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Elf's Affection: The Witching Hour Series Book 3

Page 8

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "And what exactly am I supposed to do?" I asked folding my arms together.

  "Flirt and remove that miserable look off your face. La Caz moved on and you have too. There is no point dwelling on it anymore, darling." She patted me gently on the back before heading to the bar.

  Kel was right, and so was Kate. This was just life and I had to stop acting like a winey child and man up.

  Throughout the evening I learned that the shifter community had a rich history. There were women and men of various ages and class. I chatted with a couple of paranormals who were active in British parliament. Kelsie was already at the bar flirting with a group of suited and booted handsome guys. Throughout the dinner Kelsie insisted on sitting by me while I listened to the conversation about their run on the local fields.

  "My mate, Franklin, was shot the other day. A farmer thought he was after his sheep because he’d shifted into a wolf. What are you going to do about this, Mr. Tramp?" a tall and mean looking male shifter asked. A round of shudders passed through the table. Everyone stopped eating, turning their eyes towards the main table where two politicians were sitting. I had no idea who Mr. Tramp was.

  "We should go back to the order from years ago; the pack master would know what to do," someone else announced, who most definitely wasn't Mr. Tramp. Surely, he was a shifter: tall, well built, with amazing blue eyes. All the ladies were staring at him, mesmerised. Kelsie was playing with her hair, shooting him one of her sweet smiles. The male shifters at the tables didn't look very happy with this idea, some of them began talking loudly between each other.

  "Who the hell are you? You can’t just come here and throw something like that on the table. We haven't selected a pack master since nineteen-ninety-one and we don’t want to go backwards," the older shifter growled.

  "Maybe it’s time for a change. A pack master would bring in some kind of order; the runs could be organised. Many packs in Scotland still follow the directions of a pack master," the stranger argued.

  This started a new discussion which I wasn't following. Many older shifters started shouting amongst each other and the atmosphere became heated. This went on for about ten minutes. I tried to focus on my meal, but the main course consisted mainly of almost raw steak and vegetables, so I sort of lost my appetite.

  “I'll be right back. I need to make myself look beautiful for that handsome Scot over there," Kelsie whispered, sending a flirtatious wink to the loud shifter who was watching her and at the same time, trying to keep the conversation going.

  Kelsie vanished, and I waited patiently for the waiter to bring me another drink. This entire pack was boring, and I already knew that Kelsie only came here to pick up on available shifters. I’d never known anyone who enjoyed partying so much.

  For another twenty minutes I chatted with a witch who was attending tonight’s dinner with a shifter about a protection spell that she’d used. It was quite a refreshing experience to meet someone who was in love with another creature outside of her caste. The witch reminded me of my situation with Nathaniel. When my grandmother found out that we broke up, she nearly bought me car. Yeah, my family was pretty happy whereas I behaved like someone had died.

  After dessert, I started looking for Kelsie who had yet to come back from the bathroom; it had been at least a good half an hour or so. She could look after herself, but she never took that long in the bathroom. I excused myself and after locating the toilet, I stepped into a long corridor heading towards the ladies’ room. As I was approaching the corner I heard Kelsie’s voice.

  "What the fuck do you want from me, Craig? I’ve created a new life for myself, away from you and your stupid pack of puppies."

  I stopped, wondering if I heard her correctly. I’d heard that name before; Craig was Kelsie’s ex-boyfriend, the one she’d cheated on.

  "Shut your mouth, you stupid whore. London shifters are weak and it’s time to influence them a little. You owe me a favour and you’re going to do exactly as I say."

  It was a male voice and he was definitely her ex-boyfriend. Kelsie wasn't a bad person, but she liked men too much and when she was drunk, she turned into a wild cat. From what I understood, their relationship was never prefect.

  "Fuck you, I don’t need to listen to your whining. Let go of me," Kel shouted. I swallowed hard, trying to call out my magic the way Tron had taught me. I felt tingling in my stomach, but my energy was weak.

