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Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2

Page 3

by J. D. Lowrance

  Tank’s hand ran from my hip where it was resting up to the side of my breast and back. My breathing picked up as my heart rate took off from this unexpected but not unwelcome caress. He leaned back and looked in my eyes. His endless deep, black eyes flickered from the amber ring, making all the desire I felt glow back at me. My teeth worried my bottom lip as I took a deep breath in hopes of controlling my urge to jump this man in front of all of his brothers and my sister. A small smile tugged at his lips. Tank leaned back into me, finding my ear to whisper, “Walk past the stairs and down the hallway. A bathroom is back there.” His hot breath wreaked havoc on my body. WHO KNEW!?!?! That bathroom talk could be so arousing!

  “Thank you,” I murmured as color crept up my neck and stained my cheeks. I took a step back and looked around as I took in my surroundings. I could not believe that intimate exchange just happened in the midst of the chaos unfolding in the clubhouse.

  I made quick work of grabbing Logan’s hand. Hell I needed a break now too.

  “Hey,” Colton called out as we started to walk away.

  “Bathroom,” we said at the same time.

  “Jinx,” we yelled as we pointed to each other. We both burst out laughing at our antics.

  “You totally owe me a beer,” I said. Logan just shook her head at me, which caused her tipsy ass to stumble a little. Colton could not resist reaching out to steady her. “Thanks Colt,” Logan said as I led us away from the two men who were helping to make Camden City more of a home than either of us ever expected.


  Just breathe motherfucker. Just breathe.

  The conversation with Colton earlier today was on repeat in my fucking head. I know I claimed her as mine but was she? I felt like every brother in here was eyeing my girl. My girl? No way in hell. God, I sound like a fucking chick! I was trying to keep my distance but stand guard at the same time and it was fucking with my head. Our little show about the bathroom did not go unnoticed as I got several raised eyebrows from brothers when she finally escaped. Our moment was so fucking intense that it took every ounce of self-control I had not to throw her over my shoulder and race to a dark corner to have my way with her. I adjusted my semi-hard cock which never seemed to deflate when she was around.

  I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Sunshine was bringing light back into my world, but hell if that did not scare the ever-living-shit out of me. My world was too dark for how pure and innocent she was. I had witnessed the darkest side of this life and I never wanted to expose Campbell to anything even remotely close to that. And if you threw in my fucking sperm donor of a father into this mix, it was an explosion just waiting to happen.

  “You alright?” I knew I had to look miserable if Knox said something. He usually never asked and I returned him the same curtesy since his own demons watched from the shadows just waiting to light his ass up.

  “Yeah, I’m cool.” I tried retreating to the bar, but Knox just followed. Ax, one of the newest prospects, had two ice-cold beers waiting for us.

  “How old are those two?” he asked. Innocent enough question so I shrugged as I tilted the bottle gulping down the cold brew. “The blonde, Campbell, right?” I nodded. “She looks pretty young.”

  “Yeah, they are the best kind.” Fucking Trigger.

  “Shut the fuck up brother,” I warned. I was not in the mood for his shit tonight.

  “What?” He tried to act all innocent. “She doesn’t just look young.” He grinned his creepy-ass grin when he was going to try and get some. “She looks unexperienced, but ready and very willing to learn.” A growl rumbled in my chest as his attention switched from the hallway where the girls disappeared to me. “Oh, brother. You have got to be fucking kidding me. You are claiming the other one.” His rant would have made me happy had he not been talking about Campbell.

  “Shut the fuck up brother,” grumbled Knox. He was a man you did not want to piss off because he was the scariest motherfucker when he was. “Nobody wants to hear your shit.” I nodded in agreement right as Colton came to claim a spot next to us. Without hesitation, there were two sweet butts rubbing up on him trying to get his attention. He sat there all comatose and shit, as if he could not even feel the tits and hands gliding over him. I looked to where Colton was staring and a second later Campbell came storming towards us. As if on instinct, my body was moving towards her before I even thought about it. My hands found her waist stopping her progress.

