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The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 12

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Not until we return to the Communications and Transport Hub,” answered Aaliss. “With the sensor scans we have I am hopeful we can find a solution.”

  Jeremy nodded. It was about what he had expected. “Very well, Lieutenant Striker prepare the fleet to enter hyperspace and set a course for the Median Galaxy. However, I want to vary from our former course. Place us on a wide arc. Major Preston. I want a dark matter warhead detonated at the locations the Leviathan and the Alexander were destroyed. I don’t want to leave any evidence of who destroyed those two Anti-Life ships.”

  “They called themselves the Eternals,” said Commander Malen. “I wonder why?”

  “I suspect it’s because of the use of mechanical nanites,” Aaliss replied with a sad look. “They were using the nanites to greatly extend their lifespans even more so than those of the Originators. They may have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.”

  Jeremy leaned back in his command chair. It was becoming clear these Eternals, as they called themselves, were a major threat. However, the only way to find out for sure was to continue the mission. He just hoped he was making the right decision.


  A few minutes later the two fleets made the jump back into hyperspace. Behind them they left two fields of dying energy where dark matter missiles had detonated. There would be no signs of the two ships destroyed by the Eternals.

  Chapter Eight

  Nest Lord Creesth studied the latest reports from the other two fleets that were rapidly pushing into Shari space. Over the last several days resistance had steadily increased in more hit and run raids by Shari warships. Creesth was standing in front of a large computer screen in his quarters viewing the reports from the two Nest Lords leading the other invasion fleets. There was no doubt that somewhere ahead of him a massive Shari fleet was gathering. These small attacks were nothing more than nuisance raids meant to delay the arrival of the Ralift fleets in the region of space, which contained the Shari core systems. If it were up to him, the fleets would push forward avoiding these smaller Shari colonies. However, the masters wanted examples set of these worlds. Creesth trusted the AIs and would do as they ordered. They were the masters and must be obeyed.

  What concerned Creesth was why the Shari were resisting? While the Shari might be able to gather enough ships to be a threat to the Ralift fleets, they had no way to destroy an AI battle sphere. Creesth felt he was overlooking some key datum. There were no records of the Shari ever attacking an AI ship. Even in the battle the AIs had committed their battle spheres in the Shari had inflicted no damage. They had fired on the AI ships but none of their weapons had penetrated a single AI energy screen.

  Creesth knew when the Shari finally met his fleet in sufficient numbers to be a threat, the AI battle spheres would step in to ensure victory. The Shari Empire would fall and become part of the greater Ralift Slave Empire. The thousands of slave worlds the Shari controlled would become the Ralifts’. Limitless wealth and more resources would be available to the empire. The power of the AIs was absolute, and Creesth was well aware how wise the decision had been to support the AIs and become one of the four races they favored to conquer the galaxy. The Hocklyns had fallen, but the Ralift would soon be the supreme power and the favorites of the masters.


  Admiral Race Tolsen was in the Command Center of the WarHawk. The vessel and two Alton battleships were in orbit above the Shari planet, Melsberth. It was a sector capital just outside of the Shari core worlds. Melsberth was also the most populated Shari World within close proximity to the Dyson Sphere in the Rylus Star Cluster.

  “I don’t like this,” muttered Colonel Cowel as he gazed at the massive defensive stations surrounding the planet, all of which had their weapons aimed at the three Federation ships. “I feel like a mouse surrounded by cats.”

  “Relax,” Race said. He knew how Brice felt. While he was confident the shields of the WarHawk could withstand any conceivable Shari attack, it was still nerve-wracking to have so many weapons pointed at his ships.

  “High Lord Tabor is on his way over,” reported Captain Denise Travers from Communications. “His shuttle has just left their primary shipyard.”

  “Confirmed,” said Captain Davis, who was sitting in front of the sensor console.

  Race turned his attention to the large viewscreen. The planet Melsberth was prominently displayed. The world was similar to Earth but with larger oceans. A good eighty percent of the planet was covered in water. There were two major continents, which held the planet’s two billion Shari. Even as heavily populated as the two continents were there were still large swaths of green and under higher magnification, large areas under cultivation.

