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Hot SEAL, Undercover Groom (SEALs in Paradise)

Page 5

by Maryann Jordan

  “I gotta admit, if you’d asked me this question before I had this medical leave forced on me, I would’ve told you that I would stay in until I dropped. Now? It’s weird to recognize the limits of the human body.”

  “I would’ve thought with all the training you’d have recognized that before. Have you never been injured?”

  He shook his head. “Strangely, no. We learn to push ourselves beyond all limits and that becomes mental as well. We recognize that each of us have some weaknesses but, as a team, we function at a peak at all times. I confess that the last month has been mentally exhausting for me as well as physically.”

  “Because you had to face that you can’t always do everything? You do realize that just makes you human.”

  A deep laugh erupted, and she blinked at the sound. His voice was rougher than it had been when he was in high school, and yet her core spasmed in a way that she understood as an adult. Pure, mature, and oh, so sexy.

  “That’s the problem, Lynn. SEALs aren’t supposed to be human.”

  His intense gaze didn’t move off her face, and suddenly, the room felt very warm. Looking for a distraction, she dropped her head and stared at the notebook still lying on her lap. Grabbing her pen, she scribbled, then smiled. “I don’t want to forget anything, so I just wrote that SEALs aren’t supposed to be human.”

  He laughed again, this sounding much more lighthearted, and she was glad she’d given him that. They spent the next few minutes sharing favorites: colors, food, movies, books. Their bodies gradually shifted closer, until his hand was firmly on her shoulder, his fingertips now drifting through her hair. He didn’t even seem aware of what he was doing, but her senses were heightened just having him near. She noticed every slight movement but forced her mind onto the task at hand.

  “I’m surprised you don’t have a boyfriend.”

  She had been doodling in her notebook and at his statement jerked her gaze back to his. Unable to read the emotion on his face, she could not tell if it was interest or idle curiosity. “Um…”

  “Surely that’s not a hard question.”

  “Well, it wasn’t really a question. You just made a statement.”

  Grunting, he said, “Then let me make it a true question. Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

  “Who says I don’t?”

  Now it was his time to appear startled. “I guess I just assumed. If you had a boyfriend, would you be so interested in pretending to marry me?”

  “I guess that would be weird, wouldn’t it?” She sighed. This was easier when we were just talking about our favorite color. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment. Or, rather, I haven’t had a boyfriend in quite a while.”

  While speaking, she kept her eyes on her notebook doodles, but his fingers tightened on her shoulder and she jerked her gaze up to his.

  “It sounds like there’s a story there.”

  Shaking her head, she replied, “Probably, but I’m not sure tonight is the time for deep, dark confessions. Anyway, what about you?”

  “Being a SEAL doesn’t lend itself to having a permanent relationship. I know some guys can do it, but not me.”

  “So you just keep things casual?” As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew the implication was that he simply had flings and she cringed, wishing she could pull the words back in. The last thing she wanted to hear about was his casual one-night stands.

  “More so when I was younger.”


  “Yeah. There’s a lot of… uh… easy that hangs around the bars near a naval station, and that was okay when I first joined. After a while, though, easy is just meaningless. But, since my career doesn’t offer a lot of time, it’s hard to find something meaningful.”

  Her gaze locked on his, and it was on the tip of her tongue to ask if he was looking for something meaningful. But he’s going to be leaving to go back to his team. And he just confessed that being a SEAL was not conducive to a permanent relationship.

  Staring into his handsome face and his eyes that captured hers, she knew this job for Nancy was dangerous. Not because of what they might discover, but dangerous for her heart.

  Driving home, Nolan kept one hand on the steering wheel while rubbing the back of his neck with his other. He had hoped that spending the evening with Lynn would get him past the infatuation he’d had since meeting her yesterday. But instead, he found her more intriguing. If he was at a different place in his life, pursuing her would be enjoyable. But I’ve got no place in my life for a girlfriend.

