk to her, but she found ignoring their requests easy. Women’s magazine, serious magazines, talk shows, they all wanted to talk to her. But she wanted to talk to none of them. She knew that if she ignored them they would eventually stop. But she wasn’t the only one getting offers.

  “GQ?” Blake demanded.

  “Gentleman’s Quarterly,” Tim said. They were eating take-out food in Blake’s kitchen. Tim had come by to personally give the offer. “They want you on the cover, a photo spread inside, and a full length article to go with it.”

  “That sounds like great news,” Ivy said looking between Blake and his manager wondering what the other shoe was and when it would drop.

  “It is great news, very good. But, there is one thing you should know.”

  “What?” Blake asked.

  “It’s a sex issue. So, they will want to talk about you and the sex tape.”

  Blake looked at Ivy, but she wasn’t sure what her response should be. Should she be embarrassed? Should she stop it? “What do think, Ivy?” Blake asked.

  “I think you should do it,” Ivy said with a shrug. “I mean, the tape is out there, but it’s hosted illegally. People will have to do some work to find it. People know about it, so maybe there’s no reason to run from it anymore. Maybe instead of the sex tape being some sort of thing that punishes us, it can be something that helps us.”

  “Ivy is right. People like it when celebrities have a sense of humor about themselves. Running from it and letting be a thing you’re embarrassed about will only make it more of a taboo and people will only talk about it more. Embracing it with a shrug and a wink is the best thing you can do.”

  Blake drummed his fingers on the table. Ivy knew he was really worried about her. He would love nothing more than to be labelled an official sex symbol, a title he would wear with pride. She gave him a crooked smile and a nod. He had her permission. He could be a sex symbol; she had no problem with that because he was hers alone. She knew he would never touch another woman as long as they were together. She wasn't worried he would stray.

  Whore. That was the word written on his car in jagged yellow spray paint. Darryl’s message. He thought it a taunt or something they should be ashamed of. He wanted them to hide their love away. But, instead, they would do this. They would embrace it. Blake would be a sex symbol and the tape something they regarded with a weary shrug. It was sure to drive Darryl to the breaking point.

  “Do it,” Ivy said. “I think it’s a great idea.”

  “All right,” Blake said with a shrug, “I guess I’m doing this.”


  Ivy went back to work. She refused to let it be weird or awkward. She forced herself to walk with confidence and look at everyone she passed in the eye. She didn’t have anything to be ashamed about. She was dating guy who was about to be on the cover of GQ and the shallowest part of her loved it. She worked the entire day, catching up on emails to her clients and checking her deadlines. It felt good and it felt normal. Darryl, wherever he was, wasn’t this. He was probably hiding in some dank hole somewhere and Ivy still had her life; she was going to beat him.

  “I want to see it,” Ivy said.

  “Absolutely not,” Detective Diaz said as she crossed her arms. “It’s violent and deranged and nothing comes of you seeing it. If it goes to trial, you’ll see it then.”

  “I deserve to see it,” Ivy said and she stamped her foot, unable to control herself, but still smart enough to know she shouldn’t shove a cop.

  “Ivy, maybe it’s best if we don’t see it. They still don’t have Darryl-”

  “That’s all the reason we should know!” Ivy said.

  No one understood what she was feeling. They had found Darryl’s dark, dank hole. It was a motel about twenty miles outside of town. It was a decrepit old place with chipped paint and falling rafters. The rooms were rented out hourly to the truly desperate. But Darryl had paid in advance; he had been there for four weeks. Until he went to jail. He went forty-eight hours without paying and the manager opened the door. He expected to find a dead body in the bed, another overdose. But, instead, he found Ivy. Dozens of pictures of Ivy. Ivy walking around town, Ivy at the gym. Close up, long shots her face lined the walls. In some pictures her eyes were b
lacked out. In others there were large red exes over her eyes and mouth. It was disturbing.

  The owner called the police and the manhunt picked up new evidence. They knew what car he was driving and they knew he was flat broke. He was going to do something desperate now. Whether it was hold up a convenience store or try to kill himself no one could say, but he would have to show himself soon.

  Ivy had been able to see a few pictures of the evidence, but only a few. She wanted more. She wanted to go there and stare where he stood. Then maybe she could figure out what this monster had been thinking, she could finally understand why he had been so obsessed with her, or the idea of her.

  There were guns, too. Three handguns and a sawed off shotgun and lots of shells. But the shells were scattered about the room like he had thrown them and the detectives were still counting. They had warned residents of the city to be on the lookout for Darryl. He was wanted, and very dangerous and citizens were advised to call the police and stay as far back as possible.

  “But we don’t think he has any guns on him right now,” Detective Diaz said. They were standing in Blake’s living room photos splayed out on the table in front of them. “We don’t think he’s gone back to the motel since he was arrested. He didn’t have any firearms on him when he was taken into custody, so we’re hoping he stashed them all at the motel.”

  “But why would he leave them there and not have any way to pay the motel if he got arrested?” Blake asked.

  “He paid with one of those renewable gift cards. They’re like an untraceable debit card. People put money into the account and whoever has the card can use it. We don’t have access to the parents’ financials, but we think Darryl’s parents have officially cut him off and he’s run out of any reserves. He expected the money to be in the account and the room and all of its contents to still be there when he got out. But no money was put in his bank account, so none went to the card, and the motel room was officially unpaid for.

  “So, he’s got no money, no one to call, nothing to sell, what’s he going to do?” Ivy asked.

