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Reining in Riley

Page 17

by Claire Britain

  “Oh, that would be great, I would love it!” Joanna said in a tone of relief. “Thanks, Helen, Kate, you guys are the best!” she said.

  Kate grinned and gave Joanna a big hug. “Well I am off to City Hall. I told Riley I would take care of the insurance claim for her. The asshole who ran the red may have been texting according to a possible witness in the police report so I’m going to see what I can find out. Can I use Isaac for a few billable hours if I need to? I don’t think it will go to court and I’ll get back his time in the settlement, I’m positive.”

  Isaac Fuller was the firm’s attorney. He handled both offices and mostly reviewed contracts and agreements and weighed in on Human Resources issues. Kate had worked with him when they were rolling out the firm.

  “Yes, of course, that will give him something to do!” Joanna replied.

  “Riley only asked for her bike to be replaced, but I’ve got other ideas,” Kate said, heading for Joanna’s front door with a smile.

  “She’s not getting another damn motorcycle, not after this!” Joanna declared with a determined tone.

  “Jo, don’t think about that right now. That will be a ways down the road. Let’s just concentrate on getting your girl well, okay?”

  “Okay, you’re right, what’s Kate going to City Hall for anyway?”

  “You know Kate, she’s on a mission, she found out they have traffic cams at the intersection of Riley’s accident. She going to see if she can get the footage if there is any. Apparently the guy who was driving the other car is some business executive. If he was texting, Kate will find out,” Helen replied, handing Joanna her latte.

  “Riley is going to be in the hospital for at least another week and then she’s going to need 24/7 care for a while. I want to take care of her but I don’t want to step on her mother’s toes or Tracy and Rae’s for that matter. I guess Riley will have to make that decision. I just want her to feel comfortable,” Joanna told Helen, sipping on her latte.

  “Well, she’s lucky she has a lot of good friends. New York is probably off for her, do you think we should let Lannister know? I told him she was in an accident. That’s where that huge flower arrangement came from today,” Helen asked.

  “No, I mean even if she’s here for a while, she can still work on Bencom. The good thing is we’re so far ahead on everything; the commercial should be done in a couple of weeks. But she’s not going to be ready to go back to work for a while,” Joanna acknowledged.

  “Oh, and Sam brought Riley’s car by earlier. It was the battery, so he changed it and put it in the garage,” Helen announced.

  “Thanks, Helen, one less thing for Riley to worry about, and Tracy checked on her apartment today and let her landlord know what’s happening,” Joanna replied. “I’m going to see if I can find Riley a nightshirt. She wanted sweats and a t-shirt but she can’t wear that right now with the catheter. She just wants to be done with that hospital gown!” Joanna smiled. “Irene said she was going to wash her hair today so I’ll get her a hairbrush too.”

  “Okay, I’m going to the office for a couple of hours. I’ll see you back here around one and we’ll go and see Riley? Kate should be back by then.”

  “Helen, what can you do there that you can’t do from here?”

  “I just need to get some ducks in a row since we’re not going back until after Christmas and you know I’ve never been able to work from home.”

  Joanna found Riley the perfect nightshirt. It was more like an oversized shirt but soft and pale blue with a low open collar. She also decided to pick Riley up an iPad. She had been asking for her laptop but Joanna didn’t want her to be tempted to look at work.

  Helen was standing at the kitchen counter looking at her cell phone when Joanna returned from her shopping spree. The text from Kate read:

  Got the footage of the accident, it’s pretty graphic, may not want Jo to see it.

  Helen’s face was pale as she played the video watching in horror.

  “Helen, what is it, you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Joanna said, rushing over to her friend.

  “It’s nothing,” Helen attempted pathetically, putting her phone down on the counter as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Helen? Kate got the video, didn’t she?”

  Helen put her hands over her face. “Yes, but it’s horrible, Jo, you don’t want to see it!”

  Joanna just put her arm around her friend. “Maybe not now, but she’s going to be okay, Helen.”

  Moments later Kate came through the front door. “Did you see it?”

  “Yes, it’s terrible, Jo hasn’t seen it yet,” Helen replied sadly.