  "Shut up, whore!" Craig roared. I didn't know what happened after that, but I heard Kelsie’s short scream, so I didn't have time to think and dashed around the corner.

  "Hey, get your hands off her!" I shouted clenching my fists, concentrating on my magic.

  Craig looked like a typical shifter, although I didn't want to admit that he was good looking. He was about Quentin’s height with long black hair that hung just over his shoulders. He had a pointed chin and he was dressed in leather, looking like a mean hairy biker. I had no idea how Kelsie was still standing. Her eyes were glowing as she held her cheek staring at me with anger.

  Craig narrowed his eyes and pushed Kelsie away.

  "Who the fuck is that skinny fairy, Kel?"

  "No one, she’s no one important. Tell her to fuck off," Kelsie shouted staring at me like she was ready to strangle me. I had no idea what this was all about, but my best friend was in trouble, and I wasn’t about to just walk away.

  Craig smiled and approached me, then I saw his golden eyes that shimmered like two neon lights. He was wide in his shoulders and I felt as new fresh magic started to evaporate from my cells, tensing the air.

  "Kel, I don’t know what this is about but leave this psycho and let’s get out of here," I said ignoring Craig who licked his lips and took another step forward.

  Chapter 10


  "Oh, so you know the whore?" Craig asked with amusement in his tone. "Maybe you want to play—with both of us?"

  I wasn't expecting what came next. Craig moved so fast, and before I could blink he was holding me tightly securing my hands behind my back. I tried to wiggle away but his grip was powerful.

  "Craig, she’s no one, just some girl who I talked to at a meeting," Kelsie continued her strategy, but her ex-boyfriend wasn't buying her little story. My breath was shallow and images of me and Jasper were suffocating my mind, however, this time Kate wasn't involved.

  "Let me go, you piece of trash!" I roared, and my magic finally shot through my spine charging my fingertips with abnormal speed. Craig laughed and pulled me towards his large chest, touching my arse.

  "Feisty, hmm, I like it rough, but I don’t think I'm interested. The whore is more imp—"

  There was no time for me to let him take control. My fingers were stiff, but powerful energy was already flowing through me. My breath came short and I felt sparks of electricity running across my skin. I started repeating the spell in my head, the same one Tron had taught me during our last session. Waves of heat were flowing through me like a raging current in a river. Craig was still talking and for a moment I thought I heard Kelsie’s voice.

  I tensed my muscles and started talking to my source, giving my energy orders. Then a bright burst of light streamed out of me fast and so unexpectedly that I flinched. I opened my eyes to see Craig flying across the room. When he landed on the floor, I clenched my teeth feeling warmth filling my entire body.

  "You, fucking bitch! You need to do a lot better than that to get rid of me!" Craig roared as he jumped back to his feet in a matter of seconds. I was strong and in any other circumstance I would have lost control and wouldn’t have to worry about him. This time I only shot him with small amount of magic, and it wasn’t enough.

  Blood was dripping from Craig’s forehead. His eyes began to glow, and his body went rigid. He was about to shift.

  "Julia, run, you need to get out of here now!" Kelsie screamed. Craig turned to face her and roared like a real wolf. Fear seized me, and I wasn’t sure if I had any chance. I wasn't in control of my magic and my pace was

  Yep, this negative thought wasn't doing me any good in my current circumstances. My body started to shake, and I couldn't move. My memories from training vanished and now I was on my own. Kelsie had her own plan. She roared at the top of her lungs and charged at her ex-boyfriend shifting in midair into a large dog, but Craig was older and more experienced. It seemed he was expecting her to attack. With one swift movement, he pushed her away, roaring, and when he was done, his golden eyes turned toward me.

  "I wouldn’t do that if I were you!" someone shouted, suddenly appearing next to me. In the back of my mind I recognised this voice, but adrenaline and shock were pumping through my bloodstream.

  Craig wasn't in his human form anymore. He’d turned into a full grown, freaking lion. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest. When I looked to my right I saw Michael Langridge. A crazy shifter who’d saved my life once already and this time he was shifting.

