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Fateful Attractions

Page 5

by Lucretia Stanhope

  “Everyone loves her. She really made me feel welcomed here when I first came. Between her and Kathy I knew I would never leave.”

  “I can see that. I’m reluctant to leave myself, though my list of why is shorter.” He slid his foot under the table to nudge hers.

  Gwen felt her cheeks get hot. His openness made her a little uneasy, but it was also refreshing at the same time.

  They had easy conversation the rest of the meal, they already talked about a lot of personal things on their many dates in Florida.

  When they were done he dropped her off at the yarn shop, and she told him that Dillon would bring her home.

  He drove toward her house to find Sergei and make sure that didn’t happen. He waited at the stairs to the basement when the sun went down.

  “Shane. It’s my feeding night, unless you want to donate.” Sergei walked past him.

  Shane followed behind him. “You were given an order last time we met with Dmitry.”

  Sergei stopped walking and spun around. “Excuse me, human?”

  “The sheriff, he’s a problem.”

  Sergei laughed. “You still struggling to seduce Gwen? You want me to give you some pointers?”

  Shane snorted and walked closer to Sergei. He knew Sergei answered to Dmitry and since Dmitry wanted him and Gwen together, he felt relatively safe with pushing him. “Do your job and get rid of him.” He poked his chest, finding it hard and cold.

  Sergei snatched Shane by his shirt, and shook him while he spoke. “Don’t annoy a hungry monster.” He would have gladly killed Dillon, he didn’t care for the human one way or the other, and he was hungry. Since the impudent witch made rude demands, he would need to remove the problem without killing him. He didn’t take orders from witches. “Dillon will break her heart tomorrow. You think you can catch her when she falls, or do I need to entrance her for you too?” Sergei slammed him into the wall and then dropped him.

  Shane took a few steps back when Sergei let go of him. “You just see to it he is out of my way. I’m running out of time.”

  Sergei’s fists balled at his side and his lips pulled back, revealing his fangs. “That you are. Don’t give me a reason to make your nights here painful.”

  “Just do your job, big guy.” Shane brushed his shirt straight and gave a quick smile.

  Before he had a chance to say anything else he felt Sergei vanish, he was alone. Alone with several hours to kill before her group let out.

  He walked toward the upstairs, thinking he might explore the top floor, but found the door locked.

  After trying several things, he gave up on picking the lock and decided it was time to call home.

  “No, it’s business. I am in negotiation for some rare merchandise.” He didn’t get much past hello before Megan demanded to know where he was. It was a reasonable response, one he expected.

  “Rare trinkets. Do me a favor, lose my number.”

  When he hung up he felt lighter, which he found odd. It was one less thing to worry about, but considering their history he expected to be more bothered. Instead, he felt more sure about staying.

  Gwen would love him. He had all the insight from her monster to make sure that happened.

  Chapter Five

  “E vening.” Sergei stepped onto the porch beside Dillon as he was starting for his car.

  Dillon looked at the burly man beside him and could immediately tell he was trouble. All of his instinctual alarms sounded. A red rose fell from his hand as he reached for his gun belt.

  Sergei cocked his head and grabbed his hand, squeezing, before Dillon even reached the release snap of his holster. “We need to have a chat about Gwen.”

  Dillon’s eyes grew wide. The movement was too fast, the hand felt too cold and hard. When the man clasped, his knuckles pressed together painfully, making a crunching sound. Dillon groaned. There was no way he could break the hold; he was not getting to his gun. “Gwen? Is she okay.”

  Sergei smiled, looked into his eyes to plant the suggestion they needed to be inside, and nodded toward the door. “Back inside.”

  Dillon walked in, and as soon as he heard the door close, he spun around, gun pointed at the winged monster that seemed to fill the room. A million thoughts about what he was seeing raced across his mind in less than a second. There was a flash of light and the sound of the discharge deafened him momentarily. He backed away, ignored the ringing in his ears and aimed for the center of its snarling head. His finger pulled, he thought he fired again.