  “Show it to me, Kate, I want to see it,” Joanna said, leading Kate and Helen to the office.

  Kate queued up the video on Joanna’s office computer and the three women huddled in front of the cherry wood hutch watching the accident unfold before them. The graphics were surprisingly sharp for a rainy day and it was clear a black Lexus had run the red signal light. Riley’s motorcycle slammed into the front fender, sending her airborne onto the hood and then the windshield of an oncoming Jeep like a ragdoll. Her body lay motionless while people got out of their cars and rushed over to her broken body on the Jeep. For what seemed like eternity she lay there with various people trying to tend to her until finally the paramedic arrived.

  Joanna looked on in disbelief. “Christ, she’s lucky to be alive!”

  “I know and look at this,” Kate said, queueing it back up again, pointing to the driver of the Lexus. “Fucking douchebag is texting; look, that’s his phone. I’m going to subpoena his cell phone records; motherfucker is going to pay for this.”

  Before Kate knew what was happening, she was hoisted by the waistband of her jeans and back of her sweatshirt across Helen’s thighs where Helen began to go to work spanking her jean-clad backside.

  “Kate, we are all angry about this, but it doesn’t give you license to unleash that foul mouth!” Helen announced as she continued her assault on her girlfriend’s behind.

  “Okay, I’m sorry!” Kate squealed as the sharp smacks landed over and over while she kicked and squirmed trying to avoid her lover’s palm.

  “Now are you done with your mouth or do I need to get my hairbrush and take you into the bedroom?” Helen asked, pausing for the answer to her rhetorical question.

  “I’m done, I’m sorry!” Kate pleaded, hoping the assault on her behind had come to a conclusion as she looked down at the Oriental rug in Joanna’s office.

  “Very well,” Helen said, landing another sharp smack before she helped Kate back to her feet. “I’m going to change before we head to the hospital.”

  A red-faced Kate rubbed her behind frantically, trying to remove some of the sting her girlfriend had inflicted as Helen left the office. “Damn, I swear her hand is made of iron!” Kate said as the welled tears in her eyes started to dissipate.

  “You don’t have to tell me, kiddo!” Joanna said, smiling and putting a comforting arm around Kate.

  “Sorry, Jo. I just got a bit carried away, I’m so mad at that guy for what he did to Riley.”

  “It’s okay, kiddo; besides, he is a fucking douchebag!” Joanna said with a wicked grin, which made them both giggle. Their giggles were short-lived and they froze, seeing Helen’s imposing figure leaning against the entry to the office, legs crossed, arms folded with an angry look on her face.

  “Joanna, is it entirely possible that after going for years without needing discipline, I have to correct you twice in the course of two weeks?” Helen asked authoritatively.

  “No. Sorry, Helen!” Joanna replied sheepishly.

  “Very well, let’s go,” Helen said, landing a hearty swat to each of their behinds as they passed by her out of the office.

  * * *

  Jeff Mansfield saw the women enter the reception area. “Hi, ladies.”

  “Hi, Jeff, how’s she doing?” Joanna replied, taking the opportunity to ask some questions without Riley present.

  “She getting stronger, but we’re still not sure about the head injury. She can’t remember what she had for breakfast and she’s started having some bad headaches. Riley’s convinced it’s the pain meds we’re giving her and she asked me to stop them. She’s going to be very uncomfortable, but I have to respect her wishes, I don’t think she realizes how banged up she really is.”

  “Well, maybe if I show her this it might change her mind,” Kate said, getting her cell phone and showing Dr. Mansfield the video of the crash.

  “Holy shit, how did she survive that?” he replied in shock.

  Joanna looked down and rubbed her chin with her hand, closing her eyes. “I know, I’ll talk to her, Jeff.”

  “Let me see that again, Kate,” Dr. Mansfield asked.

  “I’m going to see if she wants to change into the shirt I got her,” Joanna said, motioning toward the double doors.

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes,” Kate acknowledged.

  “Hi, Riley, how are you feeling, Dr. Mansfield told me you stopped your pain meds?” Joanna asked.

