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Seduced By Her Royal Dukes: A MFM Royal Menage Romance

Page 4

by Harper West

  But I stop short, my breath catching in my throat, my cock already hard and stiff. Harry barrels into my shoulder and curses at me before falling silent. I glance at him, he grins ferally at me. Today is our lucky fucking day.

  Julia is standing in front of a tourist trap, inspecting a Christmas ornament shaped like the Nordonian flag. Our Julia. The jeans she’s wearing perfectly accentuate her round, perky ass, and a blouse with no bra, judging by the soft bounce of her small breasts with each movement. It’s so fucking cute and sweet to see her inspect souvenirs so thoughtfully. My heart is beating loudly in my chest and every cell in my body is screaming at me to go to her. I can’t believe we found her. But all I can think is that we won’t let this chance slip through our fingers again.

  Harry is edging towards her, his hands clenched at his sides as he tries to hold back. A feeling I can sympathize with. But Harry and I were never much for control. I meet his gaze and nod imperceptibly. It’s time to get what we want. It’s time to claim her.

  Chapter 8


  After the tour of the palace ended, we wandered deeper into the historic district, towards the Hall of Senators. Rumor has it the senators were called in for an emergency council by Queen Helena, so the surrounding streets are packed. It was Martha’s idea to linger here, she was hoping to catch a glimpse of a senator so she can seduce him. From beside me, she peeks down the street towards the Hall to see if anything has changed. I roll my eyes as I watch her.

  She catches the look and swats at my shoulder playfully. “Oh, come on, don’t judge me.”

  “Martha, they probably have secret underground tunnels or something to get in and out of that place, I doubt we’ll be seeing anyone,” I say, heading towards a nearby souvenir shop.

  “Well, you never know, and I prefer to be a little more optimistic than you, apparently,” she quips.

  Maverick sighs exasperatedly. “She has a point, Marty.”

  Martha purses her lips as he calls her by her childhood nickname. “Glass half full! And don’t call me Marty!”

  “Marty,” he whispers, cocking a brow at her.

  “Insufferable,” Martha mutters, distancing herself from him.

  Inwardly, I groan. Today, Martha and Maverick have done nothing but bicker and quarrel. It’s exhausting, and if it says anything about how the rest of the trip will go, I’m really not looking forward to it. I inhale deeply, lingering beside Maverick as Martha marches ahead. Maverick isn’t usually contrary like this, he’s usually patient with Martha’s antics.

  I eye him curiously. He spots me watching him and stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “What?”

  “Is something wrong, Maverick? You seem…upset today.” I cock my head at him.

  “Nothing,” he says a little too quickly.

  I poke his ribs playfully. “Come on, you can’t lie to me.”

  Since we were kids, Maverick and I have been even closer than me and Martha. He always told me everything, starting when we were four and he confessed that he was deathly afraid of caterpillars. Whatever is bothering him, it has to be something important for him to try and keep it from me. He and I are like siblings.

  Maverick sighs heavily. “I’m worried about Martha. I thought this trip would be good for her, but she seems worse.”

  “She’ll be okay, Mav.” I pat him on the shoulder. “I think she’s working through it, in her own way.”

  “You don’t think there’s anything to worry about?” he asks.

  “No, I don’t think so. As long we all stick together, she’ll be fine.” I smile reassuringly.

  Maverick releases a long breath, one I think he’s been holding for a long time. He gives me a quick hug before heading towards the souvenir shop. Martha has already disappeared inside, I can hear her voice carrying from here, cooing over the items for sale. Maverick heads inside to join her. I follow, but I don’t head inside. From here, it looks a little cramped inside. Instead, I peruse the options outside the shop.

  I roll a Christmas ornament back and forth in my hands, musing over the price. It’s not incredibly expensive, but it’s overpriced, as all souvenirs are. My mom begged for a souvenir from every country, but I don’t know if an ornament is something she would want. I mean, she’s an avid Christmas fanatic and her tree is practically toppling under the weight of the ornaments. She would love anything I got her. But maybe she’d get a kick of the beer mug that’s shaped like a penis?