  His phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. Recognizing one of his team members, Evan, he grinned. “Cowboy! How’s it hanging?”

  “Fuck, Ringer, I should be asking you that. When are you getting your lazy ass off your mom’s couch?”

  “Soon, I promise.”

  “What the hell are you doing with all that time off? You’re gonna be fat, weak, and worthless by the time you get back.”

  “I’m working out,” he defended. Well, not as much as I’d like to.

  “Yeah, bet your brain is going to mush,” Evan pushed, but Nolan could hear the laughter coming through the airwaves.

  “Believe it or not, I’m doing a job for my sister who’s a fuckin’ PI.”

  “No shit? Good, maybe it’ll keep you sharp.”

  Flashes of the job he and Lynn would be doing flew through his mind, but he remained silent. If my team knew I was going undercover as a groom, I’d never live it down. “Don’t worry. As soon as I get back, I’ll be ready to kick your sorry ass around.”

  “I look forward to seeing you try,” Evan said, still laughing.

  They disconnected and he sighed. Pulling into his parents’ driveway, he sat in his truck for several minutes, focusing his attention on the upcoming plan. Get in. Get what we need. Get out. Simple, uncomplicated. What can go wrong?


  “This is so beautiful.”

  Nolan glanced at the passenger seat of his truck and had to agree, but he was not focused on the outdoor scenery. Lynn was beautiful. Her hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders. Her makeup was subtle, highlighting her expressive eyes. Her lips were slicked with a light pink gloss, but just as his cock twitched, he jerked his gaze away. No thinking of what I’d like her lips to be doing!

  “This is such a pretty time of year.” Lynn leaned forward and peered upward toward the mountains.

  He had picked Lynn up at her apartment early that morning. Since his parents and she lived on the east side of Knoxville, they drove on the highway until exiting toward Sevierville. When they passed through Pigeon Forge, he was surprised to see how it had changed since he last came through. The main street was lined with outlet malls, hotels, restaurants, arcades, small amusement parks, and more stores than he could imagine would be packed into a small area. “Is there any room to put one more building here?”

  Laughing, she turned her smile his way. “I know! It’s crazy isn’t it?” She was quiet for a moment, then said, “I remember my parents telling me what it used to look like years ago. My mom was in her church’s handbell choir back in high school and said that a church in Pigeon Forge had them come and play. She remembers that this was just an uncrowded road, with few businesses and stores, a couple of churches, and one motel. Now, look at it!”

  After the drive through Pigeon Forge and passing the final traffic light, they were on the curvy road heading up into the mountains toward Gatlinburg. The trees were thick and green, and the Little Pigeon River rushed past them as it flowed from the mountains. It did not take long for traffic to queue as they approached the small town.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve been here,” he confessed, looking out the windshield at the mountains.

  “Me too. Now that I think about it, I don’t suppose I’ve been to Gatlinburg since I was in college. Funny, isn’t it? You can live so close to a place and don’t see it nearly as often as people who live far away.”

  The wedding chapel was on the far s
ide of Gatlinburg, and he glanced around as Lynn excitedly called out the different businesses she saw.

  “There’s the Aquarium of the Smokies! I haven’t been there in ages but always loved it! Oh, and look, there are now three moonshine distilleries in town. Did you know that the Pancake Pantry was Tennessee’s first pancake house? It’s been here since 1960.”

  Used to focus and dogged determination when on a mission, he had to chuckle at Lynn’s exuberant running dialogue of what they passed.

  “And the Sky Lift is different now. The one that’s been running since the ’50s was damaged in the big Smoky Mountain fire a few years ago. Now, there’s another one that’s in a slightly different place and includes a whole park. I’ve read about it but have never been there.”

  “Maybe we could spend some time here after we finish at the venue today.” He had no idea why those words came out of his mouth. He had already decided the previous evening that spending more time with Lynn than necessary was not a good idea. The last thing I want is for her to become infatuated with me again. The thought that he would become infatuated with her slipped into his mind, but he quickly pushed it back.

