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The Backstage Series Box Set

Page 6

by Dani René

  “Well, here we are. I hope you’re feeling adventurous,” he glances at me and smiles. He looks so excited and I find the excitement bubbling inside me. It’s the only non-date I have had in a while and I want to enjoy it. He gets out and makes his way around the car. I take a deep breath, steadying my pulse to a regular pace. When he opens my door, I give him a genuine smile.

  “Thank you, Callum.” His fingers on my lower back sends tingles down my spine as we make our way to the restaurant. His touch was so light, I thought I was imagining it. But I was too aware of the electric current radiating through my body at his fingertips heating my skin below the flimsy material of my top. The manager greeted him and showed us to our table.

  “Enjoy your evening, Mr. Hayes.”

  He walked off leaving us alone. Callum pulled out my chair and as I sat down I remarked. “This place is fancy Callum.” He gave me a sweet smile, and I realized the cheeky smirk was gone. That made me more nervous. I preferred the annoying arrogant Callum to the sweet one I had in front of me right now. Because I knew that the sweet one would weave his way under my skin and into my heart. I could now see why girls fell over themselves for him. Even though I can’t be falling for him, I agree with my sister and every other female in the world, he is incredible.

  “Only the best for my new intern.” The waiter arrived, and I was grateful for the distraction. Callum ordered a bottle of wine and a starter for us to share while we settled on dinner. Picking up my menu, my eyes dropped to the prices, and I gasped. The prices of the dishes were exorbitant. I knew Callum could afford it. The extravagance is something he’s used to.

  The waiter, back a couple minutes later with the wine, poured a taster and Callum took a sip. Then nodded to the waiter to fill our glasses. He left the bottle on the table and retreated. Once again, we were alone. “I would like to propose a toast,” he lifted his drink, and I followed his lead. “… to changing your preference,” he clinked my glass.

  “In your dreams, Hayes.” I added with a giggle and took a sip of my wine. He stared into my eyes and winked, the gesture sending a tremble over my body. The menu was filled with dishes I had only ever heard of. Everything sounded good, but I had no idea what tasted good. Moments later the waiter brought our starter. The service is impeccable, and I wondered if it was because he was Callum Hayes, or because they were just that good. Glancing down at the platter, I realized there was enough food to feed a small army. Although, everything looks incredible, and the smells were enticing. My mouth watered, and I realized I had skipped lunch. Work kept me busy.

  “Are you ready to order?” The waiter’s gaze fell to me, then to Callum.

  Cerulean eyes settled on me. “Do you trust me?” Those words and his gaze snagged me in a sudden rush of tingles. I nodded. He glanced at the waiter and placed the order for our main course. Once the waiter had disappeared, Callum turned to me again.

  “I hope you can relax tonight. Enjoy this. I realize you’re not like the other girls Tayla. And the tabloids paint an awful picture of me. However, they don’t know the real me.” I took in his expression.

  “So your persona they depict of you, isn’t true? You don’t go out partying and picking up girls whenever you want to?” His stare pierces me and I instantly feel lousy for what I said.

  “Yes, I have a colorful past. I have done those things you've read. Not now. I can prove it to you, but first, tell me why you’re so serious? You are very uptight. I need to know you, Tay. You intrigue me. I like to be intrigued.” The smirk that curls his full lips has me blushing, still my annoyance bristles.

  “I guard myself from getting hurt. My past has made me weary. Someone hurt me. So I don't talk about it. Other than that, I am an open book.” His eyes seared into me as if he could see inside me. The arctic-blue sparkled in the dim light of the restaurant.

  “Tell me what made you study sound engineering?” I took another sip of wine.

  “The music industry has been a dream for me. I am not a singer or performer. Being in front of millions of people isn't my thing. Not that I get stage fright, but, it’s just not me.”

  He nodded and smiled.

  “That’s understandable. It’s not for everyone.” His gaze dropped to the table as he pondered on a thought. Looking back up, locking his eyes on mine, he asked. “Why do you push so much? I mean, I don’t expect you to jump me.” He chuckled at that. “But, you’re closed off. Very much so.” He sounded genuinely curious. How do I answer that? I averted my gaze from his and tried to gather my thoughts.

