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Unexpected Chance

Page 15

by Joanne Schwehm

  I really didn’t dislike Valerie; I disliked the way she’d acted around Alex the first time I met her. She kissed Alex hello and gave me a quick hug. I smiled at her “How’s your dad?

  She laughed. “He’s cranky and ornery because he had to rest at home, so I guess he’s getting back to normal. We both smiled and nodded at her. I could tell that Alex was both pleased and relieved to hear that. Mark and Valerie made their way to the caterers to start their first tasting.

  Alex looked toward the entrance and my eyes followed. Jack Logan was standing there with a woman. She looked as if she were my age. Oh, this was not good. I looked over at Alex, and he was grinding his jaw. I put my hand on his forearm. He grabbed my hand, and we walked toward his father. “Son,” Jack said and stuck his hand out. Alex took it, but his arm looked as if it weighed a hundred pounds the way he lifted it to meet his dad’s hand. He dropped it and grabbed mine.

  Jack looked at me as if he’d never met me before. “Dad, you remember my girlfriend, Aubrey.”

  I extended my hand. “Hi, Mr. Logan.” He shook my hand and smiled. I hated the vibe I got from him. Alex squeezed my hand.

  “Son, this is Darla.” Alex just looked at him. “Darla, my son, Alex.”

  She handed him her hand palm down as if to say, “Here you go; you may kiss it.” She licked her bottom lip before biting it. Alex took her hand and shook it. Ha-ha, no kisses for you, Darla! My insides were doing the happy dance.

  “Have fun and please enjoy the wine.” Alex spoke to them like strangers.

  As we walked away, I took Alex’s hand in mine. I couldn’t help but ask, “Who is Darla?”

  He shrugged. “I think she works in his office. I’m not sure why he brought her here. I didn’t realize he was dating.”

  I could tell that put him off balance. No sooner had we removed ourselves from the uncomfortable feeling brought about by Jack and Darla than we were being greeted by Leah. Tyler had obviously invited her, since she was on his arm.

  I had Alex’s hand in a death grip and was sure that he would have a bruise or a broken bone or two. Alex glared at Tyler. They exchanged looks; although, Tyler obviously was oblivious to the fury that Alex’s eyes displayed. Tyler had to know that she was a thorn in my side. Leah, on the other hand, looked pleased with herself.

  She kissed Alex on the cheek. “Hey, baby, this place is nice.” Nice? Nice? This room was gorgeous. She was such trash. She looked at me. “Did you decorate this?” I could feel my eyes glaring at her.

  “No, but she was the inspiration for the name.”

  I smiled and looked up at him. He winked at me.

  “Yeah, what does Amoureux mean and what language is that?”

  “It’s French and it means lover.” He looked at me and kissed me on my temple.

  Leah rolled her eyes and made a sour face.

  Okay, my glare was gone, and I was rejoicing at her discomfort. Tyler and Leah walked away, and I let out a breath. I just couldn’t stand her. Alex excused himself just before Valerie came up to me and said, “She is vile.” I was shocked, so I laughed. “What’s so funny?” Valerie looked confused.

  “We have something else in common. I can’t stand her either.”

  “What else do we have in common?” She looked confused as if I were setting her up for something.

  “Alex and Mark—I think we can agree they are both wonderful men.” Valerie nodded in agreement.

  I scanned the room, looking for Alex. He was standing a table with Mark, and they were both looking at Valerie and me. I think our men were waiting for us to break out into a cat fight; instead, we walked over to them and hugged them.

  The rest of the night went off without a hitch. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and pride was radiating off Brett and Alex. The guests cleared and Alex grabbed me. We were hip to hip. His body swayed leading me into a dance. I faintly heard the music that was being piped into the room. “I want you to always be my dance partner, Aubrey.” He spun me then dipped me. My head was almost to the floor. He lifted me up and my head spun. I always felt that way with Alex. He made my mind and body feel and do things that I never thought possible.

  “I’m going to take you home now, to my home, where we’ll continue this dance.”

  The look in his eyes told me what dance we would be continuing, and I couldn’t wait to get there.

