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Party Boy Love Story

Page 2

by Grace Wilkinson

  "Hey. Emma, right?" Dylan stood behind me, tapping my shoulder to get me to turn and face him.

  I closed my eyes before turning around and taking a deep breath, "It's Emily."

  Dylan laughed. "Sorry, I'll get it sooner or later. Takes me a while to remember names.."

  "I see that.." I muttered, laughing so I didn't seem rude.

  "Are you coming to the party Friday night?" he asked me. I was surprised that he was inviting me to another one of his Frat parties.

  "I wasn't really invited." I scoffed. Trying to make it seem like I wasn't accepting his invitation unless he asked me directly.

  "Well anyways, your friend Jas, she was crazy last night!" He laughed as if he suddenly was remembering what happened.

  I was confused. "How do you know? You were playing that kissing game with me last night?"

  "Natasha told me." He took sip of his coffee as we continued to talk as we walked into the hallway.

  "Yeah, she was pretty wasted last night. She isn't going to any of her classes today." I walked with him down the hallway and out towards campus. I noticed a few girls exchanging glances with me and giving me dirty looks.

  "Yeah. I know how that feels. But, I would love if you guys came again." He turned and looked at me while I walked. His green eyes glowing with excitement.

  "Uh, no thanks." This whole hard to get thing always worked. At least that's what I heard.

  "Why?" Dylan stopped walking and grabbed my arm.

  We were standing in the middle of a park. Kids all around us were on the grass reading books and studying on picnic tables.

  "Because." I responded flatly.

  "Really? But you're an expert at all those party games. I was thinking about last night during class and I remember you now." I knew he was flirting with me now but I felt like I was on cloud nine because Dylan-Clarke-The-Popular-Frat-Boy actually remembered our kiss last night.

  "Really?" I straightened up and looked up at Dylan. "I'll go."

  Too fast, Emily. You just sounded so stupid. I thought to myself.

  He smiled at me and his smile was so wide and his teeth were so white, I was surprised I didn't collapse at the sight of it.

  "Good. see you there, Emily." He smiled before walking back towards his group of friends, "See told you I would get your name sooner or later!"

  I walked back into my dorm around two o'clock. Jasmine was still passed out on her bed. I decided I wasn't going to do my homework just yet. I pulled out my laptop and logged into Netflix.

  Just as I began watching an old romantic movie, Jasmine rolled over on her bed and opened her eyes. I looked up from my screen and watched her pick her head up. Her hair was still damp from laying her wet hair on her pillow last night.

  "Morning, Sunshine." I smiled as she stretched her arms out and rubbed her eyes.

  "How long was I asleep?" she asked. Her voice was raspy.

  I looked at the time on my laptop before answering, "Like, twelve hours."

  Her eyes widened and she stood up from bed. "I'm starving. Want to go down to the restaurant on campus. We haven't tried their food since we've been here."

  We've only been in school for about a month and the only places I've been on campus were my classes and the coffee kiosk.

  "That sounds good." I grabbed my sweatshirt and slipped it back over my head while Jasmine pulled on a pair of sweatpants and pulled her hair into a ponytail.

  "Let's go it's already four thirty. You don't want to go any time later than that or else it'll be impossible to get a table!" I pulled Jasmine out the door and we ran down the hallway and down the stairs towards my car.

  We stepped into my car and I started the engine.

  I turned on the radio, recognizing a song that came on and turning the volume up.

  Jasmine quickly turned the volume down and rubbed her temples. "Not so loud. My head still hurts"

  "Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked as we pulled out of the parking lot.

  Jasmine turned towards me and grunted, "No. It's like there's holes in my memory or something."

  I joked, "Think it's good you don't."

  She turned towards me and shoved me, "Like you didn't have a drink!"

  "Actually, I did.. A Mike's Hard Lemonade."

  "Whoa, Emily! You're such a badass!" Jasmine joked, "you need to be controlled you underage bitch."

  "Hey!" I laughed as we stopped at a stoplight, "For your information, I wasn't trying to get drunk. Someone had to drive us home."