  “My trust in men has been tarnished. I was hurt before in a way that doesn’t allow me to open up easily.” He stared at me as if trying to find another answer inside my mind.

  “So, if I was persistent and proved you can trust me… I mean, if you could trust me, would you be so inclined?” Those heated blue pools darkened to a beautiful midnight blue. Deep, captivating, and frightening as fuck. He knew his intense scrutiny unnerved me. The effect he had on women wasn’t lost on him, it was clear. I picked up my glass. Stalling. Thinking.

  “No.” His chuckle at my response rumbled in his chest. Giving me the perfect smile that made panties melt the world over. Here I was sitting across from him and I couldn’t fathom why he chose me.

  “I like you Tayla. No situation is too challenging for me. And you’re no exception." I peered at him, in awe at his blatant honesty. My mouth fell open and words evaded me. I swallowed thickly. Emotion washing over me in waves.

  “Honestly, I am difficult to win over. I am not the girl for you. Also, you seem sure of yourself Callum. We are working together. Or at least I work for you. You realize that this is dangerous territory?” He nodded calmly, assessing my answer. We stared at each other. It was silent for so long, I thought we would spend the rest of the night just sitting in silence.

  “Petal, let me tell you something, I have a past. There are things that make it difficult for me to trust women. Why do you think I am single? And have been for a long time.” There were rumors about him and his ex-girlfriend, apparently she used him. The details weren’t clear, but the hatred for her by the fans was unmistakable. Something happened, I wanted to know what.

  “This shouldn’t impact my job. I don’t want to be known for sleeping with my boss to get where I am.” My words were final. He nodded.

  “It won’t. I promise. I know you think you can’t trust me, but I will prove to you, you can. Besides, I want to take you somewhere tonight.” He blurted and his eyes searched mine. “To show you my favorite place in the world.” His smile was beautiful. It lit up his clear blue eyes. “Trust me? Even if only for tonight?” I didn’t have to think about my answer. The impulse to trust nagged at me. I can trust him. It was the look in his eyes that snared me. Holding me hostage.

  “Yes, Callum, I can.”

  He smiled. “Good, that’s my girl!” I am drawn in by the man I was fighting my attraction to. This wasn’t good, not good at all.

  The rest of dinner was relaxed. he didn’t ask me anything personal, we chatted about being on tour. It sounded like we would tour Europe first and then heading back to the States before heading off to the Southern Hemisphere. As we drove through the quiet streets, I realized we were headed up to the Griffith Observatory.

  It's been a while since I was here. My time at college brought us up here most nights. When we would bring a bottle of Jack and get drunk. Looking at the stars and the twinkling city lights. With sneaky glances at Callum, my stomach fluttered when the street lights passed and lit his profile. The angular jaw dusted with stubble. The need to run my fingers over his face was strong.

  Uncertainty crawled in my mind. Why he wanted me. He could have his pick of models, actresses, or any other woman. I mean, he’s Callum fucking Hayes. As terrified as I was at my feelings for this man, I promised him I would enjoy the night. That’s what I intend to do. When I open my eyes, I notice him glancing at me. “You okay, Petal?” His nickname for me made me smile. I nod.

/>   “Yes, it’s been a long day.” When he reaches over and places his hand on my thigh, my core tightens with a dull ache. A need I didn't want. Or even entertained in years. It was too long. My skin tingled below the material of my pants at his touch and my stomach flip-flopped. It’s been almost a year since I was with anyone. A man's touch. It was foreign to me. I was still scared, the fear clawed at me when I thought about it. Being naked with someone.

  “I promise not to keep you out too late, there’s something I want you to see.” When he drove up towards the Observatory I grinned. This was one of my favorite places in the city as well.

  “I haven’t been here since my third year in college.” My words heavy with emotion. The memories of being happy flooded me.

  “Come on. Let’s go have a look.” I opened the car door, slipped out and stood in awe. The stars were bright, the new moon a sliver in the dark sky. You could see the whole city below, lights as far as the eye can see, it really was a breathtaking view. I turned to him, “Callum, thank you. I forgot how beautiful it was up here.” He took my hand, and we walked towards the edge where we could get a better view.