  “We don’t know. But we want you two to be as careful as possible. Try not to go out alone, always tell people where you’re going and when you expect to get there. Make sure someone is looking for you.”

  Ivy felt Blake’s hand squeeze hers and she nodded at Detective Diaz. She was ready. Whatever it was Darryl wanted to throw at her. She was ready for it.

  Chapter Forty-One

  “I can’t believe they haven't caught this guy yet,” Tim said running his hands over his bald head. “Are you ready for this fight? You versus Rogers, the good old southern boy. Your mental game is good.”

  “I’m ready for the fight and head is good. You’re the one that’s stressing out,” Blake said. He was prepping for promo shoot for the upcoming fight. He was shirtless in just a pair of loose red and blue boxing shorts, nothing like the the actual clothes they actually wore in the matches.

  “Stand here,” the photographer instructed position Blake under the light. He didn’t really need to think for any of this; he was just a body.

  “You’ve been training enough; you took a few days off?”

  “You’re my manager and my lawyer, not my coach Tim. Don’t worry about my training. I’ve been working hard. I’m going to beat Rogers.”

  “Ok good, because you are national news and this is going to be a big fight. Millions of people are going to watch; Vegas odds are going nuts.”

  “Doesn't matter,” Blake said as he stared into the camera and the photographer snapped several shots before taking the camera to a different location.

  “Why not?”

  “Because every fight is the most important fight. The press doesn’t matter, the crowd doesn’t matter, the attention doesn’t matter, Darryl doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is to win.” It was like he had tunnel vision, but the good kind. He could see his opponent clearly and nothing else mattered. He would take Rogers down. He would win.

  “Good!” Tim said, clapping Blake on the back. “And if your answer is ever different, we got a problem.”

  “Can you cross your arms?” the photographer asked and Blake obliged, giving the camera a serious look.

  He would have to look at these pictures a lot. It was strange to walk into a building and see your own face beaming down at you, but it had happened to Blake more than once.

  “Take five!” the photographer shouted and everyone dropped their equipment and Blake waited in front of a white background.

  “Listen, I’ve been thinking,” Tim said. “You and Ivy, you should go out tonight. Go get some air, let some people see you out together.”

  “You told us to stay inside and away from the press,” Blake said.

  “Yeah, but now that the charges have been dropped and you’re back in the fight and the whole stepsibling thing isn’t turning out to be a huge deal, I think it’s time people saw the two of you out and about like a normal couple.”

  “We are a normal couple,” Blake said.

  “No, you’re not. You’re an MMA fighter and she’s being stalked by one of the richest men in the country. You’re both a little outside of normal. But got out and pretend for me, okay?”

  “I’m gonna take her out tonight. But not because you told me to, but because I want to.”

  “Fair enough,” Tim said throwing up his hands as the photographer came back with a different set of sneakers for Blake to wear. “We’re gonna be here for a while,” Tim said.

  “I tried on sneakers for three hours today and they were just for the photo shoot. I wasn’t training in them.”

  He was leaning against the doorframe, watching Ivy as she put on some finishing touches in the mirror. She had put on and then taken off every item of clothing she owned before deciding on the second thing she tried on: a flowing yellow, knee-length dress. Her hair was blown out into soft curls and she was putting on mascara to accentuate her eyes.

  “Poor dear,” Ivy said with a shake of her head. “What a horrible life you lead. It sounds so difficult.

  “I’m just saying it was an excessive amount of time.”

  The walked out together and got in an Uber. There were a few paparazzi outside their door and Ivy and Blake held hands as the photographers snapped their photos. They headed into the car and took off toward the restaurant. Ivy smiled over at Blake and rested her hand on his knee. He squeezed her hand as they rode in silence.

  Blake realized he hadn’t really taken Ivy out on a proper date. Everything had been too crazy, between their parents and Darryl and Blake’s arrest it had all be just too much. But, now, they were getting the chance to really be together. Sure Darryl was still on the loose and the paparazzi were following them, but Tim was right; they were a little odd. Maybe there would always be something a little strange about their romance.

  “If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be?” Ivy asked Blake. They were sitting at a private table in the back of Canlis sipping red wine with a view to the Northwest.

  “Flying, definitely,” Blake said. “What about you?”

  “Being able to breath underwater,” Ivy said.

  “That’s a good one. But wouldn’t you be cold in the water? Or would you only swim in tropical locations.”

  “I don’t know...I never thought about it. It’s cold the higher you go up,” Ivy said. “Are you going to wear a down parka when you fly, or just stay closed to the ground.”

  “Wow,” Blake said. “Looks like neither one of us thought this out.” He smiled across at Ivy who bit her lip and smiled back and then took a deep sip of her wine.

  “How expensive was this bottle?” Ivy asked. “Do I have to drink like a lady or can I go to town?”

  “Please,” Blake said refilling both their glasses, “go to town.”

  “I can’t really tell the difference between regular wine and super fancy wine.”

  “No one can,” Blake said. She smiled at him and he remembered what it was
be like to have this rhythm with her. They had this ability to be totally in sync. They were on the same level; when one told a joke the other got it right away. Sympatico would be the word.

  They ate their food. It was the chef’s tasting. There was no need to look at a menu. Instead one perfect dish after another was brought to them. Everyone now and then a curious person would walk past and give them a long glance as she or he tried to figure out who Blake and Ivy were.

  Two paparazzi tried to enter the restaurant, but they were stopped at the door. Blake knew they were amassing outside like buzzards. But they were buzzards he needed. They were the one’s helping Blake and Ivy look good; they needed the press until Darryl was caught.


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