  “Tank,” she warned as she tried to look past me.

  “Hi Sunshine,” I cooed in her ear as I pressed my body against hers. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Campbell let out a big sigh but remained rigid. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Her head shook back and forth against my chest. “Well you do.” My comment had her tilting her head back so she could look at me. I let the truth shine through as a breathing-taking grin spread across her face and her body melted into mine.

  “There’s more amber in your eyes than before,” observed Campbell. “It makes them look like they catch fire when you look at me.” My heart leapt in my chest as my eyes closed on their own accord. I felt her lift up against my body as she laid a kiss on my chin. “You are so beautiful.” Her breath washed over my neck, sending goose bumps down my chest and arms. My response earned me a giggle from Campbell. I shook my head trying to get the pictures of Campbell spread out under me and over me out of my mind as I grabbed her hand and led her over to Logan on the dance floor.

  The girls and I spent the next several hours dancing and hanging out with my brothers. Some time during the fun, Colton decided to be an ass and took two ugly-ass sweet butts up to his room, because he was pissed at Logan. Once Campbell became Logan’s crutch I decided it was time to take the ladies home. I said good-bye to a couple of the brothers, and reached Campbell at the same time Colton reached Logan. He scooped Logan up and followed us out the door to my truck. Campbell got in on my side and sat right next to me on the bench, while Colton buckled Logan in. He whispered to her nonstop, but she just sat with her head against the headrest with her eyes closed.

  “Drive safe brother, precious cargo,” croaked Colton.

  “Always.” After I put the car in drive, my hand came to rest on Campbell’s leg. She snuggled close and I enjoyed the feel of her warm body against mine. What I would not give to have all of her pressed up against me tonight?

  When I got to the house I woke Campbell first and then grabbed Logan from the passenger seat. I followed a very tired Campbell into their house.

  “She’s the first door upstairs,” Campbell mumbled as she disappeared into the kitchen.

  After placing Logan on the bed and covering her with the other half of her comforter, I turned to find Campbell in the doorway.

  “You gonna tuck me in too?” She asked as she stepped back, allowing me enough room to close Logan’s door.

  “Of course,” I rasped.

  “This way,” purred Sunshine. My feet followed automatically, knowing I would follow Sunshine anywhere. Campbell’s dress was up and over her head before I could turn away. Any thoughts of giving her privacy vanished as she stood practically naked in front of me. My cock hardened at the sight of her. My gaze roamed her body memorizing every inch, every curve. I took one and then another step towards her. Her body, a strong magnet, pulled at my own; drawing me to her whenever she was in the same room.

  A quick glance over her shoulder told Campbell that I was within arm’s length of her. Ever-so-slowly Sunshine turned, giving me a view I will never forget; plump breasts encased in sheer lace with nipples that tightened the more I stared. Her quick breaths pushed the limits of the lace. My cock twitched with each big inhale as I took in the beauty before me. The only sign that Sunshine was nervous was the wringing of her hands.

  When my eyes finally found hers, my breath caught as she looked up at me from under her lashes. “Please,” was all I needed to hear from her to close the distance between us. Our mouths connected as our bodies entwined. As I p
icked her up, Campbell circled her legs around my waist, placing her core where I needed her most. Once she was under me in the bed, I began to pump my hips into hers, earning me the most arousing noises I had ever heard. I rained kisses down her neck and along her collarbone. “Yes Tank,” she moaned. The sound of my name on her lips was enough to make me cum.

  When she murmured “I’m about to cum,” my hand took over where my hips left off. I moaned when I found her need for me soaking her panties. My fingers found her clit and I rubbed it back and forth, up and down until I felt her stiffen in my arms. A gasp echoed in the air as I slowed my movements letting her come down slowly. I continued to kiss wherever my lips could reach until Campbell finally turned to me. Her cheeks were flushed the most pretty pink as the gold specks in her eyes shone brightly back at me.