  The monster stood over him. It looked at him with eyes holding nothing but black hate. The rope carpet that covered his wood floor pressed under him, he realized he was on the ground. The gun was no longer in his hand.

  “It would be a shame to make Gwen mourn the death of her best friend, don’t you agree?” Sergei transformed back to a man, and took his foot off of Dillon’s chest. “Can we chat now, or do I need to make your position clearer?”

  Dillon saw a lot in the city, but nothing prepared him for what just happened.

  Sergei smiled, flashing his fangs. “I’m a little parched. Talk, or drink, what will it be? Dead or alive? Either way suits me.”

  His focus stayed sharp, maybe because of his training, or maybe because he was only concerned about one thing. “Where’s Gwen?”

  “Yarn group I should think.” Sergei snatched him off the ground and threw him on the couch. “I’m going to explain things to you one time. I’m not a patient creature.”

  Dillon let his eyes drift over his sparsely furnished living room for a second, trying to see where his gun landed. The gun wasn’t laying out anywhere. What he did find was a reminder of why he had to think clearly right now. On the table sat a small group of pictures, all of one person. One was Gwen chatting with the animals at the festival. The second was Gwen at her lake, laying on a blanket in the grass, the epitome of peace. The center picture and one that meant most to him was one Mel took of them at the diner, sharing dessert. Both of their faces were lit up with happiness. It captured how she made him feel. “Don’t hurt Gwen. I will do anything, just don’t hurt her.”

  “See that’s the problem, lover boy. Gwen’s not for you. I want you to make it very clear to Gwen that you are not interested in her.” Sergei’s eyes followed his, and after a cursory glance at the pictures, he looked back.

  Dillon brought his eyes back to the man. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s not so complicated. Gwen is for Shane. She likes you, too much. Break her heart. Send her to his waiting arms. Do it now. Tonight. You don’t want me back here tomorrow night.”

  “She’s not my… we are just friends.” Dillon couldn’t get his thoughts to stop swirling. A monster attacked him so he would break up with Gwen, who he wasn’t even dating? Lack of sleep? Hallucinations?

  Sergei narrowed his eyes. He was hungry, the sheriff and his calm tone was agitating him. “Don’t play with me, human. Killing you will have the same effect. She likes you a little more than that.”

  “Why does it matter to you? What are you?” Dillon saw the man’s eyes flash black as it snarled at him.

  “What am I? What you need to know is that I am here to protect Gwen. I protect her from the killer you need to catch. I protect her from other creatures like me. I will also protect her from you.”

  “Me? I wouldn’t hurt her, ever. I love her.” Dillon sat up straighter. “Wait, creatures like you? Is that what is happening with the bodies? There are creatures like you in my town?”

  Sergei sucked his teeth. “No, there are not, and as long as Gwen is here under my guard there won’t be. She’s not for you. We already covered that once.”

  “No, we didn’t. Why him, what is Shane to you? Is he a monster too?”

  “To me? A nuisance. He’ll make her happy, I’ll see to that. You only need to understand that I am here to assure Gwen’s safety and happiness.”

  Dillon shook his head and watched as the man sat on the coffee table in front of him. “She
loves me?”

  “Nip it, Dillon. One day. Nip it.” Sergei picked up the picture of them together. “Clearly this is a special place to you both?”

  “I thought she wasn’t ready.” Dillon was stopped by a sharp pain.

  “I asked a question. You get one chance with me. I’ll have my own answers now.”

  Dillon felt a freezing cold, burning sensation that raced from the spot where Sergei touched his temples. He tried to struggle, but grew weak too quickly. As his life flashed before his eyes the main image he saw was Gwen. Her sweet brown eyes looked at him as they did from the day they met. He would do anything for her. He loved her. His breathing grew shallow. “I’ll leave her to Shane. Don’t hurt her.”

  Sergei pulled back. “You are going to hurt her. You are going to send her to him. I don’t give second chances.” He looked down at Dillon.

  Dillon’s nose bled from the intrusion. “What do you want me to do?”

  Sergei only needed a surface glance at Dillon’s thoughts to make up his mind. “Ronda, call her and meet her at Mel’s for desserts. Stay, chat, make kissy face.”

