The Wagner Clan
Page 50
Weingartner attacks its dogmatism 62–3
Wieland’s set designs 198
Winifred banned 323–4, 324, 331, 332, 337
Bayreuth festival orchestra 303
Bayreuther Blätter 94, 96–8, 99, 107, 126, 132, 328, 348
Bayreuther Festspiele GmbH (Bayreuth Festival Ltd.) 335
Bechstein, Edwin 133
Bechstein, Helene 133, 141, 142, 146
Bechstein family 141, 145
Beckmesser (character) 57, 81, 85
Beecham, Sir Thomas 23, 208
Beethoven, Ludwig van xiii, 27, 71, 183, 184, 292
Fidelio 277, 299, 347
Symphony No.3 (‘Eroica’) 80
Symphony No.6 (‘Pastoral’) 80
Symphony No.9 (‘Choral’) 60, 169, 246, 247
Beidler, Ellen (née Gottschalk) 245
Beidler, Elsa 128
Beidler, Franz 157
affair and child with an opera singer 128
Cosima’s ‘divorce’ letter 123–4, 125
death of Isolde 128
interloper at Wahnfried 123
leads a few performances at Bayreuth 122
rivalry with Siegfried 124
second marriage 128
unsuccessful career post-Bayreuth 125
Beidler, Franz Wilhelm 249, 259, 267, 306–7
birth (1901) 123, 245
close ties with Jews 245
criticism of ‘New Bayreuth’ 244, 245, 248, 281, 306, 349
death (1981) 246
despises the Nazis 245
left-wing views 245
marriage 245
Mayor Meyer’s letter 255–6, 276
personality 245
plans for Bayreuth 122, 245, 246, 256, 262, 290, 317
unfinished biography of Cosima 246
Beidler, Isolde (née von Bülow; RW’s daughter) 27, 57, 154
birth (10 April 1865) 41, 52, 124
and Chamberlain 127
death (7 February 1919) 128
inscription on her grave 128
marriage 113, 123–4
personality 52
and RW’s death 54
takes her mother to court 127–9, 136, 245
tuberculosis 127, 128
an ‘unperson’ to Cosima 113
Beidler, Walburga (née Rass) 128
Benedictus, Louis 48, 49
Berg, Alban 274, 292, 314
Wozzek 294, 299
Berghof Alpine retreat, Berchtesgaden, Bavaria 185
Chancellery 209, 210, 230, 239, 240, 252
Charité hospital 222
Cosima in 33, 34–5
Friedelind’s education 207
Iris lives in 314, 340
Katharina studies and works in 344
Kroll-Oper 167, 174, 291
Olympic Games (1936) 199
Oswald and Diana Moseley’s wedding 210
Reichstag 172, 173, 174
RW and Bismarck meet in 39
Spandau jail 288
Staatsoper (formerly the Court Opera) 167, 169–70, 175, 183, 198, 211, 229, 231
Städtische Oper (Municipal Opera) 164, 166–7, 295–6
strongly Social Democratic 153
Tietjen’s Lohengrin 166
under four-power occupation 261
Wagner children visit Hitler 204, 234
Berlin airlift 261, 262, 268
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra 161, 169, 342
Berlioz, Hector 30, 314
Berne convention on international copyright protection 61
Bernstein, Leonard 274, 338
Bethmann, Heinrich 88
Bethmann family 87–8
Biebrich, Germany 34
Bill Haley and the Comets 287
Bismarck, Prince Otto von 20, 37–8, 39, 45, 65, 67, 75, 86, 106, 126, 173
Bizet, Georges 115
Carmen 115, 178
Mosley’s 201
Mussolini’s 162, 210
Blech, Leo 150, 167
Bleichröder, Gerson 39
Blitz, the 216
Bloch, Ernst 288
Bodensee (Lake Constance) 226, 238, 241, 242, 251, 289, 306, 337, 340
Böhm, Karl 294, 347
Bolsheviks 139, 175
Bonhoeffer, Pastor Dietrich 289
Bonn 260, 280–81, 282
Bormann, Martin 234
Börne, Ludwig 71, 72, 73
Boulez, Pierre 294, 302, 307, 327
Brahms, Johannes xiii, 119
Brandenburg 207
Brandt, Fritz 57–8
Brandt, Willy 312, 325
Braun, Eva 146, 189
Braun, Wernher von 239, 261
Brecht, Bertolt 279
Breker, Arno 351
Brendel, Franz 84
Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland) 166
Brighouse, Yorkshire 207
appeasement of Germany 350
Beecham on the British 23