  “Perfect,” I hummed. This moment would forever be burned into my mind as I took in all of her. I never thought pleasing a woman could ever be so satisfying and fulfilling. The dreamy, far-off look on her face told me that Sunshine was done for the night and I was perfectly happy with that fact. I rolled her over on her side, her back to my front, as I curled around her.

  “Best first kiss ever,” she mumbled right before she fell asleep. I chuckled as I settled in for one of the best night’s sleep I had ever gotten. No nightmares. No screaming. No death.


  Two weeks ago


  Tank was driving me insane. He was consistently on my mind and in my dreams. Today was no different. I was so fucking horny around this man that I could not see straight. And ever since our “how old are you” conversation he has been about as accommodating in the passion department as a dead fish. A few stolen kisses and a copped feel was all I had gotten since he pleasured me with my first-ever non-me orgasm. Any action was initiated by me and it was only when I could not take his scent, his gorgeousness, or his body near mine anymore. Damn it.

  I just wanted his touch so bad that my body ached for it. I craved his attention like druggies did their next fix. And that was what Tank was becoming . . . my next fix.

  He had just left to head over to the clubhouse for brother bonding or some shit and he tried to leave with only placing a quick kiss on my lips. But fuck that! I attacked his face with everything I had. I knew that he wanted me, because a moan escaped his perfect lips before he could stop it. Almost as if it was a wakeup call to himself, Tank literally removed me from his personal space telling me he had to go and was gone before I could even get a good-bye out of my mouth.

  I paced back and forth in my bedroom hoping to expend the energy that was coursing through my veins when Logan walked by in nothing but a towel around her and another one around her hair. “You are going to burn a hole in the carpet,” she called out.

  I cursed under my breath as I stalked to the bathroom. Thoughts of Tank swirled around in my mind as I started the shower. God, this ache was borderline unbearable. I needed more than what he was giving me but I was not sure if he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Maybe that night in my room was a one-time thing. I could see how sex was off the table since I was a minor, but there was a lot of experimenting that I wanted to try, and every time I tried to make a move Tank would shut me down.

  We still spent almost every night together, eating dinner with Logan and Colton when she did not have to work at Kilroy’s. Logan kept assuring me not to worry and that in two weeks a lot could change. Yeah yeah! I tried to be cool about it and not let my feelings be hurt but a girl, I mean a woman, could only take so much. It was T-minus 14 days until I would literally jump Tank with no ifs, ands, or buts.

  I quickly undressed and slid under the warm water, letting the water wash away my anxiety over this. Tank appeared in my mind’s eye as I washed my hair. I could only imagine what he looked like, felt like under those black t-shirts he wore most of the time. My mission, should I choose to accept it, was to get that man shirtless by the end of this weekend. I accept!

  “Hurry up,” Logan yelled as she poked her head in the bathroom. “Emma is going to be here in 20 minutes.” I hurried through the rest of my shower as I let thoughts of Tank take a back seat to the girls’ night we had planned for tonight.

  I really liked Emma. Logan had taken a second job babysitting Emma’s twins. She was a little older than Logan and was married to Tru, one of Tank’s brothers. It turned out that Amber, the chick who got us our place, was Emma’s twin sister. They were identical just like Emma’s boys, so that shit definitely ran in the family. Logan and I fit in well with Emma and Amber, so it made sense that we were both really excited for ladies’ night tonight since the guys had brother shit going on. Amber knew the bouncers at the bar we were headed to so that I could get in, and Emma already promised me a drink or two when Logan was not looking. That just added to my excitement about going out. They were bringing along Amber’s best friend, Tricia. We had never met her but I bet she was as cool as Amber and Emma since they all had been friends since grade school.

  It took about two minutes into the night to see how wrong I was!

  I fucking hated Tricia. All night long her puke green eyes were like daggers, throwing them at Logan. There was about to be a problem if she did not tone that shit down.

  My fist in her face!