  “The city of damaged angels.” A strong emotion raced through me and tears threatened. I blinked hard to stop myself from crying. After the turmoil and heartache, I needed to escape my old life. Now here I am in the very place I gave up because the pain was too much to handle. Here I stand holding the hand of a man I least expected to have standing next to me. It was overwhelming.

  He cut a glance to me. “Hey now. No crying. I don’t make girls cry.” The tears came like a waterfall now. Embarrassment flooded me. Here I am crying in front of one of the most famous men in the world. He turned me towards him and swiped my wet cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. His touch soft, smooth, and my eyes fluttered closed reveling in the sensation. His soft lips were on mine suddenly and I jumped back. “Callum! What are you doing?” He looked sheepish and gone was the arrogant man.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to. I got caught up in the moment. You looked so beautiful. I wanted to kiss away your tears.” He glanced down and turned away. Facing the city again. His walls came up and his expression was suddenly guarded. He let it down in that instant, and somehow, I let mine down too. In the dim light that surrounded us, I saw a broken man surface.

  “Callum…” He shook his head.

  “It’s okay Tay, I understand. Maybe you do like my brother. It’s always him, no matter how badly he treats girls they always flock to him.”

  His words puzzled me. “No, I don’t like Liam. But what are you talking about? There are multitudes of girls who would kill to be with you.” He chuckled and his gaze met mine.

  “Yes. I suppose there are, but none of them grab my attention...” He turned, his body faced me entirely. The smile on his face was gentle. “… only you.” My breath caught in my throat. What? What did he mean? I was an average girl, nothing special. Wait, no, this was his sweet talking! Wasn’t it? He confused and infuriated me, but this sensitive part was weaving its way into my heart.

  “What? I caught your attention by spilling coffee over you?” He laughed and nodded.

  “I guess so yes. You’re challenging and confident and so fucking stubborn. I admire that in a woman. Someone who can give me a run for my money.” His words sunk in. Thoughts whirling through my mind. Never have I been complimented by a man like him. I stared at the stars above us. They twinkled with a promise. If I could learn to trust him, this could work. Do I want it to?

  “I speak my mind Callum, and I am stubborn, because you infuriate me more than you know.” When I walked towards him I held out my hand. “I love challenging you, it’s fun. This…” I pointed between us. “… it’s new to me. You have to understand that a relationship is difficult for me.” He laced his fingers through mine. “Let’s not talk now. How about you drive me home?” I smiled and tugged him towards the car.

  We drove in comfortable silence to my apartment. He pulled up to the sidewalk, and I realized I didn’t want the night to end just yet. He spoke first. “I hope you enjoyed the dinner and the city lights.” I could hear the smile in his voice, but didn’t face him. I wouldn't get out of his car if I saw those blue pools that pierced my soul. Thoughts of kissing him were at the forefront of my mind now. “Petal?”

  Against my better judgment and against every ounce of restraint I had, I turned to him and whispered. “Did you want to come up? For a drink?” A smile that threatened to crack his face appeared, and he nodded.

  “I would.”

  I turned on the lights as we entered the living room. Inside my tiny space again, his scent invaded the room. “Make yourself comfortable. I am just going to change.”

  “Into something slinky and sexy I hope?” My glare quietened his chuckle immediately. “I was kidding, you need to lighten up, Petal.” His words said one thing, but the hungry gaze that travelled over my body said something different.

  Once in the safety of my bedroom, I changed into a tank top and a pair of sweats. Fully aware of Callum sitting in my living room, my body was tingling in anticipation. This will be interesting. There is nothing that can prepare you for Callum Hayes on your sofa. Relaxed. Sexy. Perfect. He had taken his jacket off and the shirt he wore hugged every muscle in his torso and chest. “Tea, coffee, wine, beer or water?” I grinned. His eyes sparkled taking in my casual appearance. The heat of his stare warmed my skin and the knot in my belly tightened. I was in so much trouble.

  “Wow, what a selection. Wine will be a perfect start.”

  “Start? Are you planning on staying that long?” I giggled. Since when do I giggle? Seriously.

