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Page 10

by MacShayne

  So he had to put a bounty on one of the best agents he had. Eveline Turner. She had to be assassinated. And how do you smoke out an assassin of her stature. How do you kill her? By another, by four others at least. Maybe use the Larx programme. An evaluated version of Mitch should be able to do the job. While he faxed the update that Eveline Turner was official a fugitive, Home received a phone call from the Dominican Republic secret service.

  ‘Well, this is an unexpected call. What do you have for me?’

  ‘We believe that a fugitive on your list has been spot in our country.’


  ‘According to our intelligence department. Your number six on the FBI’s most wanted list. One Mitch Crowne.. Alias Melvin Groenhof.’

  ‘Thank you for giving me this useful intell.’

  ‘What are you going to do about it?’

  ‘We already expected him to arrive in Santa Domingo. We are prepared. If you want to cooperate, do not interfere.’

  ‘You can’t expect me to give you a free run.’

  ‘I would owe you for looking the other way. You would be very helpful for the United States if you did.’

  ‘You have three days before we will.. interfere...’

  ‘We only need two’, Home said before he hung up.

  He then informed his men that held Sandra and Mia Barros captive.

  Santa Domingo (Dominican Republic), Frederic’s House 31 January 2010

  Mitch walked towards the front door and picked the lock to enter the house silently. Hw crept toward the kitchen door where he stood up. He could hear the Brit breathing in and out. he was smoking a cigarette. A shame. Those things could kill you. Mitch did not waste time and surprised the man when he appeared suddenly around the corner.

  Mitch reached for his blade before the man even heard something setting a food on the floor made of glass. The man turned around while he dropped his cigarette and reached for his gun. His eyes were on the smaller stature that Mitch was. This was a man he would destroy in combat. However, the last thing he saw was a shiny thing which the little man kept in his hand and threw. Before he was even able to lay his hand on his machine gun, the blade cut his throat in the middle, killing him instantly.

  One down, three to go. So far so good Mitch was thinking. He didn’t even look at the big man as he fell to his death. Well, he already was death before he reached the ground with his nose. The African woman heard the big guy falling on the floor made of glass and responded as expected. Drew her guns and aimed it at the door that led to the kitchen. She even heard someone standing on a spoon or something like that she thought. Couldn’t be further from the truth. Mitch in a flash laid a spoon on the ground and before the big guy fell on the ground, he was leaving the kitchen and throwing an extra set of ammunition at it.

  He was already walking towards the computer room when the ammunition hit the spoon. Since it was packed in rubber, it sounded like someone stood on the spoon. He was at the other door leading to the hall where the stairs were at when the African women walked towards the spoon. Before she could turn around, a second blade covered with a highly poisoned substance entered her next to her spine.

  Kaita saw the glimpse of the devil himself while she tried to shoot him. Somehow, it felt like everything in her body was on fire. Even her eyes. Like they would blow up. The man then lost her interest in her and walked towards the stairs. She saw how he drew his Magnum .44 when she began to see everything triple. Her hands were shaking as she saw the man climbing the stairs.

  Something happened that Mitch had not in calculated. Keita was able to pull a trigger while she was dying. That proofed him what a tough woman she was. She could easily become one of the best agents, if she did not meet him of course. She missed by more than half a metre, three times before Mitch heard she also fell down. Why didn’t he use this substance for the big guy? That was simple. The man would fall too soon.

  The Mexican heard something big falling to the ground and was instructed by Karl to have a look. He was the type of man every lady would fall for. Not a cold hearted assassin with Mitch’s skill set. He then heard the shots, which made him feel more certain that the problem was solved. His laconically attitude would mean his death.

  Mitch Crowne was going upstairs in a fast paced manoeuvre and expected the confrontation with the Mexican. His Magnum .44 was aimed on the room where he had scouted him a few minutes ago. The Mexican appeared and Mitch recognized two things. First the attitude of a relaxed person, then the face of defeat. This time, Mitch left his trademark. He shot two times. One bullet hit him in his heart and the second entered his head before the Mexican was able to even touch his own weapon.