  He obviously didn't have time for discussion, and in a matter of seconds, Michael turned into a wolf and two monstrous animals attacked each other. Roaring noise filled the corridor as two huge creatures fought for dominance.

  I was plastered to the wall, rooted to the spot and unable to move, watching as two shifters were ripping and mauling at each other’s throats.

  "Come on, let’s get the hell out of here!" Kelsie shouted, appearing in front of me. Her lip was cut, and her cheek was swollen. Everything that happened after that was hazy. Kel dragged me back up the stairs.

  "We have to stop them; they’ll kill each other,” I said shaking like jelly. My pulse was racing, and I wasn’t sure where I was. Magic was pumping through my veins and I knew it was too little too late.

  Kelsie stopped on the stairs, then slapped me across the face.

  "Julia, pull yourself together. Craig is going to be busy for a little while. We need to get the hell out of here. Your father is going to get a phone call very soon about this incident."

  I shook myself back to reality, still unable to comprehend how Kelsie could predict that police were going to get involved. Michael Langridge was strong, and he was ready to challenge another shifter just to save my skin, yet again.

  "But Michael, he’s in trouble—"

  “It's their game, they won’t kill each other. It doesn't work like that, other pack members would have to witness the challenge,"

  My mind couldn't comprehend what Kelsie was talking about, but I had to agree with her. There was nothing I could do for Michael right now and from what I heard, Craig had come here for Kelsie. Shifter relationships worked completely different and Craig treated Kelsie like his property.

  We both made it down to the lobby. My mind was clouded, and my heart was pounding; I was ready to call my father just to avoid thinking about Michael. Then I came across another surprise. I saw Nathaniel standing by the entrance next to his soon-to-be wife. I stopped Kelsie. We just had to get through that door and we would be far away from this drama.

  "Kel, stop. We can’t go in. Nathaniel is outside!" I hissed, pointing at the man that I still loved.

  My best friend peered through the glass. It looked like Nathaniel was having a very heated argument with his beautiful fiancé. Even when she was angry she looked like a princess. My heart gave me a quick smack in the chest. I knew that we had to get out of this hotel. Craig was upstairs, and I didn't even want to think about what might have happened to Michael.

  "Oh la, la, it looks like the prefect couple is having a fight," Kel muttered, sucking her bloody lip. Nathaniel frowned, talking fast and pointing toward the entrance, but the beauty looked like she was having none of it. She said something fast and walked towards the bar on the other side of the street. Now Nathaniel was alone, his chest was rising and falling while his eyes followed his fiancé.

  "Right, let’s go. He’s distracted and won’t see us now," I said and slipped through the door dragging Kelsie behind me. A moment ago, Kelsie had to slap me, so I could pull myself together. Now in front of my ex I was taking control of the situation.

  "Wait for me!" Kelsie shouted as I was speeding along the pavement, praying for him not to notice me. Unfortunately, my loud friend ruined our cover bringing attention to herself.

  I shouted for the taxi and glanced at Nathaniel who now was seeing me very clearly. Luckily the car stopped, and I jumped in.

  "Julia, wait, Julia!"

  His voice brought chills down my spine, but Kelsie got into the cab straight after me.

  "Grand Avenue, just drive, fast!" I shouted to the taxi driver. Nathaniel was rushing towards the car shouting my name, when the driver put his foot down and drove off.

  For a long moment I was hearing my and Kelsie's rapid breaths. My heart was pounding away, and I close my eyes wondering if this evening was finally over. I didn't want to look back; I didn't have to. Nathaniel saw me, and I ran away like a coward, because I was too hurt to even face him.

  When the taxi driver dropped us outside my apartment the adrenaline and shock was slowly wearing off. I looked at Kel’s pale face, her eyes were still shimmering, and I was slightly afraid that she was planning to shift and run away.

  "Come on, let’s go inside. We can't just stand here," I said placing my hand on Kel’s shoulder. My friend flinched, and she looked like she’d just came back from being in a trance.

  "Julia, oh, my God. What’s wrong? Are you okay?"

