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Awakening the Demon's Queen

Page 8

by Calle J. Brookes

  Her voice wobbled but her posture was determined as she turned back to face the wolf. “Do you think we’ve fabricated this?”

  Mallory stood and wrapped an arm around the smaller woman before Rathan could move. Rathan could easily see how she trembled. “Rand is just being stubborn, Kinney. He’s not seen the pictures that Emily and I have.” She shot a glare at her twin. “He’s not seen the things Grandfather has done. But he will trust that Emily and I have seen enough to be one hundred ten percent convinced that turning him over to be dealt with is the right thing to do.”

  Rathan looked at his friend. The wolf stood, pale and shocked as he stared at Kindara. The room went quiet, until Rand nodded. “He’s at the Fort Collins’ home. I want a promise that he won’t be tortured or killed. I’ll send some of my people to collect him.”

  “We are a civilized race.” The king nodded as he spoke. “Our justice system far exceeds the human one. As much as we despise the bastard, we won’t be putting him to death. But he’s killed over a thousand of our people. Our people demand and deserve justice...Kindara more than most.”

  Rathan stood and approached his female, hands reaching to pull her to him and away from Mallory. She shuddered against him, then surprised him by burrowing her face into his chest. Did she even realize it was he who held her? Rathan didn’t know, nor did he care. He pulled her into his lap as he sank back to his chair, whispering soothing words of comfort and ignoring those around them.

  His eyes met the brother’s, not surprised to see a challenge and anger in the man’s expression. Rathan smirked. The Dardaptoan would learn soon enough that he was now the male responsible for Kindara.

  “So it’s decided then? No more kidnapping, or plots of revenge against either our family or against Rydere’s people?” Emily pulled everyone’s attention away from Kindara. She focused on Rand. “This is what we—Mal, Josey, Mickey, and I—want. But we don’t want to lose our family, either. And this fight, it’s not between anyone but Grandfather and the people he’s wronged. We’ll be leaving in the morning for Dardano. You’re welcome to visit with us. Explain to my father and everyone else that we are fine, and where to find us.”

  “So soon?” It was clear the wolf wasn’t pleased with that news. “We’ll have a lot to discuss regarding the new facility.”

  “You can bring Uncle Jason with you when you visit. I’m sure he wants to see Josey as much as she wants to see him and Jadie,” Emily said. “Bring whomever else wants to come. But we need to get back. Rydere and Kindara especially have duties that demand their presence as soon as possible.”

  Rathan started to protest, state his claim on his female publically. Feminine fingers pinched his side. Her lips brushed his ear as she whispered. “Don’t even think about it, demon.”

  Rathan thought quickly before whispering back. “I will say nothing of my plans or our spawn, if you stay exactly where you are. It has been too long since I held you, my pet.”

  She stilled, before giving a small reluctant nod. Rathan smiled in triumph, eyes meeting the brother’s. He doubted the other male had missed the private exchange between Rathan and his sister, but doubted the brother had caught their words. Just the intimacy between them.

  The brother’s face darkened and he tensed, mouth opening to say something. Before he could speak, the door was flung open and a male Lupoiux rushed in. “Rand! We—”

  Before the male could finish he sniffed the air, then rushed Kindara’s brother, knocking him to the floor. Furious growls issued from the Lupoiux male’s throat as he fought the Dardaptoan.

  The Dardaptoan was clearly holding his own, releasing a laugh as he took a slash across his chest from a Lupoiux clawed hand.

  Rand pulled the other wolf off the Dardaptoan. “Jason! Back off!”

  The other male was as strong as Mallory’s brother and Rathan reluctantly set his female aside, her scream still ringing in his ears. If someone didn’t stop Jason—Jade and Josey’s father—the older Lupoiux could seriously injure his new son-in-law. Rathan helped Rand pull his uncle away from the Dardaptoan.

  Jason fought, like Rathan expected. “He smells like my daughter! What the hell has he done with her?”

  Rathan used his superior strength to hold Rand’s uncle until he was subdued.

  The Dardaptoan rose to his feet, wiping blood from his dripping nose. “Wouldn’t you like to know, wolf?”