  Now the last one was Karl Oberhausen. He was looking forward to having this fight with the legendary devil of New York. He had his gun aimed at Mitch at the same time Mitch aimed at him.

  ‘Interested in a street fight Mitch?’

  ‘What are you, an admirer?’

  ‘The last person you going to see in the flesh Mitch.’

  ‘You sure? I mean you must miss your friends.’

  ‘Cut the bullshit Mitch. You sound like a bitch. Which makes me question myself, do you get f*cked like a bitch?’

  ‘The thing is whoever you may be? Never get influenced by other’s words. My father taught me that.’

  Both dropped their guns at the same moment. Karl ran towards Mitch. Mitch however, smiled. Let them come to you, they don’t think and run, never. They already did the thinking. Or else, they wouldn’t run. And people like Karl thought about one thing, getting the job done as soon as possible. They did it for the honour. Mitch didn’t. Mitch did it without a reason, killing people. It used to be his job you could say. But, killing, was really more of a second nature to him.

  Karl punched Mitch rapidly multiple times in his stomach and in his face. Mitch only hit Karl once in his side which paused the fight. Karl coughed a little while Mitch positioned himself. Yeah, I still have it, he thought.

  ‘You don’t hit like a pussy. That’s for sure Mitch. Ready for round two?’

  ‘I know pussy that feel harder than your punches Karl.’

  Karl attacks again but, is pushed towards his left against the wall while Mitch punches him multiple times at different places in his stomach. Coughing up blood, Mitch eventually punches his Adam’s apple causing him to lose the ability to breath.

  ‘You lost it Karl. You lost it.’ Mitch said as he walked towards the room where Karl came from.

  In his dying seconds, Karl managed to scream out one more word. ‘Bomb!’

  Mitch saw how Karl pushed a button. On the button, Mitch saw that he had only ten seconds left.

  Mitch entered the room and found all three of them, Sandra, Mia and Frederic bound to a pipe. They were not gagged. Frederic had this look that he already accepted his death. Sandra however, was filled with rage, like Mitch always said she had. She used that rage to keep Mia safe. It was the same rage that Mitch could hear in her voice.

  ‘Safe Mia!’

  Mitch shot at Mia’s rope and looked one more time at Sandra. She told him without words that it was not his fault. Mitch felt sorry for the fact that he was unable to safe anyone. He knew he had two more seconds before everybody was blown up. Mia stood in front of Mitch, and she stood in front of the window. Mitch saw how Sandra turned her head towards Frederic

  ‘I love you’, she said to him.

  ‘I love you too’, Frederic said as they put their hands on each others.

  The bomb exploded and caused Mitch and Mia to be blown through the window that they were standing in front of. Sandra and Frederic died in the same second as Mitch was able to catch Mia with all his power. He was also able to turn them around so that Mia would fell on him instead of he on her. The house enlightened in fire while Mitch and Mia were still falling towards the ground. Would they survive? Mitch hoped that at least she would. Mia deserved a better life. A life without him, without fire, without blood, without bullets.
br />   Myrtle Beach, Robert’s hideout in a Motel, 31 January 2010

  Meanwhile, Robert and Eveline were about to leave their motel room. They were dressed and ready to leave. Robert held the keys of their car while Eveline checked the news. She read the article that said that Robert McEachran was also a wanted fugitive as of now by the United States CIA. Robert opened the door, not knowing that a squat of six highly trained CIA agents surrounded the motel rooms at the front.

  Chapter 11:

  A Fiery Thunderbolt

  Myrtle Beach, Robert’s hideout in a Motel, 31 January 2010

  Robert opened the door and at the same time a bullet missed him literally by an inch. Before a second bullet could crack his skull, Eveline pulled Robert on both his shoulders backwards. They fell in the motel room on each other. Eveline pushed Robert off of her and grabbed her gun. At the same time. Multiple persons were shooting at their apartment room. Robert crept toward the back to cover himself.