  "True," Jasmine said, right as the light turned green, "But what did you do last night anyway?"

  I parked the car and pulled the keys out of the ignition. I looked out the rear view mirror and saw a group of Sorority girls and a few Frat boys. Jasmine must have noticed me staring because she turned around and looked out the back of the car.

  "Do you know them?" she asked.

  I wasn't paying attention because right as she said that Dylan ran past my car, laughing as a group of college boys stepped inside the Chinese restaurant with him. It seemed like he was everywhere on this campus; at least everywhere I went.

  "Emm?" Jasmine snapped a finger in front of my face.

  I snapped out of my trance and turned towards her.

  "I'll tell you everything inside." I said, stepping out of the car and walking towards the front door. I heard Jasmine walking behind me. As we started to walk towards our table, I saw Dylan look up from his conversation and turn towards me. The restaurant had dim lighting but I could see the small smile in the corner of his mouth.

  I smiled back at him, holding his stare. Until a girl took Dylan's attention away from me and unlocked our stare. She looked towards me, as if she knew Dylan and I were exchanging glances. She grabbed Dylan's chin and moved his eyes away from mine and onto hers.

  Was he trying to hide the fact that he just smiled at me? Was it because I was a freshman?

  "Miss?" the waiter asked, "Your table."

  I sat down in the booth and grabbed the menu.

  Jasmine looked me straight in the eyes and in back of me towards Dylan, "Tell me everything that happened last night.."

  Chapter 4

  I played with the straw in my soda.

  "I kissed him last night during some game.." I admitted.

  Jasmine's mouth curled into a smile. "You know how many girls are jealous of you right now?"

  I narrowed my eyes before saying casually, "Hardly anyone knows."

  Jasmine laughed and leaned back in her chair. "Emm, everyone figures out sooner or later. Gossip gets around campus fast."

  I bit my straw and took sips of my Coke. Jasmine was right, gossip did get around campus fast but our kiss was nothing to gossip about. It was just a game of "pass the slip of paper with only your lips." If that's what it's even called.

  "Can we just eat and leave.. I don't need that girl giving me death glares all night." I turned my head towards Dylan's table for a second.

  "Yeah, let's wait for our food and get out of here." Jasmine smiled and took a sip of her drink.

  "I feel so uncomfortable right now. I feel like that girl with him is staring into my soul." My back was towards their table. I heard them laughing and I couldn't help but wonder if they were laughing at me.

  "Oh yeah. She's definitely staring." Jasmine giggled as she took another sip of her drink.

  I pressed my hand against my forehead and sighed, shutting my eyes and tugging at my hair.

  Just then, our food arrived at our table. I ate my food fast. Taking big bites and gigantic sips of my soda.

  "Whoa, slow down," Jasmine laughed, "They aren't even staring anymore."

  I looked up from my plate and turned my head around quickly. Jasmine was right. Neither the girl nor Dylan were staring. The girl sitting next to him was all over him, running her hand through his curly hair and whispering things into his ear while she bit her lip. I didn't even want to know what she was saying.

  "God, I hate her already." I shook
my head and fiddled with my chopsticks.

  "Relax. She's probably just some hook up. Besides, Emily.. I hate to say this but you were just a hook up, too. Don't go acting like you guys are dating." Jasmine shrugged her shoulders as she dropped the rest of her food into the to-go container.

  "Let's just get the bill and get out of here." I said, placing my fork down on the table and leaning back in my chair.

  Jasmine looked behind me. "Uh, I don't think they're going to let that happen.."

  I curled my eyebrows in confusion but before I could ask her what she was talking about Dylan was standing behind me pressing his hands against the back of my chair.

  "Emily.. Jas" he nodded his head. Wow, maybe he did finally know my name.

  "Yeah?" Jasmine stirred the straw in her soda.

  "We're having a little get together at our fraternity house. Nothing big. We were wondering if you guys wanted to come?"