  She was throwing questions at me, touching my arms and legs, as if she was expecting me to have some kind of injury.

  "I'm all right, Kelsie, just a little shaken up. What about you? He hit you pretty hard," I said looking around wondering if any of my nosy neighbours were looking out at us.

  “Don’t worry about me. Come on, we have to get into your apartment. That freak could have sent someone after us."

  I was taking long pulls of air attempting to slow down my heartbeat. As soon as we reached my apartment, I locked the door and use the protection spell that Tron had taught me. This took me quite a little while as the spell was slightly more complicated. My head was still buzzing from earlier events and I kept wondering what happened to Michael. I would never forgive myself if something had happened to him. The mysterious questions remained. How the hell did he know that I was in trouble, and why did he attack Craig?

  "Julia, who the hell was that other shifter? The tall and bulky one who attacked Craig?" Kelsie asked pacing around the room. Her colour was coming back but she was whispering to herself walking around the room.

  "Michael Langridge, he saved my and Nathaniel’s butt once, but I have no idea where he came from or how he knew that we were in trouble," I said taking my heels off. My head was spinning, too many unexpected things happened at the same time. First Kelsie's ex then Nathaniel and his prefect fiancé?

  Kelsie wiped the sweat from her face and a bit of blood, breathing frantically like she was going to have a heart attack.

  "This is bad, really bad. Craig’s in London and he won’t let this go. That guy is as good as dead.”

  "What?" I shouted approaching her. "He can't be dead, he saved our skin again. I don’t know him that well, but he doesn't look like someone who can’t defend himself," I argued looking out the window, but my street was empty.

  "Sorry, but Craig was pissed, and he won’t leave until he gets what he came for."

  "But you guys broke up, you left. Why is he here? Why now?"

  “That's the problem, I don’t know. He’s here for a reason, he wants to make my life difficult that’s for sure but there’s something else."

  I went back to the kitchen and put the kettle on. Kelsie followed me standing on her toes trying to see the car park from my small window. She was wrong. Michael was a tough guy but what if I was going to be the cause of his death?

  "We need to call my father and report what happened. He can't get away with this!"

  "No, this is shifter community business. This isn’t a police business!"

  "But Kelsie—"

  "Julia, you have no idea
what he’s capable of, so please let me deal with it," Kelsie argued. "Can I sleep at your place tonight?"

  I bit my lip contemplating how I was going to convince her to swallow her pride and forget about politics. We were talking about her life here and an ex-boyfriend who might be even more dangerous than Jasper.

  "Yes, of course."

  "Great, anyway, what’s with you and the bastard? Why were you hiding?"

  I heaved a deep sigh and started making tea.

  “It's complicated as always. After that adrenaline shock I just couldn't deal with him as well."

  Then Kelsie went on with the discussion about my ex-perfect lover who was obviously fighting with his over the top fiancé. I was too tired to argue with her about the impact that he made on me. She didn't want to hear about the police, or the hospital. We were both in the psycho ex-boyfriend club, so I knew how she was feeling when he showed up out of the blue.

  That evening we didn't come up with any new ideas. We were too shaken up and worried about Michael. In the morning I was planning to call my dad to snoop a little. I told Kelsie that she could take my bedroom. She looked like she needed a good night’s sleep, and I would be comfortable on the sofa.

  There was one positive outcome of that terrible event: I managed to call up my magic and take control of it, at least for a few seconds. I was staring at my reflection in the mirror wondering if my heart was ever going to be all right without Nathaniel. We shared some incredible moments together but now he was with someone else, another woman that he’d chosen over me. A woman who obviously knew how to handle him.

  Kelsie had no idea about Jennifer and my blackouts, she had her own problems and I didn't need to add fuel to an already burning fire.

  She went to bed and I made my sofa more comfortable, massaging my skull. I felt like my head was splitting in two as energy was burning my bloodstream. Sometimes after training sessions or when I was forced to cast an unknown spell, my energy inflamed making my life much more difficult.


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