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Claim Me Hard (Bridgewater County Book 2)

Page 4

by Vanessa Vale

Hannah offered us one last smile before she ran off to take an order at one of the new tables that just sat down. I looked over at Cole, who was leaning back in his seat looking too fucking pleased with himself.

  “You know she just agreed to go out with us to get everyone off her back, don’t you?” I asked.

  That didn’t seem to affect him. He shrugged it off. “Whatever it takes to get her between us. Doesn’t really matter, does it? If she’s the one, we’ll prove it to her. We just need a chance.”

  I couldn’t argue with that. If we had the opportunity, we’d show her what it would be like between us. As in in bed together, Cole beneath her, her body pressed into his, and me, behind her, taking her until she cried out her pleasure.

  Still, I watched her carefully as we ate our lunch and she ran around the restaurant taking orders and delivering plates full of food. We lingered over our meal; neither of us wanted to walk out of there without confirming our plans.

  Cole might talk big, but even he could see that her yes had been coerced out of her by our well-meaning friends. Hell, practically the whole damn town.

  Finally, when there was a lull in the lunch business, she ended up back at our table. Sally and Violet had gone, and so had Cara and her men. Wiping her hands on her apron, she gave us a wry smile then bit her lip. “Everyone’s gone now, so…um. Look, we don’t have to go through with this date—”

  “Oh no, you’re not backing out on us now,” Cole said, holding up his hand.

  I kicked him under the table but at least this time Hannah didn’t seem too spooked by his possessive tone. In fact, she acted like she hadn’t heard him at all. “I’m sure everyone is right, and you’re real nice guys. But the fact of the matter is, I’m not looking for a relationship with one man, let alone two.”

  “You might not be looking, but it found you,” I said.

  Her laughter was soft and sweet. “I appreciate it, I really do. But I don’t think one night is going to change my mind. We can all just save ourselves a little time.”

  That right there—it sounded like a challenge. I met Cole’s gaze and knew he was thinking the same thing. If she gave us one night, we’d make sure she’d be begging for more.

  Cole leaned forward, but this time he didn’t try to grab her hand. Maybe he was catching on, after all. “Look, darlin’, this won’t be a one-night stand. You belong with us—in our bed and in our lives. Give us one night to show you that. If you want out after that, we’ll let you go.”

  Her lips had parted when he mentioned our bed. Holy hell, I was hard as a rock. Her mind might be telling her otherwise, but she wanted it. Us. Her nipples were hard. They were at eye level and that damn uniform did nothing to hide them. Hannah wanted it—us—and I couldn’t wait to give it to her. But I wouldn’t force her. Waiting for her response was killing me.

  Finally, she gave in with a sigh. “All right. One night. But no promises after that.”

  I grinned at her. “Fair enough. We’ll pick you up at seven and take you to the Barking Dog—it’s not fancy, but we like it.”

  She straightened a bit. “You don’t have to come to my place. I can meet you there.”

  Cole was trying to smother a laugh and failing. I smiled up at her. “As a cop, I admire what you’re doing. You shouldn’t tell strange men where you live. But as a Bridgewater resident, I’ve got to tell you…it’s pointless. Everyone knows that the new waitress lives upstairs. Besides, we’re gentlemen and we’ll pick you up at your door.”

  She let out a sigh of resignation. “Okay, fine. I’ll see you at seven.”

  We watched her walk away, that perfect little ass swaying beneath the uniform’s skirt. I couldn’t wait to get her out of that damned dress and into our bed. Tonight. We had one shot to blow her mind and let her see how good this could be.

  Right. No pressure.



  This was a mistake. I knew it was a bad idea when I’d said yes—when I’d been coaxed by half the town to go out with Cole and Declan—but as soon as I opened the door and found my two very hot dates standing on my doorstep, I couldn’t bring myself to care. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn’t been the object of so much flattering male attention for years…if ever.

