Party Boy Love Story
Page 11
I tried to remain calm. I couldn't cause a scene. Not like last time. This was going to happen. It is just what guys do.
"I think my friend is calling me," I pointed towards the direction that Jasmine was in.
The boy furrowed his eyebrows. "But, we're just getting started, baby."
I shook my head. "Well, I’m finished." I stayed calm and took a few steps away from him before he grabbed my arm again and pushed me into him. I saw him look past me in the distance and I turned around to see Dylan.
"Hey, man. Get your hands off my girl. She obviously doesn't want to dance with you. Can't you tell?" Dylan shoved him away from me and as pushed me behind his arm.
The guy shoved Dylan back, causing me to tumble behind him.
"Listen, I’m not trying to start a fight." Dylan stated, "Just leave her alone and find someone else to dance with."
I was both grateful and annoyed about Dylan saving me. I was annoyed because he called me his girl again. And I was grateful because if he hadn't swooped in and shooed the guy away I don't know what would have happened.
As the guy disappeared, I pulled out of Dylan's grip and walked as fast as I could to the back exit.
I could hear Dylan running behind me as I swung the heavy door open and was left in a dark alley.
A few seconds after the door closed, it swung open again. Dylan stumbled outside, catching his breath.
"Why did you call me your girl?" I grit my teeth.
He threw his hands in the air, "I was trying to help you!"
I shook my head.
"Listen, Emily. How many times do I have to say that I’m fucking sorry?" He walked towards me with his hands in his hair.
I didn't know what to say. A part of me still wanted some space away from him.
He walked over and picked something up off the ground. He stared at it for a few seconds before handing it to me.
"You must have dropped this, Scarlett Evans." He teased.
I narrowed my eyes and blushed. "Not funny."
"You should really get a new fake ID. Your name sounds like some stripper." He laughed.
I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to laugh but I couldn't help it.
We laughed for a few more seconds before he pulled out a cigarette from his back pocket. He lit it and inhaled the nicotine.
"You smoke?" I was confused.
He shrugged his shoulders, "when I’m stressed, yeah."
I slowly nodded my head as I leaned next to him against the brick wall.
"Emily?" He asked, keeping the cigarette between his lips.
"I have never seen you dressed like this before. Is this even your dress?" He placed the cigarette between his two fingers and took another drag.
I smirked. "No, it's Jas's. She told me to wear it."
"Along with seven pounds of make-up?"
I leaned my head back and laughed with him, "Yes."
"I like you better when you wear your skinny jeans and cute little shirts." He stared at the other side of the alley but there was a smile on his face.
"So you’re saying you like me in things that are tight?"
He shrugged his shoulders and turned towards me, "I don't know. Am I?"
I grabbed his cigarette from his lips and placed the nicotine between my lips. I took a drag and exhaled through my mouth. Smoke surrounded us as I turned towards him and he stood in front of me. He towered over me as his body pressed against mine. He had pinned me against the wall and I didn't mind at all.
The cigarette was still between my fingers as he scooped his lips down onto mine. I shut my eyes and just let him continue. I missed the taste of his lips so much. I still hadn't even had a chance to yell at my mother yet about what she made him do but I missed him so much.
His hands trailed down my curves until his hand reached up my dress and his long fingers teased me. He fingered the fabric of my underwear.
I let out a soft moan as his lips trailed down my neck and he pulled my underwear down my thighs.
I didn't know what got over me but I enjoyed this too much to tell him to stop.
Before I knew it one finger entered me and then another. I leaned my head back and took deep heavy breaths. It hurt still but it felt so good.
The cigarette fell from my grip as my body relaxed and goosebumps filled my skin.
He stopped and kneeled down, pulling everything back in place.
"Maybe if you forgive me I can give you more." he said, before stepping on the cigarette and walking back inside.
Chapter 26
I stared at the brick wall in front of me and ran my hands through my hair.
I was an idiot. I am so hypocritical. The minute he touches me I want nothing more than to touch him back and love him, when really I hated everything that he did.
I fixed my dress from what just happened and walked back inside. The loud music filled my ears and my eyes struggled to stay open. I just wanted to go back home. It would feel too awkward knowing Dylan and I just shared a moment after I told him I needed space for a while.
I tried to stay balance as I walked over to Natasha in the huge booth. She was sitting with a three guys I had never met.
"Where were you?" She asked, stopping her conversation and furrowing her brows towards me, "We couldn't find you or Clarke."
I played with the bracelet around my wrist and bit the inside of my cheek, "We just, uh, went outside to smoke a cigarette. That's it."
Natasha slowly nodded. "That's it, my ass." she laughed.
The guy next to her choked on his drink and erupted in a coughing fit.
"Fine," I rolled my eyes, "We did do something else but that isn't important."
"What's important then?"
I grabbed a drink from one of the waiter’s trays and took a sip. It tasted like some sort of margarita.
"Can you take me home?" I asked, fiddling with the straw in the drink.