  “I’d love to see more of Gatlinburg again,” she replied.

  The fact that she didn’t mention that she’d like to spend more time with him did not go unnoticed. Good… that’s a good thing. She just wants to see the area, not me. That thought made him grumpy, but he pushed that emotion back as well. Get a grip, man.

  As she continued to call out what she saw, he inwardly battled the desire to kiss her. Glad when they finally passed through the small town, he turned onto a smaller road leading them directly to their destination. Turning off the engine, they both leaned forward and stared open-mouthed at the large, wooden sign in front of them.

  Cupid of The Mountains Wedding Chapel

  “Oh, my God,” Lynn breathed. “That name really is cheesy.”

  Nodding his agreement, Nolan dropped his gaze from the sign and looked toward the building. “But you gotta admit that’s not bad.”

  She leaned forward a little more, her eyes widening, and agreed. “Wow.”

  In front of them was a log cabin, complete with a grey slate roof. A small steeple was on the top and it appeared to be more of a bell tower than a religious symbol. Flower boxes overfilled with blossoms were placed around the railing. The landscape was well-tended: lush, green grass, flowerbeds, and the entire area was nestled at the base of the mountain, thick green trees all around. To one side was a small gazebo, flowers adorning it as well.

  They sat in silence for a moment, and he jumped as she reached over and placed her hand on his. Jerking his eyes from the picturesque scene in front of him over to her, he saw the questioning expression move over her face. Clearing his throat, he said, “Ready to get this show on the road?”

  She blinked, her face going blank. Her lips curved slightly, and she said, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  He climbed down from the truck and walked around to open her door. Today, she was wearing a pale pink sundress, her shoulders hidden by a white, lacy shawl. Her legs looked amazing, and even with strappy sandals, she still tucked under his chin. A strange uneasiness moved through him, an emotion that was hard to define. As they walked toward the wedding chapel, he fought to keep his mind on the information they were seeking, but with Lynn’s arm wrapped around his waist and his casually draped around her shoulders, he found it difficult to keep his breathing steady. What the fuck would the guys say about me now? Glad no one on his team was there to witness his disquiet, he offered her a smile as they stepped onto the porch.

  A sign on the door indicated it led to the chapel but that visitors should make their way around to the side. He guided her along the covered porch till they came to the next door.

  “I’m nervous,” she whispered.

  Squeezing her shoulders, he leaned over and whispered, “We got this.”

  He waited until she sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, nodding her readiness. Pulling open the door, they stepped inside. Uncertain what he was expecting, he was surprised to see a beautifully decorated room. One wall held a multitude of black, funnel-shaped plastic containers, each filled with sample wedding bouquets. Another wall was lined with pictures of happy couples in various poses in front of a multitude of backgrounds. A woman was sitting at a wooden desk, her hair teased high on her head. A smile split her face and she stood, walking toward them.

  “Welcome to the Cupid of the Mountains Wedding Chapel! My name’s Junelle. How can I help you lovely people today?”

  “Um…” Lynn stammered as her head twisted to the wall of pictures.

  Glancing to the side, it appeared Lynn’s gaze was still swinging around the room, taking in all that there was to see. Grinning widely, Nolan said, “We’re here to set things up for a wedding.”

  “Lovely!” Junelle exclaimed, her laughter sounding strangely like tinkling wind-chimes. “Well, you’ve come to the right place!”

  He wondered if she always spoke with such exuberance, but before he had a chance to speak again, Junelle was ushering them to seats in front of her desk. Once Lynn was seated, he moved his chair closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders again. Her bravado seemed to have fled once they stepped inside the building, and he hoped to offer his strength.

  “Now, when were you thinking about getting married?”

  “As soon as possible,” he answered. Smiling toward Lynn, he said, “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

  Her head bobbed up and down, her lips tense but curving. “That’s right. As soon as we can.”

  “Well, we’ve got several weddings coming up this weekend, but the next two days are open if you’re looking for something that soon.”

