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Cocked And Loaded

Page 22

by Desiree Holt

  "I'll be happy when I can treat this tasty body properly. I'd like to pull Danny Christopher's body out of the morgue and kill him all over again."

  She laid one hand against his face. “It's all right. They really don't hurt so much anymore. I didn't even need stitches."

  "That's not the point. I don't want anyone harming you in any way."

  A feeling of warmth crept over her. She couldn't ever remember a time in her life when someone had spoken about her with such caring possessiveness. More and more Zane Cameron was owning her heart.

  "You sure your head feels okay?” he asked in a soft voice.

  "Almost normal.” The words strangled in her throat as he went back to kissing the undamaged areas of her breasts. His hands dropped to her waist, caressing the curves of her hips, and sliding down the outside of her thighs.

  Jamie shivered at his touch.

  Zane's hands stopped. “Am I hurting you?"

  "Only if you stop what you're doing."

  "I had more exciting things planned for the first night you spent in this house, but under the circumstances, I think we'll dial it way down. But I have to touch you, Jamie. Taste you. Hold you. I'll be very gentle, I promise."

  She opened her mouth to say she was just fine with whatever he wanted to do, but his lips captured hers just as his hand moved between her thighs to cup her sex and every thought flew out of her head. His tongue tasted everywhere in her mouth, licking at the roof and trailing over the line of her gums. He drank from the well of her mouth like a parched man in the desert, as if he'd never get enough. While the kiss drugged her senses, his fingers were driving her crazy, teasing her slit and lightly pinching her clit.

  When he lifted his head, they were both gasping for air.

  "I'd better take care of that business I mentioned before I'm too far gone. For this one, you just get to lay back and enjoy it."

  "I like the sound of that.” She stood quietly as he finished undressing her and carried her to the bed.

  He placed her sideways with her legs hanging over the edge, plumping pillows under her head. “I'll be right back. Don't move."

  As he headed for the bathroom, he shed his own clothes, tossing them onto a leather chair. Jamie couldn't take her eyes off the flex of the muscles in his buttocks as he moved. He had the finest ass she's ever seen.

  "Thanks,” he called over his shoulder. “I could return the compliment."

  Jamie's face warmed as she realized she spoken her thoughts out loud. Heat still suffused her when Zane returned carrying towels, a bowl, and a razor.

  "That's okay,” he grinned. “You can admire my ass any time."

  Setting everything down on the nightstand, he pulled over the footstool from the chair, draped a towel over it, and sat down. He placed his hands under Jamie's buttocks and scooted her back on the bed just enough so he could bend her knees and place her feet flat on the mattress. Very carefully, avoiding the bruised areas, he slipped a towel under her hips. Then he folded a small one and placed it across the thigh with the cut on it as protection.

  "I feel weird doing this with Kit downstairs,” she told him.

  "As long as she's not in the room with us, it's okay,” he chuckled. “And we'll be very quiet.” He swirled the razor in the bowl. “Now, remember. This is strictly medicinal. We don't want anything scratching against that cut on your thigh."

  The cut on her thigh was barely an inch long and hardly deep at all, but she knew Zane felt better using it as an excuse for what he wanted to do. Despite her aches and pains, all afternoon she'd been thinking about this, cream coating her thighs every time images crossed her mind. From the state of his erection, she was sure Zane had, too.

  "Medicinal,” he nodded solemnly, then ran a finger over her labia and circled the entrance to her vagina. “Gorgeous,” he hissed, “but it will look even better totally bare.” He looked up at her, mischief and passion mingled in his eyes. “Don't move, now. I'd hate to slip."

  "Better not,” she warned him, took in a deep breath, and let it out in a slow stream.

  Using a warm cloth, he thoroughly wet her curls, then sprayed them with shaving cream. With careful strokes, he began to remove her pubic curls, one patch at a time. His fingers moved very carefully, tugging at her skin to pull it taut when he needed to, pressing her thighs wider to get the little curls that drifted into the seam of flesh. His touch was incendiary, and Jamie had to clench her fists to keep from reacting. Every time a knuckle brushed her clit, her pussy quivered in response.