  I looked at Jasmine. Widening my eyes and slowly shaking my head. Dylan couldn't see since he was standing behind me.

  Jasmine laughed, "Sounds fun. We'll go there for a little but we're not going to stay late. After all, it is a Monday."

  I clenched my fists underneath the table and gave her a look that only Jas could see.

  "That okay with you, Emily?" Dylan placed a hand on my back and turned to face me.

  I put the best fake smile I could on my face and nodded.

  "Sounds fun. See you guys in a few." Dylan smiled and walked away with his friends and that.. girl.

  Once Jasmine and I paid, I sat back down in the driver’s seat.

  "I am going to kill you." I said as Jas sat down in the passenger seat.

  "Oh come on, Emm. It's better then sitting in our dorm room for the rest of the night."

  As much as I wanted to go back to our dorm room, Jas was right. I would be bored.

  I started the car and drove down the Dylan's frat house. The driveway was packed with cars and you could hear the music from blocks away. He was lucky he didn't live in a regular neighborhood that wasn't filled with so many other fraternities and sororities or else he would get busted by the cops almost every night.

  I parked the car on the side of the street and stepped out onto the road. It was then that I realized we both were wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts. Our hair wasn't even nice. We both had it up in messy buns.

  "I have backup clothes in the trunk." Jasmine said, opening the car trunk and pulling out a duffel bag.

  I looked at her like she was crazy. "Why?"

  "You never know."

  I shook my head and grabbed a dress from the bag. It was a short, floral sundress. Jasmine handed me a pair of black sandals to wear.

  I changed in the back of the car, along with Jasmine. I pulled my hair down and it lay in a long wavy mess. At this point I didn't care. We walked inside and Dylan stood in the doorway.

  "Hey! Just in time for a nice game of Seven minutes in Heaven, Emily!" He smiled as he shouted over the music.

  He grabbed my arm before I had time to tell him I didn't want to play.

  I saw the girl Dylan was with earlier sitting in the circle with a bunch of other boys.

  "Spin!" the girl said, she smiled and clapped her hands at the same time as the bottle spun on the carpet.

  With just my luck, the bottle landed on me.

  I knew absolutely nobody playing this game except for Dylan and now I was forced into going into a closet with one of them.

  The bottle spun forever until it landed on another boy. He had brown hair and brown eyes. His skin was tan and he smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the hallway closet.

  "What's your name?" he asked in the dark, I was nervous. Where was Jasmine when I needed her?

  "E-Emily." I stuttered. I felt his hand slide down my arm and onto my hip.

  "That's a pretty name. I'm Michael." His words tickled my ear. I couldn't see but I could tell he was close; too close.

  "Nice to meet.. you." I whispered. I threw my head back as I felt his hand crinkle the bottom of my dress. I slapped his hand away and tried so hard to see in the dark.

  "Stop." I begged. I felt his lips press against my neck, "Can we just pretend we did stuff in here till time's up?"

  "What's the fun of that?" He laughed.

  I pushed him off of me and found the doorknob. I threw open the door and stepped out into the hallway.

  I pushed Michael into the kitchen counter before speed walking towards the kitchen.

  "What the hell?" Michael shouted, "What was that for?"

  "For trying to take my dress off!" I shouted back.

  "Do you even know what Seven Minutes in Heaven is?"

  I found Jasmine standing in the dining room by the keg and pulled on her arm.

  "We're leaving." I ordered.

  "What? We just got here, Emm!"

  I pulled her towards the front door and passed Dylan in the living room.

  "Emily!" he shouted, and then standing up from the couch, "Where are you going?"

  "I'm leaving." I said, slamming the door behind me.

  Chapter 5

  "What the hell, Emily?" Jas yelled, stopping in the middle of the driveway, "What happened?"

  "I almost got raped!" I knew raped wasn't the best way to describe the situation but it was all I could think of.

  Jas rolled her eyes, "What do you expect to happen when you play Seven Minutes in Heaven?" You're over exaggerating because you've never been touched before. You're nineteen and all you've ever done was kiss a guy because you're too scared to do anything else!"

