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The Backstage Series Box Set

Page 22

by Dani René

  “Sure, what’s up?” I turn to the woman who is like my little sister. She’s been with us for so long, I can’t imagine what we would do without her around.

  “I need to go home after the wedding. There’re some things I need to sort out. I’ll be around for about three days after we get back from Napa to finalize anything you need. My flight is booked for that Wednesday night.”

  I regard her a moment before responding. “What happened? Why don’t you take the private jet?”

  She shakes her head, and her lips purse into a tight line. Something is very wrong—she’s never acted this emotional in front of us.

  “Ki, babe, what’s wrong?” Ryan rises and walks over to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. The emotion in the room is at an all-time high, and I feel like I’m invading their privacy.

  When she pulls away, I can tell she’s hiding something from us, but we can’t force her to tell us if it’s something personal.

  “Are you sure you want to go to the wedding?” I ask. “If you need to leave sooner, I’m sure Cal and Tay will understand.”

  “Yes, I want to be at the wedding. I just needed to let you know I have to take time off after.” With a small smile, she turns and walks out, leaving us in stunned silence. I cut a glance at Ryan and I can see he’s warring with himself to go after her.

  “Maybe you can fly out with her?” My suggestion has him spinning around to face me. Worry is etched all over his face, and I don’t blame him. Ki is one of those strong-willed, feisty women. Nothing ever makes her cry. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her shed a tear in the almost ten years I’ve known her. I need to talk to Cal. There must be something we can do to help her.

  “Do you think she’d even want me there?”

  “Bro, do you see the way she looks at you? You two are orbiting around each other, and it’s time you make a play for her already. Because this sexual tension between you and her is going to start giving me blue balls.” The comment earns me a scowl then a chuckle, because he knows I’m right.

  “Fuck off, Liam.”

  “Ryan, I’ve known you both for years. Do you think I would tell you to do something that would hurt you? I love you both. You’re like my family. I want you to be happy, and she deserves someone good in her life.” I don’t know where all this romantic, sappy shit is coming from, but the words spew out of my mouth before I can stop them.

  “Then why don’t you take your own advice, because you and Emma work. You looked happy in London, and when you got on the plane after the time you spent with her, you were a different person. So you need to stop being an ass and talk to her when she’s here. Don’t go and hurt her by using her.”

  “What makes you think I would do that?”

  “I don’t think you would do that. I can see how you feel. It’s written all over your face. I can’t wait to see how you’re going to claim her because I can see you going all caveman and dragging her back to your lair.” He guffaws at my incredulous stare. Something makes me think he’s right. I know I am fucked. Well and truly fucked.


  Watching the sun bright in the early morning sky as the plane comes in to land, my nerves kick in as soon as the wheels hit the runway. In less than twenty minutes, I’m going to come face-to-face with him, and I have no idea what to expect.

  I haven’t heard from him since the message on Saturday night, and I haven’t had the courage to respond. It wasn’t something that warranted a reply, but I didn’t know what to say even if I did. So, I just read it, over and over again.

  As I disembark, I make my way to the arrivals. It’s quiet this early in the morning, and my baggage claim is easier than I expected. Since I only have two suitcases, I can actually manage by myself. The thought of seeing Liam again has my stomach in knots.

  I don’t want to get hurt, and I know Tayla told me to be careful. To guard my heart. My sister knows me too well. I guess our fling in London was just that. A fling.

  The doors slide open and I spot him in the crowd. He’s in disguise, but I would recognize that lean, muscled frame, those incredible thighs, and that devilish smirk anywhere. When I near him, my voice drops to a whisper. “Hello, stranger.”

  He leans in and gives me a peck on the cheek. It’s awkward, but his arm around me and lips on my cheek have me needy for more. My gaze drinks in the sexy man who’s standing in the baggage claim waiting on me. Even under the dark hoodie, I can see his caramel eyes. Those same eyes that heat my blood and have my core tightening. The hungry way he stares at me has my body pulsing.