  “Well, I feel so out of it, I think that’s why I can’t remember anything,” Riley said sadly.

  “I got you something,” Joanna announced, removing the nightshirt from the bag and handing it to Riley. “I can help you put it on if you like, unless you would prefer Irene to help you?”

  “It’s perfect, thank you. I just want this damn gown off me! Umm, I think I can do it,” Riley said shyly.

  Joanna smiled and drew the privacy curtain around Riley’s bed. “Okay, I’m right here if you need me.”

  Joanna could hear Riley struggling as she attempted to change and a stifled cry of pain came from behind the curtain.

  “Riley, let me help you.”

  “No, I nearly got it. Shit, dammit!” Riley continued to struggle and cuss until Joanna had heard enough.

  “That’s it,” Joanna announced, stepping inside the curtain.

  Joanna stopped when she saw Riley’s near naked torso. Bruises and lacerations covered most of it and a sutured cut ran from just above her right breast nearly to her shoulder.

  Riley just looked away, not wanting to make eye contact with Joanna. She lay there motionless with one arm in the new nightshirt.

  “Ugly, isn’t it?” she said sadly as Joanna’s eyes welled with tears seeing Riley’s battered body.

  Joanna silently helped her put on the nightshirt and then lifted Riley’s chin in her hand to meet her eyes. “Riley, I think you are beautiful,” she said, bending down and kissing her softly on the lips.

  Riley’s own eyes welled and a tear fell down over her bruised and swollen cheek. “You do?”

  “Yes, I do, Riley,” Joanna smiled, wiping the tear away with her thumb.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Considering ten days ago we didn’t know if you would make it, you are making remarkable progress, young lady. We may be able to let you out of here in a couple of days!” Dr. Mansfield announced.

  Riley’s face lit up and Joanna, Tracy, and Rae smiled at the news that Riley was doing so well just as Virginia Carrington and Valerie Martin entered her room.

  “Everyone’s in good spirits, what’s the good news?” Virginia asked, bending down to kiss her daughter on the cheek.

  Riley’s blood pressure rose just as it had done every time her mother came to visit.

  “I get to go home in a couple of days,” Riley said curtly.

  “That’s wonderful, darling,” her mother replied as Dr. Mansfield studied her chart.

  “Riley, who is your doctor, we need to transfer your records so you can schedule your follow-up visits,” he asked.

  “Umm, well,” Riley stalled, looking at the wall for an answer.

  “Riley, who’s the doctor you’ve been seeing? You just went a couple of months ago, didn’t you?” Rae said, smiling at Riley. “Did you forget?” she asked, concerned.

  “Well, not exactly,” Riley replied, blushing.

  “Riley, did you or did you not see the doctor?” Rae replied sternly, recognizing her friend’s guilty demeanor. She didn’t need an answer.

  “Riley, before the accident, when was the last time you saw a doctor?” Joanna asked coolly.

  “I dunno, it was when I had strep throat?” Riley said, looking questioningly at her mother.

  “Riley, that was ninth grade, are you telling me that was the last time you saw a doctor?” Virginia asked in disbelief.

  Riley felt all eyes on her as she blushed guiltily, looking down at her hands. “Well, that’s the last time I was sick,” she said defensively.

  Rae and Joanna glared at her and Joanna produced a card from her purse and handed it to Dr. Mansfield. “Dr. Morgan, she’s an internist, send them there, Jeff. I’ll give her a call and explain the situation.”

  “Yes, Ellen Morgan, she’s excellent. I’ll make sure she gets Riley’s records,” Jeff Mansfield said dryly. “Riley, I think you are well enough to leave the hospital in a couple of days, but you are going to need some help for a while so we need to come up with a game plan, okay?”

  “I don’t need any help, I’ll be fine. I just want to go home,” Riley said stubbornly.

  “I suppose she should come home with me for a couple of weeks,” Virginia Carrington stated with an air of obligation.

  “Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me, that isn’t happening!” Riley answered back in an angry tone.