  They stood side-by-side on the small landing at the top of the stairs. They both wore button up shirts and jeans, but that was where the similarities ended. Declan was a few inches taller than Cole, but leaner. Cole’s broad shoulders would knock his friend off the landing if he turned a bit. Declan’s russet hair was a little damp, as if he’d just gotten out of the shower, and that had my mind veering in the wrong direction. They held their hats in their hands and their eyes, well, their eyes were focused square on me. They liked what they saw and let it show in their heated gazes.

  I was in trouble here and I hadn’t even said hello.

  Was it the fact that I was smack dab in the middle of a man dry spell or was it these men in particular who had this effect on me? When Declan took my elbow and led me down the steps, even opened the door for me and lifted me up into the cab of Cole’s truck, the rational part of my brain that had been telling me what a terrible idea this was all afternoon went completely silent.

  Instead, my senses seemed to be in charge. And god, were they in heaven. I tried to focus on where they were taking me but I couldn’t stop fixating on the feel of their thighs pressed against mine. They were all warmth and strength beneath those faded jeans and it took all of my willpower not to shift so I was pressing against them even harder. Maybe reach a hand out and feel one of those muscular thighs.

  What would Declan do if I ran a hand up his leg? Or Cole? He might be driving, but something told me he’d be more than happy to pull over and take me right here and now if given half a chance.

  A shiver raced through me.

  “Are you cold?” Declan reached out and turned down the AC even as he asked.

  “I’m fine.” God, get a grip. One would think this was my first time dating.

  Although, to be fair, it was my first time dating in quite a while…and absolutely my first time dating two men at once.

  “So, where are we headed?” That was the best my brain could come up with. Holy shit, these guys smelled good. Naturally good, not like one of those metrosexual guys who smelled nice because they were wearing cologne. Or worse, that body spray shit. No, these guys smelled like soap and earth and male.

  “The Barking Dog, the local bar,” Declan said.

  Right. They’d told me that earlier. I was a doctor and these two men were reducing me to a brainless twit. I clasped my hands together in my lap to keep from fidgeting. Maybe Cole noticed, because he reached down and squeezed mine gently before letting them go. His touch was firm, yet gentle. Warm, but I felt rough callouses. It made me shiver all over again.

  I was starting to get a little better about not overreacting to their touch. It took me by surprise the first few times they reached for me like they had every right to be in my personal space. But I supposed I was getting used to it, or maybe I was starting to trust them a little. Enough that I didn’t think they had any ill intentions, at least, not on the drive across town.

  Aside from having Jessie’s approval, and the rest of the crowd at the diner, they’d been nothing but gentlemen from the moment I’d met them. Attentive. Curious. Driven.

  And tonight, they’d been chivalrous to the point of old-fashioned. At seven on the dot they’d shown up at my doorstep as promised. I was wearing the only nice outfit I’d brought with me—a simple black dress with short sleeves and a short skirt. It wasn’t crazy sexy but it fit better than that damned uniform. Between the dress, some makeup, and my hair down around my shoulders rather than up in the requisite ponytail, I actually felt pretty for the first time in a while. And the size difference between us, the way they were so gentle and attentive, they made me feel feminine.

  They hadn’t tried anything back at the apartment or after they’d helped me into the truck. S
o maybe it was true. They just wanted to date me. Both of them. If someone had told me a couple weeks ago that I’d be on a date with two sexy studs in Montana, I would have laughed my ass off. It was hard to believe that these two guys really meant it when they said they wanted me to be the one—I mean, who said that? But they seemed to be sincere.

  Sincere, yes. But they’d also said some things that made my panties damp. They’d said they didn’t want to be friends. They wanted me between them and I knew that didn’t just mean in the truck. While they were being gentlemen, I had no doubt if I gave them the green light, they’d be anything but.

  They said they wanted me to be their wife. Who said something like that after only a few conversations?

  It should freak me out. It did. God, it did because I had a feeling these two were actually serious. But it didn’t matter. I didn’t have to even worry about even the possibility because I wouldn’t be around long enough to get too involved. Once Brad was shipped overseas, then I could return to my life. Go home to LA and get back to being a doctor.

