Party Boy Love Story
Page 8
She sighed with relief. "Good or else I was going to say this was nothing like you."
I rolled my eyes at her and lay down in bed.
"Enough with the questions." I couldn't help but stifle a laugh.
I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. I tried to open my eyes but I was running on five hours of sleep and I didn't feel alert at all.
I climbed out of bed, slipping on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt (it was the only thing I could find that covered most of the purple blotches on my neck, I couldn't find a scarf anywhere.)I grabbed my book bag and laptop and walked towards class.
I arrived in English ten minutes early. Dylan was sitting in his usual spot but with his head down on the desk.
What happened last night? What time did he go to bed?
All these questions rushed through my head and they weren't any of my business.
I sat down next to him and pulled out my laptop.
"Dylan?" I rubbed his back and he lifted his head slowly, squinting his eyes as the lights in the room hit is tired eyes. Dark bags hung underneath his green eyes.
"Am I in trouble?" he asked, looking down at the professor.
I shook my head, trying not to laugh, "No,"
His eyes traveled up to my partly covered neck and he smirked.
"Was that from last night?"
I nodded my head and pulled the fabric down more to reveal my black and blue collar bone. "Thanks for this."
He tilted his head back and leaned back in his seat. "No problem." he teased, "I enjoyed it."
I wanted so badly to ask if his mother was alright but I knew the subject was tough for him to talk about. Hopefully, nothing terrible happened.
"Well, I enjoyed it too. Other than the part where I struggle to hide them the next day." I laughed as Professor Brynes told everyone to take their seats.
"You can get me back," Dylan whispered before we both quieted down for the start of class.
I felt heat surge through my body like a wild fire. I'll take that as another invitation to his room.
At the end of class, Dylan disappeared down the hall and I walked over to the cafe on campus. I needed a snack before my next course of the day.
I ordered a cup of hot tea and a bagel. I sat down at the table in the corner when I saw Jasmine walk in with Ethan.
What? I thought.
I couldn't help but stare as their hands entwined and Jasmine pointed at the menu.
How could she hide something like this from me? Then again, I hardly saw her during the day anymore. I looked down at the time on my phone. She was supposed to be in classes right now. Did she ditch to hang out with Ethan?
I knew Ethan claimed to be different then his brother, but still, I feel uncomfortable with how Jas and him are getting pretty close.
I took a bite of my bagel and opened my laptop. I began to do research for the topic on my essay when someone sat down at the table next to me.
I looked up from my screen to see Max.
Did he come with his brother?
"How's your neck?" he asked, smirking.
I pushed myself away from him. I was stuck inside a booth seat between him and a window.
I shooed his hand away from me. "Don't touch me you pervert." I snapped.
He looked offended. "Sorry I interrupted whatever was happening last night in Clarke' room. I'm sure it was going somewhere."
I tried to ignore him but his words echoed in my head. I stayed focused on my laptop screen.
"Was Emily Marshall going to lose her card?"
I shut my laptop and turned towards him. "Why don't you get the hell away from me before I tell everyone what you actually did to me the night of that party? I know you told everyone a different story and they all believe you because you're mister popular fraternity boy but I could spread the truth and no girl would ever go for you again!"
His face turned red. "Are you blackmailing me?"
"Actually, as a matter of fact, I am."
"Emily, I swear to god if you tell anyone other than Natasha, Ethan, Jas, or Clarke I will make your life miserable. You may be the cute little freshman, but remember I am older and I could have your collage life ruined in seconds, believe me."
"Try me!"
I stiffened in my seat when Ethan approached us.
"Max back off," Ethan pushed him out of his seat.
Jasmine stood in line staring at me.
"Leave her alone, seriously. You hurt her enough, dude." Ethan said coolly.
I grabbed my things and stuffed them inside my book bag before walking out the door.
I was furious.
Chapter 19
It was one in the morning when I received a call from my mother. As much as I didn't want to answer, I had to make sure she was alright.
Before accepting I looked over to Jasmine's bed to find that she wasn't there.
I pressed the phone to my ear and immediately heard the sound of my mother’s voice. She was babbling about how I take forever to get to the phone.
"-mom!" I interrupted, "Why are you calling me this late?"
She was silent on the other line for a few seconds. "Emily, sweetheart."
"What?" I just wanted her to get to the point. I was tired and had classes tomorrow morning.
"I don't want you seeing that boy, Emily." She was not being serious was she?
"You can't tell me who and who I can't date, mom. It's my choice." Then, I hung up. I hung up on my own mother and I knew I should have felt scared or upset about myself but it felt so good.
I was so sick of her.
I threw my phone back on the nightstand and lay back on the pillows in bed.
I wondered what Dylan was doing right now? I thought back to the night before and how he was kissing me.
His lips on mine felt so good. Goosebumps rose on my body as the memories played back in my head.
Suddenly, my phone rang.
I figured it would be my mother but I was surprised to find that it was Dylan.
I picked up on the second ring and answered with an eager hello.
"Emily?" Dylan said on the other line.
"Yeah? Is something wrong?" I asked.
