Party Boy Love Story
Page 17
Dylan shook his head. "No, none of us did. Mom should have had one of those awesome cancer surviving stories. The ones where she fights through chemo and she can tell everyone 'I kicked cancer's ass' but no, instead she's gone. We will never see her again, Imogen."
Imogen sighed as I stood there awkwardly. "Dylan, we didn't have the money-"
"-bullshit, Imogen." Dylan cut her off, "Dad makes millions of dollars a year!"
Imogen looked down at the ground and trudged over towards her seat.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that." Dylan apologized.
"It's okay."
Dylan and I walked over to the first row and sat down. Dylan gripped my hand so tightly my skin was turning red and his knuckles were turning white.
I looked over at Dylan who was staring at the wood casket when, an older man approached us.
"Dylan." he said, flatly.
"Hello, Dad." he said curtly.
"Who is this beautiful young girl? Is she the one you brought last time?" His father asked.
Dylan glared at him. "No, this is Emily."
His father didn't smile. He just held his hand out for me to shake then walked away.
"Such a dick." Dylan muttered under his breath. "He isn't doing this because he loved her, he's doing this because he wants to make our family seem like he did."
When the ceremony began, Imogen took a seat next to Dylan and an old woman sat down next to me.
The priest said a few prayers before Dylan was called up to the casket to throw a handful of dirt down into the ground. He walked back over to me and collapsed into his chair as he watched them lower the casket six feet underground.
I could hear his soft sobs and I actually found myself tearing up, too.
Dylan's father left before the burial was finished due to a phone call. Dylan was enraged but didn't cause a seen.
When the priest was finished Imogen said a small speech about her mom. It was very lovely but I couldn't believe she didn't want her mother to fight the cancer. She wanted her to go down without a fight, unlike Dylan.
After that, Dylan and I slowly walked back towards the car. He walked slowly this time, taking a step every few seconds. I found myself walking way ahead of him which caused me to keep having to stop and wait.
When we finally reached the car Dylan wiped his eyes. "Can you take me home?" he asked.
"But what about the lunch?-"
"I don't want to go-"
I started the car and drove back into town. The whole car ride was silent but there was an understanding reason why.
After twenty minutes of driving, I finally pulled into the driveway and we both walked inside.
"I think I’m going to sleep for a little while." Dylan said as he unlocked the door.
"Okay, I’ll be in the kitchen cooking dinner then." I answered.
He nodded.
"Make spaghetti." he recommended, "That was my mum's favorite."
Chapter 38
I set the table while Dylan sat down in the living room flipping through channels. As I finished, I walked over to the doorway, leaning my shoulder against the wall.
"You want to eat, right?" I ask, he turned away from the screen and nodded.
I walked towards the stove and grabbed the pot of spaghetti. Dylan stood behind me, hugging my waist from behind and resting his head on my shoulder blade. I smiled as he released his grip.
I quickly washed my hands before sitting.
By now, Dylan was sitting in his chair on the island. He grabbed the pot from my hand and set it down on the counter.
I seated myself in the chair next to him as he placed food on his plate.
"I'm sorry." I began, grabbing my fork, "It's not the best."
He shook his head. "It's fine. I wasn't expecting a five star meal."
I nodded. The rest of dinner was silent. Dylan looked down at his plate of food the whole time and I stared at the wall while I ate my food.
Once we finished, Dylan placed the dishes in the sink and offered to help me wash them but I refused and told him to go relax. He didn't hesitate before walking back into the living room.
I washed the dishes as best as I could and placed them back in the cabinets. I didn't really know where everything went, but I tried my best.
Exhausted, I collapsed down on the couch next to Dylan. He looked pale and he needed to shave.
"Do you want to watch something?" he asked, handing me the remote.
I shook my head, "I might go upstairs and change out of this dress and take my makeup off."
"I'll come with, I need to shower anyway."
I smirked. "Maybe even shave, too."
I rubbed my hand on his cheek.
I grabbed my bag from his room as he walked over to his dresser and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes.
I slipped on a new top and a pair of jeans. I stuffed my dress back in my bag then heard my phone ringing downstairs. I quickly made my way down and grabbed it.
"Hello?" I answered. I didn't get a chance to look at the caller ID.
"Hey," Brandon greeted from the other end.
"Hey, is everything okay?"
He sighed into the speaker. "Where have you been? My mother has been ballistic for the past four days."
I completely forgot about the wedding.
"Shit." I groaned.
Brandon laughed on the other end. "She isn't mad don't worry. If anything, you're lucky you didn't end up going to the meeting for her centerpieces."
I laughed. "Why?"
"Because!" he began, "It was so boring all she did was look at feathers or flowers or beads and she took forever."
I smiled, changing the subject, "Why did you call?"
He was silent for a moment. "My mom wanted me to check and see if you were ready for the wedding tomorrow?"
I tried to process everything I needed for tomorrow. I had left the bridesmaid dress at the dorms. I could ask Dylan if I could take his car back and grab it quickly.
"Yeah, I think I have everything."
"Good," Brandon said, I could hear noise in the background. "One more thing."
