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Claiming Felicity (Ace Security Book 4)

Page 18

by Susan Stoker

  She put her hand in his, letting him pull her upward. “You think you can sleep like that?” she gestured toward his almost fully erect cock.

  Ryder felt himself blush, but merely shrugged as he towed her toward the bathroom. “Yeah, love, I can sleep like this. Have been for the last few weeks.”

  As he waited for the water in the shower to get hot, Ryder grinned down at Felicity. Things might not be completely safe for her yet, but they would be. He couldn’t live without her now. He’d been serious earlier when he’d warned her that if they made love, he wouldn’t be able to let her go. She was his now. Just as he was hers.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Felicity stood at the back of her PT Cruiser with her hands on her hips.

  “Are you going over to . . . What’s wrong?” Ryder asked, coming up beside her.

  So yeah, on the relationship front, the last week had been amazing. Ryder had made love with her every night . . . and a couple of mornings as well. She’d never been with a lover as attentive as he was . . . or as inventive.

  Not only that, but he was considerate, affectionate, and respectful. Oh, he was also bossy, over-the-top security conscious, and possessive to boot, but she could overlook all his negatives because the good things about the man way outshone the bad.

  Like the way he always got her a glass of water right before they went to sleep, no matter how exhausted he was after they made love.

  Like the way he always grabbed her stuffed giraffe and gave it to her when he was done worshiping her body and they were ready to sleep.

  Like the way he called to make sure Cole was waiting for her in the workout room downstairs before he let her go down into the gym by herself.

  Like the way he cradled baby Nate or Ace and murmured sweet nothings to them to get them to stop crying.

  Like the way he called Rex every day to see if the man had gotten any more information about Joseph.

  Like the way each morning when they found another annoying, creepy stalker gift from Joseph, he got all “I’m gonna kill that motherfucker.”

  This morning was no exception.

  The back of her beautiful PT Cruiser was covered in bumper stickers. Not only on the bumper, but on the back window and tailgate as well. Not cute ones either. They were extremely offensive. Nazi party slogans, the KKK logo, anti-lesbian and anti-gay pictures, and to top it off . . . political stickers.

  “Fuck,” Ryder ground out, reaching out and putting his arm in front of Felicity and forcing her to take a couple of steps away from the vehicle. Then he sighed. “Are you still going over to Grace’s today?” he asked, finishing his thought from earlier.

  The morning had been going so well, Felicity thought. She worked out with Cole, and Ryder had an omelet waiting when she arrived back upstairs in her apartment. They’d had a leisurely breakfast and afterward had taken a shower together. Ryder had bent her over, ordered her to masturbate while he fucked her with an intensity that had her coming almost immediately. She liked when he was tender and loving with her, but she absolutely adored it when he lost all control and simply took what he wanted and needed from her.

  While they got dressed after their shower, they’d discussed the upcoming day’s plans. She was going to visit with Grace that morning before coming back to the gym and getting some paperwork done. After Joseph was caught, hopefully soon, she and Cole had decided to have another black-light night, as it had been a while since they’d had one. Everyone seemed to enjoy them, and it was an easy way to spotlight the gym and sign up new members.

  Ryder was headed to Blake’s house. Surprisingly, the two had become fairly close. After the drama with their dad had been handled, both men were able to put it behind them and appreciate each other. Felicity wished women were able to do that . . . put aside their differences once and for all after hashing them out.

  They made plans to meet up back at the gym later that day. Ryder would give Cole a break from “hovering over” her, as Felicity put it. She hated always needing someone around her, but even she wasn’t dumb enough to refuse the bodyguard. Joseph was out there just waiting to make his move.

  “Yeah,” she said, answering his question. “Since I’m babysitting later this week, Grace wanted to go over the thousand and one notes she’s made for each baby.” It was said in jest, but Ryder didn’t even crack a smile at the reference to Grace’s obsessive need to make notes about her children’s supposed quirks and needs.

  “Is Logan going to be there?”