  "So sensitive,” Zane murmured, rinsing the razor and wiping her with the cloth in slow strokes. “You're so wet. All I have to do is touch you and more cream trickles out. Your beautiful pink pussy turns a deep rose color as it warms with arousal. And such a sweet little clit, hiding in its little hood."

  He pressed it between the knuckles of two fingers and rubbed.

  Jamie jerked at the touch, the pulse in her womb setting up a throbbing beat. His erotic murmurings were arousing her as much as his touch. She closed her eyes tightly and dug her nails into the palms of her hands to maintain control.

  He continued with his slow, careful strokes, avoiding the cut on the inside of her thigh. Instead, he pressed her knee outward to give him exposure to the edge of her curls at the seam of hip and thigh.

  Her pussy felt strange as the hair disappeared, cool, ultra-sensitive to the warm cloth he was using to clean her after every area was barbered. The ache in her head and the soreness in her breasts had receded in the face of the erotic act. Shaving her sex was the most personal thing Zane could do to or for her, and her reaction to it overpowered everything else.

  Using one hand, he separated the cheeks of her buttocks so he could reach the fine hair hidden back there. He continued to talk to her in a low, deep voice as he paid careful attention to every area.

  "And your asshole. Jesus, Jamie. I could come just from looking at it. I can't wait to shove my cock in it again, see that tight, tight muscle close around it as I work my way into that hot, dark tunnel. You have no idea how hard it is to control myself. I could go off the minute I'm all the way inside you."

  A soft moan floated from her lips.

  "Ah, you like that. Good, because I plan to do it as often as I can once you're back in fighting shape."

  "Okay ... now,” she protested in a breathless voice.

  "Not exactly,” he contradicted her. “But think how hot we'll be just thinking about it. Waiting for it."

  She moaned again, forcing herself not to push her hips at him.

  "There.” His voice had a thick quality to it. “Finished. Want to see."

  Oh, yeah. You bet.

  "Yes. I do."

  "Hold on."

  He pushed back the footstool and carried all the shaving equipment into the bathroom. When he came back, he was holding a mirror. Sitting down, he positioned the mirror directly in front of her cunt.

  "Go ahead. Look,” he urged, his tone heavy with lust.

  Carefully Jamie raised herself on her elbows and stared into the mirror. It wasn't as if she hadn't examined herself before. Sometimes she'd even propped her large hand mirror when she was masturbating so she could watch herself climax.

  But this was completely different. All that naked flesh stared back at her, and her clit and vagina stood out in stark relief. Fascinated, she followed the path of a trickle of fluid seeping from her opening and wiggling down towards the crack of her ass.

  "Touch yourself,” Zane whispered, leaning toward her. “See how it feels. Come on, Jamie. See how soft your skin is without all those curls."

  Tentatively she slid one hand across her tummy and down to her freshly nude pussy. He was right. Her skin was like a baby's, silky smooth, and the touch of her fingers on it sent sparks through her.

  "Rub yourself,” he coaxed, watching her with heavy-lidded eyes. “Move your hand all over the bare skin. Tell me how it feels to you."

  "It feels ... weird. Like it belongs to someone else."<
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  "Didn't you ever shave yourself before?” he asked curiously. “Or wax?"

  She couldn't stop running her hand over the smoothness. “Maybe a little trim, but that's all."

  "Touch your clit.” His eyes flared with heat. “Watch yourself rub it."

  She couldn't take her eyes away from the mirror. She brushed her thumb over her clitoris where it peeped out from its protective hood. At once it swelled and tingled, darkening with arousal. She did it again, then pinched it between her thumb and forefinger.

  "That's it,” he said in a guttural tone. “More. Like that."

  Jamie brushed her fingers back and forth over the hardening bundle of nerves, alternately pulling it and abrading it. With every touch, she saw more fluid trickle from her cunt.

  Zane dropped the mirror for a moment, closing his fingers around her ankles and spreading her legs wider before picking it up again. “There. That's better."