  Jason growled, long and low. Kindara stepped in front of her brother. She glared at Jason and Rathan. “Enough. Josey is just fine, she’s with Mickey in Dardano.”

  “Who are you?” Jason’s tone held clear threat and Rathan resisted the compelling urge to kill the man for even daring to speak to her that way. And Jason was his friend.

  “This is my brother you just tried to kill. But like I said, Josey’s just fine. If you don’t believe me, ask your nieces.” Kindara waved toward Mallory and Emily. “As you can see, they’re in one piece.”

  He jerked his head in the direction she indicated, surprise hitting his face when he saw the two young women standing behind two of the Dardaptoan males. Jason’s face softened and the tension in his broad shoulders released. “Emmy. Mal. My God, girls...”

  Rathan released the wolf and Mallory and Emily threw themselves into his embrace. It was obvious he cared for them a great deal, something Rathan had long known. He placed a kiss on first Emily’s forehead then Mallory’s. “We were so worried.”

  “We’re fine.” Emily told him. “So are Josey and Mickey. Everything’s fine and this madness all ends today.”

  Rand grabbed his uncle’s shoulder. “Jay, what are you doing up here?”

  The older wolf darkened again. “I came to warn you.”

  “What?” Rand tensed as did Rathan.

  “Forty Lupoiux from the Redd Gothan pack are coming from the north and east sides of the mountain. They’ve got one purpose in mind—annihilating all the people on this property. How many do you have here?”

  “Fourteen Lupoiux, plus what’s in this room, Jade and another Dardaptoan female. I sent everyone off property because of the Dardaptoans’ arrival.”

  “We’ve got less than an hour, I expect, until this place is overrun. I made good time getting here, but I knew the way.” Jason released his nieces and turned toward Rand fully.

  “Twenty-four people on property now. Eleven of them female...Jade’s the only human, now.” Rand’s face held his rage.

  “Evacuation.” Jason nodded before looking at the Dardaptoans. “I suggest you all leave now, unless you want to wait around until it gets ugly.”

  Kindara’s brother gave a feral grin, far more wolfish than any expression of Rand’s. “Bring’em on. I love puppy-fights. And I have a personal grudge against the Redd Gothan pack. They attacked your daughter and Emily two weeks ago. I want as many of their pelts as I can collect.”

  The Dardaptoan king cleared his throat, immediately drawing attention in his direction. “We have space in our helicopters for your people. We can and will offer sanctuary in Dardano. And you’ll be able to visit with Emily and the others while you work out the details of Emily’s plans.”

  “But we’ll need to leave immediately.” Rand nodded, though all had no trouble sensing his reluctance. Rathan knew it went against the wolf’s instincts to run from a fight; had they not had females to protect he and Rand would have enjoyed the battle.

  The king nodded to the male on his left, the one introduced as the healer Barlaam. The male left, presumably to speak with the helicopter pilots. “Gather your people. I want to send the first helicopter in thirty minutes, and I want all the women aboard. They won’t stand a chance against a Lupoiux attack. And they will be after Emily and Kindara the most.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Rathan reluctantly left his female to her brother’s care before going on a scouting mission of his own. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Jason, but he’d be able to flash in and see the exact plot of the Redd Gothan pack. It had been one of theirs
that had attacked Kindara earlier, and Rathan felt the need for vengeance against the pack burning a hole in his gut. He wanted to slaughter them all--and theoretically he could. It was only hundreds of years’ worth of control keeping him from doing that. No creature could upset the balance in that manner without repercussions.

  He flashed to the woods surrounding the band of Lupoiux, keeping in half-form so that they could not see him. Why had the Lupoiux chosen this mountain and this time to attack? It was not unheard of for rogue packs to attempt to steal another pack’s territory. But the Taniss pack was unlike any Rathan had ever seen. They weren’t transient, and weren’t related by blood. Rand and his uncle had somehow pulled a group of about sixty wolves together consisting of small packs and rogues in search of permanency. The Taniss pack was now thriving, and Rand was the head of it.

  Rathan had little trouble identifying the Redd Gothan alpha; he was bigger than the rest, though his coat was just as ragged as his companions’. This pack had little money, little resources, and appeared to be mostly unmated males. Criminals? Or merely nomadic? Rathan watched them for a while, counting wolves carefully. Jason had underestimated--there were more than fifty.

