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Reining in Riley

Page 19

by Claire Britain

  Riley improved a little every day and her pain became manageable with oral medication. Joanna had removed her IVs but was still vigilant, checking Riley’s vitals every day. Rae and Tracy visited nearly every day and Tracy brought over some of Riley’s favorite dishes, with enough for all the women. It seemed everyone was trying to get her to put back on some of the weight she had lost. Riley had her good days and bad days with her headaches and memory but overall she was becoming stronger. Joanna allowed her to get out of bed a few times a day to eat with everyone and move around a little, but Riley was becoming more and more restless. Her visit with Dr. Morgan was the following day and Riley was determined to convince her she was well enough to go back to work.

  For the first time since she’d been at Joanna’s, she was on her own in the house. Kate had run out to do some Christmas shopping and Helen and Joanna were both at the office. All three of them had been watching her like hawks so Riley took advantage of her brief spell of freedom. She decided to grab a beer from Joanna’s refrigerator and sit outside. Despite the chill in the December air, the sun was bright and felt wonderful to Riley as she sat on one of Joanna’s chairs next to the pool and drank her beer. Riley ignored an annoying pang of guilt that was nagging her and helped herself to another beer while she relished the December sunshine.

  “What on earth do you think you’re doing? You’re supposed to be in bed. Joanna will skin you alive if she catches you out here!” Kate announced, startling Riley, who was relieved to see it was only Kate behind her.

  “Oh, lighten up, Kate. I’m just sitting here. God, I’ve hardly been out of bed for three weeks and I’m over it,” Riley replied, taking a sip of her beer.

  “I tell you what you’ll be over. You’ll be over Joanna’s knee if she catches you out here, that’s what you’ll be over!” Kate said, grinning.

  Riley rolled her eyes. “Come have a beer with me, you don’t know how good this tastes after three weeks. Anyway, they have the Forbes interview today; they won’t be back for a couple more hours.”

  “Riley, are you even supposed to be drinking?” Kate asked with her hands on her hips.

  “No, she most definitely is not!” Joanna’s voice boomed as she emerged from the patio French doors closely followed by Helen.

  “What exactly is going on here?” Helen asked with a tone Kate was only too familiar with.

  “Hey, don’t look at me. I just got back and found little miss out here,” Kate replied defensively.

  “Shit,” Riley whispered under her breath.

  “Give it to me, young lady!” Joanna demanded, holding out her hand as Riley handed over her half-drunk beer.

  “It’s just a beer, I don’t know what the big deal is,” Riley pouted.

  “Well, then, when we are back in the bedroom, I’ll enlighten you,” Joanna said through her teeth.

  Helen helped Riley up and back to her bedroom. “Riley, it’s cold out here and you’re just getting over pneumonia.”

  “I know, I just wanted some fresh air and to feel the sunshine for a few minutes. I didn’t mean to upset anyone.”

  Joanna pulled back the covers on Riley’s bed, helped Riley off with her sweatshirt and sweatpants, and took a deep breath. “Riley, you’re taking some strong medication that should not be mixed with alcohol, and what part of bedrest don’t you understand? Sick or not, I’ll still take a paddle to your backside if you don’t do as you’re told. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Riley said gloomily as she swung her legs around into the bed. “I’m sorry, I’m just tired of not being able to do anything.”

  “Riley, Riley, Riley,” Helen said absently as she left the bedroom.

  “Riley, why don’t I get you a book from the office? That should keep you occupied for a while,” Joanna offered as she pulled the covers up around Riley.

  “I tried that but after ten minutes my head was pounding,” Riley replied miserably.

  “When did this start, Riley? We’ll have to tell Dr. Morgan when we see her tomorrow. Damn, what was I thinking! We rescheduled the Forbes interview for tomorrow after they couldn’t make it today. I’ll have to cancel,” Joanna said, shaking her head.

  “What, no, are you kidding? You can’t cancel. Do you know what kind of PR it will get for the firm? And anyway, I only need a ride. Kate or Tracy or Rae can take me,” Riley protested.

  “No, I want to be there when you see Dr. Morgan,” Joanna insisted.