  “Ronda? I don’t… she works for me.” He wiped the blood off his face, and noticed his knuckles were swollen and in excruciating pain when he tried to use them. “That’s inappropriate.”

  “She flirts with you. When Gwen calls, you tell her you are busy. You go with Ronda. I will arrange the rest. The curter you are, the better this goes for you, and Gwen. Understand me, sheriff? I still haven’t fed tonight. I will give you two guesses who dinner is if you don’t do as I say.”

  Dillon closed his eyes and fought the migraine that was starting. The ringing of his phone seemed extra shrill. He looked at it, almost frozen. When Sergei snarled at the second ring, Dillon answered. He had to hold it in his left hand since the other one was almost useless.

  Sergei stood inches away, fangs bared.

  “Dillon? Is everything okay?” Gwen asked.

  “Yeah sure.” His voice was a little weak but he managed to sound better than he felt. “Why?”

  Gwen stood outside the yarn shop. He picked her up there when he was off Wednesday nights, and they had a sort of ritual. His car should have been there waiting, he would say something cute about getting a call about a damsel in distress and present her a single red rose. It was always the same, the only change was what he said the distress call was.

  She guessed the new case disrupted his schedule. “I’m, we’re done. Were you coming? I think Mel has that special caramel pie today.”

  He licked his lips and felt his heartbeat race. “No, something more important came up.”

  “Oh, is it work, about the case?” She put her hand over the phone and he heard her say, “Okay, thanks, Kathy. I’ll get that scarf done next week. See you then.”

  Her life seemed so normal and he wondered if she knew about the monster that watched over her. “No, I’m just busy. I have other things to do.” He hung up before he said something wrong and tossed the phone. “It’s done; I’ve abandoned her in the middle of the night.” His voice was bitter.

  “Not quite done. You’ll have to do more than abandon her. Ronda, Mel’s diner, now.” Sergei tossed the phone back.

  Dillon caught the phone and looked at the little black thing that had just become a weapon to hurt the woman he loved. “I can’t do that. It’s not proper.”

  “It’s pie, and giggles. Never ask her out again, I don’t care about that.”

  Dillon sat back and looked at the phone. “It’s our diner, not there, not pie. She’ll be so betrayed.”

  “Precisely why there, why pie. It’s best for her. You are doing her a favor by helping her decide Shane on her own.” Sergei gave him a few seconds. “Now.”

  “Does Gwen know about you? About Shane? What is he?”

  “Shane is better suited for her. She’s aware of some things, sheriff. As you know, Gwen’s a bit moralistic for a setup, that’ll stay between you, me, and Shane. In fact, all of this stays between you, me, and Shane.” Sergei pulled up a lip. “I can’t have you running off at the mouth about monsters, not that anyone would believe you.”

  “Shane knows you are here? Now? He knows you are setting her up for a heartbreak? He’s part of this?” Dillon looked at the phone again, his thumb running over the numbers. “Why would he want her hurt? Anyone who would hurt her can’t be best for her.”

  “You’ll have to ask him that. I’m telling you what is best for her. Make your call.” Sergei nodded at the phone in his hand.

  Dillon dialed, each button pressed with a slow, deliberate push allowing him a little time to try and think of what to say. Each ring made his heart ache. How could he do this to Gwen? When she answered and he asked her to meet him at Mel’s she sounded worried. “It’s okay, Ronda, it’s been a long day, I just want pie and a relaxing night.”

  After she agreed, they hung up.

  His eyes started to tear up. “Why are you doing this to her? Why now, while there is so much she needs me for? What are you?”

  “I don’t answer to humans. Kissy face, Dillon, cold and curt. Tomorrow you are welcome to be friendly, never too friendly. Never. She belongs with us. Understand me?” He stood towering over Dillon, the air between them grew colder.

  Dillon’s eyes floated up to him, still looking puzzled and crushed. “You keep her safe? Shane won’t hurt her?”

  “I always keep her safe. Good evening. I hope for your sake I never have to meet with you like this again.”