Natasha looked at me as if I were crazy. "Home? This early?"
I looked at the clock on my phone. It was past midnight.
"This isn't early."
"Listen, take the train back towards campus. The train station is, like, a block away from your dorm."
Was she seriously not giving me a ride home? She was so involved in her parties. I hope she realizes there is no job that involves partying every day for the rest of your life.
"What's going on?" Dylan asked, walking over and grabbing his coat.
Natasha took a sip of her drink before answering him, "She wants to go home."
"Then go." Dylan's eyes never met mine as he spoke.
"I would but I don't have a car and I can't find Ethan and Jasmine, so."
"I told her to take the train." Natasha said, leaving the conversation to continue to talk to the three guys sitting at the table.
Dylan turned towards me, pulling on his coat and fixing the collars, "You're not going on the train." he demanded, picking my purse up from the booth and handing it to me.
"Why not?" I narrowed my eyes.
He sighed, "Because if you go on the train alone you might as well tattoo the word 'stripper' on your forehead."
My mouth dropped. "Excuse me?"
"You look like a stripper,"
As much as he was being rude right now, I really did feel like I was wearing nothing. The dress was sticking to my body and my feet were killing me in these pumps. I could barely keep my eyes open and I didn't know if it was because I was tired or if it was because of how much mascara Jasmine put on me.
"How am I supposed to get home then?" I tilted my head and crossed my arms.
"I was leaving, my mom called me. I'm going to see her." he answered, pulling out his keys from his coat pocket.
"Your mom called you this late?" I asked, "Why?"
He narrowed his eyes and began to walk towards the door, I followed.
"Because," He said, walking up to his Audi and standing by the driver’s side door.
br /> "Because, why?"
He looked like he was about to punch something, I should probably stop with all the questions. I couldn't help myself, though. The alcohol was getting to me.
"She's in the hospital!" he shouted, "Now do you want a ride back or not?"
I nodded my head and sat down in the passenger seat.
Half the ride there the car was silent, other than the faint sound of his music in the background. His thumbs tapped on the steering wheel to the beat. I leaned back in the passenger seat and looked out the windshield. Then, Dylan broke the silence.
"Do you want to come with me?" he asked, turning towards me.
"To see your mom?"
He nodded.
I didn't know what to say. He told me everything about what his mother was going through and I wanted to meet her so badly but after what happened I’m just not ready. I know I was leading him on again and I did miss him but I needed space. I needed to talk to my mother and see if he was really telling the truth.
"Do you really think that's a good idea, Dylan?" I asked, picking at my nail beds.
He bit his lip and turned a corner before answering, "You're right, I'll drop you off."
I shook my head "No, if you really want me to go I’ll go."
He pulled into the dorm parking lot and put the car in park. "You know what, I’ll go alone."
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "What?"
"You are such a hypocrite, Emily. Just like Leah!"
I stay quiet.
"Yes, I am sorry for what I did a few nights back and I said sorry ten times. I made a mistake and it's my fault because I made a stupid decision to choose you over your mother and I’m sorry, again. But, the fact that you keep coming back to me and hanging out with my friends makes you look desperate, it makes you look like you just want me. You're playing tricks on my mind."
I tightened my jawline.
"I don't know what need some space means to you but if you keep seeing me I’m not going to give you space, okay? I really like you and I know this conversation makes absolutely no sense but I like you, probably even love, and I’ve never felt this way about any girl I have ever had sex with." He took a breath and continued, "I just don't understand you. One minute you want me and the next minute you're still mad. Just make up your fucking mind, Emm."
"You know, Dylan, you're not innocent. You have done things too."
He shook his head. "No I haven't."
"Yes you have!"
"Can I tell you something? If we're both being honest here I might as well tell you this," He turned off the engine and turned towards me again, "Remember that night when you got drugged?"
I shuttered at the memory but nodded.
"You know how you thought it was Max?" he spoke. I didn't want to hear the rest.
"Well, it was him, but it was Natasha too."
It felt as if my legs turned to jello.
"What?" my voice came out small and frail.
He nodded, "She hated you at first. I think it was just because she liked Jasmine and wanted her to herself but now she kind of just accepts that you're there and goes with it. Max was the one that gave her the drugs because he was just looking for someone to hook up with that night."
I didn't even realize tears were rolling down my face, I reached for the door but Dylan had to lock on.
"I was surprised when I figured out too, actually pissed." He continued, "I mean, Natasha was sorry but I was so mad at her because I never knew my best friend would do that. The fact that Natasha and Max were trying to hurt you made me furious."
"Please open the door." I begged, pulling on the handle.
He unlocked the door.
"I don't want to see your friends anymore, Dylan." I shut the door and wiped the tears off my cheeks. "If I don't want to see them anymore I’m not going to see you."
He stepped out of the car. "Emily, wait."
But I was already inside.
Chapter 27
Dylan's Point of View
I parked in Emily's mother’s driveway, debating if I should go in our just go back towards the house.