  Logan tried her best to ignore the bitch anytime we were near her, but the looks just did not stop. Poor Emma and Amber kept trying to mask the awkwardness with chit chat, but the more everyone drank the more it became evident that Tricia was going to start shit.

  Logan, Emma, and I came back from the dance floor to find more beers and some shots waiting for us at the table. I had already snuck a shot or two, along with two of Emma’s rum and diet cokes. I was feeling good . . . and brave . . . and awesome. Logan would flip her wig if she knew I was drinking as much as I was, but I think she was too preoccupied with ignoring Tricia. Well that came to an end real quick, because as soon as we were all seated I saw Tricia turn her full attention to Logan with the ugliest expression on her face. “So you Colton’s new girl?”

  “I guess,” Logan answered as she kept her eyes locked on Tricia’s.

  “Well, for your information he is not really the one-girl kinda guy. Let’s just say that Tru has already texted Emma that Colton. . .” Emma blanched at her name being mentioned and talked over her. “Tricia, shut up. You have no right. Just shut up.”

  “Whatever Emma.” Her speech was slurred and she swayed slightly in her chair. “She needs to hear this. I can already tell she is crazy about him.”

  I felt Logan’s leg bouncing under the table. “Just say what you have to say Tricia,” she spat at her.

  “Like I said before, Tru texted Emma asking her if you were still here with us because Colton is already MIA. No one can find him at the brother party and it is only midnight. That only means one thing when it comes to Colton. He is dick deep in a sweet butt who is spread wide and screaming his name.” Logan and I both looked to Emma who you could tell was trying to think of something to say after Tricia’s little rant.

  “Is it true?” Logan whisper shouted.

  “Tru just said that he and Knox were looking for him and could not find him. He asked if you were still with me and I said yes. His bike is still there so he is somewhere in the clubhouse. It could mean anything,” Emma said as she reached across the table to take Logan’s hand.

  The look on Logan’s face made me so angry at Colton. I put my arm around her shoulder and squeezed. “Don’t listen to her until you know for sure. He might have just passed out somewhere or is taking a dump or something.” I tried laughing it off but it sounded off even to my own ears.

  “Yeah, Cam, maybe you’re right,” Logan said with a fake ass smile on her face.

  “Whatever,” hissed Tricia. “You don’t have to be upset. If you want to be with Colton long term then you just have to accept the rules of the game.”

  “And you know what those are?” Logan went from hurt to pissed in no time flat. My
own anger was growing because this slut would just not stop.

  “Yeah I do. I am not a sweet butt and not quite an old lady but I will be. Before you came along he warmed my bed a least twice a week. I know the rules and what to expect so when he’s done playing house with you, which he has done multiple times in the past, he will come find me because I know what he needs.” Tricia would never be an old lady to Colton. I saw how he watched Logan when he thought no one was looking. I was fucking done!

  “Are you done your little speech, bitch?” I jumped to my feet ready to kick her ass. Emma was faster than me as she jumped in between us and said, “Enough,” before Tricia could say anything else. She told me to take Logan to the dance floor and she grabbed Tricia’s arm and started leading her to the front door to get a cab, but not before Logan gave her a hell of a toast making me so proud of her.

  The music was good so I kept Logan on the dance floor. After a few songs we went back to the table. Logan swore she was having fun but I was not buying it. Then one of her favorite songs, Pink’s “So What” came on and I dragged Logan out on the dance floor again. I finally got a glimpse of my sister again when she started bumping her hips with mine and singing along. Thank goodness.

  “Can’t Hold Us,” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis started playing next. I jumped up and down in excitement. I sang along as I twirled Logan around. I grabbed her hands and brought them above our heads as I gyrated into her. Her laughter made me happy and I looked at her face to see her eyes closed, enjoying herself, dancing to the beat of the music. Movement from a hottie behind her caught my eye as I saw Colton stalking towards us like a predator who finally found its prey; Logan. I slowly backed away so Logan would not notice. Once his arms found her waist I left them alone.


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