  Did they think they could just kill everyone at the Taniss compound, then assume it for themselves? They must be very young wolves--or very dumb ones.

  The alpha seemed to be waiting for something. Rathan flashed closer as the wolf changed into human form. He wasn’t an intimidating male, stood barely six foot in Rathan’s estimation. He was dirty, and the pants he’d fashioned himself were of poor quality and dingy color. There was nothing remarkable about this alpha wolf. That he had thought to challenge Rand Taniss was another clear sign this wolf possessed little common sense.

  A trio of males in human form stepped into the clearing, pushing a young male dressed in the clothing Dardaptoans preferred. His garments were white, a sign he was of a royal blood. He wore the orange sash identical to the one Rathan had seen on the Dardaptoan king and on Emily, denoting a relationship to the king. Rathan flashed dangerously closer. If a Lupoiux were to step in his direction, his outline would be seen, if one stepped in to Rathan, it would prove extremely painful, even deadly—for Rathan.

  The alpha approached the Dardaptoan and circled him twice before speaking. “You owe my pack a considerable amount of money.”

  “Do I?” The Dardaptoan’s voice held clear disdain for the Lupoiux. Rathan was confused--why would a royal Dardaptoan owe money to an obviously shabby Lupoiux pack? The hatred and animosity between the two races was extraordinary. “But you attacked the wrong damned woman!”

  “Blonde woman, white clothes, green sash, in the gardens, with a dog. That’s who was there, and that’s who we got.” The alpha shrugged. “I lost six of my pack that day. You owe us for that job.”

  “But it wasn’t completed successfully. So why should I pay you more than what I gave you five weeks ago?” The Dardaptoan held obvious contempt for the wolves and Rathan wondered just how stupid the youth had to be to act so badly in front of so many dangerous animals.

  “Because if you don’t, we’ll kill you and dump your body on your king’s doorstep.” The wolf spoke of killing with complete disregard for life and that was chilling to Rathan. Would they kill the youth?

  Before that could happen, Rathan acted. He materialized by the youth and wrapped his arms around the Dardaptoan’s neck. He flashed back to the Taniss compound, pulling his new captive through the flash with him.

  He wanted answers and fast, because one thing stood out in his mind--Kindara was a blonde woman, who’d worn white clothes tied with a green sash.


  Kindara was arguing with Cormac when she heard a tell-tale pop that signaled the demon had returned. She instinctively stiffened, though she fought the urge to look at him. What was it about him that drew her? Was it just because he was an Incubus and preyed on females of any humanesque species? Or was it him?

  The surprise and tension that encompassed the occupants of the small garden house beside the helicopter pads had her turning to him. Her eyes landed on the Dardaptoan who’d been one of her daughter’s playmates Jierra’s entire life. “Jambu? What--”

  The demon cut her off and then stopped her when she stepped toward them. “Kindara, I thought you’d have left by now.”

  The rebuke was clear for her to hear and it had her ire returning to replace her surprise. “I make my own decisions, demon. Don’t forget that.”

  “Dammit, woman, it’s not safe here anymore!”

  Dhar Rydere interrupted before she could reply. “Malickus, care to explain why you have my young cousin with you?”

  “Cousin? More like a traitor to your kind.” The demon held Jambu with a hand wrapped around the back of the boy’s neck. He shook him effortlessly. “Found him in negotiations of a sort with the Redd Gothan pack.”

  Rydere’s face darkened, his anger rising just like Kindara’s surprise. “What type of negotiations?”

  “Seems the boy here paid these Lupoiux to attack a blonde woman, wearing white, tied with a green sash, in the gardens of your hotel.” The demon forced Jambu to his knees in front of Kindara, Rydere, and Cormac, then shoved him into a supplicant position. “I want to know who that woman was.”

  “Josey.” Cormac growled the words as he reached for Jambu. Rydere held out a hand to stop him.

  “I don’t believe so.” Rathan was shaking his head as he spoke. “Because apparently the Lupoiux were paid a deposit five weeks ago. So the intended target was not Josey.”