  “I don’t think so. But Bailey is. Alexis was planning on being there too, but I think she had to bail. Something about a real-time training session with that hacker guy she’s been working with.”

  “I’ll stay until you’re ready to go then.”

  Felicity wanted to protest. Wanted to tell him she didn’t need a babysitter, but then she thought back to all the shit Joseph had been doing recently. The missing-person signs he’d posted all over downtown Castle Rock with her picture and description on them. She thought Ryder was going to lose his shit when he saw them. She’d never seen him look so furious. She’d come face-to-face with the mercenary that morning. Seeing the anger on his face made her realize that she never wanted to be on the receiving end of that amount of testosterone. But it also made her feel safe. He would kill for her. Weirdly, it comforted her.

  Other things were annoying, but not as blatantly threatening as that “missing” poster had been. Dead flowers on the sidewalk outside the gym, the police showing up several times because of reports of a disturbance, more pictures of her going about her days, a cookie delivery with each sweet decorated with a number . . . when put in the right order, it turned out to be Ryder’s cell phone number, and they’d even discovered a rattlesnake in the men’s locker room at the gym one day.

  Felicity sighed. “But you were going to go over and visit with Blake,” she protested.

  “He’ll understand,” Ryder told her. “You’re way more important than anything else I might have planned.”

  “We can’t spend every second together,” Felicity argued.

  “Why not?”

  “Why not?” she echoed. “Because.”

  Ryder smirked. “That’s not an answer, love.”

  “Because we’ll get sick of each other. Because most people have jobs they go to every day. It gives them time away from the person they’re dating.”

  “I won’t get sick of you, no way. And we both have jobs . . . they’re just not nine-to-five jobs. We’re lucky in that we can make our own schedules.”

  “You have a job?” Felicity asked, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “I thought you quit working for Rex.”

  “I did. One of the things I was going to talk to Blake about when I saw him next was becoming a part of Ace Security.”

  Felicity stared at Ryder for a moment before smiling huge and throwing herself at him.

  He went back on a foot, but curled his arms around her, steadying them both. “I take it that meets with your approval?” he asked dryly.

  “Oh my God, yes!” she said. She leaned up and kissed him, keeping her arms around him. “I didn’t even think about that, but it’s perfect. And they’re okay with you joining them?”

  “They came to me with the offer,” Ryder told her. “I was going to discuss more details with Blake today, then see what you thought before I officially accepted.”

  Felicity tilted her head to the side in confusion. “You were going to talk to me about it before accepting the job? Why?”

  “Seriously?” he asked with one brow arched.

  “Uh . . . yeah?”

  “I’m the newcomer here, Felicity. You’re already settled in. Grace is your best friend. This is your territory. I didn’t want you to feel as if I pushed my way into your family circle if you didn’t want me there.”

  It was Felicity’s turn to ask, “Seriously?”

  His lips twitched, but he managed to keep the smile from his face. “Yeah.”

  “For God’
s sake, I’m not eighteen and a jealous teenager. Logan, Blake, and Nathan are your family. I would never say that I didn’t want you working with your brothers, no matter what was going on with us. Besides . . . from what I’ve seen . . . you’re good. They could totally use you on their team. Shit, with your connections, you could really help Ace Security get to the next level . . . whatever that is. I don’t know how it all works. But they’d be lucky, really lucky, to have you join them. And not just because you’re related.”

  “I have an appointment with a real estate agent next week,” Ryder told her. “Come with me?”

  Felicity stared up at him. “Of course. I’m going to miss you in my apartment, though.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  “Ryder, yes, I will. You’ve been living there with me for like, a month. I’m used to you hogging the covers, leaving the toilet seat up, and making a mess anytime you cook.” She smiled to make sure he knew she was teasing. She really didn’t give a shit about those things, but was trying not to get all morose at the thought of him moving out. “But you do get me my water every night, so that kinda negates the other stuff.”