"Yeah?" I ask, collapsing on the sofa.
"I figured you were at Dylan's place this week and I added him as your plus one."
My eyes widened. "Uh wow, thanks." I didn't know what else to say. I wasn't going to try to deny that I was with Dylan this whole week.
"Good, I’ll see you tomorrow."
He hung up.
Dylan walked down the stairs with a towel hanging low on his waist while drying his hair with a separate towel.
"Who was that?"
I shook my head. "Just Brandon."
Dylan's jaw tightened. "What did he want?"
"Just to see if I was still going tomorrow."
Dylan slowly nodded, walking over to the dryer.
"Wait, Dylan," I remember, "Can I use your car to grab my bridesmaid dress from my dorm?"
He nodded. "The keys are hanging on the hook by the door."
I walked over and pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you!" I cooed before slipping on my shoes and walking out towards the driveway.
The drive to the dorms was short. As I walked up the stairs I was just hoping Jasmine wasn't here. I didn't want to run into her.
I slowly unlocked the door and peeked through the crack to find her sitting on her bed, looking at her laptop.
I awkwardly entered the room. Apparently luck wasn't on my side today.
She looked up at me but I walked over to the closet and grabbed the dress.
"What is that for?" she asked, right as my hand rested on the door knob.
I took a deep breath before turning towards her. "It's for my dad’s wedding tomorrow."
Her eyes lit up, "that's tomorrow?"
I nodded.
"Why didn't you tell me? I have to get a dress-"
I interrupted her, "-wait, Jas." I shook my head, "I'm sorry but you aren't my plus one. Dylan is."
nbsp; Her features softened and as much as I hated her right now, I felt sorry for my harsh words.
"I'm sorry." I said before shutting the door behind me and walking back towards my car.
I made it home just as fast as I arrived at the dorms. I made sure I didn't leave a scratch on Dylan's car.
I placed the keys back by the door as I entered and met Dylan in the living room.
He was lying on the couch, half asleep with his sweatpants on and a white v-neck.
"I'm back." I greeted, he looked up and nodded. I understood he was in a rough place right now, so I let him be and walked upstairs towards his room.
I was taking the dress off of the hanger, when I bumped into someone.
"Shit!" I jumped, dropping the dress.
I looked up to see Max.
"My bad." he said, reaching down and picking up the hanger.
I shook my head. "It's fine."
He narrowed his eyebrows, holding onto my dress. "What's this for?"
I grabbed the dress from his grip, "It'd for a wedding that you aren't invited to."
"Ouch, Marshall." He smirked, "That's too bad. I love weddings."
I tightened my jaw. "Why? Because of the free booze or the girls?"
"Hard decision." He shrugged.
Pathetic, I thought.
I continued to walk back towards Dylan's room but he stopped me.
"What's going on with Clarke?” he asked. "I figure you will know."
I shook my head. "His mom just died, give him some space. Okay?"
"You really can't find a tie?" I giggle, walking over to his drawers and rummaging through the articles of clothing.
He shook his head. "No."
I turned to see him in his dress pants, dress shoes and his nice dress shirt but without a tie.
"Wait!" I yelled, digging in his deep drawers, "I found one."
It was black, which went perfectly with the wedding colors.
"I hope your dad doesn't hate me like your mum does." Dylan sighed as I tied his tie for him.
I shake my head. "Don't worry."
I patted the fabric of Dylan's dress top as I finished and walked over to grab my dress from the bed.
I pulled off my pajamas and slipped on the tight black and gold dress.
"Whoa." Dylan said from behind me, "That looks so good on you."
I smile.
"It's so tight." He mumbled.
I walked over to the mirror and slipped on my black heels. I adjusted the dress and made sure my makeup was still ok.
"Ready?" I ask.
He nods.
We head downstairs and Dylan walked over to the kitchen to grab the invitation. "Do we need this?"
I shake my head. "No, I know where it is."
He nodded, placing the invitation down on the table next to the door.
"Alright. Let's go." Dylan said, shutting the door behind him.
Chapter 39
Dylan parked the car. "Are they really getting married at a hotel?"
I nodded. "It's pretty, why not?"
Dylan and I gave the valet the keys and we made our way inside. The lobby of the hotel was fancy. Three chandeliers hung from the ceiling and fancy love seats sat everywhere. Everyone in the lobby was in suits or dresses. I spotted Brandon by the bar but didn't acknowledge him.
"Where am I supposed to sit?" Dylan asked. I had completely forgotten that I was a bridesmaid and had to leave Dylan in the ceremony by himself. I'm sure he could sit in the back alone or maybe he'll recognize someone here and be able to sit with them.
"Doesn't matter." I said, "You can sit wherever you want."
He kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you afterward, don't trip." He smirked, following everyone down the hallway. I watched him until he disappeared around a corner.
"Emily!" I heard someone shout my name, I turned to see Chelsea. She poked her head through the door.
I slipped inside and my jaw dropped when I saw her dress. It was long and tight against her body. Her back was revealed until you reached the straps on her shoulders.