Chamberlain despises 91
economic success 13
Friedelind in 207, 214–19, 336
Hitler’s obsession with 209–210
internment policy 216–17
Winifred’s tour with Friedelind 336
British Empire 209, 216
Britten, Benjamin (later Baron Britten of Aldeburgh) 274
brownshirts see SA (Sturmabteilung)
Bruckmann, Elsa 141
Bruckmann, Hugo 105
Bruckmann family 141
Bruckner, Anton xii, 45, 60, 184
Seventh Symphony 178
Brühl, Heidi: ‘Wir wollen niemals auseinandergeh’n’ (We Never Want to Part) 287
Brünnhilde (character) 41, 61, 248, 297, 299
Brussels Opera 300
Buchenwald concentration camp 285
Budapest 344
Buddhism 21, 77, 78, 80
Buenos Aires, Argentina 219
Teatro Colón 219
Bülow, Blandine Elisabeth von see Gravina, countess Blandine Elisabeth
Bülow, Daniela Senta von see Thode
Bülow, Franziska von 33
Bülow, Hans von 8, 27, 38, 51, 57, 100, 124
antisemitism 88
apologises to RW for Cosima’s behaviour 31
at King Ludwig’s court in Munich 35, 36–7
Cosima leaves him for RW xi, 155
Cosima’s affair with RW 36–7
death in Cairo 62
divorce from Cosima 4
health 36
leaves Munich 42
legally considered to be Isolde’s father 127–8
marriage to Cosima 31–4, 88, 89
outstanding Wagner conductor of the time 36
personality 112
pianist-conductor xi, 33
second marriage 246
signs Foerster’s petition 76
venerates Liszt 31, 33
Bülow, Marie von 246
Bund Der Landwirte (Agrarian League) 107
Bundesbank (Bank Deutscher Länder) 282
Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Supreme Court) 283
Bundesrat 282
Bundesrepublik Deutschland see Federal Republic of Germany
Bundestag 261, 282, 311, 312
Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) 282
Bundeswehr (federal armed forces) 284
Bürkel, Ludwig von 54
Busch, Adolf 168, 212
Busch, Eva 128
Busch, Fritz 157, 168, 212, 248, 346
Busch, Hermann 168
Butler, R.A. (Rab) 209
Byrnes, James 260
Callas, Maria 299
Cannes, Frances 92
Canton, China 120
capitalism 17, 18, 19, 310
CARE packets 255, 269, 273
Casimir Périer, rue, Paris 30
Catholic Church 30
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 220
Centre Party 174
> Chamberlain, Anna (née Horst) 93
Chamberlain, Anne 92
Chamberlain, Basil 91, 92
Chamberlain, Eva (RW’s daughter) 57, 112, 124, 154, 207, 329
and Beidler’s begging letter to Cosima 127
birth (1867) 52
burns RW’s letters to her mother 101
and Cosima’s death 155
and Cosima’s diaries 125, 327–8
Cosima’s secretary 96, 125, 131, 136
death (1942) 225
Houston’s secretary 131
marriage to Houston Stewart Chamberlain xiii, 91, 93, 96, 104, 110, 111, 125, 235
role at Wahnfried 125
urges Siegfried to marry 136, 137
and Winifred 137, 160–61
Chamberlain, Harriet 92, 93
Chamberlain, Harry 91, 92
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart (RW’s son-in-law) 181, 207, 246
antisemitism 103, 108, 147
and Appia 109, 116
article on the relationship between Liszt and RW 95
biography of RW 101
and British as Aryans 209–210
in brokerage partnership in Paris 92, 94
childhood 90, 91–2, 134
correspondence with Kaiser Wilhelm 105–6
Cosima’s attitude to Die Grundlagen 109, 126
death and funeral 153–4
devotion to Wahnfried 101–2
education 92, 102
Eva acts as his secretary 131
falls for Hitler’s charm 141
fan letter to Hitler (7 October 1923) 131, 143
fervent love of Vaterland 348–9
finds a cause and future home in Bayreuth 94
first marriage 93, 110
first visit to Bayreuth 94
and the First World War 130
a German nationalist xiii, 134