  But I could enjoy this one night, at least. I deserved a nice night out with two gentlemen who seemed intent on showing me a good time. And if I wanted more? I could have a wild night in between two hot cowboys. I’d be stupid not to. They were gorgeous and I had a very strong feeling they knew what they were doing in bed. And for one night? I squirmed in the seat, my panties definitely ruined.

  Knowing I was the one in control here, not two big, dominant cowboys, allowed me to let go of some of the nerves that had me sitting up, my spine straight as a rod. I let myself rest back against the truck’s bench and was rewarded by a smile from Declan that made my mouth go dry.

  When we got to the bar, which had a Wild West saloon vibe going on, it became obvious that these guys knew everyone. As we passed a wall lined with booths, it seemed that people at every table were shouting out greetings.

  I recognized Cara and her men when they waved to us, but my guys hustled me toward an empty booth, not stopping to introduce me to all their friends. It didn’t come across as impolite, more they wanted me all to themselves. Cole slid in first and I sat next to him. To my surprise Declan sat on the other side of me so all three of us were on the same bench—nice and cozy.

  Well, maybe cozy wasn’t the right word for it. Their thighs brushed against mine again, their arms, too. I could feel the hard muscles on either side of me. It was impossible not to think about what those muscles looked like, what they would feel like beneath my palms. I was trapped between them but I wasn’t scared—I liked it. For the first time in a long, long while I felt completely protected from the rest of the world.

  Declan hailed down a waitress and they turned to me to order first. Ladies first. God, did they still abide by that rule here in Montana? Maybe I’d found the last place where chivalry wasn’t dead.

  When the waitress walked away they angled their bodies so they were both facing me. “So, Hannah, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself,” Declan said. “Where are you from?”

  Ugh. Now this was the part I’d been dreading. I’d gotten pretty good at avoiding direct answers but it was hard to relax when I could screw up at any moment and reveal too much. Hadn’t they asked me this already? Clearly, they wouldn’t let up unless I started giving some answers.

  “I grew up on the east coast. So, do you guys come here often? You seem to know everybody.”

  “Did you move here from the east?” Cole asked.

  I met his gaze and looked away quickly. It was too intense. Like he could tell that I was being vague on purpose. I looked to Declan but his expression didn’t put me at ease. Oh, he was smiling. He always seemed to be smiling, but I’d bet money that beneath that aw-shucks cowboy exterior, his police officer’s brain was working on figuring out the mysterious new waitress.

  Shit. Maybe if I shared a little more, they’d ease up a bit. I cleared my throat—after keeping silent for so long, it was surprisingly hard to talk about myself. “No,” I said. “I moved to California for college and never left.”

  There. That was the truth.

  “Where’d you go to college?” Declan asked. He grabbed a peanut from the bowl in the middle of the table and started shelling it.


  All eyes were on me and I knew what their next question would be before they asked it. “What have you been doing in California since graduation?” Declan said.

  I gave them my best innocent smile. “Enjoying the sunshine.” It was a joke I’d made often at the diner instead of a real answer. This time? It definitely didn’t work.

  Cole took a sip of the beer the waitress set in front of him. “Were you waitressing?”

  Not exactly. For a second I had the urge to confide in these men. Tell them all about how I’d just recently been accepted to join a practice in LA. After all those years of work at my residency and as an intern, I’d finally reached my goal. How nice it would be to tell these guys about it. But I couldn’t. I had to stay hidden, head down, until Brad was gone. Any chance of being found would be dangerous for me, and anyone else. If Brad knew I was going on a date with another guy? He’d flip. But two men? I didn’t even want to consider it.

  Instead, I said, “I was in between jobs. That’s part of the reason I left. It seemed like as good a time as any to see the country.”

  I caught the look they gave each other. Before either of them could start in with more questions, I wanted to get them talking instead. “What about you? What do you do?”