  Chewing my lip, I hold the ornament in one hand while I reach towards the mug. It’s hilarious, but raunchy. And I find myself blushing at the clay penis. I think I’ll stick with the ornament, I finally decide, replacing the mug. Suddenly, I feel a warm hand on my elbow, gripping it tightly. A sharp prick of pain sears up my arm.

  “What the hell?” I say, rounding on the man, my eyes narrowed angrily.

  “Hey, sweetheart, enjoying your climax?” Harry asks, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

  I smile breathlessly, gaze drifting towards Ryker standing at Harry’s side. He stares hungrily at me, his steely gray eyes filled with a burning passion. They’re dressed in well-tailored suits, designer I’m guessing. Harry has golden cufflinks, subtle but luxurious, whereas Ryker is unadorned with gaudy metals and jewels.

  I wonder for a moment if they’ve been following me, but I shake the thought from my mind. These two gorgeous men have much more important things to do than follow me around. I’m guessing they work in the capitol and are out for lunch. But my stomach is doing flips at the sight of them.

  “Hi,” I say, finally finding my words as my core heats with desire at the sight of them. I blush, thinking of what I did in the bath when they were on my mind. “I, uh, I guess I did – ah! I mean, am.” I trail off, blushing furiously.

  A smile pulls at Ryker’s lips. “Oh, you did?”

  “I meant, uh, that I’m enjoying myself in Nordonia,” I explain, fumbling over my words. Fuck, what did I just do? I’m the worst at talking to men, especially when they catch me off guard like Ryker and Harry.

  Harry hasn’t released my arm, and his thumb caresses my elbow now, sending delicious shivers up my spine. Ryker closes in on me, a hand reaching up to brush a stray hair from my face. Their eyes on me, the subtle touches – it’s all almost my undoing. I’m weak at the knees, and I can tell by their smirks that they know. They know and they love it. And I realize that I don’t ever want them to stop touching me. As ludicrous as that it, I can tell I’m already addicted to their touch.

  “Julia? Are you okay?” Martha’s voice echoes towards me as she and her twin brother, Maverick, exit the tourist shop.

  “I’m fine,” I say hurriedly, a spark of jealousy in my voice as Martha approaches.

  She looks Ryker and Harry over, an approving glimmer in her dark eyes. “You gonna introduce me?” Her voice is silky, seductive.

  My heart falls a little as I envision how this will go. Ryker and Harry will find they appreciate Martha’s curves and well-endowed chest and then they’ll forget about me. It’s a pattern I’ve gotten used to. Men find Martha appealing and she takes all she can. Which isn’t to say that she isn’t my best friend or that I resent her, because I don’t. It’s just the natural order of things and I’ve gotten used to it.

  But with Ryker and Harry, the thought has me more disappointed than usual. I want them all to myself. And I know it’s crazy – insane that I could feel this strongly about them when we spent an hour together last night. But I relish the way they claim me every time they see me. They claim me with their eyes. And it’s hot as sin.

  Maverick joins his sister at my side, looking at the men curiously. Maverick, with his intelligent eyes and quiet demeanor is the jam to Martha’s peanut butter. Two sides of the same coin. He nudges me, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Oh, um, this is Martha, and her brother Maverick. They’re the ones I told you about yesterday,” I say, chewing my lip.

  “Yesterday?” Martha cocks a brow. “Why didn’
t I hear about these two gorgeous specimens yet?”

  Because I didn’t want you to take them, I want to scream. And I realize then that I didn’t want to keep them a secret memory just for the sake of having something to claim as my own. I was scared Martha would make a move on them. I feel pathetic, like a bad friend to have thought such things about her. I feel my cheeks tinged a light pink with embarrassment.

  Instead I say, “Sorry, I was just a little wrapped up in sightseeing.”

  “I’m Harry.” Harry extends a hand towards the twins politely. Martha holds on just a little too long. I feel a flare of jealousy through my chest at the sight. But Harry casually squirms his way out of her grip.

  “Ryker,” Ryker says gruffly, though his eyes never leave mine.