  I was over exaggerating, I knew I was but I wanted to leave. Jas was acting weird and I was scared.

  "Can we please just go back to the dorms?" I asked Jas as she stood there with her arms crossed.

  "You can but I'm staying." Her words came out harsh and I didn't know how to respond. Jas never acted like this towards me.

  I took an uncomfortable step backwards before speaking, "What do you mean?"

  "Emily, I'm staying here. You can go back."

  "Why can't we go back together?" I asked.

  "Because," She took a breath, "Unlike you, I made friends here. So I'm staying a little later."

  Her words sliced right through me. It felt like I didn't even know her anymore. Was she really trying to get on these upperclassman’s good sides?

  "Fine." I shrugged my shoulders.

  "Better hope you have a key because I'm locking the door before I go to bed!" I yelled while my back was to her.

  Before I could even finish my sentence Jas was already walking inside.

  I couldn't believe this was happening. Why was I even here? These people aren't my type of crowd.. And they aren't Jasmine's type of crowd either. Less than an hour ago, we were both sitting down and eating dinner and now she just ditched me for a bunch of upperclassmen.

  I ran towards my car and started the engine. I drove through the neighborhood and towards campus. As I parked my car, I slipped back into my sweats and took the elevator back towards my dorm. After I unlocked the door I locked it like I told Jas I would.

  I collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep. Not even bothering to change into my pajamas.

  I awoke to the sound of pounding on the door. I looked over at my clock and read.


  It must have been Jasmine. I had locked the door after all.

  I lifted myself up from my pillow and slowly trudged towards the door. I rubbed my eyes before and peeked through the peephole, just to make sure it actually was Jasmine.

  Sure enough, Jasmine was standing outside. Her makeup smeared and her hair in a knotty mess. I could see a hand on her shoulder supporting her to stand up. I couldn't see who it was; the peephole was only so big.

  I unlocked the door to find Dylan and Jasmine standing outside in the hallway. Dylan looked sober but Jasmine looked even more wasted then a few nights before. I wanted to yell at her since she had to be up for classes and less than two hours but
Dylan interrupted me before I had the chance.

  "You're little friend here is quite the party girl." Dylan smirked, handing Jasmine over to me. I walked her over to her bed.

  "I can tell." I said. Not thrilled with his sarcasm.

  "Yeah, body shots for every guy and she flashed just about everyone by the pool."

  I crossed my arms, tilted my head to the side and narrowed my eyes at him.

  "Do you think this is some sort of joke?" I snap, "Because it's not."

  Dylan let out a small laugh, "Believe me, she'll regret half the things she did tomorrow morning and she's going to need to have someone tell her what she doesn't remember so I’m going to tell you everything I know. That way, if she asks in the morning you can answer any of her questions." He began, "So here it is, Natasha gave her a cup of vodka and then she suddenly got this really fun idea that they should do some body shots."

  I cupped my hand over my forehead as Dylan continued through laughs.

  "Every guy there got in a line and eventually once she was done the vodka just got to her. After that, this senior took her upstairs. I can't tell you what happened up there, maybe Natasha knows, but it must have been exciting because she was making out with him downstairs after. They might have hooked up. I don't know."

  I leaned my head back in frustration.

  I thought Dylan was finished but right when I was about to talk he held his hand up, "Hold on, sweetheart. I'm not finished."

  Sweetheart? I am not his sweetheart.

  "Jas and her senior friend went out to the pool and she flashed everyone there. That's where I came in. I couldn't find you anywhere. I assumed you left so I brought her back here. Just to make sure she got home safely." He finished.

  "I am so stupid.." I muttered under my breath.

  "Yeah, you actually are. I mean, who just leaves their friend alone at a wild party?" Dylan laughed and leaned his shoulder against the door frame.

  "Thanks." I spit.

  "No problem, Emm." Dylan smiled, "But you owe me."

  Owe him? I don't think so. And why did he call me Emm?


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