  It was true she could see more now. The flesh of her inner and outer lips was turning a rosy color, and the opening of her pussy stared at her like a miniature circle. It was like having an out of body experience, watching her hand move over the different parts of her sex as if she wasn't even the one doing it. She forgot about her headache, forgot about the tiny knife slices that stung if she moved the wrong way. Everything was centered on what she saw in the mirror.

  She tore her eyes away for quick glance at Zane and saw the deep flush on his cheeks, the fire burning in his eyes. Saw the pulse beating hard at the hollow of his throat. He wasn't even touching her, yet she felt him all over her. It could have been his hands gliding so smoothly over her newly bared flesh. His fingers probing and teasing.

  But he was watching. Watching her watch herself in the mirror. Watching her begin the slow buildup to the peak of pleasure. And the quick glimpse she had of his swollen, fully-engorged cock told her exactly how aroused he was.

  She let her knees fall even wider until she was nearly doing one of those crazy moves she'd learned in high school gym class, with her thighs almost touching the mattress. She watched her fingertips circle the opening of her vagina as if they were disconnected from her body, fire racing through her as if from an unknown source. Remembering what he'd asked her to do the other night, how aroused it made him, she dipped the tip of one finger inside, then daringly lifted it to her mouth and delicately licked it.

  "Jesus,” Zane breathed, his voice a low growl.

  She let her gaze drop briefly to his hands, white-knuckled on the mirror, then lifted it to his face where the desire she saw nearly stole the breath from her. Holding his gaze, she repeated the action, dipping the finger, bringing it to her lips, letting the tip of her tongue peep out to lick her cream.

  "Fingerfuck yourself,” he commanded. “Play with your clit. Do it, Jamie. Let me see you pleasure yourself."

  Shifting her gaze back to the mirror, she followed the path of her fingers sliding into her wet vagina until they disappeared to the knuckle. Her thumb rasped over her clit, setting up a rhythm that sped up her breathing. Her hands moving over that bare flesh mesmerized her, and the naked skin was more sensitive than she could have imagined.

  As her fingers and thumb worked in choreographed cadence, the orgasm began low in her belly, gathering force, building, building. She wanted to throw her head back and give herself over to it, but she couldn't stop watching herself in the mirror.

  When her climax grabbed her, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the reflexive movement of her hips. They hitched forward as her pussy sucked her fingers tightly inside. In a last, erotic movement, she raked a fingernail over her clit. Only then did she close her eyes and let the spasms take her fully, shaking her like a branch in the wind, every muscle in her body clenching and unclenching.

  Zane's hand gripped her wrist and pulled her fingers from her pussy. In one swift motion, he bent forward, lifted her hips, and replaced her fingers with his tongue.

  She couldn't breathe, all air trapped in her throat. Her brain was on fire as he pushed her into another orgasm, this one harder and more intense. She bucked against him, riding his tongue, a low, guttural sound that she couldn't believe was hers rolling up from her throat.

  Everything fell away and there was nothing except Zane's wicked, wicked tongue inside her and the shudders that raced over her. Her vagina clasped around his tongue over and over again until she thought she would pass out.

  It could have been a minute or an hour before he began to back off and bring her down, slowly, gently, lapping at her with softer and softer strokes. Finally, he lowered her hips to the bed, placed a warm, open-mouthed kiss on her bare mound, and scooted her up so she was solidly on the mattress. Kicking the stool aside he climbed up beside her, turned them both, and pulled her against him spoon fashion.

  "Jamie, Jamie, Jamie,” he murmured in her ear.

  Her heart was trying to hammer its way out of her chest and her breath was coming in gasps, but Zane's big hand soothed and eased her. His lips trailed kisses along her temple and cheek and beneath her jaw. Eventually, her body began to ease from the high he'd taken her to. She laid her head against his chest, a liquid puddle drained of everything but the love for him that grew every time they were together.

  His cock nudged against her buttocks and she realized that, once again, he'd taken care of her without thinking of himself. Even though she knew watching her was a complete turn-on for him, that he'd enjoyed the eroticism of the act, he was still hard as a spike and his balls had to ache.