  His dark brows shoot up in shock. “Stranger? It seems we need to get reacquainted.” With a cheeky wink, he leans down and grabs my bags, and his spicy cologne intoxicates me causing a ripple of desire to coil deep in my stomach. It’s been months and this man can still do things to me that make my body react.

  “It’s been a while. Didn’t you forget me?” I question quietly. The curiosity in my voice is evident, and I hate that he makes me lose control so easily.

  His gruff chuckle sends tingles down my spine. “I couldn’t forget such a decadent peach, darling.” His arm circles around my waist as we make our way to the car. Liam unlocks the door, opening it for me and I slip into the passenger seat of the luxury SUV and take a deep breath. The excitement of being home again is keeping me awake. Jetlag is a bitch, and to be honest, I just want to pass out in a comfy bed. Preferably Liam’s.

  He slips into the driver’s seat and starts the engine. “So, where are we going?” My question comes out as a squeaky whisper. I was told—no, ordered—not to book a hotel. So I’m not sure where I’m staying.

  “My house.” My head snaps to him. “What?” His gaze flits over to me then back to the road.

  “I’m staying at your house?”

  “Yeah, until the wedding when we’re all heading to Napa. And after as well, unless you want to stay with Cal and Tay? They fuck like bunnies, so if you’re happy to put up with that then go ahead.”

  “Ugh, no thank you.” I giggle. My sister and Cal really can’t keep their hands off each other. “I just didn’t think I would be staying with you.” The thought of staying with Liam is exciting. Even though we haven’t spoken about what’s happening between us. Uncertainty clouds my mind about the one night that will forever be etched in my mind, on my body, and subsequently, in my heart. Even though I don’t want to admit it to anyone, I know my feelings for him are a lot stronger than I let on.

  “Well, I have a guest room. You can stay as long as you want.” His words are like ice water to my veins, and my heart rate plummets. What did I expect? To move into his bedroom, into his life? Shaking it off, I shrug my response.

  “Yeah, sure. Sounds good.” I plaster a smile on my face and turn to face the window. When he turns on the radio, my mind replays his words. Concentrating on the view, I take in the familiar scenery. Even though I have been gone for four years, everything looks the same. The Hollywood sign makes me sigh. I missed it here. Home.

  Although I loved living in London, my heart was always back home. Tayla couldn’t make my graduation, but my folks were there to see their baby finish school. Now that I have my degree, all I want to do is start my internship. When we pull up to a modern looking two-story apartment building, I gasp. There has been speculation about the homes the guys lived in, but I never expected this. The garden is vast and beautifully manicured. The upper level has a balcony, which wraps all the way around the second floor of the massive estate.

  Liam pulls into the driveway, shutting off the car. Once he gets out, he rounds the front and opens my door, offering me a hand. The simple gesture has my mind running wild. I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but it does. I slide my hand in his, the rough, calloused hands that knew just how to make me whimper and feel so good.

  With my luggage in hand, we make our way into the house. The interior is breathtaking. It’s light, airy, and modern. White walls with gray and silver accents. There are two large black leather so
fas in the living room with a glass coffee table on a bright red rug. A fireplace sits against one wall made of open brick, which looks out of place, but perfect at the same time. The muted shades are beautiful and understated. You would never guess it’s the home of a rock star.

  The large room opens to a modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances and a kitchen counter in the center. The things we could do on there. Shaking my head, I step farther into the living room and take in the breathtaking view of the ocean just beyond the patio.

  “Come on, darling. You can get settled. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, I haven’t eaten since last night. I’m not a huge fan of in-flight dinners.” The deep rumble of his laugh stirs something inside me, and I wonder if there is a possibility of us finding that easy-going friendship that sparked in London. We make our way down the hallway in silence, and I can’t help noticing his jeans. They hug his thighs perfectly, and the way they sculpt his ass makes me want to grab it.

  The bedroom Liam places my suitcases in is like a realtor’s dream come true.