  I felt comfortable in his apartment even though it was vast. He took his suit coat off and placed it over the arm of the sofa. He pulled me into him, and as he said he was going to do, he continued the dance. “I love dancing with you, holding you, feeling you against me. I love moving with you to our own beat. We don’t need music; follow my heartbeat, Aubrey.”

  My head rested on his chest, and I did just what he said. We moved together, our legs intertwined, rocking back and forth. His hand was holding mine, strong enough to make me feel possessed, but light enough that if I were made of glass I wouldn’t break. “I’m really happy, Alex. You make me happy. I just wanted you to know that.”

  He stopped moving and I looked up at him. His eyes . . . God, his eyes were amazing. They told a story, but they were difficult to read. He took my hand in his and led me to the bedroom. He turned me around and unzipped my dress. It fell to the floor, revealing my black lace panties and strapless bra. He kissed my shoulder then my neck, making my shoulder rise and my head tilt. He whispered, “Ahh, my favorite spot.” I nodded. He’d rendered me speechless at this point. He let his hands run down my spine and unclasped my bra. His hands moved to my front. He put his hands on my waist and started moving our hips back and forth. Sliding his hands to my breasts, he gently caressed them, sending a shockwave to my core. He rested one hand on my collarbone and the other on my hip. My head rested on his chest. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

  I turned in his arms and pressed my hips against his. I brought my fingers to his tie and loosened it until it was open. I continued unbuttoning his shirt and removing his cufflinks, which I slid into the pocket of his pants. I removed his shirt and just looked at his chest. It was an amazing chest supported by amazing abs; he really was fantastic. I leaned in and kissed his heart while unfastening his pants. He kicked them aside.

  “I love your heart, Alex. You may cover and guard it with muscles and walls, but you have a wonderful, gentle, and caring heart.” I trailed kisses from his heart to the base of his neck. “Thank you for choosing me to share your heart with.”

  He laid me on the bed and kissed me. It wasn’t hurried; it wasn’t aggressive; it was loving and romantic. Everything I had ever dreamed of or fantasized about was here lying next to me. We made love, but it was different from the other times. It was as if he poured his soul into me.

  He held me in his arms, my back to his front, and rested his cheek on mine. “I feel so safe with you, Alex. It’s something so new to me, and I’m so afraid. I don’t want to lose this. Please, promise me we won’t lose this.”

  “I never want to lose you either. I loved having you by my side tonight; I love having you by my side every day. You are an amazing woman, my woman. I love and trust you with my life.”

  “I love and trust you too. I know I didn’t at first and it’s difficult, but I guess since I have a boyfriend like you, I have to accept the fact that women will want my man. I’ll kick their asses if they touch you, you know.”

  He laughed, “I bet you will. You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t want anyone else to touch me, and I don’t want to touch anyone else. Only you, Aubrey.”

  I was running my fingers along his arm that was draped across my hips. “Your mom would have been proud of you tonight.”

  He exhaled. “I would like to think so. I wish your parents had been there. They could have seen what you and Julie did. Your work is amazing. Have you always wanted to be an editor?”

  “No, I wanted to be a writer.” I immediately tensed up. I really need to tell him about the journal. There wasn’t anything wrong with it since it was now about us and my
love for him.

  “I was never good at writing. I envied those who were eloquent with a pen. I was lucky I passed English.” We both laughed. “It’s late. Let’s get some sleep.” He kissed my cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 20

  We spent the next weeks together. When Alex wasn’t at the club, he was with me. I would go to his place, or he would come to mine. Amoureux was a hit. It was all the rage and brought more people to the club, which was both good and bad because many patrons had to wait. They weren’t always happy about that.

  Alex came over after a busy Friday night at the club. He was exhausted and I was tired too. I needed to get up early and help Mark move into his new apartment. The alarm buzzed at six. I quietly rolled out of bed and took a shower. I was going to be gone most of the day, and by the time I got back, Alex would be at the club. I didn’t want to wake him, so I left him a note.

  Good morning,

  I am heading out to help Mark move. I hope you slept well. You looked so peaceful sleeping I didn’t want to wake you. I know that you will have another long night tonight. J

  Call me when you get up.

