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The Royal Mate (Space Wars)

Page 10

by April Zyon

  “Right away, sir.”

  “Thank you.” He nudged her toward the sofa along one wall and got her settled with a blanket he pulled from the back and wrapped around her. “Let me talk to the official and find out the length of this, see about speeding things up. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be okay. I’m just feeling a little blah.” If she had caught what Morgan had, today was the first day of it. Tomorrow would be when she was miserable and wishing for death. “The sooner that we can get started the sooner it will all be over, right? Besides, look at that incredible gown they made for me,” she said as she finally caught a glimpse of the gown that had been created especially for her and the dress uniform for Markus. Incredible. Both of the outfits were one-of-a-kind creations and she wouldn’t muck things up by being sick and not able to go through with all of this. She couldn’t. She wanted to stand strong at Markus’s side.

  “I know, little one. But let me at least try to speed it up. Think about it this way, the sooner we are done here the sooner we can do the toasts and get you into bed. Be right back.” With a wink, he went over to the coordinator, who was talking with a woman. They spoke, occasionally turning to look over at her. The coordinator had a concerned look on his face and was nodding. Then the man dashed off while the woman spoke with Markus.

  Coming back to her side, he sat down and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “He has gone off to discuss things with the official and cut out anything absolutely unnecessary from the program. The woman over there will be helping you to dress. She’s recommended we wait until the last possible moment, because it’s a fitted gown and might make you uncomfortable.” The security officer he’d sent off came over to them and handed a chilled glass to Markus, who then passed it to her.

  She accepted the water and took a drink. “Oh, that’s perfect. Thank you.” She put the glass down on the side table, then leaned into Markus once more. “Tomorrow we’ll be back on the ship, right?” She hoped so, at least.

  “No matter what it takes we will be there. I want us in comfortable, familiar surroundings if this is what Morgan has. I appreciate Petr’s apartment, and honestly it is fabulous, but I want us to be in our own bed and space. I miss the groove I’ve worn into my mattress.” The doors opened to reveal the coordinator returning. “Let me talk to him, you rest.” Standing, he walked over to the other man and they immediately got into discussion with several security officers. There was a lot of nodding, some thoughtful looks, and a bunch of hand gestures from the coordinator.

  She watched him and frowned when the man glanced at her again. When the coordinator left, she looked at Markus, “Is everything okay? I take it that it’s time for us to get ready?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. They managed to cut a lot from the program but that pushes our appearance up significantly.” He helped her to her feet and gently cupped her face.

  After they were dressed, they walked side by side down the ornate hallways until they were standing before the officiator who would be crowning them both. She took a deep breath and waited until she was called upon to agree or disagree. She gave her assent and listened to Markus give his.

  Suddenly they were turned to face a new people who cheered their union, both of them kneeling and being crowned. Sadly that’s when Paisley’s stomach heaved. “Markus, I think I’m going to throw up.” Between the nerves of having a crown settled on her head and the illness, she didn’t know if she would be able to handle this or not.

  “Focus on me, little one,” he said quietly. He laid a hand over hers on his arm and squeezed it. “We only need to walk down to the doors and then we are free. I’ll signal security to delay anyone following us out. Chin up, slow your breathing, and think only of putting one foot in front of the other.”

  Paisley did as he told her, keeping her breathing slow and calm. She leaned even more on him and closed her eyes more than once as they walked out of the hall. Once they were outside, she didn’t give him any trouble at all when he swept her up and carried her to the tramp that would take them up to the ship waiting for them. “Whoever thought of having this here, please thank them,” she whispered. She removed her crown so she could lay her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes so she could focus on not puking all over them.

  “Probably the general. He has the pull to get Petr to allow one in this close.” She felt him sitting down and adjusting her in his lap. “Keep your eyes closed. I have a bucket for you in case you need it, but I’d rather you not lose your lunch in such small confines. The pilots would appreciate you holding out, too.”

  Someone took the crown from her hands.

  “Sleep, Paisley. I’ll make sure you stay nice and secure in my arms and then get you to our quarters.” Adjusting his hold, he tucked her head to his shoulder and began to rub a hand over her back while softly humming.

  “Thank you.” Before long, she was yawning. She thought she heard one of the guards whispering about the queen being ill but figured he was talking about someone else. It didn’t dawn on her until she was right on the edge of sleep that he was talking about her. It was with that realization that she drifted off into sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Admiral, they are bringing him down now.”

  “How is Samantha taking this and why isn’t she here yet?” Paisley asked. “Did you want to talk to him first?”

  “She’ll be along soon. Right now, she is in a room up the hall. She wanted a look at him before being face-to-face with him. My wife wants to see if there is a sense of familiarity with this man. We also thought it best that no one had any idea as to the nature of our meeting with him. Myself, Fintan, and the two of you means it could be anything. Most will assume it has to do with finding out more information on the last two still in hiding given they are still a potential issue for you two.”