  There is a king-sized bed, which looks as good as floating on a cloud. A built-in vanity sits to the left, and there is one wall of closet space. The window overlooks the ocean in the distance. Everything screams wealth, luxury, and escapism. It’s as if I’m on vacation.

  “This will be your room, so make yourself at home. I am going to get lunch ready. There’s an en-suite bathroom if you want to take a shower first.”

  “Thank you, Liam. I appreciate this.”

  His chaste kiss on my forehead tells me all I need to know. All the flirting over the past six months has been pointless. He doesn’t see me as an equal. I was fun for the moment, and now I am the little sister of his brother’s fiancée.

  That bothers me more than it should. Grabbing my suitcase, I unzip it, pulling out my clothes. Deciding on a pair of shorts and a tank top, I make my way into the bathroom. Black tiles and a shower big enough for two greet me. There is a spa tub in the corner, as well. Too bad this bathroom won’t be seeing any action.

  Turning on the shower, I strip down and drop my clothes in the hamper. Once the steam fills the bathroom, I step inside and instantly moan in pleasure as the warm spray eases my tired muscles. I hate long flights. This is a welcome reprieve after the trip. As the water cascades down my back, I close my eyes and savor it. Even though I am in the guest room, being in his house is strange. Does he see me as a little sister now? Or is there more?

  I open the shampoo and lather my long, brown waves that fall to the middle of my back. Liam loved my long hair, fisting it while he took me hard from behind. Shaking my head of the dirty memories, I rinse my hair and body and step out of the shower. Maybe I should show him that I’m more than a girl. I can tease him until he can’t take it anymore. Make him break. Wicked images flit through my mind when I think of all the ways I can tease him. With a smirk on my face, I moisturize my skin with the subtle peach lotion and get dressed. This is going to be fun.

  As I enter the kitchen, I find Liam at the counter drinking coffee. His dark hair is tousled in that sexy, messy way he wears it. Like he’s been running his fingers through it since he left me in the bedroom. A smile curls his perfect lips. “Did you have a good shower?”

  “Yeah, that shower head is an orgasmic experience.” I giggle. His gaze darkens, and I notice the caramel is now a dark chocolate. Fuck, this man is beautiful.

  “Really? And did you?”

  “What?” My frown has him chuckling.

  “Have an orgasmic experience?” My face heats, and I feel that heat spread over my cheeks and down my neck. I drop my gaze and turn away, and when I look back at him, he’s watching me expectantly, awaiting my response.

  “Liam, I never orgasm and tell.” I turn to the counter and find a plate with a sandwich and a mug of coffee. Focusing on that instead, I grab my lunch and slip into the stool. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I sat down. Picking up the one half, I bring it to my lips and take a bite. It’s utter perfection. The cheese is melted, and the bread is toasted just the way I like.

  “Never? Well, I don’t think you orgasmed in my shower. You’re pretty loud, that much I remember.” My gaze snaps up to his. His laugh echoes through the open-plan kitchen. Grabbing the kitchen towel, I can’t help chucking it at him. Embarrassment flames my cheeks, and my stomach comes alive with the butterflies.

  “Stop being an ass.”

  “Just saying, Peach. I remember you making sure the whole hotel knew my name in London.” Why is he talking about this? I’ve been annexed to the guest room. He clearly doesn’t want me. So why recall the time we spent together in London?

  “Yeah, well that was a long time ago.” Six months, two weeks and about ten hours to be exact. Not that I was keeping track of the last time I had the most incredible orgasm of my life.

  “It was. I was—” The phone buzzing interrupts him. With a quick swipe, he answers the phone and leaves me in the kitchen. “What’s up, doll?” The word rolls off his tongue like it’s second nature, and jealousy rears its ugly head. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have gotten invested. His reputation precedes him, and I should have known better.

  Concentrating on my lunch, I take another bite of the sandwich and finish it in a few bites. With a few long gulps, I finish the coffee, too. Grabbing the mug and plate, I make my way over to the sink. I am washing the cup when Liam rejoins me in the kitchen. He’s so quiet, I don’t notice him until I feel him behind me. His body is large, looming over me.