  Cole told me about his family’s ranch, which he now owned and ran. As a city girl through and through, ranching was something I knew nothing about but he patiently answered my many questions. I had no idea cows were so complicated. Declan told me how he was a cop, which I already knew, and how it was what he’d always wanted to do, ever since he was a kid. Tonight, he wasn’t on duty; no radio, no gun on his hip.

  “He’s serious,” Cole added. “This guy used to run around the playground pretending to arrest the bad guys at recess.”

  I laughed at the image. “So you two go back a long time, huh?”

  “We’ve been friends since kindergarten,” Declan said. “Maybe even before that.”

  Cole nodded. “When I was seventeen my dad passed away and I moved in with Declan and his family until I turned eighteen and took over the ranch.” The two men exchanged another look and I got the distinct impression that they were somehow silently communicating.

  “That was the year we decided that we would take a wife together.”

  Oh. What the hell was I supposed to say to that?

  “I was raised in a Bridgewater family,” Declan continued. “Two dads, one amazing mom. They set a great example. After they hear about tonight, I’m sure they’ll stop in at the diner to get a good look at you.”

  Cole gave me a small self-deprecating smile. “I only had one father…and he was miserable. In his marriage to my stepmom, at least. When I went to live with Declan’s family…” He trailed off with a shrug, but his point was clear. He’d seen the type of family he wanted to have.

  While the whole threesome thing was still a foreign concept, hearing them talk about it like this—like it was normal and healthy—made it sound almost sweet. Romantic, even.

  “Speaking of family,” Declan said.

  I looked up to see Cara heading in our direction with a friendly grin. “Hey guys. Hannah, good to see you again.”

  “You, too,” I replied. And I meant it. I might not have known her for long, but there was something so comfortable about Declan’s sister. She had the kind of open, genuine personality that would put anyone at ease—even me. Her red hair and blue eyes matched her brother’s, but she wasn’t overly tall like he was. When she stood between her two men, she looked tiny, just as I assumed I looked when surrounded by Declan and Cole.

  “What are you and your men up to tonight?” Cole asked.

  It sounded so strange talking about Cara having two husbands as if it w
as normal. Here, it was. I was the odd one around here, not understanding the lifestyle.

  “We’re meeting up with Katie and the Kanes.” She pointed to the bar where a pretty blonde was sandwiched between two attractive men.

  I knew the answer before I even asked, but I still turned to Declan for confirmation. “Let me guess, another Bridgewater relationship?”

  He nodded. “Katie was friends with Cara back when we were kids. You met Sam’s mom today at the diner. Violet. Katie used to come here every summer to stay with her uncle. When he passed away last year, he left her the property.”

  Cara cut in. “She came back to sell the place, but then she met Sam and Jack.”

  Katie headed in our direction and Cara turned to Declan and Cole, crossed her arms over her chest. “You guys need to go get some drinks at the bar.”

  “We already have our drinks,” Cole protested.

  His comment was met by a formidable scowl. “Get some more then. We need a little girl time.”

  Declan and Cole did as they were told but not without a fair amount of good-natured grumbling. As they walked away, Katie joined us and Cara made the introductions. The two women slipped into the booth across from me. “Sorry to run off your dates like that but I had a feeling you might need a minute to process the whole threesome date thing. It takes some getting used to.”

  Katie nodded. Her dark hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and I couldn’t miss the big diamond on her ring finger. “It’s weird at first, I know. I was exactly where you were last summer. Like, in this bar and getting it on with Sam and Jack.”

  “I remember that night,” Cara added, then frowned. “What do you mean getting it on in the bar?”

  Katie flushed a bright pink, then grinned. “Let’s just say there’s a quiet hallway past the bathrooms if you have an, ahem, itch that needs to be scratched.”

  My mouth fell open and Cara started laughing. “You didn’t.”

  Katie grinned and looked too damn happy for her own good. Glancing at her men, I could see how they might be able to keep her smiling all the time. “We so did.”


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