  After the monster seemed to vanish before his eyes, Dillon sat looking at the picture of him and Gwen at Mel’s. He could almost hear her soft laughter and remember the twinkle in her eyes when she tasted her cake. He laughed, thinking of how she would wrinkle her nose when he offered her pie. His laugh died when he realized what he still had to do. Betray Gwen. Even if she could, he knew he would never forgive himself.

  G wen looked down at her phone and frowned. It would have been easy to shadow walk home, but she didn’t use magic frivolously and never wanted to risk anyone from town seeing something like that. She considered calling back, but decided to call Shane instead. “I’m sorry, I thought I had a way home.”

  “It’s okay, I was about ready for a snack.” Shane sounded chipper. He was already on his way since Sergei told him what happened. A smile played on his lips when he thought about Mr. Perfect getting pushed around by the monsters like he had. Maybe worse from the sound of it. Sergei was in a foul mood. “Did you want to chat while I drive? Are you alone?”

  Gwen looked around. It was dark and she was alone, but she figured either Sergei or Sebastian would be lurking in the shadows somewhere. “I should be okay.”

  “Should be? What’s wrong?”

  “Something was wrong with Dillon. I’m worried. He’s never been, he never. He’s reliable to a fault.” She paced as she talked.

  When he thought about what would happen at the diner, his smile grew. It wasn’t so much he wanted to see her hurt, but he really needed Dillon out of the way and fast. “I’m sure he had a good reason. A man like that is busy with a whole town to protect.”

  “Yeah, he did say it was important.” She saw his lights and they hung up.

  He got out and opened her door and then kissed her before they drove to Mel’s. When they pulled in, he felt her unease and saw her eyes lock on the patrol car. Her hand reached over and laced in his.

  “Coffee break, maybe?” Shane suggested. “Let’s get some dessert and you can make sure he’s fine.”

  They walked in and Mel greeted them with her usual flourish. “You kids want a booth or taking it to go?”

  “Booth.” Shane smiled and then gave Gwen’s hand a squeeze.

  They walked past Dillon and Ronda who sat, laughing and sharing some pie and ice cream.

  Gwen stopped and looked at them, her eyes locked on his right hand that was wrapped and rested on his lap. She could see he was favoring it and using his left hand to hold his fork. “Dillon? You okay
? What happened to your hand?”

  He looked up and tried his best to look puzzled. “Slammed it in the door. I’m fine, just having some pie. You two okay?” He nodded at Shane, unable to look at her, for fear his own emotions might show on his face.

  “Yeah, good. Hi, Ronda.” Gwen turned to Mel. The lights seemed brighter, too bright. She could hear every sound amplified. Even the sounds of the cook banging pots well away from them grated across her head. The air dried, along with her throat and she felt if she tried to swallow she might choke. “Can we just get cake to go? That kind we had earlier.” Her voice shook as she spoke.

  “Both kinds?” Mel asked as she watched Gwen’s face drain of color and change to sad and broken. “You okay, sugar?”

  Shane put an arm around her and walked with her to the counter. He felt the shattering effect of seeing ‘the more important thing’ was just pie with his cute receptionist. The buzz she normally radiated seemed smaller, weaker. Well played, Sergei, he thought. “Gwen, you okay?” He pulled her closer and hugged her to him.

  She swallowed against the dryness again. “Of course. It’s been a long day with the body and all.” Her ability to keep it together under the pressure of the strange body and what felt like a betrayal was gone, she started to cry. “I don’t understand.”

  He pulled her to him. “Hey, I’ve got you.” He looked at Mel who wore her concern openly. “She’s had a hard day. Give her two slices of each. I’m going to take her home and pamper her.”

  Mel looked from Shane to Dillon and frowned before she walked away to get the cake.

  Shane noticed Mel’s reaction and guessed she knew their history, and probably saw them together enough to know they shared something. Something in the past, finally. Shane helped her sit on a stool and stood beside her with an arm around her while they waited.

  Gwen looked around him and watched rapt as Dillon ate pie, chatted, and even laughed with Ronda.

  More important? Other things to do? Had she misheard? Ronda?


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