  “Is there anything that I can do to help?” Paisley asked Petr. “Anything to make this easier on Samantha? The poor woman has been through so much already and I would help in any way at all that I can.”

  “You being here is enough for the moment,” he assured her. “I can’t say what might be needed later, but for now, we need to focus on determining once and for all if this man is Samantha’s father from her Earth. If he is, that will lead to other issues, like how he got here, for one. If he is not, then I can only hope this allows her some closure on the matter.”

  “Sir, they are bringing him in now.” Petr gave a nod to the security officer and moved to the side. He waved Markus and herself over to another place while Fintan took up position against a wall and affected a lazy pose.

  “Tell me why it is that you have brought me here in chains?” The man directed the question to Petr. “I have done nothing that would qualify for me to be wrapped in chains. I am a leader of my world. I do not deserve this insult.”

  “That leadership was revoked, as you well know. Sit him down in the chair,” Petr ordered the guards. The man was pushed into a chair, and his chains were secured to a bolt Paisley hadn’t noticed until right then. “You are here at my leisure, and since it is my ship a more civil tone should be taken if you plan to leave it the same way you came aboard.”

  “I used to hold office on that planet. I, too, deserve respect. While you might have revoked the leadership on the planet, we all know that there will have to be some sort of government on each planet, otherwise there will be chaos. One king cannot rule both galaxies and all of the worlds that are inside of them.”

  “That might be true, but it will not be you or any from your house doing so.” Petr moved closer once the guards finished securing the man and left the room. A second later Samantha slipped into the room and moved to stand where the man couldn’t see her. Fintan sidled in closer to her, protective as always of anyone he considered friend or family. “You are here to answer questions. You will not look around while answering them. You will always look directly at me, no matter who asks the question. And you will answer everything asked of you fully and with co
mplete honesty. If you don’t, then that trip off my ship will be through a door no one ever wants to walk out of. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, although the chains are still unnecessary,” the man grumbled.


  When she saw him led in, Samantha hadn’t been able to believe her eyes. There was no way it was possible. It was him. Holy mother of God, it really was him. She had started to cry the second she’d seen him, but fortunately she had been able to pull herself together before walking into the room where everyone was.

  She looked up at Fintan and nodded, knowing that he would understand what it meant. She took a deep breath and when he leaned down she whispered her question into Fin’s ear so that he could relay it to the man who was her father. “Ask him what his full name at birth was, including his middle name.”

  With a nod, Fintan straightened. “Please state your full name,” he said. “And the chains will remain in place because not a single individual in this room trusts you.”

  “Samuel Tristian Henry,” the man stated gruffly.

  She felt sick. The second that he’d spoken, he’d further confirmed what she’d already known. It was him. She looked up at Fintan and nodded. “It’s him.” She took a deep breath, then looked to Petr. She wanted to speak to her father, needed to speak to him. She had another question, however, and asked it. “Ask him what his mother and father’s names were.” If he gave the same names she knew, she would have to confront him. There was no doubt in her mind about it.

  Fintan frowned but nodded. “Please state the names of your birth mother and father.”

  By now Petr was looking her direction and Sam could read the concern in his eyes. Not a trace showed in his expression given he was standing before her father and would never allow anyone to know his inner turmoil or thoughts.

  When he gave the names of her grandparents, she stepped out from the protection of the wall and those standing there. “How, Daddy?” she asked him when she stepped into his line of sight. “How did you finally make it work? From looking at you, it couldn’t have been too long after I left for exploration, so how? Why? And when you knew that I was here with Petr, why didn’t you seek me out? I’m your daughter, goddamn you!”

  “Samantha,” Petr said softly behind her. She felt his hand come to rest on her back. “You had better answer all her questions, and quickly. Time is running out on what will happen to you when you leave this room. Depending on those answers you give could well see you having a long life—behind bars, naturally—but you would still be breathing.”

  “Because I left that life behind when I left Earth,” the man said without even looking at her. “I have built a life for myself here. I have a wife here. I am happy here where I was not there. That life is beyond me. Here I have money, power, and persuasion. Before I was ridiculed for doing what I did and here I am loved for the advances I can and have brought to the people.”

  “So, you’re telling me that I am beyond you?” Samantha asked, wiping angrily at the tears that flowed down her cheeks. “You deserve everything that you get.” She looked at Petr and nodded. “I’m done. Thank you.”

  “You are worthless,” the man spat at her.

  Samantha knew it was coming before it even happened. Petr didn’t lose his temper often, but when he did, it usually was with someone that disrespected her. It wasn’t even a shocker. He nudged her to the side, then decked her father hard enough the chair would have tipped over if not for Fintan, ever the helpful fellow, sticking a foot up to keep the chair upright. “You do not ever speak to my wife in such a manner. Security!” he bellowed. Then he turned to her and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight.