  “It looks a lot like Earth,” commented Commander Arnett from where she was standing gazing at the screen. “There are some large island chains that appear to have resorts on the beaches. I never imagined that of the Shari.”

  “Ambassador Tureen says the Shari are victims of circumstances. In order to save their civilization, they became a proxy race for the AIs. While they did as the AIs ordered, they tried to hold the bombardment of conquered worlds to a minimum. Where the Hocklyns, Borzon, and Ralift all used nuclear bombardment to reduce excess planetary populations, the Shari installed strict population controls, limiting families to having one offspring instead of two or three and taking several generations to lower the slave populations to what they considered controllable levels..”

  “They were still responsible for conquering thousands of worlds for the AIs and forcing them to work in slavery, producing materials for both the Shari and the AIs,” Colonel Cowel pointed out. “While they might not be as cruel as the other three proxy races, they were still responsible for the deaths of billions.”

  Race moved his eyes to the large Shari shipyard. It was massive and similar to the ones that could be found above Earth or New Tellus. The shipyard contained numerous repair and construction bays as well as serving as traffic control for the system. There were numerous cargo ships and a few passenger liners in its docking ports.

  “Shari shuttle has landed in the flight bay,” reported Commander Arnett.

  Race stood up, nodding. “Let’s go greet our guests.” It had only been a few hours since the WarHawk received a message from the Shari Grand Council requesting Race meet with High Lord Tabor. Tabor was high in the Shari military hierarchy. The council message informed Race that Tabor would have information on where the Ralift fleets were located and the forces the Shari would have available to meet them in battle.


  It didn’t take long for Commander Arnett and Admiral Tolsen to reach the flight bay. Due to the large size of the WarHawk, the ship had a number of transit tubes running the length of the vessel. There were several located near the command deck, which made reaching the flight bay a matter of only a few minutes.

  Upon reaching the bay, Race was satisfied to see a platoon of Marines lined up in formation. They were wearing the dress uniforms they wore to receive dignitaries. He knew the Shari demanded a certain amount of decorum for their military leaders as well as their higher and lower lords.

  As Race and Commander Arnett took their places, the hatch to the shuttle opened and four heavily armed Shari descended, taking their places at the bottom of the ramp. Then two Shari officers appeared dressed in highly decorated uniforms. The Shari were similar to Humans with a slight feline elegance. Their eyes were narrow and ears slightly pointed. Their hands had retractable claws, which they very seldom used except in ritual combat. In many ways, the Shari were Human-like.


  The two Shari officers descended the ramp, their eyes gazing at the assembled Marines. They noted the unmoving twin lines and how professional the Marines appeared to be. The two stopped in front of Commander Arnett and Admiral Tolsen.


  “I am High Lord Tabor of the Second Fleet, and this is my second in command, Lower Lord Varseth,” the more highly decorated one said. “I am honored by your showi
ng of respect for our ways.”

  “We recognize the Shari as a mighty and powerful people,” Race replied. He had spent a number of highly instructive hours with Ambassador Tureen discussing the necessary protocol for meeting various Shari. “If you will come with us, we have a briefing room set up for us to discuss the Ralift.”

  High Lord Tabor let out a deep breath. “The Ralift are a dishonorable people. Never did we expect them to attack this way without provocation.”

  “It is the AIs,” replied Race. “They are the driving force behind the Ralift.”

  “As they were to us for many years,” admitted High Lord Tabor. “There are many things my people have done we deeply regret.”

  As the four walked toward the briefing room, Race couldn’t help but think about High Lord Tabor’s words. He had wondered what type of officer the Shari High Lord was and now he was beginning to get an understanding. He seemed unusually reasonable about the current situation. It might be the reason the Shari Council of High Lords had chosen him for this meeting.

  As they walked through the ship and took a turbo lift to the level where the meeting was to be held, High Lord Tabor asked a number of questions about the WarHawk.