health 92, 93, 95, 102
influential supporter of Hitler 132–3
and Isolde 127
love of all things German 92–3
love of Vienna 102
makes his peace with Cosima 110
marriage to Eva xiii, 91, 93, 96, 102, 104, 110, 125, 235
meets Cosima 95, 96
obsessed with Nazi ideology 144
personality 90, 93
philandering 102–3
Praeger affair 98, 99, 100
propagandist for ultra-nationalist clique at Wahnfried 90–91, 96–7
relationship with Cosima 95–6
revered by Hitler 91, 153, 154, 189
role at Wahnfried 125
sees himself as truest interpreter of the Wagnerian message 109–110
Siegfried as his benefactor 126
slurred speech after an illness 131
takes German nationality 130
a voracious reader 90
his Wagner biography 125
Die Grundlagen des 19en Jahrhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century) 104–110, 126, 132, 133, 210
Chamberlain, Neville 216
Chamberlain, Admiral William
Charles 91, 92
Chéreau, Patrice 20, 327, 336, 345
Christian Democrats 282, 283, 309
Christlich-soziale Arbeiterpartei (Christian-Social Workers’ Party) 68
Churchill, Sir Winston 216, 260
civil service 283
Cluytens, André 294, 303
cold war 279
Cologne 301
Common Market 13
communism 18, 175, 310
Soviet 210, 283–4
and burning of the Reichstag 174
in flight, under arrest or dead 174
join forces with Social Democrats 140
loathing for Hitler 172
Como, Italy 28, 155
concentration camps 173, 199, 200, 215, 234, 237, 258
Congress of Vienna (1815) 13
Congressional Un-American Activities Committee (US) 279
Conservative Party 107
conservatives 172, 173, 181, 309
Constantinople 166
Cooper, Page 271
Copenhagen 113
Cornelius, Peter 25, 50, 100
Correggio, Antonio da 156
Cromwell, Oliver 210
D-Day Normandy landings (1944) 234
D’Abernon, Lord 139
Daily Sketch 215, 217, 218
D’Annunzio, Gabriele 113
Dante Alighieri: Divina Commedia 326
Danzig, Poland (Gdansk) 111
DAP see Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers’ Party)
Darmstadt 29
Darwin, Charles 120
Davos, Switzerland 128
Debussy, Claude 180, 225
‘degenerate art’ 203
Deman, Rudolf 211, 212
denazification 142, 165, 204, 233, 251, 253, 255, 257–9, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 283, 289, 310, 350
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers’ Party; DAP; later NSDAP) 140
Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labour Front) 236
Deutschland über Alles 148
Devil’s Island 89
Diderot, Denis 69
Diebold, Bernhard 181
Dietrich, Marlene 178
Dinter, Artur: Die Sünde wider das Blut (The Sin against Blood) 132
Döblin, Alfred 279
Donizetti, Gaetano 115
‘doodle-bugs’ 237
Dorothee Günther dance school, Munich 225
Dresden 99, 150, 342
1848 revolution 9
Chamberlain lives in 102, 103
Rienzi a hit in 84
RW’s plans are not accepted 13–14
violence in (1849) 15–16, 72, 98
Dresden Court Orchestra 10
Dresden Court Theatre 12, 14
Dresden Royal Court Opera 10
Dresden Staatskapelle 10
Drexel, Ellen see Wagner, Ellen Dreyfus, Alfred 89
Dreyfus affair 89, 108
Du Moulin Eckart, Richard, Count 246
Duncan, Isadora 112–13, 117, 154, 156
Dunkirk, retreat from 216
Düsseldorf 198, 338
Dysart, Lord 99, 100
East Berlin: Komische Oper 292
East Germany
currency 261
and former Nazis holding key jobs in Federal Republic 311
East Grinstead, Sussex 134
eastern religion 73
Eberhardt, Paul 292
Eckstein, Friedrich 60
Eden, Sir Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon) 218
Edward VII, King (as Prince of Wales) 118
Ehard, Hans 265
Eichmann, Adolf 311