  He winked and that cheeky arrogance was back. “As long as you want me.” I shook my head as I strode towards the kitchen. Grabbing two wine glasses out of the cupboard, I placed them on the counter and selected a red wine. Not that my collection was that big. Once the bottle was open, I half-filled both glasses.

  I felt him before I turned. His body radiating heat towards me. He had won this round because I was helplessly aching to be near him. To have his body against mine. When I turned—slowly—careful not to spill wine over him. I peered up through my eyelashes and those intense deep-blue eyes were staring down at me. His tongue flicked out moistening his soft pink lips, and the gesture sent a tingle straight to my clit. My pussy pulsed with need.

  “Thank you.” He took the glass from my hand. When his fingers brushed against mine, I almost dropped the glass. The way he held my gaze had my panties melting. My need for him surpassed every rational thought in my head. I needed to put distance between us. He was too close. Desire swirled thick in the surrounding air.

  “Callum.” I breathed his name. My voice was low, raspy, and I chided myself letting him get to me this much. Even though his name was a warning on my lips, he ignored it and leaned down. Instinctively, my eyes fluttered closed. His lips feathered mine and this time I had nowhere to go. He reached behind me and set his glass down on the counter. He freed me of my glass and gripped my hips in a vice like hold, pulling me into him. His rock hard body flush against mine. Every ridge and plane of those sculpted abs pressed against me. I was lost. Just for that moment. I let myself go in that minute. I gave in. And let this annoying man kiss me. I am so fucked.

  I ran my fingers through his soft hair and completely forgot about anything around me. He growled into my mouth as his tongue twirled with mine. It was such a sensual dance that my panties were soaked with arousal. I was fully aware of his erection pressing against my stomach. I had to catch my breath. He needed to stop. I needed to stop. My control slipped, but I had to get it back. This situation overwhelmed me. I placed my hands on his chest and I could feel his muscles tense. A low groan vibrated under my touch.

  The taste of him was intoxicating. With a slow push, he reluctantly broke the kiss. He held my face in his hands and looked deep into my eyes. The pad of his thumb brushed over my lower lip. His voice was hoarse. Filled with desire as he whispered. “Now
that is a first kiss.” Reaching behind me, he picked up his wine glass. Turning, he walked into the living room. Leaving me reeling from the most amazing kiss I have ever had. I picked up my wine, gulping a mouthful, then refilling my glass. As I walked back into the living room, he smiled like nothing happened.

  “Well, that was…” My words trailed off and I couldn’t find an apt description. Callum patted the space beside him on the sofa and I sat down watching him.

  “Yes, that was.” He replied in his low timbre. It seemed we were both stunned. I definitely wasn’t expecting a kiss with Callum Hayes to be so good. Well, that’s a lie, I knew it would be. A small smile spread across my face and he noticed. “Did I bring on that smile?” He inquired, I nodded slowly.

  “You surprised me, nothing more.” He reached out, starting at my shoulder, tracing a slow feather light path down my arm. It sent electric currents shooting over my skin. Goose bumps rose in the wake of his touch and I shivered involuntarily.

  “You do realize that you’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  “Callum, I am just an average girl. Please don’t say things like that?” He sat forward, his fierce gaze burned into me.

  Ignoring my request, he murmured. “You couldn’t be more wrong. Average doesn’t even begin to describe what you are, Tayla Quinn.”

  He set his glass down on the coffee table and leaned in towards me. My body reacted to his proximity and my lips tingled. My mind pleaded for him to kiss me again. And when his lips met mine, my eyes fluttered closed and the stars behind my eyelids sparkled. The heat of his kiss traveled over my feverish skin and my pussy pulsed with need. My clit throbbed for his fingers to tease me. To slide into me. My panties nearly disintegrated when his hand gripped my thigh, then continued to tease its way higher. His kiss scorched me. His touch ignited my skin. A primal growl from low in his throat tightened the desire in my belly. Slowly he moved over me. Our bodies in sync as I laid back welcoming him as he nudged between my thighs. Our tongues glided sensually over each other in a seductive dance. With his body hovering over me, his one hand slipped down and gripped my hip. My molten core was a volcano waiting to erupt. The scorching lava flowed through my veins.


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