  “Your ship is truly astonishing,” Tabor said in admiration. “In size alone it rivals one of the AI battle spheres. Does this ship have the weapons to destroy one of those vessels?”

  “Yes,” Race replied. He knew this had been the primary driving force for the Shari asking for help. They had no weapon that could penetrate an AI battle sphere’s energy shield. “The Altons have helped us to develop the necessary weapons which can penetrate a battle sphere’s energy shield. As you have probably heard, the Altons themselves created the AIs in the far distant past.”

  Tabor nodded. “We have heard that story, but were not sure whether to believe it or not.”

  “It’s true,” Race replied. “However, it was the Simulins who adjusted the AIs’ programming to make them the menace they became.”

  “The strange beings who appeared in the Rylus Cluster,” said High Lord Tabor. “I have seen videos of our ships in battle with them. Their vessels were very powerful. Since the battle at the Dyson Sphere, no more of their vessels have been reported in our space. They seem to have disappeared.”

  Race didn’t reply as he knew the reason. In Rear Admiral Barnes’ report, she had mentioned that the Originators and their AIs were making it impossible for the Simulins to use the intergalactic vortexes to travel between galaxies any more. It was one less threat the Federation had to worry about.

  They reached the briefing room and entered. Inside, refreshments and food awaited that Race had been told the Shari preferred.

  High Lord Tabor studied the beverages and food available and nodded approvingly. “You have done well. Someone has taken the time to study our customs.”

  The four sat down at the small conference table. High Lord Tabor had poured a fruit drink which he placed in front of him. “Our latest reports from High Lord Droll indicate the three Ralift fleets are moving to join up with one another.”

  “How many ships are in the three fleets?” asked Commander Arnett, her brow creasing in a frown.

  “Fourteen thousand,” answered Lower Lord Varseth evenly. “There are also 314 AI battle spheres with the three fleets.”

  “They will meet up in the Razale System just outside of the region of space that contains our core worlds,” said High Lord Tabor. “We believe from there they will set a course to the Rylus Cluster and the Dyson Sphere. There are three of our core worlds between Razale and the sphere. The Grand Council is concerned the Ralift will attack one if not all of those worlds.”

  Race didn’t need to be told how big of a disaster it would be if the Ralift and the AIs destroyed those three core systems. It would destabilize the entire Shari Empire both economically and politically. The empire would then become easy prey for the Ralift and the AIs. The Federation could not allow the Shari Empire to fall to the Ralift. While it may not happen immediately, sometime in the future the Ralift would turn their sights on the Federation.

  “What size fleet are the Shari willing to commit to this battle?” Race knew not even his fleet could take on one the size of the Ralift and expect to survive.

  “High Lord Droll and the two High Lords resisting the other Ralift fleets will come together as one fleet,” responded Tabor. “That will be a force of nearly three thousand warships.”

  “Not enough,” Commander Arnett said frowning. “The Ralift would simply englobe such a fleet and either destroy it or force it to flee into hyperspace.”

  “High Lord Tabor’s own fleet will be involved as well,” Lower Lord Varseth replied. “The empire has four major fleet units of which Second Fleet is one. Second fleet consists of thirty-four hundred warships. Sixteen hundred battlecruisers and eighteen hundred support cruisers.”

  “The Ralift ships are all of battlecruiser size. My fleet along with the others will give us sixty-four hundred Shari warships,” said High Lord Tabor. “It will be the largest force we have ever gathered.”

  “That makes it a little more even,” said Race as he thought about how such a battle would go. “We would still be outnumbered by nearly two to one plus the AI ships.” Race looked intently at High Lord Tabor. “Is there any chance another one of your primary fleets could be committed?”

  “No,” answered Lower Lord Varseth, shaking his head. “The three remaining fleets are tasked with defending our home system as well as the Lyral Cluster which contains the majority of our core worlds.”