  “Well, I rather think that’s up to me, don’t you, Ms. Armstrong?” Riley replied, not backing down.

  “Is that so, Ms. Carrington, maybe I should get my paddle from the office after all? Then you’ll have another ailment to tell Dr. Morgan about tomorrow!”

  “Look, if it will make you feel better, you can write everything down you want to tell Dr. Morgan and I will give it to her, or call her if you like. I will feel awful if you miss this interview on my account, it’s too important. It’s about the success of Armstrong, Klein, Dixon, not just Klein, Dixon!” Riley argued.

  “Well, since you put it like that, I’ll think about it,” Joanna sighed. “But whoever takes you is going in with you. Clear?”

  “Crystal!” Riley replied.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Rae and Riley sat in the waiting room of Dr. Morgan’s office after the receptionist had taken Riley’s insurance information. Riley was filling out a medical questionnaire, getting more and more frustrated at the questions.

  “Christ, I don’t know these dates and family history stuff,” Riley said, wincing and rubbing her forehead.

  “Headache?” Rae asked.

  Riley nodded her head and Rae grabbed the clipboard and started asking Riley the questions.

  “Let’s see, date of last wellness exam, I’m guessing never. Bloodwork was all done in the hospital. Pretty much nothing else since ninth grade. Family history, don’t know other than your grandmother died of a heart attack.”

  Rae answered all the questions and handed the clipboard back to the receptionist.

  “Why are we the only ones in here? Joanna said she was a good doctor. You’d think she’d have a few more patients,” Riley said as she rubbed her aching head.

  “Well, Riley, it’s my private practice,” Dr. Morgan said as she emerged from behind the reception area. “I reserved the last two hours before lunch for you. Hello, I’m Dr. Morgan. Shall we go back to my office?”

  The three women sat in Dr. Morgan’s office after the awkward introduction. Doctor Morgan was a striking Indian woman in her mid-fifties and beneath her white lab coat and tan pants she had an athletic figure with medium-length black hair and dark brown eyes.

  She studied Riley’s chart and questionnaire through her black-framed glasses.

  “Riley, you are very lucky, not everyone would have survived that kind of an accident. Tell me about the headaches and your memory,” she began.

  Riley answered all of Dr. Morgan’s questions with Rae chiming in if she felt she had missed any details.

  “Okay, Riley, I’d like to examine you now. First door to the left and you’ll find a gown behind the door,” Dr. Morgan directed. “Rae, make yourself comfortable. We’ll come back and discuss Riley’s status when I’m done.”

  “Okay, sit up on the exam table for me, Riley,” Dr. Morgan directed. “Your breath sounds are still labored. How’s the fatigue? Are you sleeping?”

  “Don’t have much of a choice. Joanna hardly lets me get out of bed!” Riley replied.

  Dr. Morgan smiled. “Well, she wants you to get better and I think you are doing very well, considering the extent of your injuries. Lay back for me and undo your gown.”

  Dr. Morgan opened Riley’s gown. “Your lacerations are healing well, but I see your ribs are still very tender,” she said, putting mild pressure on Riley’s ribs, which made her wince.

  “When can I go back to work? We have a new client and Joanna said she really needs me back,” Riley lied.

  “Really, and Joa
nna said that?” Dr. Morgan asked. “Riley, your working days are some time off, I’m afraid. Your head injury is quite concerning and I want to order some more tests. You can start getting up a little more but work is out of the question for now.”

  Riley was disappointed at the news but her mind started scheming. “Then can I get a note for work?”

  “Well, of course, but I can’t believe Joanna would ask for one,” Dr. Morgan said, a little annoyed and somewhat puzzled as she picked up the phone and dialed the front office. “Yes, put a note together for Riley Carrington to remain off work until further notice. Thanks.”

  Back in Dr. Morgan’s office, she discussed her findings and treatment plan with Rae and Riley.

  “I’m very concerned with the head injury. Riley’s balance is compromised and optic reflexes are slow. I’d like to order an MRI. With Riley’s headaches I want to rule out fluid building around the brain again. She doesn’t necessarily need to be on complete bedrest but I want her sedentary when the headaches occur. I’ll give you a prescription for the headaches and I’ve ordered a stat MRI for tomorrow. If it shows fluid building again, we’ll get her in for the procedure immediately. If I don’t think it’s cause for immediate concern, I’ll see you in a week, Riley. Any questions for me?”