  “You won’t miss me because I want you to move in with me,” Ryder said, ignoring her teasing. “We’ll find a house we both like, hopefully not too far from downtown so we can be close to the Ace Security office and the gym.”

  She gaped up at him. He’d mentioned something about her helping him find a house, but she’d thought it was an offhand comment. Or something he wanted her to do later . . . much later. Her eyes filled with tears she refused to shed. She wasn’t a crier. She was tough and badass, dammit. “Really?” she croaked.

  “Really,” he confirmed.

  Felicity smiled then and buried her face into his neck. “Yes. Fuck yes.”

  Ryder leaned over a little and clasped his arms around her, lifting her feet off the ground and walking toward his sports car.

  Felicity giggled, but kept her head buried in the warm skin of his neck and went limp, letting her legs dangle and knock against his as he walked. She didn’t care where he was taking her. When he stopped, she picked up her head. He put her back on her feet, and she realized they were standing next to his car.

  “You really want me to move in with you? It seems like a big step considering the amount of time we’ve known each other,” she felt compelled to warn him.

  “Love, I knew the second I saw you that I wanted you to be mine. I warned you before I took you for the first time that if you let me inside your body, that was it for me. So this doesn’t really seem like that big of a step. You’re mine. I’m yours. I’m moving to Castle Rock because you’re here. Thus, it seems like a natural thing to move in together.”

  She beamed.

  “And to give you fair warning, I’m going to ask you to marry me. Soon. And you’ll take my name. I know Bailey doesn’t believe in marriage, and Nathan took her last name, but you’re mine, and I want no doubts who you belong to.”

  “Holy shit,” Felicity said, but didn’t elaborate on her shock, simply stared at him with her mouth open.

  Ryder was the one to smile this time. “I fucking love surprising you.”

  Then he kissed her. Hard. Deep. It was a claiming. In the parking lot behind Rock Hard Gym, Felicity’s defaced car feet away.

  And she didn’t give a shit. Even with the threat of Joseph looming, Felicity was happier than she’d ever been in her life. She never dreamed this could be her life. A thought struck her, and she pulled back.

  Ryder was reluctant to let her go, but finally allowed it.

  She caught his gaze, and they stood there, arms around each other for a long moment before Felicity said, “I love you.”


  She frowned. “Good? That’s all you have to say to my declaration of love?”

  He smirked. “Yup.”

  Felicity struggled to step out of his arms, but he refused to let her go. “If you think I’m going to marry a man who can’t admit that he loves me, you’re insane. I don’t care how much you spout shit like ‘You’re mine.’ Ownership isn’t love, and I can’t live my life without hearing it. Did you know I never had anyone tell me they loved me until I was eight years old? It sucks, and I won’t do it again. You hear me, Ryder? You might be hotter than any actor I’ve ever seen and a big bad mercenary, but I need the words.”

  She glared up at the man she loved with all her heart, but she’d been honest. If he thought he was too manly to tell her that he loved her back, she wouldn’t be able to be with him. It sucked, but she needed the words.

  “What have I been calling you since practically the first time we met?” he asked.

  Felicity was confused. What in the world was he talking about? Here she was opening her heart to him, and he was asking weird questions. “I don’t know. Let me go, Ryder. I need to get to Grace’s.”

  “Listen to me,” he ordered. “The first time we met, you were arguing with Cole and insisting he give you the seed money you invested into the gym. Grace, Logan, and I all crowded into the room, and you started to have a panic attack. I helped you through it. What did I call you?”

  Felicity stopped struggling and looked up at Ryder in confusion. “I don’t remember.”

  “Fair enough. But think, Felicity. What nickname do I have for you?”

  Her eyes widened as she realized what he meant. “But . . . you call everyone that.”

  He snorted a laugh. “I certainly do not. Only you, love, only you.”

  The pesky tears were back in Felicity’s eyes. “Oh.”

