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Wyne and Chocolate (Citizen Soldier Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Michaels, Donna

  “Fine.” He blew out a breath. “I promise to let him be if you promise to move your sleepover tonight. If he knew where you worked, then he knows where you live, and I’m stuck in the armory all weekend. I don’t want to be worrying about you at home.”

  Lea stepped forward to place a hand on Jill’s shoulder. “She can stay with me at Ben’s cabin.”

  He glanced back to Jill.

  “Okay.” She nodded. “I don’t like being run out of my home. I’m so tired of running, but I’ll do this…for you, Mason.”

  He knew the situation was dire, but the surge of relief, and something more, something big he didn’t recognize, eased his heart and made him feel ten feet tall. He wasn’t sure he’d fit through her door.

  What he did know, was it was going to be one hell of a long weekend.

  After the longest weekend of her life, Jill was finally enjoying herself Sunday afternoon, spreading the last of the bright blue frosting on Tyler’s cupcakes along with him and his grandfather in the little boy’s kitchen at the resort. Time was moving on, putting Friday’s horrible incident in the past, and bringing her that much closer to seeing Mason.

  The colonel, Tyler’s grandfather, Mason’s dad, told her drill normally ended around four in the afternoon. She glanced at the clock on the oven. Two minutes past.

  Her heart beats increased. Damn, she had it bad for the guy if he could make her pulse race when he wasn’t even in the room.

  Although she knew that should make her leery given the countdown and all, she chose to turn her back on the negative. The weekend had been full of it, with the exception of making, then drinking, chocolate margaritas with her friends yesterday. Time to look ahead.

  “Well now, Tyler,” the colonel said, proud gaze on his grandson. “These look pretty good.”

  The little boy grinned. “I know. Wait until Johnny Tupper sees them.”

  “I bet he’ll want two,” she said, watching him carefully place the special pieces of superhero-shaped chocolates on top.

  He laughed. “Yeah, but we only made enough for one a piece. The rest I’m keeping here.” He stopped what he was doing, wiped his little fingers on a napkin then walked over to her and gave her a hug. “Thanks, Jill. And thanks for letting me help in my own kitchen.”

  Her throat tightened, then squeezed at the look of appreciation the colonel sent her way. She squeezed the boy back and cleared her throat. “You’re more than welcome, Tyler. You were a great helper, too. So was your grandfather.”

  “Yeah.” He released her and went back to decorating the cupcakes. “Pop sure knows his stuff.”

  She was sharing a smile with the older man when her cell phone started to ring. She fished it from her back pocket and smiled at the name on the screen. Mason.

  “Hey, you,” she said, settling her back against the far counter so she could watch the little boy while she talked, but mostly for support because her knees suddenly wobbled.

  “Hi, Jill,” he said, sounding as anxious as she felt. “You at Ethan’s with Tyler?”

  “Yeah.” She nodded as if he could see her. Idjit. “I’m in love with your brother’s kitchen.”

  He laughed and said something, but she could barely hear with all the commotion going on in the background. Apparently drills were as noisy as their name.

  “Stay put. I’ll be there soon,” he said.

  “Okay,” she replied, but he was already gone.

  Tyler glanced at her, excitement alive in his gaze. “Is my dad, Uncle Mason and Uncle Keiffer on their way home?”

  Shoving the phone back in her pocket, she nodded, assuming Ethan would leave at the same time as his brothers. Heck, for all she knew, they’d carpooled. Or, in their case, truck-pooled.

  “Hurray! I can’t wait to show them what we made!” The little boy was practically jumping up and down.

  Hiding a smile, she opened an airtight container and started to load the cupcakes. “You finish those, and I’ll start packing these so they don’t dry out.” After all his hard work, she was going to do her best to ensure the treats arrived at their destination in pristine condition.

  She was just loading up the last one when Mason, Ethan and Keiffer…and Ben, Lea, Nico and Jeremy walked into the kitchen. That was quick. Assuming it was a normal after drill thing to have everyone over, she smiled, until she caught the concern in the colonel’s gaze and the relief in the others’ eyes.