  “Nope,” came out of Riley’s mouth as she stood up to leave and “Yes” from Rae’s at the same time as she started asking Dr. Morgan myriad questions.

  Riley rolled her eyes, wanting to leave the office as soon as possible.

  “You have an aversion to doctors, Riley?” Dr. Morgan asked after she explained some of the questions to a concerned Rae.

  “Not really, I’m just ready to leave,” Riley replied coolly.

  “You sit back down, young lady, while you still can!” Rae replied equally coolly with a threatening tone and look on her face.

  Riley sat back down with a red face and pouted through the remainder of Rae’s questions to Dr. Morgan.

  “Riley, I know it’s not the best news but we’ll know a little more after your MRI tomorrow, okay?” Dr. Morgan said kindly.

  “Okay, thank you, Dr. Morgan,” Riley replied politely, realizing her previous behavior had been less than cordial. The two women shook Dr. Morgan’s hand before they left the office.

  As soon as they were through the door, Rae landed a resounding slap to Riley’s backside. Riley almost expected it and didn’t protest.

  “Riley, you were rude!” Rae said angrily.

  Riley didn’t respond; she just got into Rae’s car compliantly.

  “We need to call Joanna and Helen; they might be out of their meeting by now,” Rae said as they got back to Joanna’s house. Kate greeted them quizzically and could tell by Riley’s face that the visit had not gone well. “Let’s go in the office and put them on speakerphone,” Rae gestured.

  Kate put a reassuring arm around Riley in a sideways hug as they went into the office and dialed Joanna’s office number.

  “Hey, how’d it go? Helen is right here,” Joanna answered.

  Rae began to explain everything Dr. Morgan had told them. “So she has the MRI at eight tomorrow and if it shows the fluid then they’ll take her immediately for the procedure. No eating or drinking after midnight.”

  Riley didn’t say anything during the phone conversation; she just let Rae do the talking.

  “You okay, Riley?” Joanna asked sympathetically on the other end of the phone.

  Riley didn’t answer right away, just stared at the phone. “I’m fucking sick of this, that’s what I am,” she said as she stormed out of the office.

  “Riley! Sorry, Joanna, she left,” Rae said.

  “It’s okay, Rae, we’re on our way home,” Joanna sighed.

  A couple of minutes later Riley came back to the office. She looked sheepishly around the door, seeing the displeasure on Kate’s and Rae’s faces. “I’m sorry, you guys.”

  Kate got up and walked over to Riley. “Riley, it’s okay for you to be mad, but it’s not okay for you to take it out on the people who love you and are trying to help you.”

  “Kate’s right and you’re skating on thin ice, young lady, so I suggest you take her advice,” Rae said with a small smile. “I have to go back to the bar but I can give you a ride tomorrow if you need it.”

  “Thanks, Rae, I’m sorry I’m such a butthead today,” Riley replied.

  Rae hugged her friend. “It will be okay, Riley.”

  “Kate, I’m going to use the computer, okay?” Riley asked.

  “As long as it has nothing to do with work, knock yourself out. Just don’t get a headache staring at that thing for too long,” Kate replied.

  “No, actually I want to do some Christmas shopping. It’s next week and I’m running out of time,” Riley said as she ushered her protesting friend out of the office and closed the door behind her.

  Riley took out the note she had gotten from Dr. Morgan and studied it. This would be easier than she thought. She covered the part with the writing with a blank piece of paper then copied it. Okay, let’s see, Riley thought to herself. Don’t want to push it. It’s Thursday today so let’s say next Monday. Riley looked at the finished note, quite pleased with herself.

  Riley pulled back up the shopping page on the computer when she heard the front door open and she shredded all evidence of the original note Dr. Morgan had given her. There was a soft knock on the office door before Joanna entered.

  “Joanna, I’m sorry for my behavior on the phone. I was just frustrated with the visit today. I guess the only good part is Dr. Morgan said I could probably go back to work next week if I don’t have to have the surgery tomorrow and I’m feeling up to it,” Riley said somewhat guiltily, ashamed she was lying to Joanna.