  “Yeah. Oh. I’ve loved you from that first meeting. You were scared out of your mind and desperate to leave, and you were glorious. You weren’t backing down, no matter that you were surrounded by five men. But it wasn’t just that. It was something about you. It was as if I recognized you as mine at first glance. I knew bone deep that you would make my life better simply by being in it.”


  “In case that wasn’t clear. I love you, Felicity Jones, or Megan Parkins, or whatever you want to call yourself. You’re mine, and I know that’s a little cavemanish, but I’m yours too. You own me. Heart, body, and soul. You could stomp my heart into pieces if you ever left me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side.”

  Felicity nearly melted at his feet. She’d been feeling vulnerable, thinking she was the only one sharing her feelings, but it was obvious now how wrong she’d been. “Was that a proposal?”

  “Fuck no,” Ryder said immediately. “You’ll know when I ask you to marry me.”

  He always knew what to say to prevent her from falling apart in a mushy mess at his feet. She appreciated it. She wanted to be tough Felicity Jones, not a weak, crying mess. “You’re awfully confident. Maybe I’ll ask you to marry me.”

  “Do so and I’ll put you over my knee and paddle your ass.”

  Felicity blinked, then giggled. “What? Why?” she asked when she had controlled her laughter.

  “Because I’m the man. And the man does the asking.”

  Felicity rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  He put his hand on her cheek then. “Humor me, love. I’ll be the first to admit that women have all the same rights as men, but let me do this.”

  “Fine,” she told him in a huff, not really upset in the least, but it was fun to egg Ryder on. “But it better be one kick-ass proposal.”

  He grinned. “Challenge accepted. Now that we’ve covered the fact that we love each other and that you’re moving in with me, can we please get out of this fucking parking lot where we’re sitting ducks for Joseph-fucking-Waters and get you to Grace’s where you can ooh and ah over my nephews?”

  “You’ll call the cops and report the newest harassment?”

  “Of course. I’ll also get in touch with the security company and see if there is any video of Joseph putting the fucking stickers on your car. Although, as much as I hate to admit it, I’m guessing he was probably smart enough to stay to t
he shadows and never show his face. Oh, and I’ll arrange for that shit to be removed from your car while I’m at it.”

  “Awesome. Thank you. Then, yes, I’m ready to go to Grace’s so I can ooh and ah over my godsons. Lead on, oh supreme ruler of our household.”

  He merely shook his head. The hand that had been on her cheek moved up and over her hair before clasping the back of her neck. He leaned in and said softly, “I love you. From the bottom of your feet to the top of your beautiful black hair.”

  “My mom used to say that to me,” she whispered.

  “I know. You told me.”

  “And you remembered,” she said in awe.

  “I remember every single thing,” he said, then kissed her lightly on the lips. “Now get in so we can go.”

  She smiled as she pulled away and climbed into the passenger side of his car. Joseph Waters might be a sadistic asshole, but ultimately he’d led her to Ryder. He’d hate knowing that, and she hoped like hell she had the chance to tell him.

  Joseph watched the 370Z pull out of the parking lot from the driver’s seat of his piece-of-shit rental and clenched his fists. He’d hoped to see Megan pitch a fit at seeing her beloved car covered in the offensive stickers, but instead it seemed as if he’d just witnessed some sort of lover’s tryst.

  She wasn’t acting like he wanted her to.

  She was supposed to be scared.

  Supposed to be freaked out.

  Supposed to be packing and leaving town.

  It wasn’t his ultimate plan, but he would’ve taken advantage of it and snatched her before she left the state.

  But she was ruining things.

  They were ruining things.

  That damn Ryder Sinclair was giving her false courage. Convincing her he wasn’t going to get his hands on her. As if.

  His father had called earlier and had been beyond furious.

  “You need to forget about her and get home.”

  “No. She needs to pay for interfering.”

  “Listen to me, son. This has gone on way too long. I thought you’d given up this asinine obsession. I got a call from Rex from Mountain Mercenaries. He’s not happy. And if Rex isn’t happy, I’m not happy. He’s given me one chance to make this right. Come home. Today.”


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