  Martha notices this and crosses her arms, pushing up her chest to offer them a better view of their cleavage. “Such a pleasure to meet you two. I take it you’re Nordonian? Or are you here on business?”

  “Nordonian,” Harry supplies, his hand dropping from my elbow to my hip.

  Ryker leans casually against his friend, his hand finding its way to my shoulder. He traces a finger along the ridge of the bone territorially. I suppress a violent shiver and the urge to roll my eyes back and moan. “We were hoping you could spare Julia for a few hours,” he says, though it’s not much of a request.

  A thrill courses through me. “I have time,” I blurt.

  I don’t care that I’ll miss some of the stops on my itinerary for the city. Surely Ryker and Harry would be a much more exciting experience than another museum. A once in a lifetime chance that I missed yesterday and by the grace of the universe have found again. I’m not passing it up.

  Maverick shrugs. “Sounds good to me, I wanted to hit up the opera house anyway, they’re showing Madame Butterfly.”

  “Cool,” Martha says sarcastically, rolling her eyes at her twin. “I guess I’ll see you later, Julia.”

  I nod, grinning excitedly. “Bye!”

  Martha catches my arm and leans in close, “You better give me all the details when you get back.” She grins.

  “Nothing is going to happen, you pervert,” I whisper, winking at her.

  She snorts but pushes me towards Ryker and Harry with a teasing grin. And then Harry has an arm around my waist, and Ryker is twirling my hair around one of his fingers as they lead me away from my friends. I follow them happily, smiling widely. Part of me is blaring a warning that I’m willingly heading into a foreign city with two strangers. But it’s Harry and Ryker. And I can’t help myself.

  “So, where are we headed?” I ask, my heart beating rapidly.

  “The palace,” Harry announces, dragging a thumb slowly across the sensitive skin of my hip. It’s delicious and it makes me think of what else he can do. Where else he can touch me.

  “The palace?” I frown. “I toured that this morning.”

  “Oh, what we have planned is much more intimate,” Ryker murmurs, his lips pressed against my ear. “A private tour.”

  “How?” I breathe, leaning unconsciously into his touch.

  It’s as if my body knows more than my mind does about what I need. As if it knows that Harry and Ryker will make me feel things I’ve never felt before. Ryker drags a hand up my side, almost to the cusp of my breast, but stops short, teasing me. I feel like I can’t take a full breath, my lungs are constricted with excitement.

  He chuckles low. “You’re being escorted by two of Queen Helena’s closest friends, and two Dukes of Nordonia.”

  “Dukes?” I gape, pulling back as my gaze darts between the two of them.

  “My official title is Lord Harry Roth, Duke of Anhalt,” Harry says.

  “Lord Ryker Vogt, Duke of Themen.” Ryker bows shallowly as we continue walking towards the palace.

  My head is spinning with this information. I’ve never met any royalty before, never met anyone of importance before. And of course I didn’t read up on royal etiquette, I bite my lip. I could make a complete fool of myself. I consider turning back now, I feel over my head with two men already, but knowing now that they’re royalty… I’m not sure what to do. But, at the same time, I’m being given an exclusive tour of the palace by the two men. Two very gorgeous men. And by the way they’re caressing every inch of my skin they can casually touch in public, I think they want to do a lot more than give me a tour.

  “Is that…a problem?” Ryker asks, his voice a little hesitant.

  “What?” I glance towards him, my eyes wide. “No, never! I just, I was surprised. I’ve never met royalty before.”

  Harry scoffs. “We’re hardly royalty.”

  “I think the title says it all,” I say, raising a brow at him.

  “Let’s rephrase,” Ryker cuts in. “We don’t behave much like royalty.”

  “And how do you behave?” I ask softly.

  I don’t even know where the question came from. I’m never this forward. But there’s something about these men that makes me feel a little wicked. A little brave. And more than a little sexy. Normally, I would be embarrassed to say something like that, but around Harry and Ryker, I’m not embarrassed at all. I feel completely at ease.

  “Why don’t you wait and see,” Harry says, his fingers curling into my hip.