  Unlike Eveline and Mitch, Robert had a different kind of instinct. he was not a trained killer, never hit anybody and only did gun practice on the fairy. Eveline kept the enemy at a distance, but, Robert knew that this would not last long and that they were outnumbered. So, was he just simply going to accept that today would not be such a good day after all? Of course not. Robert was one of the brightest men from Europe.

  Eveline kept her eyes at the enemies while she heard how Robert entered the bath room. She didn’t even think about him or his plans. She needed to do only one thing, not dying today. It was not her time, not like this. Then a bullet came through the wall and stroke her left shoulder. A wound began to bleed but, it could have been much more worse of course.

  ‘Robert, can you find us a way out?!’, she yelled.

  But, Robert didn’t respond.

  Robert had above average knowledge in architecture because he had followed a minor after his education. He checked the wall between their room and the next and figured out that he should be able to crack it. While the gunfire caused a lot of noise, Robert used this as his chance to tear down the wall. He used his elbows multiple times to break the wall. After many attempts in a minute, when his shoulders began to hurt, he finally was able to break the wall.

  Eveline heard the noise coming from the bath room and couldn’t hide her smile. She knew exactly what Robert was doing, he wasn’t a cold blooded killer, but, he was smart. And his survival instinct were beyond that of a decent lawyer. It might be just good enough to safe both their asses.

  Robert walked towards the other room and crept towards the window. He turned the television and then crept towards the corner, out of sight. Then he used the reflection of the television to count how many people there were shooting at them. Then he saw one falling down. There were five more.

  Eveline was able to kill one of them before Robert came back. She was still laying on the ground.

  ‘What do you say Eveline, surprise attack?’

  ‘What did you do?’

  ‘I opened a door’, Robert said sarcastically.

  ‘Well done.’

  Santa Domingo (Dominican Republic), Frederic’s House 31 January 2010

  The thing about bombs is that they are affective. A giant force of fire trying to find its way to the open air. Fire needs oxygen, much of it as one of the three things to survive. It was the blast that pushed Mitch and Mia out of the house through the glass just before the fire found its way to where they were standing.

  Mitch woke up and had no clue how long he was out. He remembered rapidly what had happened. How he killed cell 0080 and how he was able to cut Mia loose before the explosion. How he watched two people at the end of their life’s expressing their feelings one last time to each other. Then everything went blank. Where was Mia?

  He could feel the stiffness in his whole body. He remembered that he was able to swap places with Mia while they were falling. If he had survived the blast, than she must have survived also. His left knee hurt and he was sure that a few ribs were fractured. Breathing in and out was not as flexible as it used to, but, he was alive.

  ‘Mia!’, he screamed.

  Mitch was able to get himself up. Now he was sitting while he watched at the burning house. The fires provided light, but, Mitch didn’t saw a body laying anywhere close in his hazy view. Only now it occurred to him that he had an astonishing headache.

  ‘Mia! Where are you?’

  Then he found out that he was shot during the events of the his evening. A wound was bleeding. It didn’t hurt. The agency took care of his senses before he became operative. Mitch was like a human machine when he started. And even twenty years later, well almost, he still barely felt anything except the stiffness.

  When he tried to stand up and was already on one of his knees, he saw a shadow in the night approaching him. It wasn’t a shadow of course. It was Mia. She ran towards him. She ran, which meant she survived.

  ‘Are you all right?’, Mitch asked.

  ‘Better than you’, the ten year old said. Probably too much filled with adrenaline to even process what happened today.

  ‘What did you do?’

  ‘I walked around to find out if anyone is in the neighbour. Your wounded.’

  ‘Help me on my feet if you really want to help.’

  Mia assisted Mitch to stand up while both could hear the sound of police cars in the distance.

  ‘Did you kill all of them?’, Mia asked.