  “Riley, how dare you speak to your mother in that fashion. Apologize this instant!” Rae snapped as Virginia Carrington held her hand to her mouth in a wounded fashion.

  Before Riley could make her insulting reply, an alarm from her IV stand started in a loud shrill tone as her blood pressure rose with her temper.

  “I think Riley needs to calm down a little. How about we give her a few minutes?” Dr. Mansfield gestured toward the door.

  “Riley, I can’t deal with you right now, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Virginia Carrington stated, leaving Riley’s hospital room.

  “Yeah, well, don’t go out of your way!” Riley yelled after her. “Bitch acts like she cares!” she seethed angrily.

  “Riley, we’ll be back in a few minutes. I suggest you calm down!” Rae said to Riley as the women left her room.

  “Riley won’t stay with her mother, I know that. She can stay with us but we’ll be busy with the bar and restaurant,” Rae said, thinking out loud.

  “She can stay with me, Rae. Kate and Helen will be there through Christmas so there will be someone home all the time to take care of Riley and I have plenty of room,” Joanna acknowledged back.

  “That may be a good idea and I think she might behave if she’s with you. I’m about ready to kill her!” Rae replied, shaking her head.

  Joanna smiled. “I know what you mean, and not seeing a doctor since ninth grade? But I guess we are talking about Riley, nothing really surprises me at this point!”

  Riley had calmed down when the three women returned to her room. She reluctantly agreed to stay with Joanna when she was released but made it known she did not need any help. Joanna couldn’t help notice that Riley looked weak with a pained expression on her face.

  “Riley, we’ve been patient with you due to the circumstances but now you’re going to start doing as you’re told. I can tell you’re in pain and I want you to take your meds. Your memory problems are from the accident, not the medication. You look exhausted and Dr. Mansfield will not release you until he feels you’re well enough, which won’t happen unless you help yourself.” Joanna continued her lecture while Riley looked down and fumbled with the button on her nightshirt. “And when did you start coughing?” Joanna asked as she helped herself to the stethoscope hanging over the IV stand and proceeded to listen to Riley’s chest.

  “I don’t know but it hurts,” Riley replied.

  Joanna felt Riley’s forehead. “You feel warm too. I’m going to find Jeff.”

  “I’m afraid you’re right, Joanna, we’ll do a chest x-ray
to be sure but I think Riley has pneumonia,” Dr. Mansfield stated as he listened to Riley’s chest.

  “Not good, Riley, a hundred and one,” he said, checking the thermometer. “I’m going to start you on some antibiotics and turn the pain pump back on, okay?”

  “Does this mean I can’t go home tomorrow?” Riley said sadly.

  “Well, I don’t think tomorrow was ever an option, but yes, this may delay your release,” Dr. Mansfield answered as the orderly came in to take Riley down to radiology.

  Over the next couple of days Riley’s condition improved and she was relieved to get the catheter removed. Despite being told by Nurse Irene not to get up without her present, she was able to move around with the aid of a walker. The pneumonia made her tired and every time she coughed, pain seared through her chest from her broken ribs. Her memory was still a concern to Dr. Mansfield but he hoped it would return over time.

  “Joanna, as long as you’re taking her and can keep an eye on her vitals, I think I can release Riley tomorrow. She’s still going to need her meds and I’d like her to follow up with Ellen Morgan in a week but I think she will be more comfortable at home. She seems very restless here and her BP has been elevated since she was admitted, but again, I think that’s due to the stress of being here. Shall we go and tell her?” Dr. Mansfield asked with a smile.

  Riley’s face lit up when she saw Joanna enter her room. “Hi!”

  “Hi, Riley.” Joanna kissed her on the cheek. “You look better today.”

  “Let’s take a look, shall we.” Dr. Mansfield put the stethoscope in his ears to listen to Riley’s chest. “Hmm, doesn’t sound much better, Riley, deep breath for me.”

  Riley inhaled deeply, which immediately resulted in her coughing.

  “I’m not sure, Joanna, we may need to keep her a couple more days. I’m not happy with Riley’s breathing, it still sounds acute.”

  “What? No, you said I could go home!” Riley pleaded.


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