"No. But, listen, I know it's late and you're probably in bed but I kinda just." he paused on the other line, "Nobody else is awake or answering their phones and I need someone to talk to."
I sat up in bed, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Where are you?" I asked. I could hear noise in the background.
"I'm at this bar in New York City. You think you could meet me here?" He gave me the address. The city was about ten minutes away. I could get dressed, drive there and talk with him.
I slipped on a white v-neck, a flannel and a pair of jeans. I ran over to the mirror trying to fix my mess of waves. I slipped on the first pairs of shoes I saw and ran out the door.
I didn't even bother putting on makeup.
Oh well.
I started my car and drove down towards the city.
There wasn't much traffic this late so I got to the bar sooner than I expected.
I walked inside and looked around for Dylan. I looked towards the bar, then towards the tables in the middle of the room but he was nowhere.
Did I get the address right?
Then, as my eyes wandered to the back of the room, I saw him. He was sitting in a small booth, spinning the straw around in his drink and looking down at his phone.
I approached his table and sat down. He looked up from his phone and smiled.
"Sorry I called really late. Thanks for coming, though." He said, "Do you want something to drink?"
He signaled for the waiter.
"What do you want it's on me," Dylan reached inside his pocket for his wallet as the waiter approached.
I pulled out my purse. "No, it's fine I just want a coke." I said.
"Put your money back I’m not letting you pay." he insisted.
I shook my head as the waiter pulled out his note pad. He look
ed at me weirdly.
"Hey," Dylan started, "Can my-"
Dylan looked at the waiter as if he were mental.
"Buddy," Dylan snapped his finger, "Last time I checked my eyes were on my face and not on my girl’s breasts."
His girl?
Wow, He just called me his girl? What is that supposed to mean?
"Sorry." The waiter flushed. I pulled up my shirt.
Dylan and he made eye contact before he asked him for one Coca-Cola. His accent was so deep the way he said Coca-Cola sounded funny and I couldn't help but laugh. The waiter nodded walking away.
"What? Dylan asked, "What's so funny?"
I tried to calm down. "It's nothing."
"Are you making fun of my accent?" He pretended to look angry.
"I'm sorry it's just the way you say Coca-Cola, I-" Dylan sat there for a second mouthing Coca-Cola before he blushed and took a sip of his drink.
"That's not funny." He frowned.
"Relax, I’m just joking." I giggled, just as my drink arrived.
A took a sip before Dylan and I got to the serious subject.
"The reason I told you to come tonight is because of my mum," he said flatly.
"What's wrong?" I felt my heart drop in my chest as if it weighted a ton and my ribs could no longer hold it.
"Her Chemo is getting way too expensive. I have all this money saved for emergencies only and myself. I really want to use it for her but my father won't let me. I told my mum and she says she just wants this struggle of-" He paused, holding back tears, "She doesn't want to go through this pain anymore. She'd rather die than not be able to move."
I didn't know what to say? I was at a complete loss for words. Was I supposed to encourage him to tell his father to pay chemo for his mother or was I supposed to make him blow all his hard earned money on his mom?
"Dylan," I didn't know how he would react to my actions, but I reached for his hand across the table and entwined them, "Even though this is your mother and your father, I don't think you should be getting in the middle of this. I understand it's somewhat of a life or death situation here but it's your mother’s choices. If she doesn't want to suffer anymore, she shouldn't."
He looked down at the wood surface of the table and nodded his head. "You're right-"
"You don't have to listen to me, though-"
"I want to listen to you."
He looked up towards me, his green eyes meeting mine.
What does he mean?
"Why do you want to listen to me?" I narrowed my eyebrows.
"You make good choices and I make shit choices."
I shook my head. "No you don't, Dylan."
He changed the subject, "What should I do. Tell me what you think is the best choice."
I thought for a few seconds. "Do you really want to see your mother suffer?"
He wiped his eyes with his sleeves and shook his head, "No, she's suffered enough."
"Then, I think you should let her go when the time is right."
The waiter interrupted our conversation giving us the bill. Dylan paid. We walked outside to find that it had been raining.
I checked the time on my phone, 2:04 a.m.
I looked around to see if I could find Dylan's car but it was nowhere in sight.
"How did you get here?" I asked him, holding my hand over my eyes to stop the rain from getting in my vision.
"Natasha dropped me off before going to some club." he yelled over to sound of the heavy rain.
I nodded. "Do you want a ride?"
He nodded his head and slipped into the passenger seat.
"Where do you want me to drop you off?" I asked, starting my car and pulling out of my parallel park.
"Your dorm."
I slammed on the brakes. "Huh?"
"Your dorm." He repeated, "I want to stay at your dorm tonight. We can walk to English class together in the morning."
I figured if he could let me stay over at his place over night, I could let him stay in my tiny dorm.
Besides, Jas isn't even there.
"Okay." I answered, shifting into drive and heading back towards campus.
After a short drive, we made it back to my dorm. We both rain inside quickly and took the elevator to the third floor.
I unlocked the door to discover Jasmine still wasn't here.