  Her heart rocked, then rolled when Mason pulled her into his chest and held her tight at the same time Ethan grabbed his son.

  “I’m so damn glad you’re here, Jill,” Mason said.

  She was glad, too, but there was definitely something else going on. Like the fact he was still squeezing her tight. Not that she was complaining, but her instincts told her this was bad. Still, whatever it was, was going to have to wait. Tyler had poured too much of his energy and soul into his birthday treats. The little guy deserved his praise.

  “Wow, did everyone come to see my cupcakes?” the young boy asked, eyes bright, grinning from ear to ear as his dad seemed to reluctantly set him down. “I helped make them with Jill.”

  She drew back from the embrace and smiled. “Don’t let him fool you. He did most of the work.”

  Lea stepped forward, smiling. “Wow, these are wonderful, Tyler.” Then turned to the others. “Aren’t they guys?”

  Agreeing, the men high-fived, and fist-bumped Tyler, but by now her heart was pounding so fierce she could barely hear what they were saying. But, she refused to ask what they obviously knew, while the little boy was in the room.

  Seeming to be on the same page, Ethan picked up his son again and set him on his shoulders, sending her an apologetic look. “Since I’m home early enough, buddy, what do you say you, me, and Pop hit the trail on some Cats?”

  What did he have to be sorry for? She’d enjoyed her day with his son. Couldn’t be that.

  “Snowmobiling for real?” Tyler glanced from his dad to his grandfather as the three of them disappeared from the room.

  The child was gone. She was alone with six anxious adults who were freaking her out.

  Needing answers, yet dreading them at the same time, she glanced from one concerned face to another, until finally settling on Mason.

  “Okay.” She drew in a deep breath. “What’s going on?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mason grabbed both of Jill’s hands and led her to a chair Ben pulled out and made her sit down. She glanced around again. Big mistake. Every face wore the same worried expression.

  “Okay, you’re scaring me,” she said, beginning to shake, and she didn’t even know why.

  Still holding her hands, he knelt down in front of her. “I’m sorry, it’s not my intention. I just know you needed to sit.”

  Lea placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “What is?” They were acting as if someone died. Her gaze snapped to her cousin as her heart hit the floor. “Oh my, God. Is it Uncle Al? Evie?”

  “No.” Nico shook his head and stepped closer. “They’re fine.”

  “Jill.” Mason squeezed her fingers and waited until she met his gaze. “I’m so sorry, but, about an hour ago, Confection Connection burnt to the ground.”

  Silence filled the room until all she heard was the thudding of her heart as it rolled in her chest. She never knew it could do that maneuver, or hurt so bad, but yes to both. It could, and it did. She was glad no one had died, but her heart felt the death of her business the same way.

  Wait. She gripped Mason’s arms. “Teresa! She was closing today. She was supposed to be there until one.” Several hands pushed her down when she tried to stand.

  “She’s fine,” Mason reassured. “Teresa was home when the fire started.”

  Thank God. She closed her eyes and sighed. “I couldn’t live with—”

  “It’s okay, Jill,” Lea said again, voice wobbly. “She’s fine and you’re fine.”

  She let herself be pulled into he
r friend’s arms. She could handle her friend’s concern. She could keep her calm, her control, with her friend, but if she dared to step into Mason’s warmth and strength, she’d lose it. Right now, numbness was beginning to set in, and she embraced the ambiguity. She’d needed it in order to get through the next half-hour.

  Questions needed to be asked and answered before she had her melt down.

  “I’m okay,” she said and rose to her feet. “What about the fireman? And the other businesses?”

  “The guys are fine. And we were able to contain the blaze to just your store.” Nico stepped closer, and it wasn’t until that moment that Jill realized her cousin wasn’t wearing his ACUs like the rest of the guardsman. He had on his fireman attire.

  And smelled like smoke.

  Her smoke.

  She walked over to him and gave him a hug, then squeezed tighter when he apologized for not being able to save her shop.