Einem, Baroness Gerta Louise von 214, 215, 218, 220, 280–81
Einem, Gottfried von 214–15, 220, 280, 316
Ich hab’ unendlich viel erlebt (I Have Had a Boundlessly Eventful Life) 215
Einhem, von (jewellery issue) 215, 218, 220, 279–80
Einstein, Albert 71, 256
El Alamein, battle of (1942) 233
Elgar, Sir Edward 118–19
Elisabeth (character) 157, 299
Ellis, William Ashton 99
Elmendorff, Karl 159, 162, 170, 227
Elsa (character) 171, 263, 299
Engels, Friedrich 9
Erhard, Ludwig 309
Eva (character) 188, 299, 300
Evian conference (1938) 199
extermination camps 200, 258, 278, 311
Fafner (mechanical dragon) 44, 330
Federal Republic of Germany 244, 260, 262, 279, 281–2
currency reform (1948) 260–61
Germans choose to forget their roles in the war 281, 282–3
political leadership 282
Social Democratic-Free Democratic government 325
Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle) 260, 290, 309, 310, 312
Felsenstein, Walter 292, 307, 313
Ferdinand, Prince (later Czar) of Bulgaria 113,
Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria 9
Feuerbach, Ludwig 19, 23
Das Wesen des Christentums (The Essence of Christianity) 14
Feustel, Friedrich von 56
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 69
‘fifth column’ 217
First World War 113, 130, 136, 137, 179, 180, 187
Bayreuth festival closed 227
German Jews in 65
Germany’s defeat 91
Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich 294, 323
Flagstad, Kirsten 220, 299
Floh, Der magazine (satirical magazine) 83
Florence, Italy 92, 111
Flossenbürg concentration camp 238, 239, 252, 264, 288, 289, 351
Flottenverein (Naval League) 107
Foerster, Bernhard 68, 75–6, 98
Foerster, Elisabeth (née Nietzsche) 5, 75
Ford, Henry 144–5
Foreign Office (British) 216
1848 revolution 9, 29
advancing French forces at the Bodensee 241
antisemitism 69, 88–9
French troops at the Nussdorf chalet 243
and Jews 88–9, 350
marches into the Ruhr (1923) 140
monarchists 88
Nazi occupation 89
Second Empire 20
Vichy government 89
Francis of Assisi, St 113
Franco, General Francisco 316
Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) 6, 37, 46, 65, 76–7, 88, 94, 139, 148, 328
Frank, Hans 201, 252
Frankfurt 117, 118, 121, 294, 311
Frankfurt Opera 299
Frankfurt Parliament (German national assembly) 15
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 129
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria-Hungary 102
Frederick, Crown Prince, of Prussia 106
Frederick the Great, King of Prussia 43, 173, 188
Free Democrats 309, 325
free trade 107
Freikorps 139, 248
French Revolution (1789) 9, 13, 67, 88
Freud, Sigmund 21, 50, 71, 253
Frick, Wilhelm 173
Fricka (RW’s peacock) 4
Friedrich, Götz 313, 327, 345
Friedrich August II, King of Saxony 9, 15
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung 329
Furtwängler, Wilhelm 171, 208, 250, 295
appointed music director at Bayreuth 161, 162
baton technique 161
Bayreuth debut 161
and the ‘Day of Potsdam’ 175
and Hitler’s birthday (1942) 247
Hitler’s favourite 246, 247
and Mann 277
puts Tristan und Isolde on disc 170
relationship with Winifred 162–3
returns to Bayreuth (1936) 191
and Tietjen 167–8
and Toscanini 162, 164
withdraws from the festival 162–3, 168
Gaisberg, Fred 208
Garmisch, Bavarian Alps 169, 242, 253, 255
Gaulle, Charles de 8
Gautier, Judith 5, 45, 48–9, 51, 77
Gautier, Théophile 48, 90
Gehlen, Reinhard 261
Geissmar, Berta 162, 208
The Baton and the Jackboot 208