  The security officers rushed into the room and looked around. “The admiral would like you to remove the trash, if you would,” Fintan said, indicating her father. “I don’t believe he is overly picky about how it’s removed, but should it stumble into a few walls between here and the exit we would not be upset by the news.”

  A shared look, then nods from all four men before they unhooked the chains from the bolt in the floor and took her father from the room. He protested the entire way. Loudly.

  Samantha was sobbing. She couldn’t help it and couldn’t seem to stop. “I can’t. He.” She shuddered against him. “I can’t believe he was that callous. I mean even when we were on Earth together he wasn’t the most affectionate of men but he always cared for me. I knew that he loved me but now he hates me and I don’t understand it.”

  “He does not hate you,” Petr said softly. He was rocking her in his arms now. “He hates that he has been found out and will have to answer for more than even he knows. I don’t know what all happened but we will discover it.” Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he squeezed her closer. Sam looked up at him and sniffed once more. “Can we go to our quarters? I need to have some time alone with you. Please? I can’t deal with this anymore.”

  “Absolutely we can. The others can fend for themselves. They know where the food is kept, and will survive.” Shifting his hands, he bent his knees slightly. “Up,” he ordered. When she jumped up, he caught her and lifted until she could wrap her legs around his waist before heading to the door. Over his shoulder, she saw Paisley wiping at her cheeks while Markus rubbed her back.


  Twenty-two years later...

  Morgan looked at Lennox and laughed. “Holy crap, Len, you and I both know that he’s good for me and he loves me. We are soul bonded already, so you need to get off your high horse and be happy for me. You two have been friends for all of your lives, well, since his parents came on board Daddy’s cruiser. He loves me and you know it. Now, please don’t give him a hassle, not today?” Her hands smoothed down her white dress and she smiled once more. “I love him. I love you, too, Len, but please don’t take this from me?”

  Grumbling, her brother finally blew out a breath. “Fine, I will not hassle him today. But only because you asked it of me, little sister. For the record, he will never be good enough for you. No one ever could be. You are one of a kind, a true gem among the rocks.” He brushed his fingers down her cheek and smiled for her, the crooked one that was the real one. “You’re beautiful, Morgan. Dad is going to, how does Aunt Sam put it, flip his wig when he gets a look at you.”

  “He’s waiting outside the door for me. Thank you, for being here for me and helping me out.” That was her brother for her; he was always there for her. He was there to help her get dressed and she was thankful for that because she needed her brother today when she was so nervous. “The only thing that I hate is that I’m going to have to be on a ship where Mom and Dad aren’t. I’ve gotten so used to having them around.” She sighed, then added, “Although, you will be there, so there is that.”

  “You’ll still see them. You know they would never completely abandon you.” He adjusted a chunk of her hair, then stepped back slightly. “I will be there, Morgan. It will be good to have you underfoot once more. Although I doubt I’ll get away with shoving you in a closet when you annoy me these days.” When she smacked his arm, he chuckled. Catching her hand, he lifted it to kiss her fingers. “Deep breath before I let Mother and Father in. And try not to burst into tears when Mother does.”

  “You and I both know that won’t help,” Morgan said with a smile. “Now, let’s go and get me married, shall we? I’m glad that Uncle Markus agreed to be the one to wed us.” Although her soon-to-be husband was more than a little freaked out that the king of their worlds was going to perform the ceremony. It was actually amusing, truth be told.

  “Like he could have resisted the request. If it had been anyone but you asking he might have found a way to wiggle out from the obligation, but you and I both know he has never been able to resist your charms. Few they might be, and they are rather limited.” He laughed and leapt away from her before heading to the door. “Behave yourself, sister.” Opening the door, he waved their parents in. Right on cue, their mother looked her way and burst into tears. Over her shoulder,
Morgan could see Lennox rolling his eyes.

  That rolling of the eyes was all that it took for Morgan to start to giggle. She hugged her mother, then her father. It was exactly where they wanted to be and what they wanted to do.


  It was the wedding of one of the first children of their innermost circle. Paisley watched as the young woman and her father did the daughter-father dance and smiled. Fintan had been beside himself when the woman told him that she had a soul-bonded mate and that she wanted to marry him. Paisley looked to Markus and smiled, laying her hand on his and giving it a squeeze. “You did great today, honey.” Time had been good to them, but they’d also had their issues more than once. They had to fight against people from time to time, but now they had peace. They had full peace. There was no Imarian and there was no Craegin. They were now one people.

  “Are you okay, Markus?” she asked softly. She then looked at their children and smiled. Their children were quite a bit younger than Morgan and Lennox but they were having a blast at the party of a lifetime.

  “Absolutely,” he assured her. Dragging her chair in closer to his, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I didn’t think we would live to see this day, but here we are. Our worlds are working in harmony together. Everyone has adjusted to the new way of peace, and we are celebrating the marriage of the cutest little girl I have ever known next to my own sweet child. We did good, Paisley.”


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