I knew I had to talk to her. I should not be this scared. All I have to do is tell her the deal is off.
I finally built up the courage to open the door and walked up the path towards the huge front door.
I rang the doorbell and took a few steps back as I waited for her mother to answer.
After a few minutes, she answered. She didn't seem too pleased to see me.
"Dylan." she greeted.
"I need to talk to you." I said, abruptly.
"About your mother?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah," I took a deep breath, "About my mother and your daughter."
She opened the door just wide enough to where I could step inside.
I followed her out of the foyer towards the kitchen. She leaned against the kitchen island and I stood close by in the living room. I was sitting on the couch and she was pouring herself a drink.
"What is it you want now?" she asked, sitting down in the couch across from me.
I took a deep breath and rested my elbows on my knees as I leaned forward. "The deal is off."
She laughed, "No, it's not over till I say it is."
I shook my head. "No, no it's not. You can't keep me from seeing people I love and you can't pay for something my mother needs."
She stood up from the couch and her heels made clacking noises as they walked across the dark wood floor.
"You made a deal!" She stood over me, getting close to my face. "And you're not going to break it."
"Did I sign some stupid contract or something?" I said sarcastically, "Because if I don't recall that ever happening and I think that means I can call it quits!"
She grit her teeth. "Listen, I don't even care about your mother but I do care about my daughter. If you keep seeing her she's going to get into trouble. She doesn't love you."
I stood up, tightening my jaw. "That’s not what she said when I slept with her."
Her jaw dropped and she placed her drink down on the table.
"You slept with my daughter?" she hissed, her face turning red.
"Yeah, it was amazing, she's great in bed." I knew what I was saying was wrong but I wanted this deal off and the only way to make that happen is to make sure her mother wanted nothing to do with me.
"Enough!" she shouted, grabbing the drink from the table and throwing the liquor onto my shirt.
"I don't want your money." I said, ringing out my shirt as best as I could.
"After what you just said I’m not too sure I want this deal going on much longer either." she spit.
"Then it's off!" I shouted, as I smelled the liquor from my shirt.
"Fine, it's off. But, the only reason why it is off is because you don't deserve any of my money and neither does your mother."
I grit my teeth. "I can take care of my mother on my own."
"How about your father, Dylan?" She smirked. She was really trying to get me furious.
"What about him?"
"What if I told you he works with my husband? What if I told you that he doesn't ever think about your mother? He could care less."
My breaths came out fast and heavy, "That's none of your business."
"It is now." She crossed her arms as an evil grin was plastered on her face.
"I talked to him the other day. When was the last time you talked to him?" she asked.
I felt goosebumps rise on my arm as the memory filled my mind. I called him a few months back telling him about mum but he didn't even listen. He told me he had some meeting to go to and he would call me back. He never did. I just wanted to ask him if he wanted to get lunch since I never really see him.
"Few months ago." I answered, looking down at the ground and placing my hands in my pockets.
"Well, I spoke to him yesterday and he told me he will not pay for your mother's chemo. He says that she should go when the time is ready."
I ba
lled my hands into fists, "Well I want her to go down with a fight!"
"That isn't going to happen now unless you step up and pay."
I didn't have to money right now. Yes, my father did give me a few thousand every month just to hold myself over for college but chemo was a fortune and I couldn't afford it.
"I can take care of her myself." I repeated, grabbing my coat and heading towards the door.
"Wait," She grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me back into the kitchen, "Stay away from my daughter, understood?"
"Well, we're not exactly talking right now so I think you got your wish." I felt my heart ache as I remember what happened last night.
Her expressions softened as she heard my last words before walking back into the foyer and out the front door towards my car.
I didn't know what she meant when she said that I would regret seeing her daughter and I’m sure I just got Emily in loads of trouble. I was stupid from the start but this was my problem and I had to fix it. As I sat back down in the driver’s seat I pressed my forehead to the steering wheel and couldn't help but think how much trouble Emily has gotten into since she started to talk to me.
She has been drugged, she's smoked, she's been to jail, she lost her virginity, she got a fake ID, and she went to too many parties. I got her into the wrong crowd. I made her a totally different person and Natasha made her best friend a totally different person. Emily had every right to leave me last night and tell me she no longer wanted to see my friends.
I was mad at her for not accepting my apology but she had every right not to. She was being the better person and focusing on school while all I was focusing on was hook ups and parties.
I was so stupid.
Emily's Point of View
I sat in my regular booth at Starbucks and drank a warm coffee. The fall air outside was chilly and I was freezing.
I felt like a completely new person. I finally was starting over. I now thought of myself as a new college freshman at NYU that has no friends, yet, but will soon.
I was trying my hardest to forget about Dylan even though Jasmine always was asking me to come to some party with her.
As I walked back towards the dorms the cold fall air made my cheeks rosy. I took a deep breath and began to walk towards my third class of the afternoon, when my phone rang.