  “Absolutely,” he replied.

  “Do you already have your marriage license?”

  Before he left to pick up Lynn that morning, Rita had handed him an envelope with the necessary paperwork, telling him that she had already prepared the online pre-application for a marriage license. Now, he patted his pocket and said, “No, but I have everything we need.”

  Junelle’s smile widened even more. “Perfect. Then we can pick out everything that you need and you can go by the Gatlinburg registry after you leave here.” Reaching across the desk, she tapped her long, ruby-tipped fingernail on top of a thick notebook. “We’ll take a look at everything we offer, and you can decide what you want. Our weddings can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like.”

  “Well, I think simple would be—” Lynn began.

  “Simple, yes, but cost doesn’t matter. It might just be us, but we want it to be beautiful,” Nolan pronounced. His words had the desired effect as Junelle’s smile widened to an impossible stretch, and she nodded so emphatically he wondered how her tall, teased hair stayed in place on her head.

  “Simple can be so beautiful and elegant. I sometimes think that’s the best. And we have everything to make it just as memorable as you would like. Let me get one of my other books.”

  As she stood and moved to the other side of the room, he caught Lynn’s wide-eyed questioning expression. Leaning in as though he was kissing her cheek, he whispered, “We want to keep her happy and relaxed. We can do that by spending a little money. Remember, it’s not our money. The owner is paying for this.” He felt some of her tension ebb away with his words, and without thinking, his lips moved over her cheek, kissing her lightly.

  “This is why I love my job! I get to see people as they get ready for one of the happiest days of their lives!” Junelle’s tinkling, wind-chime laughter sounded out in the room again. She moved back to her desk, beaming at them as she plopped a large binder in front of them. “We’re going to take a look at flowers, decorations, the ceremony, cake, everything!”

  Nolan had walked into the wedding chapel ready to take on the mission, but the next thirty minutes stretched his patience. Thank God Lynn perked up, seeming to get over her nerves. Junelle had flipped through page aft
er page of floral arrangements, all looking almost the same to him. But Junelle, obviously seeing differences, tapped her long fingernail on each one, calling out the various flowers and virtues.

  “This one is mostly roses and baby’s breath, but I think that the white carnations and lilies create a memorable vision for a bride to carry. Peonies and dahlias are lovely as well. Of course, you can’t go wrong with anything you choose.”

  Lynn nodded and occasionally made the appropriate sounds of agreement, much to Junelle’s obvious delight.

  Then the intrepid wedding planner moved through large color photographs of cakes, going from elaborate tiers down to simple. This perked his attention, mainly because his stomach growled, reminding him he had eaten breakfast hours ago.

  Junelle discussed the virtues of unity candles versus unity sand jars, two items he had never heard of but noticed Lynn nodding once again. Moving on to the photo options, Junelle pulled out a separate album that was packed with photographs of previous couples and weddings. Besides just the photos, she included image flash drives, metal prints, photo books, and personalized ornaments. By now, his head was spinning and he was ready for a little recon. He squeezed Lynn’s shoulder, drawing her attention back to him.

  “Babe? You keep looking while I hit the men’s room.”

  Lynn smiled sweetly. “Take your time, honey. I’m sure Junelle and I have plenty more to look at and decide on.”

  “Sounds good.” He turned his gaze toward the older woman and asked, “Can you point me in the direction of the restrooms?”

  “Yes, they’re just down the hall. The door to the chapel is on the right, and the restrooms are just a bit further on the left, down near the office.” Junelle sighed with exaggeration and smiled widely. “I can tell you hate to leave your beautiful bride for even a moment. That’s why I love my job!”

  Giving in to the urge he’d had for a day, he tightened his grip on Lynn's shoulders and pulled her forward, kissing her cheek, close to the corner of her mouth. He heard the sharp intake of breath and felt her body tense underneath his fingertips. The scent of her shampoo filled his senses, and he knew this had been a mistake. One kiss, even on her cheek, and he wanted more.


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