  I love you,

  Aubrey XOXO

  I left the note on the bedside table and tossed the pen in the drawer. I left and went to help Mark.

  Mark’s new place was nice. He had taken a few days off and painted it. A cleaning person had come in and cleaned it. That was my gift to him, considering I didn’t want to be the one doing it; it was totally worth it. We unpacked boxes as they came in, organizing everything. Thankfully he was a guy, so there wasn’t too much in terms of knick knacks and general hoarding-type items. Valerie walked in with Chinese food for dinner. We were so busy that I didn’t realize I hadn’t eaten lunch. I’d been glad Mark had a coffee and croissant waiting for me when I got here this morning. What time was it? I grabbed my phone and noticed it was shortly after six. I noticed I didn’t have any calls from Alex. He must be busy. I’ll call him on my way home. I finished eating with Mark and Valerie and decided it was time to head home. Every bone in my body ached, and I couldn’t wait to take a shower. I hugged Mark and Valerie good-bye and dragged my ass home.

  I tried calling Alex, but it went straight to voice mail. I thought maybe his battery had died. I was sure he’d call me when he could. When I got home, I went straight to my bathroom, and peeled off my clothes, which felt as if they were painted on me. I felt gross. I let the hot water run over me. I thought about the last few months of my life and how it had changed. I had a burst of energy and decided that I would get dressed and head over to the club. I got out of the shower, toweled off, and threw a robe on. I dried my hair and went to get dressed. I walked in my room and felt my heart drop to the floor. Lying on my bed was my journal opened to the first page. There was a note resting on it.

  I needed a pen to write my loving girlfriend back, and to my surprise, look what I found. I hope you have enough material to write your book. A friend mentioned that she overheard you and Julie talking about using me for a book, but I thought she was jealous and trying to cause trouble. I guess she was telling the truth. At least someone was.

  Good-bye, Aubrey.


  My eyes immediately filled with tears. He has to know this was a long time ago. I looked at the page he read. It was about using the player. Didn’t he continue reading? And who was this “friend” who overheard Julie and me? It had to be Leah or one of her friends. Maybe it was that first night at the club when we were in the ladies’ room? I had no idea. My head spun. Is this why I haven’t heard from him? I had to go to him and explain.

  I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and my flats. I ran out of my apartment and took a cab to the club. I sent a quick text to Julie, telling her what happened. When I got there, a line had already formed outside. There was some pushing and shoving going on, and while the bouncers were handling that, I snuck in without waiting. Who knows if Alex told them not to let me in? The club was jumping, people were dancing, and the beat of the music mirrored that of my heart, strong and fast. I made a beeline toward the bar. I wasn’t sure where Alex was going to be, so I thought I would ask Tyler since he was normally bartending.

  My heart stopped. Alex was at the bar with empty shot glasses in front of him. Was he drunk? He never drank to excess because of his mom. I walked toward him, wanting to explain everything. There were people everywhere. I made it through the crowd and stood about four feet away from him. He looked at me just as Leah was walking by trailing her fingers across his shoulders. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into him and kissed her; no, he devoured her. My chest tightened, my heart raced, and I couldn’t breathe or move. I stood there and stared. I stared at this train wreck that was my life. Alex broke the kiss and looked at me. “How’s that for a player? Go write about that in your book because WE ARE DONE!”

  I turned and ran out of the club. I think I passed Julie on the way. I wasn’t sure. I couldn’t think; I needed air; I needed to get out. I was trying to break through the crowd to get outside. I wanted to go home, I wanted to cry, and I wanted Alex. The hysterics came in full force. I pushed my way out the door and into mayhem. There was a fight or something going on, and I was shoved so hard that I fell and smacked my head on the sidewalk, or was I in the street? I heard voices, was that Brett’s voice? All I heard was, “Oh my God, it’s Aubrey! Someone call 911!”

  I tried to open my eyes; I couldn’t. All I heard were voices. I heard Julie. “Aubrey, wake up. Open your eyes for me.” Her voice was gentle, and then it changed. “You asshole, you should have read the entire journal. You should have talked to her. She loves you! Look what you did to her!”