  I gasp as he clutches me a little tighter and the two men groan softly at the sound. My core throbs when they react, and I suddenly believe without a doubt that these men want me. And that sends my pussy swelling with desire, I can feel the juices already wet my panties.

  The palace comes into view and we pass the main gates, heading instead for an empty alley that borders the palace fence. No doubt there’s a hidden side entrance for royalty and servants.

  They lead me to a small, humble-looking gate. Ryker steps away from me for a moment to punch in a code and press his thumb to the door. There’s a small hiss and the gate swings open. Harry ushers me through, his hot breath wafting over my bare neck.

  And as we enter the palace, I can hardly believe that I’m here, with two Dukes at my side. Two Dukes with massive erections.

  Chapter 9


  We’ve spent nearly an hour showing Julia the ins and outs of palace life, taking her through the three massive kitchens, the communal bath house that I have about eight vivid fantasies of fucking Julia in, and all the way to the supposedly haunted tower in the East Wing.

  She’s oohed and aahed at all the appropriate points, blushing furiously when we showed her the bath house where a few nobles were already lounging. But I can sense she’s on edge, anticipatory even of what’s to come. I imagine I can even smell the pheromones on her. The desire. I’ve had an erection intermittently as we’ve given her the tour, and I’m dying to claim her now. Both Ryker and I are.

  I exchange a glance with Ryker, by now, we’re fairly certain she won’t deny either of us. The realization came when we led her down from the tower. She slipped on one of the ancient steps, and instead of reaching for one of us, she reached for both.

  We’re approaching the Hall of Mirrors now, the room every King or Queen of Nordonia has been coronated in. Normally sealed off until another coronation takes place, no tourists visit the grand chamber on their tours. It’s one of a kind. I know the sight of it will Julia in awe. And I also know the mirrors will give us a great view of how sexy Julia can be. I plan to take full advantage of that.

  Ryker and Julia halt in front of the gilded doors, closed now. I slip past them, running a knuckle on Julia’s ass, and move to open the door. Her body is perfect, tight, lithe, everything I love in a woman. And the way she reacts when we simply graze against her is everything. She’s blushing when I usher her in, Ryker following.

  She stops in the center of the room, spinning in a slow circle, head tilted towards the ceiling. It was painted centuries ago by a Dutchman, I couldn’t say which, but it’s decorated in soft florals and cherubs. The walls are lined with floor-to-ceiling mirrors, the floor a white marble. Pillars line the room, the same mar
ble as the floors, with fold filigree at the top.

  It’s a magnificent room, breathtaking, and it looks even more beautiful with Julia in it. I’m watching her hungrily. Beside me, Ryker looks poised to tackle her, his muscles stiff, gaze intense. We restrain ourselves, letting her soak in the chamber, the experience. No need to rush her.

  “It’s beautiful,” she breathes, lifting her arms to the ceiling. Her shirt raises with the movement, exposing a sliver of her abdomen.

  A growl rumbles deep in Ryker’s throat as he fixates on that small picture of her flesh. Her eyes slip towards us, surprise coating her delicate features. Her wide, blue eyes unravel the last of my control and I step towards her; predator-like.

  She holds her ground, her gaze darting between the two of us as we move in. And then we’re standing inches from her, breathing heavily enough that our chests could gently graze her body with each inhale. There’s a hint of fear in her eyes, but it’s overwhelmed by the desire I see in them. And the hot scent of her wet pussy. She stares at us breathlessly, her tongue slipping over her full lips nervously.

  “Julia,” I say softly as my cock hardens at the sight of her tongue.

  “Yes?” she asks, I can see her nipples stiffen beneath her thin blouse.

  “Fuck,” Ryker pants, and I know he’s noticed the delicate tips pressing against the cotton. “You’re beautiful, Julia. Every inch of you.”

  “Ever since we first saw you in Levere we haven’t been able to get you off our minds.” I wrap my hand around hers.

  “Both of you?” she stammers, eyes wide.

  “Both of us,” Ryker rumbles. He reaches for her, running a thumb across her bottom lip. She leans into him imperceptibly, her breath coming faster.


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