  Mitch looked at her, not knowing how to respond. Then he accepted the fact that Mia forever changed after that explosion.

  ‘All of them Mia. I made sure that they suffered every single one of them.’

  ‘You came to safe us. I love you.’

  ‘I should have saved your mom also.’

  ‘The moment we were caught, we were lost. You did everything you could. And don’t say it’s your fault because it isn’t. But, you have to find whoever planned this. I promised mom you would.’

  Mitch leaning on the ten year old saw the headlights in a distance.

  ‘I’m glad you’re all right Mia. Was it your own idea to move towards the window?’

  ‘I thought, what would you do. So, I moved, explaining that I wanted to look outside. The Japanese guy allowed me too.’

  ‘You’re a clever girl Mia.’

  ‘What can I say, I learn from the best. You are not going to leave me again will you?’

  Then Mitch lost his balance and feel on the ground. Mia almost fell with him. Mitch sighed deeply.

  ‘Run Mia, get your ass away from here.’, Mitch said.

  Mia looked at him and knew that he was serious. She also knew why. They wouldn’t be able to flee together before the police would arrive. She would be kept imprisoned until the case was closed.

  ‘I love you ops’, she said and leaned forward to kiss Mitch on his left cheek.

  ‘You are never alone Mia, remember that’, Mitch said before she ran away.

  Myrtle Beach, Robert’s hideout in a Motel, 31 January 2010

  They both went to the other room. Eveline gave one of her guns to Robert in order to prevent one of the attackers to enter via the hole Robert created. Eveline opens the door slowly and is able to see two of the attackers. She also sees that one of them already entered the motel room.

  ‘Robert’, she whispered, ‘One is heading your way.’

  Robert eyes grew a little but, he stayed focused.

  Eveline’s adrenalin left her body as she tried to calm herself to the point where it could not influence her marksmanship. She thought about the moment when Lisa Neagley was killed in front of her. The shooter maintained a low level of adrenaline because he hit Lisa two times. With two shots. Then she thought about Mitch, she missed him, his hand. Would she be able to shoot both?

  Robert saw one of them coming closer to the bath room. He saw a glimpse of the person in the reflection of the bath room mirror. When Robert saw the man’s left foot he aimed his gun at the doorway and hit himself as much as possible. Would it ma
ke any difference? Of course not. The wall was far too thin. Robert kept shooting and shooting but, the person didn’t shoot back. Now why didn’t he shoot back?

  Eveline shot four times, just before both attackers would be out of range. These were her last bullets. She then closed her eyes as she heard footsteps coming her way. She was thinking about the day when she thought to be killed for the first time. It was almost one year ago when a group of highly skilled mercenaries entered her apartment in London when she just began working for CTU.

  Robert saw the lifeless body on the ground and walked towards Eveline. He heard the click in her gun and knew what that meant. It meant she was out of bullets. Robert saw that she had her eyes closed and so he went outside. Two bodies lay on the ground. Which made him ask himself why she was upset. If she was upset.

  ‘What’s wrong Eveline?’

  She opened her eyes and Robert was standing in front of her. ‘Did I kill them?’

  ‘Well, they are death.’

  ‘Wait, what about the other one. The one I told you was coming your way?’


  ‘We make hell of a team Robert.’

  ‘I counted six of the’, Robert said.

  ‘That means, there is still one out there...’, Eveline said.

  ‘What do we do now?’

  ‘We have to go. He’s probably calling for back-up. Do you still have bullets?’


  ‘Dammit...’, Eveline answered.

  Santa Domingo (Dominican Republic), Main road 1 February 2010

  After she ran away, Mitch was about to give it up. Just let it slide away. he was sure as hell not going to prison. Then his inner clock told him it was twelve o’clock at night. Which meant it was 1 February 2010. His father would be celebrating his birthday today if he was still alive. No, not today Mitch said to himself as he stood up and marched away from the burning house while the police arrived in the background.


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