  Then there was his voice. “Aubrey, open your eyes, honey.” I couldn’t. I tried, but I couldn’t. I wished I could because all I could see were Alex and Leah. Sirens. I heard sirens. I saw . . . blackness.


  When I woke up, I heard beeping. My head hurt and my arms hurt. I tried to move, but it hurt. I heard muffled voices. Where was I? I tried to think about what happened and where I was. “Aubrey, honey, can you hear me? It’s Mom. Your dad and I are here. Can you hear me?” It felt as if I was blinking, but I couldn’t see anything. I nodded. Man, my head is killing me. I tried to raise my hand up. My arm hurt, but I managed to touch my head and felt gauze.

  “Water. I need some water.” My throat was killing me. I felt a straw against my lips and took a sip.

  “Aubrey, I am so glad you are awake. We’ve been so scared.”


  “Yes, I’m here, Aubrey.”

  A voice I didn’t know spoke. “I see the patient is awake. I’m Dr. Griffin. How are you feeling, Aubrey?” I felt my eyelids being held by his thumbs, so I knew my eyes were open, but I couldn’t see.

  “My head hurts. I can’t see anything. Why can’t I see anything?! Oh my God! Am I blind? I’m blind! Everything is black! I’m going to be blind?” I burst into hysterics. “I’m going to be sick; I’m going to throw up! Mom? Julie? Is anyone here?” Pure panic set in. I was screaming their names. Were they here?

  I heard an unfamiliar voice telling me she was going to sit me up. I felt hands on my arms, and I felt the back of the bed moving to a sitting position. “I’m Nurse Michelle, and I’m holding a basin in front of you. If you need to be sick, I’ll help you.”

  “Get everyone out of here. I don’t want anyone else in here. Nurse, I’m going to be . . .” I vomited and prayed I expelled in some type of container and not all over myself. I dry heaved. I felt a wet cloth across my forehead and then across my mouth. “I’m so sorry.” I couldn’t stop crying. “Nurse Michelle, are you still here?”

  “Yes, I’m right here. I know this is frightening, but I need you to try to calm down. Your blood pressure is accelerating.” I heard the beeping of the machine becoming more rapid. I took deep breaths and heard footsteps. “Aubrey, Dr. Griffin is here now; he’s been taking care of you.”
br />   An odd and older voice spoke to me. “Aubrey, I know you’re scared and confused. I don’t know what you remember from the night of your accident, but you’ve been in a coma, which is normal for a head trauma. Your CAT scan shows that you have what is called commotio retinae. Your loss of vision could be temporary or unfortunately permanent. Only time will tell with this type of injury. Do you see any flashes of light or shadows?”

  “No, nothing, I don’t see a thing!” What do I remember? What do I remember? Closing my eyes and trying to think back, I remembered running . . . the club . . . Alex . . . Leah . . . kissing? He kissed Leah and his hands were on her. I remembered her smiling. Everything was so fuzzy. I felt as if I were seeing a dream, not my actual life.

  Dr. Griffin let go of my wrist; he must have been feeling my pulse. “Would you like anything before I leave? Some water maybe? You may not think so right now, but you’re a lucky girl.”

  Yeah, I’m lucky all right. “Yes, please, I’d like some water. I have a friend here; her name is Julie. Can you please ask her to come in?”

  “I’ll get her for you. Your parents and boyfriend are here too.”

  My boyfriend . . . not anymore he isn’t. My heart broke at that thought, but as far as I was concerned, Alex Logan was not my boyfriend. He wasn’t even a friend. He was probably here out of guilt, or maybe he thought I would sue him since it happened in front of his precious club. “Thank you, just send Julie in please.” I knew my parents would be upset, but I needed to speak to Julie first.

  I heard the door open and close and then open. Was this going to be my life? Just sounds? How would I work? I needed my eyes to work. I couldn’t stop the tears. Somehow I was hoping my tears would wash away all the bad that had happened to me.

  “Hey, girlfriend.” She sounded so sad.

  “Julie, what am I going to do?” My crying returned in full force and my body shook; my chest ached. I could feel her arms around me. I hugged her and realized I had an IV in my arm because it tugged a little. Julie released me, and I rested back on my bed pillow.


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