  “It’s okay,” she said, patting his back. “I’m glad no one was hurt. And I’m sorry you smell like burnt chocolate.”

  Laughter rumbled around the room. She drew back and let her gaze settle on Jeremy. The cop.

  “Even though you’re in your ACUs, I get the impression you’re here on official business.”

  A spark of admiration flashed through his blue gaze. “I do have a few questions, if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not,” she said and followed him to the table when he motioned for them to sit down.

  As he pulled a notepad from his pocket, she wondered briefly if he carried one at all times. Kind of always on duty, no matter what. Funny how her mind was grasping at anything to keep from dwelling on the real reason everyone was in Ethan’s kitchen, looking at her with pity and compassion in their eyes.

  The smell of coffee filled the room. Coffee was made from beans. She liked beans.

  Lea set several mugs on the table and the others took a seat. Mason settled in on her other side and placed his hand on her knee. He was sweet. Instead of pushing him away, she got the impression the connection was as much for him as it was for her, so she covered his hand and squeezed.

  Jeremy studied her. “Obviously, the fire marshal is going to do a full investigation to rule out ovens being left on, or faulty electrical, even though the building was new construction.”

  “They weren’t,” she said, shaking her head. “Left on. The ovens. There was no baking today. I did that here.” She pointed to Tyler’s cupcakes, sitting in the container on the counter.

  Jeremy nodded, writing something in his book. She could hear Lea washing the bowls and pans she’d been about to tackle when the guys had walked in. Tiny pangs of guilt pushed through her numb surface, then settled back down when she realized the handsome cop’s mouth had been moving and she hadn’t caught a word.

  She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “How about Teresa? Does she bake?”

  “No. Just me.”

  More scribbling in his book, then he stopped and fastened his gaze on her. Commanding blue eyes searched deep, studying, weighing…observing. Her heart rocked, knowing his next question was going to be tough.

  “Considering the events of last Friday afternoon, do you think your ex-husband is capable of burning your shop?”

  Emotions, old and new, rushed through Jill, tightening her chest, stealing her breath. God, she didn’t want to believe the man she’d married, the man she’d once loved and had once loved her, would do that to her. Would do that to anyone. No. He wasn’t capable. Not that man. She knew this to her core.

  But the Donny who’d confronted her two days ago, asking for money, demanding money… Yes, that Donny was desperate enough to burn her place down.

  His eyes had been calculating and cunning as he’d scanned her store. The truth hurt bad. Real bad. But it was the truth, and that’s what the police officer was asking.

  She inhaled and nodded. “Yes.”

  No longer would she try to help Donny or cover for him. He needed to be caught before he hurt someone. And as much as it pained her to believe the worst of him, as sure as her gut told her the old Donny wouldn’t do it, her gut also said the new one would, and did.

  “I can’t help but feel he’s after the insurance money,” she said quietly. “Figuring once I received the check, either he, or some bookie he owed could take it from me.”

  “Sorry bastard,” Nico grumbled, and other’s joined in.

  A single tear ran down her face, but she didn’t bother to brush it away. The drop signaled the passing of an era. An era where she had hope that her ex could be saved, helped, reformed. After today, and the sudden realization that she and Tyler could’ve been in that building, had nearly been in that building if not for the young boy’s desire to bake the cupcakes in his own kitchen.

  Swipe away the tear?

  Hell no. Let it drop. She was done being a doormat.

  Done protecting Donald Bailey.

  Today was a day of firsts for Mason. The first day he’d taken off work in years. The first

  Monday in months he hadn’t met his brothers for breakfast at Gabe’s. And the first time he’d woken up with a woman in his bed at his place. Ever.

  Other than his sister, Brandi, no female had stepped foot inside his corner condo at the resort. Until last night. Until Jill. He glanced at the beauty sleeping in his arms, face snuggled against his side, leg tossed over his, warm palm on his chest.