"You can take Jas's bed." I said to him.
He shook his head.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why not?"
"We can share a bed, can't we?" He crossed his arms and leaned on the wall.
I laughed. "My bed is a twin. There is no way we will fit."
Dylan smirked, walking towards me. His lips met mine as I pulled off my flannel.
He moved his hot lips from mine towards my ear before whispering. "That's why cuddling was invented."
Chapter 20
I let Dylan's hands run through my hair and down to my hips. God, I really did want him.
I rested my hands against his chest as he moved my long hair away from my neck and pushed it aside.
His thumbs traced my collarbones and I winced when he touched the sore skin.
"I'm sorry," he said pulling away but I shook my head, pulling him back towards me.
Our chests pressed together as he rested his pointer finger underneath my chin to tip my head towards his lips.
Was I really doing this?
As our kiss turned into a rough but passionate make out, Dylan's fingers played with the hem of my white v-neck. I helped him pull it off and as he admired my curves, I pulled the rest of my shirt off and over my head.
"God your body is so-"
I interrupted him by pinning him against the wall while I trailed kisses down his neck. I wanted to show him that I could be in control, too. Just not when it came to the actual stuff, I had no idea about any of that. To be completely honest, I was mortified that I was actually about to lose my virginity.
I felt his hands fiddling with my bra, trying to undo it. I moved my hands off of him and helped him undo the clasps, revealed myself. I realized no guy has ever seen me like this. I was nineteen and I was doing this. Dylan was twenty-one and he was so experienced. My heart was beating ninety miles a second.
"Dylan," We stood inches away from each other, he still had his clothes on but I was standing here half naked.
"Yeah?" he asked, licking his lips.
I wanted to stop for a second and think about where this was going. Were we actually going to do this?
"Do you-" I didn't even have a chance to finish my sentence when Dylan pulled out a plastic packet and tossed it onto the nightstand.
"I'll put it on when you're ready." he said, I felt the color drain from my face. Jeez, my heart was beating so fast I thought I might fall over.
"Uh, ok." I nodded my head.
He pulled off his shirt and walked over towards me. I traced my fingers along the swallows on his collarbones before he grabbed me and walked me towards my bed.
"Lay down," he demanded.
He pulled down his pants with a little bit of a struggle before climbing onto me in bed.
His leaned over me, moving his hands slowly up my thighs and towards them hem of the panties I had on. His huge hands slipped the fabric down my legs as he lay on top of me. His fingers inched inside of me as he leaned down and kissed me. I shut my eyes as his kisses trailed down my neck.
I wanted to enjoy this so much but I was so scared I couldn't live in the moment. I had heard what people had said about your 'first time' some said it was fine but some said it hurt like hell.
"Hey," Dylan stopped and looked down at me in concern. "We don't have to do this."
I shook my head, "I want to, though. I can't be scared of this for the rest of my life. It has to happen at some point."
"I'll go gentle and slow, I promise." Dylan said sincerely as he grabbed the condom off my nightstand and rolled over onto the other side of my bed. He slipped it on over his boxers, and then he rolled back onto me.
> I felt his lips start at my neck then trail down my body until his lips met the fabric of my underwear.
He slowly pulled the flimsy fabric off my legs completely this time and he threw them onto the floor.
My heart was pumping and my vision was spotted.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked.
I nodded. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't ok but I wanted to do this.
He placed both his hands on my knees and slid my legs open, kneeling between them. He grabbed my hand and placed it over his boxers.
Our kissing continued until I moved my hand away from his hard length and pulled his boxers down.
He lay on top of me, moving his hand away from my cheek and breathing heavily into my neck.
I felt pain coursed through my legs as he propped himself above me, holding his weight up with his hands on either side of my head.
I needed to dig my nails into something, anything. I pressed my hands to his back as more pain shot through me. God, I didn't like this. I dug my nails into his back as he moaned.
"I won't hurt you," He stopped, I was shaking. "If you kiss me you won't feel anything."
I nodded my head as our lips met and he continued to move his hips along my hip bones. After a few extra minutes, the pain seemed to fade and it felt good. So good.
I moved my head towards the right to look at the time. 2:57 a.m.
Dylan kissed my neck while I traced my fingers along his chiseled features.
Our lips met again as he thrust underneath the covers. His neck buried into mine as we both took deep, hot breaths. I was sweating.
I felt him push down on my hips and I moaned. I covered my mouth hoping we weren't too loud.
Suddenly, we both heard the door open.
I clasped my hand over Dylan's mouth as Jasmine entered the room. Our room was pitch-black so hopefully she wouldn't see us.
She tumbled inside and fell onto her bed, falling asleep in seconds.
I felt Dylan laughing underneath my hand and I silently laughed with him.
He softly moaned before pulling out. Then, he lay down next to me on my tiny bed.
He took a deep breath before getting up off the bed and pulling the condom off and tossing it into the garbage. I admired his features as the light from the hallway came through from underneath the door. He pulled back on his boxers and collapsed onto the bed. I wrapped my arms around him and we slowly fell asleep.