"You look beautiful." I smiled, fixing the train of her dress.
She thanked me.
I looked around at the other girls in the room. They all knew who they were walking with besides me.
"Chelsea?" I ask, "Who am I walking with?"
She grabbed her bouquet off the table before answering, "Brandon."
I nodded, searching around the room for him. I finally found him sitting down on a sofa. I walked over to him and sat down.
"Looks like we're walking together."
He nodded, taking a sip of his drink.
Something was bugging him but I knew he didn't want to be bothered. I walked over to the line of bridesmaids and groomsmen and stood among them as the ceremony was about to start.
"Places everyone." a lady by the door said.
I turned to see Brandon had joined me in line. He looked around the room and at her mother in the back of the line.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
He does a double take between Chelsea and I before turning back towards me, "Yeah, I’m fine."
I slowly nodded, shaking off his lie. The first bridesmaid and groomsman began to walk out the door and towards the aisle.
"Are we supposed to wrap arms our arms something?" Brandon asks.
I shrug, "I guess."
He softly reached for my arm and hooked his with mine. It was awkward at first as we began to walk down the empty hallway and towards everyone but once we reached the aisle, I felt more comfortable. Everyone's eyes were on mine as I walked towards the altar and the thousands of flowers surrounding the walls.
I spotted Dylan sitting in the middle next to some old man and lady. He smiled softly towards me and I smiled back.
As I approached the altar, I watched as Chelsea came through the door. Everyone stood and she made her way towards the priest. She walked with her maid of honor.
I looked towards my father who was standing with his hands behind his back, smiling. As much as I hated him, it felt nice to see that at least one of my parents were happy.
My thoughts were interrupted when the priest began to speak and everyone took their seats.
I looked over at Dylan who had a blank expression on his face. I then turned to face my father again.
The priest read from his book and my father and Chelsea read their vows.
I turned to face the people sitting, there were so many. I was surprised we all fit in the room.
"I do." I heard Chelsea say.
I wasn't exactly focusing on the exchanging of vows and the rings. I was happy for my father but at the same time it was weird being at his wedding. I always thought my parents would be together till they both died. But I guess some people aren't meant to stay together forever.
".You may now kiss the bride." the priest said, I put on a small smile as my dad reached in for a kiss from Chelsea. I looked over at Brandon who was rubbing his thumb along his lips.
Everyone filed out of the ceremony and towards the dining room in the hotel. Dylan waited for me outside his row and I walked as fast as I could towards him in my heels.
"Now that the boring part is over," Dylan smirked, wrapping his arm around me as we walked. "Let's have some fun."
I smiled, hoping he couldn't tell I was hurt from what I had just seen.
Dylan furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong? You're too quite."
I shook my head. "Nothing."
"No." Dylan jerked to a stop and pulled me into a narrow hall, "Tell me, Emm."
I looked down at the floor then back towards him, "it's just, I never thought I would have to go to one of my parents’ second wedding. I thought they would be together for much longer than they were."
Dylan stepped closer to me as I pressed against the wallpaper, "hey, I went through the same thing. My parents divorced, my dad basically let my mum die and now, here I am, with no parents that actually care."
I shook my head, "I didn't m
ean for you-"
"-it's okay. Let's just go have some fun."
I nodded as he grabbed my hand and we made our way into the reception.
There were caters, a DJ, a bar filled with any kind of alcohol you would imagine and a dance floor. The room was filled with strangers.
Dylan grabbed something from one of the caterer’s trays and popped it into his mouth. He seemed to like it since he grabbed a second.
I spotted my dad walking towards us. My heartbeat sped up as our eyes locked. He smiled and I smiled back.
"Enjoying yourself, Emily?" He asked, grabbing me in for a hug.
I nodded.
"How is your mother?"
"I-I haven't talked to her in a while."
My father laughed. "I understand," He said, turning towards Dylan who was grabbing a glass of champagne from one of the caterers' trays. "Who's this?"
Dylan turned around and finished taking a sip of his champagne, "Hi, sir."
I watched as they shook hands, Dylan seemed uncomfortable.
"Please, call me Mark." My father smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Mark." Dylan's hands trembled, "I'm Dylan, Emily's boyfriend."
My father's eyes widened, "what's your last name?"
"Clarke." Dylan said, stepped closer to me so our shoulders brushed.
"I know your father! I'm very sorry about your mother."
I bit my lip and tried to control myself. Why did he just say that? Couldn't he have not said anything about his mother? I turned towards Dylan, the color drained from his face, "yeah." He softly said, scratching the back of his neck.
My father nodded before walking back to Chelsea.
"I'm sorry." I softly said once my father’s back was to us.
He shook his head. "It's okay."
I looked around the room, "what do you want to do?"
He shrugged his shoulders, taking another sip from his tall glass of champagne.
"We could-" I was interrupted by Brandon introducing himself to Dylan.
"Nice to finally meet you." He smirked, holding his hand out while his other held his glass of vodka.
Dylan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "you too."
"I'm Brandon, Emily's step-brother."
Dylan nodded, "I know."