  She’d had a hell of a rough day yesterday, and yet, handled it with a stoic calm and quiet acceptance he deeply admired. Answering question after question from both Jeremy and Nico, she’d remained composed, with the exception of shaking and a lone tear falling here and there.

  Mason recognized the stiff set of her shoulders and jaw. She’d gone into safety mode. Most likely from years of dealing with shit on her own. He also knew it was the reason she kept him at arm’s length, only allowing him to hold her hand. If she took more, if she allowed herself to accept the comfort he’d offered, then she would break down, and that was something she wanted to do in private. He ached for the sweet, giving woman and what she was going through, but knew he had to wait to comfort her, so he’d forced himself to stay on the sidelines with only his hand on her, until she was ready for more.

  He shifted slightly so he could draw her in closer. She mumbled and tightened her hold, crushing more of her soft curves into him. Closing his eyes and counting to ten, he fought back his arousal. She had enough on her plate without dealing with the demands of his body. Besides, he’d just had her a few hours ago.

  After he brought her up to his place last night, he coaxed her to let go. She’d cried. Talked about the past, and he’d found himself telling her about his while he got her to eat peanut butter and jelly, because he made a killer PB&J. A little while after, he’d lit a fire, and she cried herself to sleep in his arms. Waking up in the middle of the night to the delicious feel of her lips kissing his neck and bold hand sliding inside his pants, Mason was more than happy to give her the ‘forget’ sex she desired and let her take the lead.

  “I just want to feel good,” she’d said. “Make me feel good, Mason.”

  Things got a little crazy then. They had stripped each other naked, and her hands were on him everywhere as she returned his kisses with wild abandon and rocked his world. He tasted her from head to toe and she returned the favor, blowing several of his brain cells before they ended up with her straddling him on a chair.

  Brown hair flowing over her shoulders and arms, hot, curvy body, warm, soft skin, glistening in the firelight, she was a vision he’d never forget.

  “The more of you I have…” she whispered against his lips, “the more of you I want.”

  “Same goes,” he said. “Take what you want, Jill.”

  After helping him roll on a condom, she lowered herself on him and moaned. The sensation of filling her warm, wet body knocked him off his axis. She arched into him, brushing her pebbled nipples off his chest. A sens
ation his memory would carry forever.

  “I love the way you feel inside me,” she said, cupping his face and biting his lower lip.

  He sucked in a breath. They were so close, he could feel her heart beating. He never experienced anything so amazing. Gripping her sweet ass, he thrust inside, thrilling at her low, sexy moans and how she suddenly took over the movements, bringing herself close to climax, fingernails biting into his skin as she clutched his shoulders and rode him hard and fast.

  The vision of her taking pleasure on him burned into his brain, so turned on he nearly lost it. But that was what she wanted.

  She kissed him then, and he slid his tongue to hers, ravishing her until they were both trembling.

  When he felt her straining for release, he stroked a thumb over her wet center and watched as she tore her mouth free and arched.

  “Oh, God, yes, Mason,” she panted. “Don’t stop.”

  “No way in hell.”

  He watched her burst, flying over the edge, taking him with her. The ringing in his ears continued even after she’d slumped against his chest. When it stopped, and he found his bones, he set her aside to clean up, then carried the satiated, smiling woman to his bed, held her tight, and fell back to sleep.

  That was four hours ago, and just remembering her enjoyment was making him hard. Not something she needed to deal with, so he carefully, albeit reluctantly, slid out from under her to grab a quick—cold—shower.

  When he finished, Mason stood by the bed, and watched her sleep, coming to a decision he’d wrestled with all night. Emotions tightened his chest. There was no denying it. The woman was special. Even though the decision was tough, it was also right.

  As quiet as possible, he grabbed clean clothes then snuck from the room to discuss his decision with his brothers. After all, it was their resort, too.

  Chapter Seventeen

  As much as Jill would’ve loved to stay in Mason’s big, comfy, warm bed all day, she knew better than to try to hide from the world. Didn’t work. The world always found a way to intrude. She preferred to face it head on, and then move on.


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