  “But she was of Cormac’s House, high enough to wear white. There’s only two,” Rydere said as the sound of the helicopter starting up just outside the building filled the small room. “Jambu? Anything you want to add in your defense?”

  Cormac yanked Jambu from the demon’s hand, shaking the smaller male viciously. “You threatened my family? My sister or my niece? Tell me now and I won’t rip out your throat and leave you here for those Lupoiux to eat your damned carcass.”

  “Enough, Cormac.” Rydere pulled his cousin from Cormac’s hands. “Now isn’t the time. He’ll stand trial as soon as possible. In the meantime, we need to evacuate now.”

  “My House tribunal?” Cormac wasn’t satisfied and everyone knew it. Kindara wasn’t surprised--her brother was the head of their House and he was extremely protective of his only close relatives--her, Jierra, and now Josey.

  “Mostly yours, and some of mine will make the council. My Rajni was attacked that day, too.” Rydere shot a glare at his cousin as he pulled Emily closer to his chest. “I will not ever forget that.”

  Jambu was pale and silent as he stared at their king and Cormac. Kindara almost felt sorry for him. Why had he done this? He and Jierra had been playmates all their childhood, had gone to school together--including the community college that all recent Dardaptoan graduates attended. What had made him betray them all?

  Cold howls split the air around them, drowning out the helicopters’ blades. It told them their time was up.

  Rydere gave the signal and Cormac pulled Kindara in front of him. “Don’t stop until you and Ji are inside the bird, understand?”

  Kindara nodded. She might hate to fly--especially in the flimsy helicopters--but it was the lesser of the two evils. She and Jierra went toward the helicopter seconds after Mallory and Emily, all surrounded by the male Dardaptoans. A hand grabbed Kindara’s and pulled her a step quicker. It was the demon. He lifted her the distance into the helicopter, passing her to Barlaam, who waited inside. Jierra was lifted next. Then the rest of the remaining men, Dardaptoan and Lupoiux.

  They’d arrive in Dardano in just over an hour, then she could put this strange ordeal behind her and get back to the goals that consumed her.

  And have Barlaam do a thorough examination to determine if what the demon had said was real. Her hand dropped to cover her stomach as she worried that it was. Weren’t demons potently fertile? What was she to do with a half-demon babe? If it were
male, he would be mostly demon just like it’s father. His father. And if it was a girl, she would be Dardaptoan like her. Like Jierra. A rush of warmth hit her as she looked at the daughter she’d raised from only four weeks old. She’d been a beautiful babe and a beautiful child. So sweet and kind, a joy to all around her. If there was a demon spawn, it would be ok if it was a girl. And even if it was a boy, she would find a way to manage somehow.

  But she doubted she’d ever be able to forgive the demon for the way he continued to take choices away from her.


  Rathan would have preferred to flash to the Dardaptoan stronghold of Dardano. But that would mean leaving his female and her daughter in the belly of that dangerous vehicle. He would not do that. He settled into the seat to the left of Kindara, eyes on the males riding with them.

  He would have none threaten his plans, and that included her brother and king. The king held tiny Emily close and Rathan remembered she too had an intense fear of flying. Probably due to the loss of her mother in a small engine crash when the girl was in her early teens. Mallory’s mate held the traitor Jambu with one foot on the boy’s neck. Jambu lay quietly in the center aisle of the helicopter, seemingly resigned to his fate. Mallory sat next to her giant and beside young Jade--who kept darting furtive glances to the Dardaptoan called Barlaam. What was all that about?

  Jade’s father sat with Rand near the back of the helicopter, heads close in deep discussion. Rand’s little mate sat beside her mother, quiet and subdued. Poor little creature--her life had changed so dramatically in the last three days only to be capped off with an apparent friend paying people to kill her--or her mother. Rathan leaned toward her mother. “Pet, how is your daughter managing? Is she well?”

  Kindara sighed, turned her head to look at her daughter. Her hand dropped away from her stomach and she placed it on her daughter’s knee for reassurance. “She’s had her spirit shaken. Jambu was her friend, a close one. Plus everything that’s happened...I’ve sheltered her, demon. Wanted to keep as much of the world’s ugliness away from her. And now this...”


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