  "For a guy who says he wants to be in control and likes his sex rough, you're turning into quite the attentive teddy bear,” she teased, her fingertips caressing the line of his jaw.

  "Actually a grizzly,” he joked. “But I'm stifling my growl until you get over your injuries."

  Somehow the sex between them had gone from angry and vengeful to raunchy and rough to incredibly tender. She wasn't sure she could handle it, despite the fact that he'd told her he loved her. And she'd told him right back. No one had ever been tender with her, and it scared her. What if it all disappeared in a puff of smoke?

  "I'm fine,” she told him. “Headache's gone.” Well, almost. “And it's hard to think about pain when you give me so much pleasure.” She reached behind her for his cock and wrapped her small fingers around its thick width. “If you really want to make me feel good, then fuck me, Zane. Right now. That's what I want."

  Zane's hand on her hip contracted slightly, and his breath hitched. “I promise I'll take it easy. Your head's still fragile."

  "Just do it,” she begged. “I have to feel you inside me.” She lowered her eyes. “I have to wipe away yesterday's memories."

  That awful, awful man on top of me, and his knife touching me, cutting me.

  A tiny shudder skittered up her spine.

  When Zane tilted her face up to his, she knew he saw what she was feeling in her eyes as blatantly as if she'd worn a sign.

  "All right, darlin'.” He kissed her, just a brush of lips against lips. Then one corner of his mouth kicked up. “Just remember. Kit's iPod will only block out so much noise."

  "I'll be real quiet,” she whispered, smiling back at him.

  "Let's make this as easy on you as we can,” he said in an equally quiet voice.

  Rolling expertly onto his back, he grabbed a condom, which he deftly rolled in place, and then positioned her over him, his strong hands firmly on her waist to take her weight. He was careful to keep her thighs situated so there was nothing rubbing against the small bandages.

  "Open yourself for me, darlin',” he told her. “Show me the way."

  Obediently, she pulled aside the lips of her pussy, and he adjusted her until the head of his cock was perfectly aligned with her opening. He was so erect it took little effort to slowly glide her onto the rigid shaft and lower her until he was fully inside her. Her swollen lips hugged the fullness of his penis, and the thick head pressed against the mouth of her womb.

  "Mmm.” She closed her eyes,
reveling in the feel of him inside her.

  One of his hands moved, and in a moment, she felt his thumb dipping into her wetness and rubbing the sensitive tip of her clit, instantly spearing a response. Tiny shivers raced over her spine, and the muscles of her cunt quaked around him.

  "That's it.” His voice was low and warm, soothing and arousing at the same time. “Let me do it all, darlin'. This time you just relax and enjoy the ride."

  He continued to stroke her with his thumb until she could focus on nothing but that one spot on her body and the waves of bliss rolling outward from it. The muscles of her cunt sucked at his thick length. Shudders continued to grip her as the heat inside her flared higher and her pulse throbbed and throbbed.

  When she felt the first thrust upward, she grabbed his wrists to balance herself, holding on for dear life. He set a rhythm, not too slow, not too fast, using his hips to push up into her again and again and again. His rigid cock rubbed her inflamed tissues with each plunge, and that sinful thumb kept working its magic.

  She kept her eyes closed, letting the electrifying feeling lance through her. Zane's breathing grew as ragged as her own, and the power of his thrusts increased. Her pussy clasped more tightly around him as if she could suck him deeper into her body. His hips thrust upward more powerfully and the swell of her orgasm grew.

  "Now, Jamie,” he hissed through gritted teeth. “Now, now, now."

  He pounded into her, his hand still firm on her waist. The moment she felt the first gush of semen through the thin latex, she splintered, coming completely apart, tossed onto a plane of pleasure so great she wasn't sure she'd survive it. Soft grunts rumbled from his chest as he thrust again, short little jabs to carry her through the aftershocks.

  Slowly, the tremors subsided and the muscles of her cunt stopped flexing around him. Her own breathing evened out as she filled her lungs with deep gasps of air. When she would have fallen forward onto his sweat-slickened chest he braced her and took her to the side again, careful of her breasts that still sported faint bruises from the attacker's hard fingers.


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