  Lord Tabor’s face looked strained and then he spoke. “I can call in a few favors from several Lower Lords in nearby systems. If they respond, it may give us another eleven hundred to twelve hundred ships.”

  “Do it,” Race responded. “If your ships can hold off the Ralift ships long enough while mine go after the AI battle spheres, we may have a chance.”

  A thoughtful look crossed Lord Tabor’s face. “If your ships could defeat the AIs, I am certain the Ralift would leave Shari space. With the AIs gone our other fleets would be committed to the battle.”

  “The Ralift have much to pay for,” Lower Lord Varseth added, his voice almost sounding like a growl. “The three Ralift fleets have destroyed fourteen small colony worlds of the Shari. Nearly three hundred million Shari have died since this incursion began.”

  “Then let us make our plans,” Race said, seeing an opportunity to bring the Shari closer to working permanently with the Federation. “For far too long our two races have been adversaries. It is time we brought that to an end.”

  “I agree,” Lord Tabor said nodding. “Many of my people feel otherwise as well as a few members of the Shari Grand Council. I have long felt we needed to take our race on a different path, particularly after the AIs left. Let us not waste this opportunity to show both of our people what our two races can do together.”


  For the next six hours the four stayed in the conference room making plans and discussing fleet dispositions. They only stopped long enough to eat and drink. In the end, they had a number of different battle scenarios and strategies the Shari and Federation fleets could use together or separately. When they were done, Race was surprised to realize the Shari were not that different from Humans, at least High Lord Tabor and Lower Lord Varseth were not. It gave Race hope that sometime in the future the Shari and the Human Federation of Worlds would become more than just trading partners. Between the two of them, they could right many of the wrongs the AIs and their proxy races had done.


  Race watched as High Lord Tabor and Lower Lord Varseth boarded their shuttle and departed for the Shari shipyard. High Lord Tabor’s flagship, the Malodor, was docked to the station.

  “That went well,” commented Commander Arnett. “In some ways it was as if we were speaking to other Humans. I was very surprised how cordial the High Lord was.”

  Race let out a deep sigh. “If not for the AIs, I suspect
the Shari and us would have been friends many years ago. We still may depending on the outcome of this battle with the Ralift and the AIs. We’re fortunate High Lord Tabor is one of the more reasonable Shari or this meeting might not have gone so well. There are rumors that in a few years he might be on the Grand Council.”

  “We’re going to be badly outnumbered in this battle,” Commander Arnett said as she turned toward Race. “Even with the ships the Shari are willing to commit we may not be able to win.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Race said. Even though his fleet had superior technology and the Alton built dreadnoughts, he wasn’t that certain of how this battle against the Ralift would end. They would be going against fourteen thousand Ralift warships, many of them battleships. Then, of course, there were the AIs. “Let’s get back to the fleet. It will take us awhile to get to our rendezvous point with High Lord Droll as it’s on the far side of the Shari core worlds.”

  “Off to battle once more,” said Commander Arnett.

  Race nodded. “That seems to be our destiny. Our galaxy seems to be in a near constant state of conflict. I don’t know if our days of fighting will ever end.”

  “One battle at a time,” Commander Arnett said as they made their way toward the Command Center. “Someday, it will be our time to rest.”

  Race hoped so. It would be nice to settle down and not have to worry about the fate of the Federation.


  Upon returning to the fleet, Race went to his quarters to get some rest. He was surprised to find his sister, Massie, sitting in his comfortable recliner waiting for him.

  “How was your meeting?” Massie asked as she got up to allow Race to sit in his recliner.

  “Interesting,” Race responded as Massie handed him a glass of iced tea. “I didn’t realize there could be Shari as reasonable as High Lord Tabor.”

  “Just goes to show there are reasonable people everywhere. After all, we have our own malcontents in the Federation.”

  Race knew of whom Massie was speaking. Governor Marcus Fulbright of Serenity was one such individual. He had caused all kinds of trouble when he was on the Federation Council. If it had been up to Fulbright, the Hocklyns would still be rampaging through the galaxy.


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