  Joanna frowned. “Riley, I think you misunderstood Dr. Morgan. She couldn’t possibly have said next week; maybe next month.”

  “No, it’s right here; she gave me a release. She said I’m doing great,” Riley stated apprehensively.

  “Let me see that,” Joanna said, taking the note from Riley’s hand. “My patient, Riley Carrington, is released to return to full duty effective twelve twenty one,” Joanna read aloud while Riley practically held her breath.

  “Well, Riley, it seems you’re doing a lot better than I thought. I guess if you don’t have the procedure tomorrow, you can go back home on Monday too. I have to say I will miss having you around here though,” Joanna said. “I’ll leave you to your shopping.”

  Joanna went into the kitchen with a puzzled look on her face where she found Kate and Helen enjoying a glass of wine. “Look at this,” Joanna said, handing the note to Helen.

  “Wow, that’s great, but is she really well enough to go back to work?” Helen asked.

  “Well, I don’t think so, but I guess if Dr. Morgan says it’s okay…” Joanna shrugged.

  “Wait, Rae didn’t say anything about her going back to work,” Kate said, reading the note. “And what if she has this other procedure, how can she possibly?”

  “Riley said if she doesn’t have it, she gets to go back to work.” Joanna just shook her head and poured herself a glass of wine.

  Back in the office, Riley was beginning to regret what she had done. She thought maybe she should come clean soon, before it went too far. But on the other hand, she realized Dr. Morgan wouldn’t be seeing them anytime soon. She had to go to an imaging place for the MRI and Dr. Morgan would not be performing the procedure if she had to have it. No, she was safe, she reasoned, but even so, she couldn’t ignore the guilty feeling she had in the pit of her stomach.

  * * *

  Riley lay in the MRI tube while the knocking lulled her almost to sleep. Then as almost as soon as it had started, the lights were back on and she was being rolled out of the tube.

  “Okay, all done, Riley. You should be hearing from Dr. Morgan in a couple of hours after she consults with the radiologist and Dr. Mansfield. You can go home but stay close to the phone,” the tech told her when she came back out of
the dressing room.

  “Okay, thanks,” Riley said before she went back out to the reception area where Joanna was waiting for her.

  “I guess they let me know in a couple of hours when Dr. Morgan talks with the radiologist and Mansfield. God, I’m starving, can we get a bagel or something?” Riley asked.

  “Sorry, Riley, if you have to have the procedure, you can’t eat,” Joanna said sympathetically. “I can call Dr. Morgan and see if she can expedite it?”

  “No, no, it’s okay, I’m sure we’ll know soon, can we just go home?” Riley insisted, a little panicked at the possibility that Dr. Morgan and Joanna might have a conversation.

  Back at Joanna’s house, Riley went to lie down. She was tired after not sleeping much the night before with the prospect of another procedure looming over her delaying her recovery.

  Joanna joined Kate and Helen in the kitchen and the three women sipped on lattes while Riley slept. The kitchen had turned out to be the popular hangout spot in the house since Riley’s handiwork had transformed it into a cozy space. It was comfortable and chic.

  “That’s odd, Ellen Morgan calling my phone,” Joanna said as she looked down at her cell. “Hi, Dr. Morgan, this is Joanna. What’s the news?”

  “Nothing yet as far as the procedure, but I was just wondering if I could have a word about Riley’s work,” Dr. Morgan replied on the other end of the phone.

  “Oh, I’m so glad. I just don’t think Riley is ready to go back to work for a while even if she doesn’t have the procedure today. I think Monday is way too soon!” Joanna replied, relieved.

  “What? I put Riley out indefinitely, until further notice. She said you were pressuring her to go back to work,” Dr. Morgan said in surprise.

  “Did she now?” Joanna said, beginning to see the light, looking at Kate and Helen with a furious look on her face. “So you didn’t write the note I have in front of me that says Riley Carrington is released to return to full duty as of twelve twenty one?” she stated more than asked.

  Kate and Helen were beginning to realize what was transpiring and Kate looked on in disbelief as Helen put her hands on her hips, shaking her head with pursed lips.


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