  “Who was that?” I question, the words coming out as a whisper. He doesn’t respond right away, but I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

  “Nobody.” He growls, but it’s not the sexy, deep one I love, it’s filled with frustration. I spin around and find his body inches from mine. He’s close. Too close.

  “Nobody called ‘doll’?” I grip the edge of the sink behind me to keep from slapping him. Yes, I’m jealous. Should I be? Probably not, but that doesn’t stop the anger slithering through me.

  “It’s an old friend.” He shakes his head as if trying to rid it of a memory, and I wonder what kind of ‘friend’ he’s talking about. He lifts his head and places a hand on either side of me, caging me in. “You want to do something fun, darling?” The change of subject is obvious I shouldn’t be asking questions I don’t want answers to . But his words are warm, and they wash over my skin like a soft blanket. Tingles race over my body. The tone of his voice is deep and rumbles like a sexy, purring engine, which has me clenching my thighs. Fuck, how can he disarm me so easily?

  “Like what?” The words are a mere whisper, and the need in my voice has me cursing myself. He’s so close, I can practically taste him. My eyes fall on his toned upper body. The black T-shirt hugs his chest and shoulders like it was painted on. The man has the body of a god. Sculpted, taut, and ripped in all the right places. My mind briefly flits to the memory of my tongue dipping in those ridges, dancing across those planes. What I wouldn’t give to do that again.

  His fingers reach up and lift my chin so that our eyes lock. He leans in, causing my breathing to hitch in my throat. This is the man who can make my knees wobble with a mere glance. “Anything you want.” His voice is gravelly, vibrating through him and into me.

  The spark between us is a force to be reckoned with, electrifying the air. Every inch of my skin prickles in awareness. He is way too close, and he smells way too good.

  “Liam...” His name on my lips is a plea, but am I begging him to come closer or to move away? Should I force the issue and ask him about doll? I fleetingly recall my sister’s advice and feel like I am already failing miserably at heeding her warning.

  “I’m not supposed to do this, but I can’t help it.” His thumb swipes over my lower lip and my tongue darts out, following the path his touch ignited with heat.

  He leans in closer, and his lips brush mine lightly. It’s so soft and so sweet that I can’t help reaching out and tangling my fingers i
n his soft hair and with a quick tug, his mouth is pressed against mine hungrily. He licks the seam of my lips, and I happily open to him, giving him a taste of me.

  As soon as his tongue dances with mine, a growl vibrates in his chest. His body is pressed against mine. The sink behind me presses into my back, but all I feel is Liam Hayes.

  He swallows my moans and steals my breath, using it as his own. Like he needs mine to survive. His grip on my hips sears the skin beneath the flimsy material of my top. Our bodies are so close, it’s as if we’ve become one person. Every soft inch of me yielding to every firm, ripped-as-hell muscle in his body. The feel of him has my core pulsing with need. The ache that I know only Liam could extinguish is alive and fighting its way through my body. But just as quickly as it began, he pulls away and spins on his heel, leaving me reeling from our heated kiss.


  Fuck! I shouldn’t have kissed her, but God, she tastes so good. Sweet, delicate, and sinful. Slamming the bedroom door and inhaling a deep breath, I flop onto my bed and stare at the stark white ceiling. This is going to be the hardest fucking five days of my life. Why does the universe want to torture me? Why do I have to be near the one person I can’t have?

  A soft knock sounds at my door. “Um, Liam? I am going to take a walk.” Her sweet voice filters through the door, and I jump up. In two long strides, I am at the door. When it swings open, the sight steals my breath. She’s changed into a pair of yoga pants, and a white tank top that hugs every curve of her luscious body. Her gorgeous tits are on display to my hungry gaze. Jesus fucking Christ!

  “Where are you going? You don’t know the area. I’ll come with you.” When she shakes her head, I grind my teeth. I did this. “Emma, you’re not going anywhere alone. So either you get over it, or you—”


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